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Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 6:00 pm
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:Holy cow! I just won a game of Scrabble against Lavabe, Bostondevil, and Wilson with a bingo on a triple word score! :o
I was fourth person in the rotation ... ycch. BD (3rd in the rotation) blocked my J-E-E-Z, which would have scored me 90 pts.
:-w :-w :-w ~x( ~x( b-( b-( :-l

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 7:15 pm
by Rolvix
I want a Blizzard.
But first I need to make up my own experiment, perform it, and record everything about it. Any ideas?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 7:21 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
CellR wrote:I want a Blizzard.
But first I need to make up my own experiment, perform it, and record everything about it. Any ideas?
Make it involve a Blizzard.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 7:24 pm
by Rolvix
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
CellR wrote:I want a Blizzard.
But first I need to make up my own experiment, perform it, and record everything about it. Any ideas?
Make it involve a Blizzard.
Pure Genius.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by YmoBeThere
Billy Breen and some others were big fans of Real Genius.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 8:20 pm
by TillyGalore
Casino Royale is on. I didn't realize the big chase at the beginning of the movie was in Madagascar. Now, if I'd seen lemurs I might of known. ;) ;)

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 8:23 pm
by Rolvix
TillyGalore wrote:Casino Royale is on. I didn't realize the big chase at the beginning of the movie was in Madagascar. Now, if I'd seen lemurs I might of known. ;) ;)
And Quantum of Solace starts in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Sadly, the city they used in the movie is in much better shape then the real PAP. There weren't nearly enough people meandering on the streets, and the buildings looked wayyy too nice.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 8:46 pm
by CathyCA
devildeac wrote:
CathyCA wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Thank you.

It's interesting that the top ten posters all have over 1000 posts now.
And you are still a top ten poster. :D
I've never made the top ten before. I'm so excited!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 9:20 pm
by Rolvix
CathyCA wrote: I've never made the top ten before. I'm so excited!
:D :D :D

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 9:24 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
TillyGalore wrote:Casino Royale is on. I didn't realize the big chase at the beginning of the movie was in Madagascar. Now, if I'd seen lemurs I might of known. ;) ;)
I bought Quantum yesterday, and almost watched CR tonight, but decided to not watch either and instead I'm watching the Futurama movie on Comedy Central.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 9:25 pm
by CathyCA
I just made some guacamole.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 9:30 pm
by DukePA
CathyCA wrote:I just made some guacamole.
I adore guacamole!!!! Can you bring some to the second tailgate, pretty please :x ????

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 9:36 pm
by Lavabe
TillyGalore wrote:Casino Royale is on. I didn't realize the big chase at the beginning of the movie was in Madagascar. Now, if I'd seen lemurs I might of known. ;) ;)
Oh I sure did, and commented about it as such over yonder.

NOTE: Technical issue#1: Cobras are not found in Madagascar.
NOTE: Technical issue#2: You think there really are skyscraper construction cranes in Madagascar?

Yes... I was watching it too.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by CathyCA
DukePA wrote:
CathyCA wrote:I just made some guacamole.
I adore guacamole!!!! Can you bring some to the second tailgate, pretty please :x ????
Sure. I'd love to!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 10:29 pm
by DukieInKansas
TillyGalore wrote:
Bostondevil wrote:I developed a metal allergy after my last pregnancy. It's why I don't wear a wedding ring. Really.
I initially read this as "I developed a mental allergy."

So did I.

I figured the no wedding ring was just in case you met George.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 10:32 pm
by DukieInKansas
DukeUsul wrote:I'm with Ozzie, but I've been that way my whole life. Cats just kill me. Within an hour I can't breathe. Maybe I need to double or triple up on the benadryl. Nothing seems to ever do the trick.
I'm fortunate that it doesn't make me drowsy at all.
I wish that was true for me - you say Benadryl and I want to fall asleep.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 10:37 pm
by DukieInKansas
Sue71 wrote:Did I mention Fight Club is on AMCHD?
You don't talk about Fight Club.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 10:52 pm
by DukieInKansas
We had a community block party at church yesterday. We had know clue how many folks would show up. With it being free and the weather being great - not 100 degrees like normal for August, we estimate that we had 500-600 people present and I would guess 2/3 were not members of our congregation. May have been more people - we served 650 hot dogs and many of the volunteers admitted that they didn't get a dog. It was a lot of fun. We will definitely do it again. Whether we get new members from it remains to be seen.

There were a lot of tired people by the time everything was torn down and put away.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 11:26 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
CathyCA wrote:I just made some guacamole.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 11:27 pm
by Turk
"Say Anything" on the cable now... Forgot how good this one was... John Cusack breakout role... Whatever happened to Ione Skye? Paging IMDB!!