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Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 29th, 2009, 2:30 pm
by devildeac
April-no problems. Oh, wait, wrong thread. :oops: :roll:
May's report is just around the corner...

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 29th, 2009, 9:47 pm
by captmojo
Before the May report goes up, I know you've probably had it rougher than any of us.
May your leftover calender be filled with the best.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 29th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by devildeac
captmojo wrote:Before the May report goes up, I know you've probably had it rougher than any of us.
May your leftover calender be filled with the best.
Thanks again. Seriously. Once this thread has kinda run its course, I'll post some reflective thoughts concerning many of the things we still have about which we are still thankful and hopeful.

May was not too bad unless you consider all the rejection letters our son received from his med school applications during the month. :( :((

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 4:10 pm
by YmoBeThere
I'm posting while at work. Not good. It is that bad.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 4:31 pm
by Lavabe
Keeping in mind the thread title, how about them 2003 Red Sox? ... e_in_2003/

Man... life is not good. X(

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 4:34 pm
by Lavabe
YmoBeThere wrote:I'm posting while at work. Not good. It is that bad.
Are you the boss/owner at work? :D

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 9:09 pm
by YmoBeThere
I was practicing the subtle art of work avoidance while posting. Mainly because I was mad...

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 9:20 pm
by DukieInKansas
YmoBeThere wrote:I was practicing the subtle art of work avoidance while posting. Mainly because I was mad...
Do you need some shin kicks directed toward someone? Foot is ready and willing.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 9:38 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Throwing my 2 cents in again, and sharing a philosphy.

No matter how much your day sucked, in 5 years it won't matter.
I live by that. I don't know why I picked 5 years, it's usually shorter. But the point is things will get better. My philophy has one caveat. If you killed anyone on your sucky day, then in 5 years it will matter and your day will still suck. But provided you aren't a murderer, you're good to go. So what ya outta do is rejoice in your days suckiness. Soak it in, and remember it for a while. Then when things are so-so, you can look back and realize that by comparison you are a happy camper.
I'm giving a shout out to one sentence in this thread that I loved, and sort of backs up my philosophy.
From Wilson--
"Agreed with all of this. And remember, crying is totally cool, too. I wish I did it more." That's awesome. Just don't forget the tears. They make even average times better.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 31st, 2009, 11:14 pm
by devildeac
Just checking back. I believe I am up to June now with updates. Oh yea, effective June 30, both of my older children are now unemployed and the oldest has moved back home. :( Don't worry, I will add a few things to the Life Is Good thread as not everything is bad. We still have plenty of things for which we are thankful.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 2nd, 2009, 7:14 pm
by wilson
CameronBornAndBred wrote: --------
I'm giving a shout out to one sentence in this thread that I loved, and sort of backs up my philosophy.
From Wilson--
"Agreed with all of this. And remember, crying is totally cool, too. I wish I did it more." That's awesome. Just don't forget the tears. They make even average times better.
Thanks for this shout out. I've actually gotten better about this in recent years. These days, it tends to be a personally meaningful song that hits at the right moment and opens the waterworks (a couple of times a month, I guess). And I cry daily during the Christmas season.
So yes, crying is good.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 2nd, 2009, 9:56 pm
by DukieInKansas
wilson wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote: --------
I'm giving a shout out to one sentence in this thread that I loved, and sort of backs up my philosophy.
From Wilson--
"Agreed with all of this. And remember, crying is totally cool, too. I wish I did it more." That's awesome. Just don't forget the tears. They make even average times better.
Thanks for this shout out. I've actually gotten better about this in recent years. These days, it tends to be a personally meaningful song that hits at the right moment and opens the waterworks (a couple of times a month, I guess). And I cry daily during the Christmas season.
So yes, crying is good.
Agree that crying is a good thing. Certain movies and songs will do it for me. Our church voted on their favorite hymns and we have been singing them this month. This morning, we sand #7 - It is Well With My Soul. I managed to sing that at Dad's funeral without crying - not this morning. I did better at second service.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 8:21 am
by devildeac
DukieInKansas wrote:
wilson wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote: --------
I'm giving a shout out to one sentence in this thread that I loved, and sort of backs up my philosophy.
From Wilson--
"Agreed with all of this. And remember, crying is totally cool, too. I wish I did it more." That's awesome. Just don't forget the tears. They make even average times better.
Thanks for this shout out. I've actually gotten better about this in recent years. These days, it tends to be a personally meaningful song that hits at the right moment and opens the waterworks (a couple of times a month, I guess). And I cry daily during the Christmas season.
So yes, crying is good.
Agree that crying is a good thing. Certain movies and songs will do it for me. Our church voted on their favorite hymns and we have been singing them this month. This morning, we sand #7 - It is Well With My Soul. I managed to sing that at Dad's funeral without crying - not this morning. I did better at second service.
We also sang that at Dad's memorial service. I did NOT make it through without tears. We had communion at church today. I did not make it through the last hymn without tears. More on that later this week or this weekend as I kinda want to wrap up this thread from my perspective as July didn't suck too much :roll: . But, then again, there's always August... :roll: :oops: I hope others will continue to make additions to this thread as their situations warrant/allow.

