Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 20th, 2023, 9:07 pm

Rollin’ in My M_ATV (draft)-Forgotten Road Ales

Still a barfly in the taproom

Credit-same friends, same thirst but card closed out now
Format-fresh draft
Glassware-matching tumbler
Appearance-pineapple OJ
Nose-fresh OJ and pineapple juice
Mouthfeel-Oh. So. Fresh. And. Juicy.
Tastes-100% squeezed OJ, pineapple juice with hints of tangerine and mango and no “dry” or unripe guava or papaya
Hops-Simcoe, Mosaic and El Dorado
IBU-N/A but I’m not that dumm and will guess about 40
Overall impression-a delightful finish to the meetup, meal and 4 beer sampler
Ymm, Beer raring-low/mid cat 3; I’m not kidding here as this was in the Burial older New Anthem tier
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 26th, 2023, 10:00 pm

Not from powder.

Swimming in the Mangrove-Wolf’s Ridge Brewing Company

Probably less than 10 miles from our son’s house.

Credit-our son was kind enough to share; thanks!!
Style-sour red ale aged in red wine puncheons (maybe @Phredd3 would like this ale :kissing_heart:)
Format-750 ml capped bottle
Stemware-large Zaftig snifters
Appearance-murky, reddish brown; small pale pink//tan head
Nose-cherry vinegar and red wine
Mouthfeel-as sour as a Flemish red ale
Tastes-cherry vinegar cider, red wine, fresh squeezed lemons and limes, wet wood, raspberries
IBU-N/A but common sense says 5 to 10 ish
ABV-7.6%, really making it an imperial sour red ale
Overall impression-could just as easily label this an Oud Bruin (old brown) but whatever you call it, it rivaled some of the real Belgian sours, especially Rodenbach and variants, I’ve had the last 25 years
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; simply an outstanding US replica of any traditional Belgian style
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 26th, 2023, 10:13 pm

A Little Hyperbolic-Cigar City Brewing

Local for the El Catador Club member and cross-country and East Coast beer mule.

Credit- :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: @TeacherTom for the pickup and delivery; thanks!!
Style-flvaored and double barrel aged imperial brown ale
Format-500 ml bottle, shared with our son
Stemware-rinsed and dried Zaftig snifters
Appearance-extremely dark brown with a beige head
Nose-rum, dark chocolate, nuts
Tastes-dark rum, burnt brown sugar/molasses, vanilla, very dark caramel
Barrels-rum and pear brandy
IBU-N/A nonsense again but probably <30
ABV-17% (no typo) and after a couple sips, it felt it
Overall impression-very complex beer that became even better in the 30 minutes it warmed
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/high cat 3; probably one of my 2 beers of the month
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 26th, 2023, 10:26 pm

Local for one of the RVA beer mules.

Credit-another great Family Tree and/or warehouse sale selection @wbmcards88; thanks!!
Style-RBA imperial milk stout
Format-corked and caged 750 ml bottle, shared with our son
Stemware-freshly cleaned Zaftig snifters
Appearance-onyx with a dark beige foam cap
Nose-rum all day
Tastes-dark, dark rum, dark chocolate, burnt caramel, molasses
Overall impression-a dark chocolate rum frappe; decadent
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; the nit to pick was the rum was very strong
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 27th, 2023, 6:48 pm

From Saturday night:

Bourbon County Stout 2018-Goose Island Beer Company

Sometime, somewhere, it was local

Credit-shared by son who said it was calling our names that evening; thanks!!
Style-the original BBA imperial stout
Format-500 ml bottle, probably brewed August, 2018
Stemware-worn out but clean Zaftig snifters
Appearance-5W20; no head
Nose-dark chocolate and bourbon
Tastes-surprisingly, more dark chocolate sweet and bourbon boozy, very likely due to its 5th year in bottle captivity; lotta molasses, burn caramel with a warming bourbon finish
IBU-probably 60
Overall impression-fascinating how this changed over the 4.5 years; I couldn’t find an old 2018 review of this but only went back a couple years on crazietalk; I remember a lot more booze/bourbon and this one leaned heavily toward sweet, but not cloying
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/high cat 3, as always; that is all
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 27th, 2023, 8:30 pm

Granny’s GBS-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for the Family Tree guy.

