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Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:10 pm
by ILoveJimmy
When we moved here to Lexington KY, we knew that it would be difficult to live in the city with the much-hated UK school and its sickening fans. Well, much like it is living in Chapel Hill (or even Raleigh with the oh-so-biased media folks there). Anyhow, we have survived this last 18 months without incident.

Today, I went to my doctor's office and found everyone there wearing UK shirts, hats. buttons, ribbons, etc. Gross I thought and wanted to leave. :Boo: I wanted even more to say something, but since I have a really good relationship with all the women at the reception/check-out desk, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

So, I go back to the tech who draws the blood and asked him (clearly not a bball fan to me) if they forced him to wear a UK shirt. He said they always do this on a game day. Guess I've never been fortunate enough to come in on one of those before. Anyhow, I said but are you a fan of UK? He said he didn't care about basketball at all, but went along with the office folks. I said but what would you do if you didn't like UK like I don't? He asked me why and I said I was a Duke fan. Well this very nice, obviously sheltered man asked me where that was. :-o I said North Carolina and he asked where I was from and again I said North Carolina. Then, I said that my husband and I both went to school there along with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, niece, and maybe coming up, my own daughter. We have our own family legacy line there.

About this time, he was ready to stick me for the blood which he did with minimal pain to me. I HATE having blood taken. While he was doing his thing, he said, you know, if I were a big UK fan, I could really have made this very painful for you, you Duke fan!! We had a big laugh over that. Then when he bandaged my hand, he brought over his tape and said, now I'm going to put this UK-blue bandage tape (the stretchy kind) on you. To which I said, you mean this DUKE-blue tape, don't you?!? He laughed and said you mean Duke has the same color as UK? I said well first of all, it's Duke's blue and they are very closely related.

I see this Phlebotomist a few times a year. I'm sure he will remember me from now on!

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:22 pm
by TillyGalore
Every time I go to my doctor's office I get razzed by their hole fan.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:32 pm
by ArkieDukie
Cool story, ILJ!

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:40 pm
by CathyCA
Way cool!

He'll always remember you as the nice woman from Duke. That's very important in the land of jerky UK fans.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 9:53 pm
by Very Duke Blue
I love this story!!!!! I commend you, being able to live in ky land. GO DUKE!!!!! :D

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 12:55 am
When I give blood I tell the Red Cross nurses they can use any color stretch tape EXCEPT the ugly parakeet blue! One time I was distracted talking to another donor while the nurse taped me (with it). I looked over and started SCREAMING "GET THAT OFF OF ME!" They thought I might be allergic to the tape or something, but no, I explained, I'm allergic to that color! It took them 10 minutes to stop laughing but they did re-tape me!

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 8:07 am
by YmoBeThere
The benefit of living where UC, Xavier, and OSU dominate the conversation is not having to deal with this. I have no dislike for OSU so don't really mind all their "spirit". The difficulty I had in Greensboro, were not only the 'hole fans but way too many chokies too. Boston was fine, they are more into pro sports there.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 8:11 am
by devildeac
YmoBeThere wrote:The benefit of living where UC, Xavier, and OSU dominate the conversation is not having to deal with this. I have no dislike for OSU so don't really mind all their "spirit". The difficulty I had in Greensboro, were not only the 'hole fans but way too many chokies too. Boston was fine, they are more into pro sports there.

Hadn't heard that before.

:)) =))

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 12:36 pm
by ILoveJimmy
Ozzie - love your tape story!!

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 15th, 2010, 12:50 pm
by ILoveJimmy
That stupid Mississippi State team had to go and let UK win. We were so hopeful that they were going to lose. :Boo: Would have been nice for that to happen here in the land of the missing D and E.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 6:32 am
by Lavabe
To give you a feel for how weird this place can be, Legacy Lady mentioned that most of the kids at her school can recite this:
"I pledge allegiance to Kentucky Basketball as part of the Big Blue Nation, and to the 8th national title, for which we will win, one commonwealth, under Cal, with bourbon and bluegrass for all."

%-( %-( %-( ~X( ~X( ~X( :ymsick: :ymsick: L-) L-) L-) :-w :-w

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 7:24 am
by ArkieDukie
Lavabe wrote:To give you a feel for how weird this place can be, Legacy Lady mentioned that most of the kids at her school can recite this:
"I pledge allegiance to Kentucky Basketball as part of the Big Blue Nation, and to the 8th national title, for which we will win, one commonwealth, under Cal, with bourbon and bluegrass for all."

