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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: September 30th, 2020, 2:21 pm
by dudog
So I just poked in OY to see some reactions to the debate. Don't understand the false equivalence given to the debate performances last night. Trump was far ruder. What was Joe supposed to do, lie down and take it? If he had not responded somewhat in kind, everyone would be screaming that he looked weak.

Don't see how Joe could have done much better. Sure, we all think back on a confrontation and think "Ooh, I should have said ______". He looked directly into the camera to address Americans several times, Trump never did. He tried to talk a little policy, Trump never did. As to polling, 30-40% said Trump won and/or Joe didn't help himself in their eyes. Surprise! That's Trump's hardcore base. And anyone tuning in to see Sleepy Joe The Mental Deficient was either sorely disappointed (Trumpers) or pleasantly surprised (undecideds, worrywart Ds).

One thing OY, Jason doesn't understand betting. After initial odds are posted, all movement is based upon where the money is being placed. It has nothing to do with who (candidate or team) is expected to win, it's all about evening out the betting. I know just enough about gambling to not do it.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: September 30th, 2020, 8:58 pm
by dudog
According to the Washington Post's Aaron Blake, Trump interrupted 71 times and Biden interrupted 22 times during the 98-minute debate. ... li=BBnb7Kz

The false equivalency being preached by some is disgusting. But liars find liars. Birds of a feather.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 2:49 am
by OPK
“If Donald Trump wins, he will be America’s first openly asshole President.”

— Jon Stewart, 2016

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 3:06 am
by OPK
^^^ although that comparison is not really fair to assholes.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 7:34 am
by ArkieDukie
There were a couple of things I really wanted Biden to mention:
1. When Trump bragged about all of the judges he has appointed, I really wanted Biden to point out that he got a lot of slots to fill NOT because Obama didn’t make appointments but because McConnell refused to do his constitutional duty and bring the nominees forward. (Side bar: it would do a lot for this country if Mitch McConnell lost. He is just as dangerous as Trump. We don’t want him to ever have the opportunity to be in power ever again.)
2. When Trump bragged about his rallies and how there were no problems from them, I really wanted Biden to ask him if Herman Cain’s family held a similar opinion. As I recall, his was not the only Covid-19 case that came from the Tulsa rally.

To me, Trump came across as a belligerent a$$hole. Anyone who thinks he won that $hit$show doesn’t know how debates are supposed to work.

One of the best suggestions I heard was to put each candidate in their own separate soundproof booth, only turning on their microphone when it’s their turn to speak. That’s about the only way to make the debate work, when you have a narcissist like Trump. Another suggestion was to equip the moderator with a Super Soaker, to let them douse whoever interrupts. Trump is so vain about his hair and makeup, that might be a good motivating factor.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 7:38 am
by ArkieDukie
Phredd3 wrote:
September 29th, 2020, 12:44 pm
ArkieDukie wrote:
September 29th, 2020, 7:49 am
I would like to see the Democrats turn Kamala Harris loose with this mission.
I would prefer Kamala to play a strictly legal role here and ONLY ask legal viewpoint questions. Nothing that can be seen as a political attack. She needs to stay incredibly professional and not give the opposition reason to show up and vote specifically against her. She has to do aggressive questioning, I agree, but it has to be one professional to another. It's a tough walk she's going to have to do. I think she's more than capable of doing it, though.
The lengthy Facebook post that I cited suggests doing exactly that. Keep the tone respectful, and very civilly ask questions regarding the many legal violations of the Trump Administration, without specifically naming them. Emoluments, Hatch Act, collusion. The list goes on. It might also be interesting to ask her interpretation of obstruction of justice. Mueller named several instances of case law establishing that no crime had to be committed for obstruction of justice to occur. Barr acquitted Trump immediately and said no crime, no collusion. Of course, being handpicked by Adolt Twittler, she probably agrees with Barr’s stance.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 8:55 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Since the debate commission is looking at changing the platform, including turning off mikes, I can easily see Trump using that as an excuse to walk away. If I were ANYONE on his campaign staff, I'd be urging him to skip it. The only people he made happy during that debate was his base; the folks he is needing to win over were horrified. I don't expect that to change in Round Two.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 8:59 am
by dudog
ArkieDukie wrote:
October 1st, 2020, 7:34 am
There were a couple of things I really wanted Biden to mention:
1. When Trump bragged about all of the judges he has appointed, I really wanted Biden to point out that he got a lot of slots to fill NOT because Obama didn’t make appointments but because McConnell refused to do his constitutional duty and bring the nominees forward. (Side bar: it would do a lot for this country if Mitch McConnell lost. He is just as dangerous as Trump. We don’t want him to ever have the opportunity to be in power ever again.)
2. When Trump bragged about his rallies and how there were no problems from them, I really wanted Biden to ask him if Herman Cain’s family held a similar opinion. As I recall, his was not the only Covid-19 case that came from the Tulsa rally.