Credit-much applause @wbmcards88 for the purchase, pickup and delivery of the 2022 GBS Complete Set AND an extra from the warehouse sale!
Style-a complicated multiple style and barrel blend
Format-12 ounce stubbie!! (the bottle, not yo’ gran’ma)
Glassware-Hardywood GBS tumbler
Appearance-dark brown; modest head
Nose-bourbon, dark chocolate and dark, dried fruits
Tastes-bourbon, dark chocolate, fruitcake with lots and lots of dates, raisins and cherries
Adjuncts-“dates, cherries and other dark fruits”
Barrels/Beer styles-(copied from Untappd cuz it’s too complex to 'splain) "this fruitcake inspired GBS is a blend of A. Smith Bowman’s Bourbon-finished Port barrel blended with 11-month Bourbon barrel-aged Belgian Quadrupel
IBU-N/A again but I’d guess a maximum of 30
ABV-12.1% (whoa, granny’s been hitting the sauce!)
Overall impression-complex and tasty but I like well mad fruitcakes
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; a shad below some of the many other blends Brian has concocted, but still quite enjoyable
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 27th, 2023, 10:23 pm

Our Saving Grace-R. Shea Brewing

Intrastate commerce

Credit-I needed traders for @Tripping.William and @richardjackson199 and some sippers for myself and this one looked tasty
Style-flavored imperial pastry stout
Format-pint can
Freshness data-didn’t check
Stemware-8 ounce plastic hotel cup; hey, I like my drinking glasses but I ain’t carrying them all over with me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Appearance-dark brownish and tanly foamy
Nose-a semisweet chocolate chip laden fluffernutter
Mouthfeel-soft and creamy
Tastes-“this product contains peanuts” and marshmallows and also resembles chocolate morsels, dark caramel sundae sauce and molasses
Adjuncts-peanut butter and marshmallows
IBU-N/A (huh?) but I’m no fool (but some may argue) so I’ll speculate high 30s
ABV-11.25% (damn, a liquid chocolate fluffernutter)
Overall impression-if you don’t like peanuts, you’re not gonna like this, but, you’re only gonna see this in Ohio or, via special mule train delivery, in the 336 :stuck_out_tongue:
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; I like peanut butter (sorry @OldPhiKap, no crunchy/peanut pieces here :wink:), marshmallows and chocolate flavors so I enjoyed this liquid pastry sandwich :hugs:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 28th, 2023, 5:59 pm

The Flannel-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Credit-member of the 2022 GBS Complete Set signed, sealed and delivered by @wbmcards88; thanks!!
Style-another cocktail inspired blended Hardywood brew
Format-12 ounce stubbie
Stemware-Hardywood teku
Appearance-clear amber; smallish tan head
Nose-apple brandy, rum and spices
Tastes-rum, apple brandy, mulling spices, orange zest and rum
Beers-two imperial golden ales, GBS and a tripel
Barrels-rum x2, Laird’s Apple Brandy and bourbon
Adjuncts-allspice and orange peel
IBU-N/A again but probably low 30s with my SWAG
ABV-bottle claims 10.8% but Untappd professes 12.3% and sipped like 13 to 14% :astonished:
Overall impression-a bit confusing with all the beers and barres but overall a very pleasant sipper that reminded me of a cocktail (that I’ve never had and had to research what ingredients were in a Flannel)
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3 and trying to remember what others thoughts/tasting impressions were; happy to have another which I’ll likely share with family later this month or this summer
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 28th, 2023, 10:45 pm

Helmet Nachos-Hoof Hearted Brewing

“Dabbling in the dank and dark arts”

Darn close to local

Credit-needed traders @Tripping.William @richardjackson199 and some personal sippers
Format-pint can
Canned on: 3/14/2023
Stemware-boring large wine glass
Appearance-white grapefruit juice; small/moderate head
Nose-lime and tangerine
Tastes-tangerine, lime (@richardjackson199 was spot on here), peach, tangerine, cantaloupe, honeydew and pinot gris
Hops-Citra, Motueka and YQH 1320
Overall impression-I’m 3/3 now with delightful beers from this brewery
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; a bit higher than @richardjackson199 rated and I mighta been influenced reading my 2021 and 2022 reviews of other Hoof Hearted ales but I really enjoyed the juicy, fruity and winey flavors of this one, too
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 30th, 2023, 10:01 am

Gingerbread Bourbon Barleywine 2022-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

RVA local? Heck yea, my second beer home!

