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Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:43 pm
by EarlJam
Came back from training and from visitin Hometown for a couple of days.

I didn't really like coming back. It's okay. I LOVE Atanta. But my living conditions, as grateful as I am, are, well, very bizzare. Tonight was the icing on the cake. Can't even fucking explain it. Just fucking wierd; and this coming from a guy that can easily embrace the weird.

In a nutshell, I've had to move in with a couple of people. While I was gone, they went through my entire rooms, closet, laundry, etc. To destroy it? No. To dry clean it, fold it, etc. But still, they went through everything. Weird. I'm just freaked out. Appreciative on one side. Totally freaked out on the other.


The owner of the condo SAID he was type A. But to come home with every piece of your laundry (even the laundry that was in the deepest corners of your closet) all cleaned, ironed, AND folded neatly on the bed? The bed with its freshly dry-cleaned sheets? The perfectly made up bed that, when you left, had the bedsheets in a ball on top of the matressess? What the FUCK!? I had spare change on the end table. I come home, there are four styrofoam cups on the table. One cup with pennies only; the other with dimes only; the other with nickels only; and on and on and on it goes. My TV is dusted. All my underwear, even the dirty underwear has been picked out and my DUDE roomate!

I am so fucking freaked out.

On the one hand, "thank you?" On the other hand, "Creepy!"

I gotta get the fuck outta here.

I just want to come up next weekend with Fordgirl and join the tailgate with all of you. My brother even said he wants to come. My brother. I thought HE was type A. My roommate is type AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

I will have my own place again soon. In the past few years, I've gone from house to condo to standard aparment to here. Happy all the way. But this tonight just freaks me out.

Sorry, ,but had to get it off my chest. And this place offers the most stable, "homey" place I know.

To clarify, the guy living here owns the place so he can do what he wants? But DAMN! He could have called me, right? To wait until I go out of town to go through all my shit in the name of "cleaning?" To add some context to the story, he once also took my other roomates car away when he was gone to totally detail it himself. I am NOT joking. He has offered to wash my car as well, AND to do some landscaping for me if I ever need it. I promise to GOD I am serious!

Sweet Moses in a chicken basket!


Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:45 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I'd be fucking freaked out. And vocal. Even my mom never invaded my privacy like you described. I'd invest in some mouse traps next trip you them between your clothes.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:46 pm
Could you please send your type AAAAAAAAA...A roommate my way for a few days? PLEASE! :D

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:48 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
By the way...he sounds more than Type A..he sounds diagnosably afflicted. If he has nothing better to do, tell him he can stay at my place while I go to brunchgate...he'll stay busy.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:49 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Could you please send your type AAAAAAAAA...A roommate my way for a few days? PLEASE! :D
Ozzie and I are on the same wavelength :))

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by lawgrad91
I'd like to borrow him for a couple of days, too. No, seriously, that is creepy.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:00 pm
by CathyCA
He DRY CLEANED your sheets?

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:01 pm
by EarlJam
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Could you please send your type AAAAAAAAA...A roommate my way for a few days? PLEASE! :D
Ozzie and I are on the same wavelength :))
His dad was a Catholic priest. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything. Look, again, I APPRECIATE it totally on one hand but really, would you want to come home knowing that although a "service," someone (without asking) went through all your shit in the name of cleaning?

My other roommate, "Pete," told me, "Yeah, I came home and he was standing in the living room with a bunch of your socks in his hand. He said, 'man, I can't find Dan's matching socks!'"

Pete said this like, "Gee Dan, what's up with your mis-matching socks?"

I was thinking, "What's up with some fucking dude....and YOU, having a discussion about my god damn socks with one of you holding a handful of them!?"

Holy shit.

By the way, I promise to GOD all of this is true!

And yes, I DO have a lot of mis-matching socks.



Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:04 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
There's a season for everything. Sounds like you're in the moving season now.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:09 pm
by EarlJam
CathyCA wrote:He DRY CLEANED your sheets?
He dry cleaned not ONLY my sheets, but several pair of dress pants too!

It's all symetrical (sp) as hell. All of my previously dirty laundry is now EX-FUCKING-TREMELY neatly folded and placed in small squares at the end of my now perfectly made bed.

I promise to GOD I'm not making any of this up. Fordgirl, if she saw photos, could attest that I could never do such a good job of folding and matching and ironing all my clothes in this manner.

Wow. I don't even know what to think or say.


Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:18 pm
by ArkieDukie
EarlJam wrote:
CathyCA wrote:He DRY CLEANED your sheets?
He dry cleaned not ONLY my sheets, but several pair of dress pants too!

It's all symetrical (sp) as hell. All of my previously dirty laundry is now EX-FUCKING-TREMELY neatly folded and placed in small squares at the end of my now perfectly made bed.

I promise to GOD I'm not making any of this up. Fordgirl, if she saw photos, could attest that I could never do such a good job of folding and matching and ironing all my clothes in this manner.

Wow. I don't even know what to think or say.

Is there a psychologist in the house? Does this sound a bit OCD to anyone else? Creep-y.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:20 pm
by fordgrl00
I am LMAO at your story-telling... but I also know how weird this is from previous conversations...

I am jealous... he is taking my job away from me... If anyone should be folding your clothes other then you it should be me :-o

That is just too crazy!

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:24 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
EarlJam wrote:My other roommate, "Pete," told me, "Yeah, I came home and he was standing in the living room with a bunch of your socks in his hand. He said, 'man, I can't find Dan's matching socks!'"
Ask "Pete" if your roomate was sniffing your socks.

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:30 pm
by YmoBeThere
A story like this is why I would seriously contemplate living in my car...

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:38 pm
by EarlJam
fordgrl00 wrote:I am LMAO at your story-telling... but I also know how weird this is from previous conversations...

I am jealous... he is taking my job away from me... If anyone should be folding your clothes other then you it should be me :-o

That is just too crazy!
And let me be perfectly clear. It's not JUST the cleaning. Hell, some would love that.

1. They knew my cell number, they could have called and said, "Okay to clean in your room?"
2. In talking with fuckin' Pete, he (who is as socially fuckin' ignorant as a god damn rock, admitted to having all kinds of conversations with Mike about my "stuff." (While telling me this, he was only focused on the content of his and Mike's conversation. He didn't have the fuckin' social insight to see the bigger picture of how fucking weird it was that they were talking about my "shit" in the first place.
3. This was NOT a joke. They were NOT pulling one over on me. Fordgirl will attest (remember the bleach?). These guys look at Mr. Clean like Billy Graham looks at Jesus Christ.
4. I'm outta here.


Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:40 pm
by YmoBeThere
EarlJam wrote: 4. I'm outta here.


Not CTN, right?

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 9:46 pm
by DukePA
This dude sounds like he has Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder which is well beyond your garden variety OCD, but is actually a pervasive personality disturbance. Unfortunately, treatment for personality disorders is limited.

To quote the dudes on the quest for the Holy Grail (aka Python), "RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!"

Love ya bro!

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 10:00 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
DukePA wrote: To quote the dudes on the quest for the Holy Grail (aka Python), "RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!"
=)) =)) =)) (Add the coconuts)

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 11:25 pm
by DevilAlumna
This has got to be a joke, right?

Seriously, who would do such a thing??

Re: Wants and Needs

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 12:46 am
by TNTDevil
While I wouldn't dare to second-guess Duke PA's expert diagnosis, couldn't it just be that the dude has an overly developed sense of order?

I mean I can understand Earlo de Jamo being freaked out but, my guess is that if examined more closely, EJ's discomfort may just stem from the fact that he's (probably) been on his own for quite some time and coming home to find his possessions cleaned, pressed, organized, etc. brought back those long dormant "living under the parent's roof" feelings?

Or not.WTF do I know?

However, in defense of your landlord/roommate, I can understand his actions. While there is a component of "invaded privacy" I don't see it from EJ's recounting. It's probably just a case of where he had those "orphaned" socks and it tripped a switch (one which I have) causing him to want to reunite the the pairs. Upon entering the room, he found it um... er... a wee bit "disorganized" (?) and, upon discovering this, he decided to do you a solid by cleaning up, organizing and doing your laundry. (He probably didn't have everything dry-cleaned but professionally laundered.)

The guy must like ya' to do you such a favor. If he didn't he would have just thrown the socks into your room or left 'em hangin' on the door knob.

Full disclosure: Based on EJ's description, I'm very much like this guy (even in my social retardedness). I loathe disorganization. I was raised under the "a place for everything and everything in its place" theory. My level of organization intimidates and frustrates my wife to no end. My kitchen is laid out like a surgical theater (I guess DD would have to come over and validate that claim). I've been known to perform Extreme Makeovers in kitchens of home's I'm visiting.

So yeah, I can see it from the the landlord/roommate perspective.