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Re: The Continuing Saga

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 10:48 pm
by IamDuke
ArkieDukie wrote:Okay, this continues to be a major headache. My realtor got the condo association to send a statement showing the amount of money in reserve. In fact, it shows that there's more than enough money in reserve. The underwriters still balked, but it's being appealed to someone above them. That happens at 8:00 am CDT. My closing is at 9:00 CDT. So, I'm still scheduled to show up and close tomorrow morning, and we may or may not have money from the bank at that time. I have a cashier's check ready to go but won't hand it over unless/until the bank's money is there. Had to postpone appliance delivery until Monday. I'm getting more gray hairs even as I type.
So, if there is more than enough money in reserve, and they deny on the appeal, find a very good lawyer, see if you have a case for your money, the stress and legal fees. You are really being "jacked around". Am sending good luck vibes to you.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 10:56 pm
by IamDuke
Well, its settled. We are still going on our trip next week to Fl. Harley now, isn't a problem. We're taking the 53 lb. 5 mo. old puppy. Wow, now I can sleep. PETS RULE!!!! :o3 :o3 :o3 :o3

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 11:32 pm
by Miles
I got screwed, we all did.

Lightning struck a control tower in Atlanta so I'm stuck here for the night. Cats have been moved to a kennel where they'll receive food and water, and get out of the crate. I feel so bad. :(

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 11:43 pm
by DevilAlumna
Goodness, I'm sorry to hear about AD's bank woes and Mile's travel troubles!! Hope things end up working out for both of you!

Almost makes me feel bad for my easy trip from Seattle to DC yesterday, and the beeyoootiful day I spent wandering around my old stomping grounds of Dupont Circle and NW DC today. Off to Annapolis tomorrow, whee!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 11:54 pm
by CathyCA
Miles wrote:I got screwed, we all did.

Lightning struck a control tower in Atlanta so I'm stuck here for the night. Cats have been moved to a kennel where they'll receive food and water, and get out of the crate. I feel so bad. :(

Re: The Continuing Saga

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 11:56 pm
by CathyCA
ArkieDukie wrote:Okay, this continues to be a major headache. My realtor got the condo association to send a statement showing the amount of money in reserve. In fact, it shows that there's more than enough money in reserve. The underwriters still balked, but it's being appealed to someone above them. That happens at 8:00 am CDT. My closing is at 9:00 CDT. So, I'm still scheduled to show up and close tomorrow morning, and we may or may not have money from the bank at that time. I have a cashier's check ready to go but won't hand it over unless/until the bank's money is there. Had to postpone appliance delivery until Monday. I'm getting more gray hairs even as I type.
I'm crossing my fingers, my arms, my toes, my legs, my eyes, and anything else that I can cross for you, Cheryl.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow morning!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 6:55 am
by Miles
So I'm having an allergic reaction to the deoderant Delta gave me in my overnight bag. Feels like my armpits are on fire. It's all good though, I should be at mom and dads in about two hours. It's comical, really. :))

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 6:59 am
by TillyGalore
Miles wrote:So I'm having an allergic reaction to the deoderant Delta gave me in my overnight bag. Feels like my armpits are on fire. It's all good though, I should be at mom and dads in about two hours. It's comical, really. :))
Hey Miles, Sorry about the cats and the deodorant. Glad you're laughing. Not sure if I could laugh. Did you get to see the kitties? That would be something I know I would be pushing for. Course, even after I saw them I'd hate leaving them behind.

Sending vibes for the last leg of your journey.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 7:34 am
by bjornolf
Sorry to the guys having so much trouble. Sending serious vibes.

And to DA, I'm sorry I didn't know you were in town. We could have gotten together for lunch or something! You could have met Katie. She LOVES new people.


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 9:05 am
by Bostondevil
Hey bjornolf, if three kids ever gets to be too much, I would happily take Katie off your hands for a few days. She could have 4 big brothers instead of just two. ;)

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 9:07 am
Miles wrote:So I'm having an allergic reaction to the deoderant Delta gave me in my overnight bag. Feels like my armpits are on fire. It's all good though, I should be at mom and dads in about two hours. It's comical, really. :))
At least you won't stink! :roll: :D =)) :ymdevil:

