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Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 26th, 2012, 12:56 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Sic 'em, Capt!
Love, Ima

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 26th, 2012, 7:36 pm
by ArkieDukie
Vibes for DitBD Mom, captmojo Mom, and Ima Mom. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 27th, 2012, 6:14 am
by shereec
Continued vibes for all the CTN Moms! (and their children - mad, relieved, happy or otherwise)
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 27th, 2012, 8:58 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
I hope that Ima's mom is doing better and Captmojo is finding that the care being given is addressing his mom's needs.

My report today is generally a positive one. Mom has had PT and OT sessions and been sitting up in a chair for at least three hours at a time each day. She is gradually being weaned off most connections (IV, catheter, etc.) and now is gradually being weaned off the oxygen she's been one during this hospitalization. Her last connection is the PEG tube.

She's scheduled to transition to rehab on Monday. I've told her about the power of the support you all have created. She says a big THANK YOU! ;;)

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 27th, 2012, 9:32 pm
Tell your mom "You're welcome! Glad to be here for you both."

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 2:03 pm
by DukePA
Many hugs and vibes to the CTN moms and their awesome kids!!! :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 8:04 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
Each time Mom is about to transition to the rehab program, something happens. She's scheduled to transition tomorrow.

Yesterday she broke out with shingles on her neck. The nurse practitioner was quick to identify it and begin treatment with acyclovir. The appearance has improved, some pain continues. It's not clear whether shingles will delay the transition.... we'll find out tomorrow!

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 10:31 pm
by Very Duke Blue
DitBD, you and especially your mom have been through it!! I do hope she comes through this quickly. Hugs to both of you. :ymhug:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 10:44 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Capt, I hope your mom is getting what she needs. Thank goodness she has you to watch out for her. Hugs to you both. :ymhug:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 10:48 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Ima, I am sorry I missed your post about your mom What happened to her is horrible. Does she live here? I'm sending vibes and prayers for her and you, along with hugs. :ymhug: :ymhug: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 10:50 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Boy, when it rains, it pours. :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: For all the moms and families.

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 9:52 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
A little update:
The shingles outbreak is responding to acyclovir. Visitors are still wearing barrier gowns and gloves.

Yesterday's endoscopy procedure was a big failure. The esophagus was so constricted that no views were possible. Next step: try botox injections to try to cause the muscles to release.

Mom was in good spirits today. She looked and sounded more like herself.... best since July 15, the day before the fall. She is a bit more mobile and continues with 3-4 hours a day of PT, OT and speech therapy. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 9:47 am
by captmojo
Here's to hoping DiBD's mom is showing improvement.

Gotta go!

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 10:26 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
captmojo wrote:Here's to hoping DiBD's mom is showing improvement.

Gotta go!
Recovery from the fall is slow, but happening. Shingles responding well to acyclovir and pain med. The esophagus was too tightly constricted to allow any examination by endoscope last week..... this is the aspect of Mom's condition that will have a long lasting impact on the future. Dr. will be back tomorrow and begin the next stage of trying to loosen up those constricted muscles, probably with a botox injection sometime this week.

Yesterday was Mom's 92nd. birthday. She had as good a day as is possible under the current circumstances. The day began with her nurse singing Happy Birthday to her. Since she can't have anything by mouth, family members substituted flowers, especially roses, to celebrate.

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 10:30 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Happy Birthday to your dear Mother. Sounds like she had a wonderful Nurse, to sing HB to her, also!! Continued thoughts, prayers and vibes!!! :wizard: :YMPRAY:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 11:13 am
by TillyGalore
Belated Happy Birthday to Mother of DitBD. Those muscles need a :chillpill: or two.

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by lawgrad91
Happy belated birthday to DitBD Mom! :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 3:44 pm
by CathyCA
Belated 92nd Birthday wishes to DitBD Mom!


Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 10th, 2012, 4:41 am
by ArkieDukie
Devil in the Blue Dress wrote:
captmojo wrote:Here's to hoping DiBD's mom is showing improvement.

Gotta go!
Recovery from the fall is slow, but happening. Shingles responding well to acyclovir and pain med. The esophagus was too tightly constricted to allow any examination by endoscope last week..... this is the aspect of Mom's condition that will have a long lasting impact on the future. Dr. will be back tomorrow and begin the next stage of trying to loosen up those constricted muscles, probably with a botox injection sometime this week.

Yesterday was Mom's 92nd. birthday. She had as good a day as is possible under the current circumstances. The day began with her nurse singing Happy Birthday to her. Since she can't have anything by mouth, family members substituted flowers, especially roses, to celebrate.
Vibes continuing for DitBD's mom. Belated happy birthday to her as well. :ymparty:

Re: CTN vibes for Devil in the Blue Dress Mom

Posted: August 10th, 2012, 7:24 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
Mom's scheduled for a procedure at noon today.... anesthesia to be used while esophagus is dilated and injections of botox applied to several sites. The hope is that the esophagus will relax and allow her to take nutrition by mouth soon.