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Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 15th, 2009, 10:19 pm
by captmojo
devildeac wrote:
Many folks will complain about leg incision pain more than sternal/rib pains.
My Brother-in-Law had this experience.

I would strongly recommend the day-old 'Naner Puddin' diet.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 7:13 am
by devildeac
captmojo wrote:
devildeac wrote:
Many folks will complain about leg incision pain more than sternal/rib pains.
My Brother-in-Law had this experience.

I would strongly recommend the day-old 'Naner Puddin' diet.
Shoot, I'd eat 2 day old 'Naner puddin' but it rarely lasts more than a day around the devildeac's abode. :D

Now you've got me Jonesin' for some of that stuff...

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 3:25 pm
by Sue71
Well Crankypants is "home" at their best friends' house. The hospital kicked him out yesterday. He has a bit of an appetite now (that's not saying much as he barely ate in the hospital). Now to just get him to walk and stop being an ass...

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Hugs to Uncle Yucky and all of you, his caregivers. I know how hard it is, but keep trying to cut him some slack. There was no sweeter, quieter man than my father, who suffered through this with hardly a cuss word. But, he told me that if he'd known how much pain was involved he just wouldn't have done it at all. He would have preferred to just check out.

My heart is out there with all of you. May each day bring recovery and new joy.
Love Ima

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 8:21 pm
by cl15876
Sue71 wrote:Thanks again, all, for your wishes, thoughts, prayers, & vibes. Mr. Crankypants & I had a little one-on-one chat tonight. I think he'll be a little better (demeanor-wise) to us. To clarify, he was always nice to the nurses & staff- when he gave them a hard time, he was being sarcastic or teasing. When he'd give us a hard time, he was being a shit.

Anyway, he was up in the chair for most of the day. He did a lap around the floor, some leg exercises from the therapist, took a shower (that may have been the highlight of the day for him), fought with a nurse (literally argued, in this case- more on this in a sec...), had about 8 visitors at one time (we were SO loud... sounded like a party in here), took his potassium (tied to the earlier fight... just a sec for that story), did ANOTHER lap, had a one-on-one chat w/ me (I laid it on the line w/ him), checked his email, watched the J-E-T-S Jets (bleh, we're Giants fans), and had a lovely coughing fit (again).

Re: the fight. He was told he has to take potassium. He can't take pills so they have to crush them up, he adds some sugar & water, then swallows it that way. Don't ask- it's just how it is. Anyway, the potassium, when crushed or in powder form, tastes like SHIT. Really, really bad. They even tried putting it in orange juice. No help. REALLY REALLY BAD. So anyway, he said he wasn't going to take it. The surgeon's nurse coordinator (or something like that) came in and told him that the other option was to get it via an IV, which REALLY burns. A lot. So they fought. And fought. It was not pretty. So later on, the regular nurse came back in and said it was going to be in pill form so we'd have to figure out a way to make this work. Ugh.


It wasn't good; it wasn't tasty. But it worked. Applesauce is the trick. And now we know how to fix it up at home.

So anyway, he's probably getting sprung either tomorrow or Sunday. Like I said, still a lot of pain, etc, but we came to a little understanding today. Hopefully it'll get better.

Thanks again, all. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:
Sue - still burning up the prayer and vibe waves for your Dad from VA!!!! My Dad, as mentioned previously on FB had the same experience a few years ago, and he got a HEART pillow to hold and the breathing tube/cup to strengthen his lungs and muscles (looks like something a man or woman would need on a long trip across country), but my Dad used it and the pillow helps with the chest pain (especially when coughing)... and the breathing tube/cup brings back all that strength in the muscles..... DD - Do you concur as an advisor? Hang in there and I suspect you get your spunk from both your Dad and your MOM and can return the dish accordingly and besides having his girl with him, that (the dishing out to keep focus), I am sure is what he will be needing from you besides your LOVING!!!! Hugs and support to YOU!!!! Holler if you need anything, I am not that far from ya!!!! :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 8:29 pm
by devildeac
cl15876 wrote:
Sue71 wrote:Thanks again, all, for your wishes, thoughts, prayers, & vibes. Mr. Crankypants & I had a little one-on-one chat tonight. I think he'll be a little better (demeanor-wise) to us. To clarify, he was always nice to the nurses & staff- when he gave them a hard time, he was being sarcastic or teasing. When he'd give us a hard time, he was being a shit.

