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Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 3:49 pm
by colchar
I need some help from anyone who knows more about computers than I do.

I recently installed Adobe Acrobat but the program was acting strange so I tried to delete it. It wouldn't completely delete so I went into my programs folder and tried to delete any folders that remained. When trying to delete one folder, however, I keep getting a message saying that "You need permission to perform this action" and it simply won't delete. I went into the folder and tried to delete the individual files but get the same message for all of them. I tried to go into the registry to delete the key but the folder doesn't even show up there.

Does anyone have any idea how I can delete this folder? If it makes any difference, I am using Vista.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 4:31 pm
I'd try to remove the program again through the Windows program manager - add and delete programs. Whether successful or not, I'd download Acrobat again and install it, which might overwrite (or remove) any corrupt files and make everything work right, which is your objective to begin with. Failing that, I'd ask DevilAlumna what to do next, since she works for the big software company in the northwest...

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 4:46 pm
by colchar
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I'd try to remove the program again through the Windows program manager - add and delete programs. Whether successful or not, I'd download Acrobat again and install it, which might overwrite (or remove) any corrupt files and make everything work right, which is your objective to begin with.
It isn't even in the list any more so that option is gone.

Failing that, I'd ask DevilAlumna what to do next, since she works for the big software company in the northwest...

Good idea.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 4:50 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
You need to turn user account control off, then you will be able to remove the folders. Goto control panel -- user accounts -- Turn user account control on or off

It should work after you reboot.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by colchar
CameronBornAndBred wrote:You need to turn user account control off, then you will be able to remove the folders. Goto control panel -- user accounts -- Turn user account control on or off

It should work after you reboot.

That feature drives me nuts and I've had it turned off since I bought this laptop. Actually, I think turning that off was one of the first things I ever did on this computer.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:13 pm
by DevilAlumna
A couple things to try (these aren't sequential):

1) Reboot, and try to install the new version over the current remnants.

2) Make sure the user account you're using has Admin privileges. (Under "User accounts," I believe.)

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:14 pm
by DevilAlumna
A third thing, should you not have any other luck - rollback to an earlier restore point.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:18 pm
by DukeUsul
There's probably a process still running in the background that's using those files. Start Windows in safe mode:
1) Restart the PC
2) When you get the first screen after restart (the one that usually shows you the manufacturer's logo - before the first Windows screen comes up) Hit the F8 key. Hit it a couple times to be safe.
3) You'll get a startup menu. Use the arrows to select Safe Mode and hit enter. If you see multiple safe modes (w/ networking, w/ CD, etc) just pick any one. Doesn't matter for your purposes.
4) Windows will continue starting from there.

Safe Mode means Windows will have just the minimum services running. You'll see it looks very basic. Once it's finished loading this way try deleting those files. Then reboot normally.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:24 pm
by colchar
DevilAlumna wrote:A third thing, should you not have any other luck - rollback to an earlier restore point.

I no longer have the disc for the program (it was a borrowed copy). I am logged in as an administrator. And I have tried to use System Restore. I honestly have no idea why this folder will not delete and it is starting to drive me nuts.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:25 pm
by colchar
DukeUsul wrote:There's probably a process still running in the background that's using those files. Start Windows in safe mode:
1) Restart the PC
2) When you get the first screen after restart (the one that usually shows you the manufacturer's logo - before the first Windows screen comes up) Hit the F8 key. Hit it a couple times to be safe.
3) You'll get a startup menu. Use the arrows to select Safe Mode and hit enter. If you see multiple safe modes (w/ networking, w/ CD, etc) just pick any one. Doesn't matter for your purposes.
4) Windows will continue starting from there.

Safe Mode means Windows will have just the minimum services running. You'll see it looks very basic. Once it's finished loading this way try deleting those files. Then reboot normally.

I never even thought of that. Thanks, I will try that method.

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:28 pm
by DevilAlumna
Have you tried going to the Adobe support site?

Re: Computer Help Needed

Posted: April 28th, 2009, 6:31 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
colchar wrote:
DevilAlumna wrote: I no longer have the disc for the program (it was a borrowed copy). I am logged in as an administrator. And I have tried to use System Restore. I honestly have no idea why this folder will not delete and it is starting to drive me nuts.
I finally get to use this smiley.
:ar! :ar! :ar!

Anyways, now that I understand that it's the full Acrobat, and not just reader, do your best to find the original, reinstall, and then uninistall, without having any other Adobe products on there. Several of my clients have had nightmares such as yours, and if DA's system restore doesn't work, that's the best solution. I don't know why, but Adobe reader does not play well with older versions of Acrobat. Reader is always being updated, and without a licensed copy, it's hard to update Acrobat, and they beat each other up.