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You Tube FUBAR

Posted: April 15th, 2010, 9:36 pm
by EarlJam
Okay, so I'm watching a couple of things on You Tube. I have two more links to watch (the first two played perfectly). Now, however, I get a message on You Tube that reads, "Upgrade Now!"

I can't seem to get it to play a video. I tried upgrading but it's not letting me do that either.

I'm so angry I could set a head of lettuce on fire!

Any one else had this problem (the thing with you tube, not the lettuce)???????


Re: You Tube FUBAR

Posted: April 15th, 2010, 10:49 pm
by colchar
Older versions of some browsers are no longer being supported (such as the version of Firefox that I use on my computers) but, as far as all of their messages have claimed, you should still be able to watch videos you just won't get their newish content and features (whatever the hell they are supposed to be).

If you can't make the message go away and can't play any videos (they specifically said this wouldn't happen though) just upgrade your browser and you'll be good to go. In Firefox an upgrade only takes a couple of minutes.