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 2:03 pm
by bjornolf
Bostondevil wrote:Hey bjornolf, if three kids ever gets to be too much, I would happily take Katie off your hands for a few days. She could have 4 big brothers instead of just two. ;)
I'll keep that in mind, though I don't think the wife would go for it. You could probably have our second son, though. His theme song is an old Elvis tune, "Devil in Disguise". O:-) :ymdevil: We love him so much, don't get me wrong, but handful doesn't even begin to describe him. If you have four adults and two kids in a group and he's one of the kids, the adults are automatically outnumbered. And if we don't get him out of the house to blow some energy EVERY DAY (we call it "walking the Michael"), forget about it. He's climbing the furniture, writing on the walls, beating up on his big brother, you name it. He creates one little pocket of chaos, and when you go to clean that up, he's off to the next thing to mess up. If you put him in his room in timeout so you can clean up, he just destroys his room. He's CRAZY, and he drives me crazy. 8-}


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 2:14 pm
by windsor
IamDuke wrote:Well, its settled. We are still going on our trip next week to Fl. Harley now, isn't a problem. We're taking the 53 lb. 5 mo. old puppy. Wow, now I can sleep. PETS RULE!!!! :o3 :o3 :o3 :o3
Ima....where in Florida are you going?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 6:41 pm
by YmoBeThere
Hoping everyone had a better Friday than Thursday!

All's well that ends well!

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 9:06 pm
by ArkieDukie
Found out 5 min into closing that my mortgage was approved. I'm a home owner again! My realtor rocks - she really made this happen. Apparently she told my loan officer, "I'm through talking with you; you're a moron. I want to talk to someone above you that actually knows what they're doing." rotflmao! =)) =)) So, she and the moron's supervisor got my loan to go through. If anyone ever needs a realtor in St. Louis, PM me. I've got the realtor for you! :-bd

Now for the fun of packing...

Re: All's well that ends well!

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 10:39 pm
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:Found out 5 min into closing that my mortgage was approved. I'm a home owner again! My realtor rocks - she really made this happen. Apparently she told my loan officer, "I'm through talking with you; you're a moron. I want to talk to someone above you that actually knows what they're doing." rotflmao! =)) =)) So, she and the moron's supervisor got my loan to go through. If anyone ever needs a realtor in St. Louis, PM me. I've got the realtor for you! :-bd

Now for the fun of packing...
Congrats... now go out and have a WHEACH!! :D

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 11:07 pm
by bjornolf
That's awesome, dude. Congratulations! Enjoy! Glad it all worked out. I still think you should find that guy and kick him on basic principle, though. b-(


Re: All's well that ends well!

Posted: April 24th, 2009, 11:39 pm
by TillyGalore
ArkieDukie wrote:Found out 5 min into closing that my mortgage was approved. I'm a home owner again! My realtor rocks - she really made this happen. Apparently she told my loan officer, "I'm through talking with you; you're a moron. I want to talk to someone above you that actually knows what they're doing." rotflmao! =)) =)) So, she and the moron's supervisor got my loan to go through. If anyone ever needs a realtor in St. Louis, PM me. I've got the realtor for you! :-bd

Now for the fun of packing...
Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations! CathyCa, Ozzie, and I were talking about this at dinner tonight and wondering how things went.

When do you move in?

Re: All's well that ends well!

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 12:30 am
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Found out 5 min into closing that my mortgage was approved. I'm a home owner again! My realtor rocks - she really made this happen. Apparently she told my loan officer, "I'm through talking with you; you're a moron. I want to talk to someone above you that actually knows what they're doing." rotflmao! =)) =)) So, she and the moron's supervisor got my loan to go through. If anyone ever needs a realtor in St. Louis, PM me. I've got the realtor for you! :-bd

Now for the fun of packing...
Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations! CathyCa, Ozzie, and I were talking about this at dinner tonight and wondering how things went.

When do you move in?
I was just going to post this when I read your post, but Tilly beat me to it - she lives a bit closer to Cameron than I do. I got home from the banquet/program about midnight. A good time was had by all. Tilly started the "Please don't go!" chant when G won an award! She's so roooooooooooooowdy! =)) =))

Congratulations AD!

Re: All's well that ends well!

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 12:35 am
by Sue71
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Found out 5 min into closing that my mortgage was approved. I'm a home owner again! My realtor rocks - she really made this happen. Apparently she told my loan officer, "I'm through talking with you; you're a moron. I want to talk to someone above you that actually knows what they're doing." rotflmao! =)) =)) So, she and the moron's supervisor got my loan to go through. If anyone ever needs a realtor in St. Louis, PM me. I've got the realtor for you! :-bd

Now for the fun of packing...
Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations! CathyCa, Ozzie, and I were talking about this at dinner tonight and wondering how things went.

When do you move in?
Hey did you try to call me tonight?