I alluded to posting on the Life Is Good thread also, as things aren't all that bad and we still have many things for which we are thankful and I'll try to compose a paragraph or two or a list later this week.

Thanks for your reading and patience.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 8:37 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
This is a GOOD thread! Period.
Love you guys, Ima

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 12:17 pm
by DukePA
I have tried to be positive since my boss died in April and I lost my job in May, but I'm finding that rather difficult today. I called my health insurance company last Thursday to find out if I have a COBRA option and was told that my insurance was still active. Yay! I thought hey, the lawyers for Chris's estate must be paying the premium because I've never recieved any notification that my policy was cancelled. Then I get a letter Saturday stating that my policy was cancelled May 31st and that I have 63 days to obtain coverage in order avoid pre-existing conditions in future coverage. Guess what- 63 days was yesterday. I had less than 24 hours notice. I called the insurance company this morning and was informed that the group notified them on Thursday that the policy was cancelled and made the cancellation retroactive to May. I called the group administrators and I'm completely fucked. My group obviously doesn't exist any more. Oh, I could get an individual policy, but I can't afford that. My unemployment is a third of my previous salary. I don't have savings because I graduated 2 years ago and have been trying to finally get my life going.

For those who don't want health care reform, think about me. I've played by the rules. I've done nothing wrong. I'm not trying to scam the system or ask for a handout. Damn, I'm a PA who graduated from the best PA program in the world who is up past her neck in student loan debt (more than $100,000) and I can't afford to get sick. I can't afford to see a doctor. If I have a serious accident or develop a serious illness before I get a new job, I'm fucked. For those who think the uninsured are lazy, incompetent, or reckless, I would venture to say that most of us are not. We're just people who are trying to play by the rules and do the right thing.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 12:27 pm
by captmojo
DukePA wrote:I have tried to be positive since my boss died in April and I lost my job in May, but I'm finding that rather difficult today. I called my health insurance company last Thursday to find out if I have a COBRA option and was told that my insurance was still active. Yay! I thought hey, the lawyers for Chris's estate must be paying the premium because I've never recieved any notification that my policy was cancelled. Then I get a letter Saturday stating that my policy was cancelled May 31st and that I have 63 days to obtain coverage in order avoid pre-existing conditions in future coverage. Guess what- 63 days was yesterday. I had less than 24 hours notice. I called the insurance company this morning and was informed that the group notified them on Thursday that the policy was cancelled and made the cancellation retroactive to May. I called the group administrators and I'm completely fucked. My group obviously doesn't exist any more. Oh, I could get an individual policy, but I can't afford that. My unemployment is a third of my previous salary. I don't have savings because I graduated 2 years ago and have been trying to finally get my life going.

For those who don't want health care reform, think about me. I've played by the rules. I've done nothing wrong. I'm not trying to scam the system or ask for a handout. Damn, I'm a PA who graduated from the best PA program in the world who is up past her neck in student loan debt (more than $100,000) and I can't afford to get sick. I can't afford to see a doctor. If I have a serious accident or develop a serious illness before I get a new job, I'm fucked. For those who think the uninsured are lazy, incompetent, or reckless, I would venture to say that most of us are not. We're just people who are trying to play by the rules and do the right thing.
Assholes! :evil:
Is there no way to appeal?

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 12:42 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
DukePA, I understand what you're talking about regarding health care and hope the nay sayers get the message, too. As for those handling your boss's estate, either they're slow or they're greedy.

Are you looking for a job only where you live now? Medical care is very big employer in Winston-Salem.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 12:54 pm
by DukieInKansas
DukePA - you might also check with the North Carolina Dept of Insurance ( to see if they followed all the rules for notifying you of the change in your policy. COBRA has some specific requirements for notification - but the size of the group plan makes a difference in the COBRA coverage.

Hang in there - vibes are still heading your way for the job possibilities that are on your list - I hope they make the correct decision soon and you have a couple of offers to consider.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 1:04 pm
by captmojo
There is also the possibility of federal subsidies for premium payments under COBRA.
With this being a hot-button issue, for now, investigate under every stone.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: August 3rd, 2009, 1:07 pm
by DukePA
Thanks everybody. DitBD, I am looking here and have several promising leads, it's just taking forever. DinK, thanks for the link. I'll definitely take a look. And Capt, I think the bottom line is that the practice no longer exists so there is no one to pay the employer portion of COBRA. Maybe there's recourse with the group administrator for not notifying me in a timely manner, but I'm not sure what that would be.

Thanks for the vibes!