%-( %-( %-( ~X( ~X( ~X( :ymsick: :ymsick: L-) L-) L-) :-w :-w
Their pledge seems to forget that they will likely be forced to vacate any championships won under Calipari.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 9:56 am
by TillyGalore
ArkieDukie wrote:
Lavabe wrote:To give you a feel for how weird this place can be, Legacy Lady mentioned that most of the kids at her school can recite this:
"I pledge allegiance to Kentucky Basketball as part of the Big Blue Nation, and to the 8th national title, for which we will win, one commonwealth, under Cal, with bourbon and bluegrass for all."

%-( %-( %-( ~X( ~X( ~X( :ymsick: :ymsick: L-) L-) L-) :-w :-w
Their pledge seems to forget that they will likely be forced to vacate any championships won under Calipari.
Thank you!!! Do these people not understand that he has had games vacated at both UMass and Memphis.


Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 1:33 pm
by devildeac
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:
Lavabe wrote:To give you a feel for how weird this place can be, Legacy Lady mentioned that most of the kids at her school can recite this:
"I pledge allegiance to Kentucky Basketball as part of the Big Blue Nation, and to the 8th national title, for which we will win, one commonwealth, under Cal, with bourbon and bluegrass for all."

%-( %-( %-( ~X( ~X( ~X( :ymsick: :ymsick: L-) L-) L-) :-w :-w
Their pledge seems to forget that they will likely be forced to vacate any championships won under Calipari.
Thank you!!! Do these people not understand that he has had games vacated at both UMass and Memphis.

They're from ken-tucky, whaddaya expect?

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 22nd, 2010, 8:42 pm
by Lavabe
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:
Lavabe wrote:To give you a feel for how weird this place can be, Legacy Lady mentioned that most of the kids at her school can recite this:
"I pledge allegiance to Kentucky Basketball as part of the Big Blue Nation, and to the 8th national title, for which we will win, one commonwealth, under Cal, with bourbon and bluegrass for all."

%-( %-( %-( ~X( ~X( ~X( :ymsick: :ymsick: L-) L-) L-) :-w :-w
Their pledge seems to forget that they will likely be forced to vacate any championships won under Calipari.
Thank you!!! Do these people not understand that he has had games vacated at both UMass and Memphis.

And Memphis now REALLY REALLY has to vacate those wins:

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:09 pm
by Lavabe
So my colleague (a UK alum) now has me as a friend on her facebook page. Today I saw this post from one of her friends:
"and how did Duke and UK get lined up to meet in the first round of the Final 4 (if Duke can get past Baylor). Arrrggghhh. Like any good self-respecting UK fan I have to hate Duke...with passion. The refs always seem to give them the benefit of the doubt... "

My response:
"Based on, Duke's 676 fouls this year is less than its opponents who tallied 730 fouls. 54 more fouls... in 37 games. That amounts to like 1.5 FOULS PER GAME DIFFERENCE. Some "ALWAYS!!"
NOTE: UK was called for 614 fouls in 37 games (; their opponents had 773 fouls called on them. 159 foul benefit to UK, or 4+ FOULS PER GAME DIFFERENCE. That's a lot more than Duke's difference, yes?
NOTE: Both sites' stats are not significantly different from the stats available on ESPN.
WHO ALWAYS gets the benefit of the doubt? If you can't argue with facts, your statement that they "always seem to be given the benefit of the doubt" is simply wrong."

Guess that was a short-lived FB friendship. ;)

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:22 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Lavabe wrote: "and how did Duke and UK get lined up to meet in the first round of the Final 4 (if Duke can get past Baylor).
Yes...if Duke can do that... =)) =))

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:25 pm
by YmoBeThere
Given the struggles of top seeds, we need to be ever vigilant tomorrow.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:47 pm
by devildeac
YmoBeThere wrote:Given the struggles of top seeds, we need to be ever vigilant tomorrow.
We will have a tough game tomorrow. Baylor is big and strong with a couple good guards, too.

Re: Living in the land of the missing "D" and "E"

Posted: March 27th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by Lavabe
devildeac wrote:
YmoBeThere wrote:Given the struggles of top seeds, we need to be ever vigilant tomorrow.
We will have a tough game tomorrow. Baylor is big and strong with a couple good guards, too.
And I have a pile of dishes to clean!! :ymapplause: :ymapplause: