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Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 16th, 2010, 8:56 am
by bjornolf
DBR has an article up about a resolution before congress honoring Duke for winning the championship. I assume they do this every year?

I love Duke as much as the next devil, but this country has so many problems right now, couldn't they be spending their time more productively than this?


Re: Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 16th, 2010, 9:32 am
by wilson
bjornolf wrote:DBR has an article up about a resolution before congress honoring Duke for winning the championship. I assume they do this every year?
A representative from whatever state typically does this for championship teams on all levels. This is a very typical gesture.
bjornolf wrote:I love Duke as much as the next devil, but this country has so many problems right now, couldn't they be spending their time more productively than this?

Dude, it's Congress. You want them to be diligent and productive? =))
And really, is this kind of resolution worse than the president receiving championship teams at the White House (serious question)?

Re: Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 16th, 2010, 11:31 am
by devildeac
If this is approved, I expect to hear an outrageous response of the Duke haters saying that we STILL get all the calls.

:)) =))

Re: Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 16th, 2010, 2:29 pm
by Lavabe
devildeac wrote:If this is approved, I expect to hear an outrageous response of the Duke haters saying that we STILL get all the calls.

:)) =))
You're wrong. There'll be an amendment on the floor awarding Daniel Ewing with a Congressional T. :D

Re: Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 16th, 2010, 2:37 pm
by wilson
Lavabe wrote:
devildeac wrote:If this is approved, I expect to hear an outrageous response of the Duke haters saying that we STILL get all the calls.

:)) =))
You're wrong. There'll be an amendment on the floor awarding Daniel Ewing with a Congressional T. :D
I'm just surprised nobody introduced a measure to congratulate us last year when GQ named us "America's second-douchiest college" (second only because "we'd rather not rank Duke #1 at anything").

Re: Resolution before congress...

Posted: April 19th, 2010, 12:06 pm
by pinkbend
Can you spell "bipartisanship?" This may be the only resolution/bill/whatever that can pass Congress! And, by the way, the Charlotte Observer gave in VERY little....coverage of the Duke championship as opposed to endless pictures and articles when the tarholes won in 2009. Now isn't THAT "special?!!!"