To me, Trump came across as a belligerent a$$hole. Anyone who thinks he won that $hit$show doesn’t know how debates are supposed to work.

One of the best suggestions I heard was to put each candidate in their own separate soundproof booth, only turning on their microphone when it’s their turn to speak. That’s about the only way to make the debate work, when you have a narcissist like Trump. Another suggestion was to equip the moderator with a Super Soaker, to let them douse whoever interrupts. Trump is so vain about his hair and makeup, that might be a good motivating factor.
I've often thought how dangerous Trump would be if he was smart.

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Trumper's think debates are for pointy-headed nerds (their feelings from whatever grade they made it to in school).

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 9:57 am
by dudog
Just heard a great line: "We don't watch news to inform us, we watch news to affirm us."

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 10:39 am
by CameronBornAndBred
dudog wrote:
October 1st, 2020, 8:59 am
I've often thought how dangerous Trump would be if he was smart.
The Lincoln Project quickly came out with an ad after the debate highlighting Trump's "smarts".

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 9:18 pm
by dudog
Anyone know what happens if one of the candidates is in the hospital weeks before the election?

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 9:52 pm
by OPK
dudog wrote:
October 1st, 2020, 9:18 pm
Anyone know what happens if one of the candidates is in the hospital weeks before the election?
We call it a hoax?

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 10:58 pm
by CrazyNotCrazie
Don Jr.'s girlfriend Guilfoyle sounds like she fits in perfectly with the family - sexual harassment of her female assistant. ... I1pVVs0Tfk

It will be very interesting to see if Trump cuts back his schedule given that he was likely in close proximity to someone who had COVID. And hopefully Biden stayed really far away from her.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 12:17 am
by CameronBornAndBred
“Speaking to a mostly white crowd in Duluth, Minnesota on Wednesday, Trump gave a shout-out to the suburbs, particularly “women in the suburbs.” He boasted he was the person to end an Obama-era fair housing rule, which he said brought “low-income housing” to suburbia.
"By the way, just so we can get this straight, 30 percent of the people in the suburbs are low-income people. Thirty percent of the people in the suburbs are minorities. And so we’re ruining this American dream for everybody,” Trump said.
Holeeee fuck

:twitch: ... li=BBnb7Kz

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 12:59 am
by dudog
Gotta love tape recorders. Now it's Melania in her own words.

“Give me a f---ing break!" she said of media questions about President Trump’s family separation policy in a conversation recorded by former confidant and aide Stephanie Winston Wolkoff.

“Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f--- about Christmas stuff and decoration? But I need to do it, right?” the First Lady groused to Wolkoff in the July 2018 conversation. ... li=BBnbfcL

Wonder what excuse the Christians will come up with for this one. And such a potty-mouth. Tsk tsk.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 6:07 am
by OPK
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 2nd, 2020, 12:17 am
“Speaking to a mostly white crowd in Duluth, Minnesota on Wednesday, Trump gave a shout-out to the suburbs, particularly “women in the suburbs.” He boasted he was the person to end an Obama-era fair housing rule, which he said brought “low-income housing” to suburbia.
"By the way, just so we can get this straight, 30 percent of the people in the suburbs are low-income people. Thirty percent of the people in the suburbs are minorities. And so we’re ruining this American dream for everybody,” Trump said.
Holeeee fuck

:twitch: ... li=BBnb7Kz
To be fair, some people don’t belong at Bushwood.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 8:35 am
by CameronBornAndBred
If only there were way to help prevent people from contracting Covid. If only not being so close to each other, or even having some kind of protective mouth/nose covering could help.

If only that were possible...

Karma is enjoying her tour of the White House today.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 8:37 am
by CrazyNotCrazie
As someone who likes rules and order, what has troubled me the most about the Trump presidency is the constant chaos around it - I have had four years of constant anxiety. So now my head is absolutely spinning trying to figure out all of the possible end games of Trump having COVID. He thrives being out at his rallies, so this definitely hurts him from that perspective. I'm still trying to figure out its impact on the narrative about COVID, but that partially depends on how he, Melania and Hicks recover.

He better not have gotten Biden sick.

Now is the time for the Biden campaign and the Lincoln Project to buy every second of advertising on Fox News in the DC area. Trump will be sitting home all day watching TV.

It will also be time for Twitter to vigorously enforce its terms of service and take down any of Trump's tweets that violate those terms. Because he will also be tweeting even more than ever.

This is also an opportunity for Dems to put their foots in their mouths so everyone has to be very careful and stay on message - not just the Biden campaign but all Democrats, as anything that any Democrat says now rolls up to Biden.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 8:54 am
by CameronBornAndBred
CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
October 2nd, 2020, 8:37 am
As someone who likes rules and order, what has troubled me the most about the Trump presidency is the constant chaos around it - I have had four years of constant anxiety. So now my head is absolutely spinning trying to figure out all of the possible end games of Trump having COVID. He thrives being out at his rallies, so this definitely hurts him from that perspective. I'm still trying to figure out its impact on the narrative about COVID, but that partially depends on how he, Melania and Hicks recover.

He better not have gotten Biden sick.

Now is the time for the Biden campaign and the Lincoln Project to buy every second of advertising on Fox News in the DC area. Trump will be sitting home all day watching TV.

It will also be time for Twitter to vigorously enforce its terms of service and take down any of Trump's tweets that violate those terms. Because he will also be tweeting even more than ever.

This is also an opportunity for Dems to put their foots in their mouths so everyone has to be very careful and stay on message - not just the Biden campaign but all Democrats, as anything that any Democrat says now rolls up to Biden.
:spork: :spork:

Trump by any medical ruling HAS to stay in quarantine for 2 weeks. If he is not symptomatic, there is no chance of that happening. He'll be out running around in less than a week if he has his way. On the flipside, he could very well show symptoms, and actually get sick. This is not a short term illness. (A neighbor has it and she has been having a rough time of it for close to three weeks now.) It would effectively knock him out off the campaign trail for the remainder of the election cycle.
I wonder how many others in the WH are going to test positive. I'd put the chances of anybody else around him not testing positive as slim to none.
Hope Hicks is supposedly symptomatic, and the President is of course not the only one that she's been in close contact with lately.
From what I've read, many folks in the GOP, including campaign advisers, see this is as the last straw for any of his re-election chances.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: October 2nd, 2020, 9:21 am
by Phredd3
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 1st, 2020, 10:39 am
dudog wrote:
October 1st, 2020, 8:59 am
I've often thought how dangerous Trump would be if he was smart.
The Lincoln Project quickly came out with an ad after the debate highlighting Trump's "smarts".
I so wanted the Biden comeback.

T: Don't every use that word "smart" with me.
B: Oh, don't worry. Nobody will.