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Re: Christmas receiving thread

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 7:49 pm
by cl15876
OFF TOPIC... RAFEEEEEE... that is the guy that sings kids songs and makes millions!

Re: Christmas receiving thread

Posted: January 4th, 2010, 11:05 pm
by craziecat
cl15876 wrote:OFF TOPIC... RAFEEEEEE... that is the guy that sings kids songs and makes millions!
Um, Yes he does. Just goes to show, you don't have to sing all that great or play guitar to make major bucks from the parents of little kids, imo.

Re: Christmas receiving thread

Posted: January 5th, 2010, 1:23 am
by cl15876
windsor wrote:..the best gift (besides having everyone together) ..Nook e....I am beyond excited to get it!
Congrats Windsor! :D ;)

Re: Christmas receiving thread

Posted: January 5th, 2010, 1:23 pm
by cl15876
windsor wrote:We had 20 friends/family over for the traditional brunch at my house...the best gift (besides having everyone together) hasn't shown up yet...Mr. Windsor ordered me the Nook e-reader (we knew when he ordered it that it wouldn't ship until 1/15)....I am beyond excited to get it!
Seriously, that looks pretty cool! Do you have to buy a special service to download e-books to it?

Re: Christmas receiving thread

Posted: January 5th, 2010, 3:16 pm
by windsor
cl15876 wrote:
windsor wrote:We had 20 friends/family over for the traditional brunch at my house...the best gift (besides having everyone together) hasn't shown up yet...Mr. Windsor ordered me the Nook e-reader (we knew when he ordered it that it wouldn't ship until 1/15)....I am beyond excited to get it!
Seriously, that looks pretty cool! Do you have to buy a special service to download e-books to it?
You do not. Most books cost $ (a current best seller is $9-$10) You can download via wifi (comes with AT&T 3G free), connect usb to a computer or at any barnes and noble. One of the reasons I selected the Nook over the Kindle is its ability to read multiple formats...not the proprietary Amazon format like kindle. Kindle has bnetter web browsing - but since I'm usually within 10 feet of a computer AND my crackberry can surf...I didn't think that was a deal breaker. Nook does use the Android operating system, so Andreoid apps can apparenlty load on it although right now it requires some hacking....I don't think that will las long!

Nook also has a 'lend' feature so if I bought book 'X' I could loan in to you for two weeks - so you could read it free. There are thousands of titles downloadable for nothing. Older certainly but there a several classics I've never read.

When mine arrives I'll give y'all a full review!!