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Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 9:51 pm
by colchar
CameronBornAndBred wrote:JE gave an explanation for the closure two days after closing it.
No popularity contests allowed.

Isn't there whole site a popularity contest?

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 11th, 2009, 9:52 pm
by colchar
windsor wrote:The knew the Lemurs would win.

Unless they brought out the lasers again. In that scenario the Lemurs woulda been fucked.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 2:31 pm
by throatybeard
The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 2:55 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.
I would hardly call it hatred..but we do feel free to call 'em out. If it was hatred, none of us would be posting there.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:03 pm
by Miles
I suggest we lock this thread before any sane, rational debate occurs. We simply cannot have honest discussions about our feelings in this forum. :|

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:06 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Miles wrote: :|
Is that smilie Swiss?

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:13 pm
by Miles
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Miles wrote: :|
Is that smilie Swiss?
It's supposed to be the Yahoo smiley that : - |
We gotta get rid of some of these duplicate smilies.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:18 pm
by wilson
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.
But it wasn't paranoid for the DBR to summarily shut down a benign, casual conversation.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:21 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Miles wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Miles wrote: :|
Is that smilie Swiss?
It's supposed to be the Yahoo smiley that : - |
We gotta get rid of some of these duplicate smilies.
Done! :D

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:25 pm
by colchar
wilson wrote:
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.
But it wasn't paranoid for the DBR to summarily shut down a benign, casual conversation.

Good point.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:26 pm
by colchar
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.

Much of this thread is sarcasm directed towards the continuing idiocy and double standards over there. If you don't want to hear it, feel free not to read it.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:28 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.
I would hardly call it hatred..but we do feel free to call 'em out. If it was hatred, none of us would be posting there.
A repressive atmosphere can stimulate venting for a long time....

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:46 pm
by TillyGalore
throatybeard wrote:The amount of paranoia in this thread is amazing.

You'd think that six months later or whatever it is this sibling-rivalry style hatred directed towards the DBR would have subsided.
This is our board and we can talk about whatever the hell we want to talk about. Which is precisely why some of us (I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here) don't post or visit DBR anymore. That isn't a pub, hell it's not even an our house our rules place, as the rules change and it does depend on which mod you tangle with.

I don't hate DBR, but I'll never go back. I tend to stay away from places that treat their clients with such hostility. I used the term clients as DBR asks for money. Funny how they want us to help fund it, but they don't want any input from us. You really shouldn't bite the hand that feeds.

We are a mature group of individuals who have formed a pub. We post threads when we need support. We post threads when we want to celebrate something. And, some of post threads for the sake of posting threads. And no one feels repressed.

Throaty, your paranoia is perceived. And, you're the only one who sees CTN and DBR as rivalries. Since you are the only person that feels that way, maybe it's you who has issues. I'm sure I can find someone with a couch in St. Louis to help you work out your issues.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 3:58 pm
by throatybeard
Jeez, Tilly, hostility much?
TillyGalore wrote:This is our board and we can talk about whatever the hell we want to talk about.
No one suggested otherwise, certainly not me.
TillyGalore wrote:And, you're the only one who sees CTN and DBR as rivalries.
This couldn't be further from the truth. Y'all bitch about DBR all the time. I see what's in front of me. CT literally never comes up there.*

* -- well there was that one time some undergrads started a similarly-named URL, but that was it.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:02 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I don't mind y'all debating, just please be civil. This thread would get shut down on both sites if it turns into attacks. :ympray:

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by throatybeard
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I don't mind y'all debating, just please be civil. This thread would get shut down on both sites if it turns into attacks. :ympray:
I haven't even remotely attacked anyone. I was merely lamenting the hostility several folks here direct at the other site, even 6 months later.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:10 pm
by TillyGalore
throatybeard wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:And, you're the only one who sees CTN and DBR as rivalries.
This couldn't be further from the truth. Y'all bitch about DBR all the time. I see what's in front of me.

Again, this is your perception.

We do talk about the inconsistencies over there. But, it's just a conversation.

I think you're being grossly unfair to us over here. You pop in occasionally, and yet you come up with this wild idea that we hate DBR.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:13 pm
by throatybeard
I really don't think that Colchar's (for example) attitude could be categorized by any reasonable person as anything other than hostility.

And the less said about you ordering me to go get psychiatric help, the better. (And I really don't see what the city I live in has to do with anything).

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:20 pm
by TillyGalore
throatybeard wrote:I really don't think that Colchar's (for example) attitude could be categorized by any reasonable person as anything other than hostility.

And the less said about you ordering me to go get psychiatric help, the better. (And I really don't see what the city I live in has to do with anything).
Why are you even bothering to bring this all up? It's almost as if you want to stir up trouble.

Re: How famous are you on the DBR?

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 4:21 pm
by windsor
throatybeard wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I don't mind y'all debating, just please be civil. This thread would get shut down on both sites if it turns into attacks. :ympray:
I haven't even remotely attacked anyone. I was merely lamenting the hostility several folks here direct at the other site, even 6 months later.

There are some folks here who were treated very badly by some folks over there....since they considered the OTB on DBR a cyber 'home' they were upset...and may well still have a bad taste in their mouth. I think they feel somewhat vindicated when they observe the same things occurring over there that caused them to leave.

I was actually concerned when we started over here that it would turn into an 'all dbr basihng all the time' site. It surely is NOT that. The number of references to 'over yonder' are dropping with the passage of time. Some things ('sounds like dumbo') have become inside jokes and are not so much a reflection on DBR as they are a part of the history of CTN. Lasers is the same thing. It isn't a bash, it is joke - did it start on the DBR, sure it did...but it has a life of its own now.

There is a post in history of CTN thread where I said 'they (DBR) have their place and we have ours'. Many of us post both places. I post much less over there than I did before CTN mostly because I only have so many posting minutes in a day. :D CTN reminds of the DBR way back when (minus post verification crap) when you could be stupid and silly and pointless becasue it was a much smaller place...where I 'knew' darn near all the posters...and they 'knew' me. The two sites are very different...but I venture to guess if DBR had 'spawned' from another site that other site would get a mentioned from time to time. We came from there, most of us met over there so we still have some ties, good and bad, 'over yonder'.