Credit-another loud thanks @wbmcards88 for the whole enchilada again!!
Style-you’re on your own here
Format-12 ounce short and stout (well, it’s really not a stout but…)
Stemware-Hardywood teku
Appearance-very dark amber; very thin head
Nose-bourbon and ginger ale
Mouthfeel-smooth with a finishing zing
Tastes-ginger, bourbon, vanilla, wood, caramel
Visitors-ginger, vanilla and cinnamon
Storage vessels-Henry McKenna (20 months) and A. Smith Bowman (9 months) bourbon barrels
IBU-secret but probably less than 50
ABV-13.3% (the 2021 version was a stunning 14.5%)
Overall impression-a smooth, dangerous sipper
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/high cat 3; another superb concoction/blending by Brian and Hardywood; beyond thrilled to have a 2nd one in the set that I’ll likely share with family next month
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 31st, 2023, 11:06 am

Diamond Mind-Resident Culture Brewing

CLT still in the Old North State

Credit-power of suggestion, a dwindling “ordinary” beer assortment and 25% off; heck, yea!
Style-Southern Hemisphere hazy IPA
Format-pint can
Recency Bias-owner of shop sez yea (“trust and verify” as @OldPhiKap stated); (turns over can) 28205 CLT PKG 01/30/2023
Stemware-pint wine glass :upside_down_face:
Appearance-foamy, white grapefruit juice
Nose-a tropical/melon fruit bowl
Mouthfeel-juicy with a bite
Tastes-cantaloupe, peach, tangerine and splashes of pineapple and guava and a pinot gris finish
Hops-Nectaron, Riwaka, Nelson Sauvin and Motueka
IBU-N/A (yawn) but I’d guess <40
Overall impression-a delightful sipper; think I selected one more from Resident Culture to complete my mixed 12 pack
Ymm,Beer rating-low cat 3; worth a single to experiment with the above hop combination or buy the
whole 4 pack with the intent of two for yourself and a couple traders
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2023, 10:40 pm

DDH Body By Victoria-Commonwealth Brewing Company

Not quite local

Credit-brewery reputation, previous products sipped and 25% off spring cleaning sale
Format-pint can
Freshness data-shop owner said recent to I trusted him
Stemware-I’m really attached to using our large wine glasses
Appearance-guava and papaya juice, smallish head
Nose-guava and papaya
Mouthfeel-juicy but not quite ripe tropical fruits
Tastes-slightly underripe papaya and guava, splash of tangerine, twist of orange rind and a drizzle of strawberry
Hops-Vic Secret and Mosaic
Grains-2 Row, oats and wheat
IBU-N/A but I’d estimate mid 30s
Overall impression-less juicy than most NEDIPAs and a bit different
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; always happy to sample a Commonwealth offering
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 2nd, 2023, 1:12 pm

DDH Body by Victoria-Commonwealth Brewing Company

Regional, not local

Credit-needed some “bridge” beers before replacement traders arrived from our local daughter plus, 25% off a local shop’s spring cleaning sale
Format-pint can
Brewed on-?? but shop owner said “recent drop”
Stemware-rinse, lather, repeat large wine glass
Appearance-fresh white grapefruit juice
Nose-juices of oranges, grapefruits and pineapples all recently blenderized; moderate head
Tastes- all the above plus hints of cantaloupe, peach and tangerine
IBU-N/A cone of silence but common sense sez <40
Overall impression-Commonwealth still brews serious beer
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; like @richardjackson199 thinks, it almost takes an otherworldly IPA/DIPA to me mid cat 3 now
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 3rd, 2023, 9:03 pm

From Saturday night:

Methodical-Funguys Brewing

Ask @fuse sometime about his 3 mushroom friends that walked into a bar :joystick:

Local, as in about 6 miles from our abode; first beer ever for me from these folks

Credit-25% off spring cleaning sale at Falls Village Wine and Beer
Style-hazy DIPA
Format-pint can
Freshness data-no clue but owner said a recent drop
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-guava/papaya juice; modest foam
Nose-guava and papaya
Mouthfeel-a bit of pith, a bit of fruit
Tastes-guava, papaya, splashes of pineapple and grapefruit and some pith
Hops-Mosaic, Citra and Motueka
IBU-N/A but I’d guess 40ish
Overall impression-a bit less sweet than I’d have expected and a bit “unripe”
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 and not the cat 3 that @mattman91 raved about for this brewery but I’d try another offering
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 3rd, 2023, 9:16 pm

Lightning Fu-Resident Culture Brewing Company collaboration with North Park Beer Company

CLT, “local” airport, local beer

Credit-another 25% off spring cleaning sale brew
Style-westie IPA but the Untapped verbiage claims hazy west coast IPA which it wasn’t hazy at all
Format-pint can
Bottom of can ink-28205 CLT PKG 02/03/2023
Appearance-clean/clear coppery bronze; small head
Nose-grapefruit rind
Mouthfeel-some bitter, some sweet
Tastes-grapefruit squeezings, twist of rind, maybe a drizzle of tangerine and some pine
Hops-Simcoe and Nectaron
IBU-N/A but can’t fool me so I’ll estimate 50
ABV-6.5% on can, 7.2% on Untappd :man_shrugging:
Overall impression-solid stuff from Resident Culture again
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; tough critic here but not quite cat 3 but would sip again and sample more from Resident Culture
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 3rd, 2023, 9:28 pm

