I've never struck K-ville. I did, however, streak twice in February 1974. The first, on a Thursday night, there were ~200 students who struck. I was interviewed by the Chronicle afterward (I did put my shorts back on before we went up to their office) and he asked me if there would be another streak on Friday night. It took me about a nanosecond to answer yes. Second question was "would women streak too?" and I said sure, why not? Well, after classes and lunch on Friday I thought it might be nice to advertise the streak I had "scheduled" for later that night. I went to one of the computer terminals scattered around campus (remember, this is 1974 and to use a computer, which was housed at TUCC (Triangle University Computer Center) somewhere in the RTP, and to write a program you typed your code into a machine that spit out a punch card. Next to the terminal was a dot matrix printer which had 17" wide paper. I got some scrap paper (OK, it was unused, but after I wrote on it it was scrap) and started making up signs. After several iterations of what to say, the final version wascl15876 wrote:PLEAZZZZEEEEE, ASK!!!!!! Reminds me of a story I heard about, I think at that place over yonder (flash back!!! ) when you ran necked (I think in K'ville)..... (shall I continue ???)TillyGalore wrote:We have to ask?OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Wear what? My non-existent t-shirt? AFAIK, none of the women have asked me to go topless...
and I put those up all over west campus. Even on a car belonging to WRDU (Channel 28 in Durham). I later called the TV station and finagled an interview on the 11 pm news that night. I was interviewed as a blacked out silhouette to protect my identity. Lou Bello, who did the sports during the broadcast, ending his segment by saying "Streak on!" Also, I was doing the 10:00 pm sports report on the campus radio station, at that time WDBS. I pre-recorded a preview of the streak, saying I had gotten the information from and informed source, which was me of course It was the last time I did the late night sports for WDBS. Hey, if you can't take a joke, ...First annual
coed come as you are
streak on the main quad at 1 AM!
Anyway, at 1 a.m., there were many hundreds of people milling around the main quad. You must remember that this was a time of great apathy on campus. To see that I had motivated that many people to come out on a cold (~28F) February night to either participate or watch was very inspirational. We gatherer around the JB Duke statue, and at 1 I dropped trow, as did hundreds of other folks. We ran around the the main quad, down towards the clock tower, then down towards the old hospital entrance, back to the bus station and down to the traffic circle. From there we ran to Hanes House (at the time the undergrad nurses' dorm). Someone produced a key card and when they handed it to me we ran into the lobby and around the first three floors of Hanes. Ask my wife or Mrs. DD - they were there, huddled inside their rooms with the doors locked, scared to death. My future wife's roommate was in a ladies room, and she stood on a toilet seat to "hide" the entire time After we left Hanes, we ran through the woods back towards west campus, and it was at this time that someone did a count. We had 623 streakers, and this was after running about a mile and a half. There were probably many more who had dropped out by this time, but for one night Duke held the record for the highest number of streakers on a college campus. It was broken the next night somewhere in California, but they had much nicer weather... For those of us who ran the whole way, we estimated we ran about 2 1/2 miles in the 28 degree weather. And yes, there were about a dozen women who joined in. One was a rush date I had had the year before, and all I could say to her was "now you get naked?"
A good time was had by all, nobody got hurt, and I didn't get kicked out of school. But it was suggested by Dean Douthat that I "not do it again"...
That's my official story, and I'm sticking to it!
I do not plan to streak on Saturday at Brunchgate. Nor at Tilly's party on the 19th. Sorry to disappoint the ladies