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Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:48 pm
by Miles
When you fly, do you prefer a window, middle, or aisle seat?

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:50 pm
Miles wrote:When you fly, do you prefer a window, middle, or aisle seat?
Window, up front.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:51 pm
by DevilAlumna
For flights <3 hours, window. For >3 hours, aisle, as I know I'm going to need to get up and stretch/bio-break.

Usually, these days, I'm flying with Mr. DA, who's 6'5", so I end up in the middle and let him have the aisle.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:52 pm
by Miles
I prefer window seats because
1. I don't like being bothered when I fly so I avoid having to get up for people who want to use the lavatory.
2. I sleep on planes and it's hard for me to sleep in a middle or aisle seat.
3. The view is better.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 7:06 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I'm 6'4, and there are no comfortable seats on the plane. So knowing that, I'd rather have a view, plus I don't have to get up to let someone in or out. (I get to do that L-) )
Window for me.

edit-----Ha! I posted without seeing reading Miles'. Great minds think alike.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 7:07 pm
by Miles
DevilAlumna wrote:For flights <3 hours, window. For >3 hours, aisle, as I know I'm going to need to get up and stretch/bio-break.

Usually, these days, I'm flying with Mr. DA, who's 6'5", so I end up in the middle and let him have the aisle.
When I flew to China my boss and I got a tad bit tipsy and we didn't wanna wake up the guy in the aisle seat for our bio-break, so we crawled over him. It took every ounce of will power in me to not bust out laughing at the top of my lungs when my boss got stuck was straddling the guy; he couldn't get his other leg over and was kinda stuck. One drunken slip and he would've landed crotch first right in the guy's face.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 7:32 pm
by TillyGalore
Miles wrote:I prefer window seats because
1. I don't like being bothered when I fly so I avoid having to get up for people who want to use the lavatory.
2. I sleep on planes and it's hard for me to sleep in a middle or aisle seat.
3. The view is better.
Ditto! And, since I'm all of 5', I don't really need the aisle.

My parents and I are supposed to be in the same row. I figure my giant of a father, 5'6", will have the aisle, my mother will want to be next to him, so she'll have the middle, and I'll be happily ensconced next to the window. When I need the bio-break, it's only my parents so I won't feel as guilty climbing over them.

When I would fly to Europe, I was usually traveling alone. That is when I'd want the aisle, so I didn't feel guilty climbing over people.

After reading over my post, turns out I'm with DA on this. More than three hours, I'll take the aisle please, less than 3 hours, I'll take the window.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 8:30 pm
by colchar
I only ever fly on international flights to Britain and I prefer the window seat in the very last aisle as I usually find that nobody else wants to be in the last row. That way I almost always get the entire row to myself. The only problem is that, being in the last row, the takeoff can be a bit unnerving. I have never had a problem with flying but hanging there so far behind the wings/engines as the plane climbs can really mess with you - think last car on a roller coaster. Once you reach cruising altitude everything is fine and the landing isn't an issue. But to get the row to yourself it is well worth it.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 8:36 pm
by DukeUsul
Window seat in an exit row or bulkhead seat please. 6'2" and every inch helps.

Aisle seats are overrated. Can't stretch the arms or legs out - always getting run into by people or drink carts.

However since the babe was born, I'm always in the middle seat. We've flown a number of times (very short flights) and my wife has nursed Katie during takeoff and landing (for the pressure). So she's had the window and I've taken the middle to allow them some privacy.

Also, say goodbye to exit rows for 15+ years. :-(

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 8:58 pm
by cl15876
For me, I need the leg room and shoulder room! So the middle is OUT! I am going with the aisle! The Exit row or economy plus WAS normally what I would fly, but if I get caught in the goat and sheep section in the back, I would prefer the aisle, the window seats are just too tiny with that encroachment of a silver thing that exists on the floor and the curl of the plane also. I lose valuable leg room! I flew a puddle jumper back to Dulles one time (short flight) from WV and had an aisle seat and the gal sitting next to me on the other side of the plane (I think she was working on husband #5) was just about in my lap, not because of me :-o L-) but because the plane was so small! Thank god she or anyone else for that matter didn't have BO, but all she wanted to do was talk the entire flight back which normally I am okay with, but not this time! I would have loved to have a window, but would have suffocated as we all were sitting on top of each other and had to duck as you walked off the plane!!! :-@ :ymdaydream: %-(

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 9:02 pm
by CathyCA

I like to sleep. I bring my own blanket and I crank the tunes in my iPod to drown out the noise of the engines and passengers.

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 10:24 pm
by bjornolf
Aisle. I'm a big dude and I can't stand climbing over people. I always feel so guilty about it, especially if they fall asleep. I like to fly Jet Blue for the extra hip and leg room. Not to mention the free directv. ;) I like the exit aisle, too, cause you get some extra space.


Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 10:49 pm
bjornolf wrote:Aisle. I'm a big dude and I can't stand climbing over people. I always feel so guilty about it, especially if they fall asleep. I like to fly Jet Blue for the extra hip and leg room. Not to mention the free directv. ;) I like the exit aisle, too, cause you get some extra space.

I'm fairly wide in the shoulders and narrow in the butt, so I need shoulder/arm room to be comfortable. Leg room is usually adequate for me, but I surely did love sitting in the front (bulkhead) row on the Southwest 737's back in February!

Re: Window, Middle or Aisle?

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 11:02 pm
by bjornolf
Yeah, I'm wide in both. Got a 42" waist with 64" shoulders and a 56" chest and 40" hips. I've also got 28" thighs (back in college, when I played football and rugby, they were 32"). Each. Those are still mostly muscle. Finding jeans is a major pain in the ass.
