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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 21st, 2017, 11:40 pm
by devildeac
Ninjabread Man (2017)-Asheville Brewing Company (I think)

Thanks to ricks68 for snagging this shortly after its release last week!

Medium to dark brown pour with a tan, foamy head. Sugar and spice and everything nice, especially milk chocolate, ginger, dark bread, caramel and likely some nutmeg and cinnamon tickled my nostrils and palate from my pint glass as we shared this bomber about 5 ways. I think the label quoted IBUs of 26 and the ABV was 5.6%. Liquid gingerbread for breakfast!

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 22nd, 2017, 2:36 pm
by devildeac
At least the beer got better as the tailgate went on .

BBA Sexual Chocolate (2017)-Foothills Brewing Company

Many thanks to dpslaw for procuring this one last month when it was released and sharing it yesterday!

Pour from a bomber shared about 5 ways was almost black with a modest, mocha-colored head. Heavenly nose of dark chocolate and bourbon. Tastes of dark caramels dipped in semi-sweet chocolate with some dark fruits and a long, long, warming boozy finish. I'm guessing (not sure I'd call it remembering) the IBUs about 70 for this imperial stout with the ABV on the painted label at 9.6%. I think it was burgers and Costco foot longs, both with all the toppings, about this time, but I mostly sipped my portion without any food but kick myself for not having one of TNTDevil's dark chocolate/espresso fudge cups.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 22nd, 2017, 2:56 pm
by devildeac
Return to Lemuria-Fullsteam Brewing

I think this was the correct name as the astute fuse told me he thought Lemuria was a brown ale and beeradvocate called Lemuria a Belgian strong dark ale. This bomber contained an imperial stout brewed with cocoa and vanilla, IIRC.

Many thanks to August West for finding and sharing!

Pour was a dark brown and not black. In fact, it was not very opaque as I thought it would be. Nose of cocoa and vanilla with the same tastes, only stronger. I can't recall if this was a BBA beer or not. Dark caramel and dark fruits were other perceived flavors. I'll guess IBUs of 70 and the ABV was a warming 11%. Another creation that could be sipped by itself at cellar temperature with or without a chocolate and/or caramel dessert.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 22nd, 2017, 11:26 pm
by devildeac
For Pete's Sake-DuClaw Brewing

The older, stronger, bigger brother of Sweet Baby Jesus.

Mucho thanks to August West (again!) for sneaking this 12 ounce bottle in after Ninjabread Man and before the BBA Sexual Chocolate and an apology for not reviewing it in "sequence."

It's an imperial porter that poured a slightly thin, but dark brown hue with a creamy, tan head. A liquid Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Really. Smelled like peanut butter and cocoa and tasted even more like it. I'll guess IBUs around 40 and the ABV was 9%. Yep, a booze-laden candy treat . This would have been very interesting to sip with a thin sliver of the above mentioned Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate cheesecake but alas, the solid dessert had vanished so we were "left" with this liquid delight.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 22nd, 2017, 11:40 pm
by devildeac
From 1/5/11:
devildeac wrote:Live Free or Die IPA-21st Amendment Brewing

Another CB&B trader and surprise winner. I have read/heard about this brewery/pub in SF but no prior tastings. This was a canned brew from the specialty shop in Blacksburg. Pours a gold color, 2 finger head with a bouquet of hop aromas, including a bit of citrus and a bit of pine. Solid balance with the malts and a hint of caramel sweetness. IBU at 70 and the ABV is 7% from the 6 hop varieties and 2 malts. Pair with spicy dishes or thick soups/stews, ribs and BBQ. This is actually a contract brew with Cold Spring, Minnesota listed as the brewery/place of origin. Not sure what they pour in SF, whether it is brewed on site or in the frozen north. Worth a single, 6er/trader. :clap:
Wow! Tried to find this review here from 1/5/11 and just discovered there were no posts on Ymm, Beer, from 11/9/10 to 6/10/11. Did Richard Nixon visit the site and do a bit of, umm, "editing?"