Anyway, he was up in the chair for most of the day. He did a lap around the floor, some leg exercises from the therapist, took a shower (that may have been the highlight of the day for him), fought with a nurse (literally argued, in this case- more on this in a sec...), had about 8 visitors at one time (we were SO loud... sounded like a party in here), took his potassium (tied to the earlier fight... just a sec for that story), did ANOTHER lap, had a one-on-one chat w/ me (I laid it on the line w/ him), checked his email, watched the J-E-T-S Jets (bleh, we're Giants fans), and had a lovely coughing fit (again).

Re: the fight. He was told he has to take potassium. He can't take pills so they have to crush them up, he adds some sugar & water, then swallows it that way. Don't ask- it's just how it is. Anyway, the potassium, when crushed or in powder form, tastes like SHIT. Really, really bad. They even tried putting it in orange juice. No help. REALLY REALLY BAD. So anyway, he said he wasn't going to take it. The surgeon's nurse coordinator (or something like that) came in and told him that the other option was to get it via an IV, which REALLY burns. A lot. So they fought. And fought. It was not pretty. So later on, the regular nurse came back in and said it was going to be in pill form so we'd have to figure out a way to make this work. Ugh.


It wasn't good; it wasn't tasty. But it worked. Applesauce is the trick. And now we know how to fix it up at home.

So anyway, he's probably getting sprung either tomorrow or Sunday. Like I said, still a lot of pain, etc, but we came to a little understanding today. Hopefully it'll get better.

Thanks again, all. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:
Sue - still burning up the prayer and vibe waves for your Dad from VA!!!! My Dad, as mentioned previously on FB had the same experience a few years ago, and he got a HEART pillow to hold and the breathing tube/cup to strengthen his lungs and muscles (looks like something a man or woman would need on a long trip across country), but my Dad used it and the pillow helps with the chest pain (especially when coughing)... and the breathing tube/cup brings back all that strength in the muscles..... DD - Do you concur as an advisor? Hang in there and I suspect you get your spunk from both your Dad and your MOM and can return the dish accordingly and besides having his girl with him, that (the dishing out to keep focus), I am sure is what he will be needing from you besides your LOVING!!!! Hugs and support to YOU!!!! Holler if you need anything, I am not that far from ya!!!! :ymhug: :ymhug:
I concur. The heart pillows help support the recently chain-sawed sternum, are a nice "card" to sign for all the patient's visitors and some publicity for the hospital.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 12:08 am
by Sue71
devildeac wrote:
cl15876 wrote:
Sue - still burning up the prayer and vibe waves for your Dad from VA!!!! My Dad, as mentioned previously on FB had the same experience a few years ago, and he got a HEART pillow to hold and the breathing tube/cup to strengthen his lungs and muscles (looks like something a man or woman would need on a long trip across country), but my Dad used it and the pillow helps with the chest pain (especially when coughing)... and the breathing tube/cup brings back all that strength in the muscles..... DD - Do you concur as an advisor? Hang in there and I suspect you get your spunk from both your Dad and your MOM and can return the dish accordingly and besides having his girl with him, that (the dishing out to keep focus), I am sure is what he will be needing from you besides your LOVING!!!! Hugs and support to YOU!!!! Holler if you need anything, I am not that far from ya!!!! :ymhug: :ymhug:
I concur. The heart pillows help support the recently chain-sawed sternum, are a nice "card" to sign for all the patient's visitors and some publicity for the hospital.
He got his heart pillow, complete with autograph pen, but hasn't had anyone sign it. I bought him a more appropriate pillow to walk around with, since NFL season is starting. A lovely Giants pillow. :D He still carries the heart (and hugs it while coughing), though he sits the Giants pillow next to him.