Feeling Minnesota-Altered State Brewing

Local, as in new brewery about 3 miles from our house

Credit-trader from older daughter and her husband for some Salty Turtle brews in February/March
Style-American IPA but really a hazy/NEIPA
Format-pint can
Bottom of can info-06 (or is it 90?); no clue here
Stemware-yep, 16 ounce wine glass, again
Appearance-hazy sunshine; modest foam
Nose-grapefruit, pineapple and strawberries
Mouthfeel-more juicy stuff
Tastes-red grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, strawberries and a splash of cantaloupe
Hops-“…in the kettle and the tank with lots of Citra, Mosaic, Cascade and Amarillo hops”
IBU-N/A ( :joy: :joy:) but likely about 35
Overall impression-good first beer from a local joint; I have 2 left that I’ll trade/share if the proper conditions arise or drink myself;
Ymm, Beer rating-sneaking this into low cat 3 and looking forward to more IPAs/DIPAs/NEIPAs/NEDIPAs/fruited sours and/or smoothie sours as traders as the kinfolk owe me another half dozen traders :hugs:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 5th, 2023, 8:43 pm

Soul Crusher-Altered State Brewing Company

Less than 4 miles from home? Yea, damn local!!

Credit-trader from older daughter and her husband; thanks!!
Format-can of 16 ounces
Freshness stuff- :man_shrugging:
Stemware-yep, the same large wine glass
Appearance-tropical fruit juice; lotsa foam
Nose-citrus fruit salad
Mouthfeel-yep, it’s juicy
Tastes-tangerine, OJ, peach and some cantaloupe
Hops-Mosaic, Citra and El Dorado (!!)
IBU-N/A but advanced statistical ANALysis postulates 40
Overall impression-tasty, new local stuff; really tasty
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; yea, it’s that fresh tasting and nearby
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2023, 3:08 pm

From last pm:

Peach Guava Sour-Bombshell Beer Company

NC’s first all female owned brewery; therefore, local!!

Credit-proudly pilfered from our older daughter in exchange for some dog sitting chores
Style-I’m not telling
Format-pint can
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-peachy clear with a lot of fizz that did not linger
Nose-sour, but not rotten peaches
Mouthfeel-hit of sweet but almost Destilhl Brewing sour
Tastes-(almost) peach vinegary, guava tart and a drizzle of lemon
Adjuncts-(no reason to doubt) peach and pink guava
IBU-5 to 10
Overall impression-truth in canning but coulda used some more fruitiness
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; not one I’d procure again but appreciated the tart/sourness
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 7th, 2023, 1:20 pm

From yesterday (with a bit of irony :roll_eyes:):

Today More Than Any Other Day-Casita Brewing Company


Credit-continuing to sip last week’s 25% off spring cleaning brews
Style-DIPA but really more of a “hybrid” westie/NEDIPA
Format-16 ounce can
Recency bias-PKG 02/21/23
Stemware-can’t quit that large wine glass
Appearance-kinda like a hazy/westie blend, IOW, some amber, yellow and orange; nice foam
Nose-rind, orange and grapefruit
Mouthfeel-some sweet, some bite
Tastes-orange rind and Cointreau, grapefruit juice and pit, hint of pine
Grains-Pilsner malt, raw wheat and flaked oats
IBU-another secret but probably 50ish
Overall impression-intriguing brew with the mixed bag of tastes which I rather enjoyed
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; happy to have tasted one and if you saw a single in your favorite shop, I’d buy it for the intrigue
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 8th, 2023, 8:12 am

Dust Off Your Dancing Shoes-Casita Brewing Company

Wilson, NC is pretty local

Credit-still sipping my way through my 25% off spring cleaning beers
Style-westie DIPA
Format-pint can
Bottom of can stats-PKG 02/23/23
Stemware-same old large, 16 ounce wine glass
Appearance-pretty clean/clear-light copper; good head
Nose-plenty of orange rind
Mouthfeel-not too bitter
Tastes-various permutations of oranges including rind and a splash of juice along with grapefruit parts like zest and juice and hints of pine
Grains-Pale Malt, Carafoam (aka Carapils), Biscuit
Strange ingredient-Dextrose
Hops-Strata, Mosaic, El Dorado
IBU-not revealed but I’d guesstimate mid50s
Overall impression-quality entrant in the westie DIPA arena
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; worthy of a pint with some spicy/hot curry or Szechuan entrees
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