He is SO tired. That has to be the worst part for him right now. Well that, and the pain from coughing. But he's just SO tired. Doctor follow-up appointments will be scheduled tomorrow.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 7:15 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Monday.......and as we begin another week we are reminded that pain and troubles didn't take the weekend off so we're starting out weary already. I noticed your last entry was in the first few minutes after midnight. Hope you were able to get some rest when you signed off.

Now, maybe a great cup of coffee to savor and a walk in the fresh morning air will strengthen you for what comes next. I'm keeping you in my thoughts today. Take care. Breathe. And HOORAY for applesauce!
Love, Ima

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 8:07 am
by windsor
Renewing my healing vibes Uncle "crankypants" Yucky and the whole famn damily!

Ima is right Sue - take care of yourself too (and Ima knows what of she speaks - has more experienced with loved one in hospital than any one person should!) eat, a little...go to a movie...take a break...and make your mom do the same or SHE will be in the next one in the hospital.

Hugs from Hurricane Alley :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 8:33 am
by TillyGalore
What Ima and Windsor said.

Hope Uncle Crankypants Yucky is back to his old self, change that, finds his inner Sunnybutt, soon. And, that he continues to heal.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 8:36 am
by captmojo
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Monday.......and as we begin another week we are reminded that pain and troubles didn't take the weekend off so we're starting out weary already. I noticed your last entry was in the first few minutes after midnight. Hope you were able to get some rest when you signed off.

Now, maybe a great cup of coffee to savor and a walk in the fresh morning air will strengthen you for what comes next. I'm keeping you in my thoughts today. Take care. Breathe. And HOORAY for applesauce!
Love, Ima
windsor wrote:Renewing my healing vibes Uncle "crankypants" Yucky and the whole famn damily!

Ima is right Sue - take care of yourself too (and Ima knows what of she speaks - has more experienced with loved one in hospital than any one person should!) eat, a little...go to a movie...take a break...and make your mom do the same or SHE will be in the next one in the hospital.

Hugs from Hurricane Alley :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:
TillyGalore wrote:What Ima and Windsor said.

Hope Uncle Crankypants Yucky is back to his old self, change that, finds his inner Sunnybutt, soon. And, that he continues to heal.
Words of wisdom, indeed.
I, being a Panther's fan, don't hold that pillow against him. Pun there. %%-

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 8:39 am
by CathyCA
Thinking of you, Sue, and sending healing vibes for Crankypants.

:ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 10:55 am
by weezie
Hope all continues to go well. I've been away but saw your thread and wanted to extend some good wishes.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 7:45 pm
by ArkieDukie
Another wave of prayers, vibes, and all good thoughts coming your way!

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 10:57 pm
by DukieInKansas
Hope today was better than yesterday for all and that tomorrow is even better! Prayers continue from Kansas.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 7:19 am
by bjornolf
More :ympray: and :ymhug: and @};- from NoVA from us!


Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 18th, 2009, 11:26 pm
by DukieInKansas
Prayers and vibes for patience and healing continue from Kansas.

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 19th, 2009, 12:33 pm
by CathyCA
Still thinking of you and sending prayers Uncle Yucky's way!

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 19th, 2009, 2:19 pm
by Rolvix
Prayers to Uncle Yucky!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Re: Prayers needed

Posted: August 19th, 2009, 2:26 pm
by cl15876
Still vibing and praying for your Dad, Sue!!!!! Hope things are going well!!! :-bd It is a slow process, but he'll get back in tip top shape!!!!! My Dad is thinking he can take me now and it's been over 3 years, but unlike Lavabe, he shrunk a few inches!!!!! =)) =)) =))