From elsewhere on 1/5/11:

Live Free or Die IPA-21st Amendment Brewing

Another CB&B trader and surprise winner. I have read/heard about this brewery/pub in SF but no prior tastings. This was a canned brew from the specialty shop in Blacksburg. Pours a gold color, 2 finger head with a bouquet of hop aromas, including a bit of citrus and a bit of pine. Solid balance with the malts and a hint of caramel sweetness. IBU at 70 and the ABV is 7% from the 6 hop varieties and 2 malts. Pair with spicy dishes or thick soups/stews, ribs and BBQ. This is actually a contract brew with Cold Spring, Minnesota listed as the brewery/place of origin. Not sure what they pour in SF, whether it is brewed on site or in the frozen north. Worth a single, 6er/trader.

From tonight:

Brew Free! Or Die IPA-21st Amendment Brewing

Name change without much in the way of obvious olfactory or gustatory sensations. No MN connection/location is mentioned as the only brewing site on this 12 ounce can received as a trader from (you guessed it) August West yesterday is in CA. Thanks!


Bittering Hops: Columbus
Dry Hops: Amarillo, Cascade, Simcoe
Finishing Hops: Cascade, Centennial
Yeast: Top Fermenting Ale Yeast
Malts: Two-Row Pale, Imported Munich & Light Crystal

Very solid IPA.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 23rd, 2017, 10:07 am
by devildeac
From last PM:

Fresh Squeezed IPA-Deschutes Brewing

Their description:

"This mouthwateringly delicious IPA gets its flavor from a heavy helping of citra and mosaic hops. Don’t worry, no fruit was harmed in the making of this beer."

My thoughts:

This is pretty juicy. Bottle pour of 12 ounces (from a sampler pack) into a standard pint glass. Light copper in color with a modest, foamy head. Pleasant aromas of Tropicana grapefruit juice with a bit of zesty bitterness. There are some pineapple and mango flavors, too. Minimal sweetness with a nice balance. IBUs of 60 and ABV of 6.4%. A solid IPA. Their ingredients:

Malts: Pale, Crystal, Munich
Hops: Citra, Mosaic, Nugget

I've had one of each flavor from my 12 pack now and traded four and have four remaining to trade/share. Very happy I selected this several weeks ago for a couple new Deschutes flavors and two old classics.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 24th, 2017, 10:06 am
by devildeac
St. Klippenstein-Allagash Brewing Company

The history/brewery description:

"At the brewery, we celebrate a holiday full of free ham, potlucks, and strong stouts; it’s called St. Klippenstein Day. In honor of this joyous event, we brew a bourbon barrel-aged, Belgian-style strong stout of the same name. Delivering on its satiny black hue, St. Klippenstein offers up a complex, roasty aroma laden with dark chocolate. Vanilla and coconut notes form the flavor’s backbone, while oak from the barrel lingers in its smooth, warm finish.
This full-bodied beer is brewed with chocolate malt, dark chocolate malt, roasted barley, and brown malt. To round out its robust flavor, St. Klippenstein is hopped with Chinook and Northern Brewer, fermented with a trappist-style yeast for a month, then aged three more in bourbon barrels. Happy St. Klippenstein Day!"

I'm always learning something about beer .

Saturday's tasting thoughts:

First, a huuuuge thank you to August West for this find and decision to share with us!

Poured from a corked and caged 750 ml bottle and divided about 5 ways. Appearance was almost black with a modest, mocha-colored head. All the expected aromas of dark chocolate and caramel along with bourbon. Even more tastes on the palate with the aforementioned sensations and adding a bit of coffee, some dark, dried fruits, oak, vanilla, slightly burned coconut and a warming, boozy finish. There are hints of earthiness and herbal tastes from the Chinook and Northern Brewer hops and a pinch of black pepper from the Trappist yeast. I'll guess IBUs about 60 based on the imperial stout style. The ABV is 11% and quite bourbon-y, in a highly pleasant way. A decadent, liquid dessert. This was a superb beer and was I was honored to be included in the tasting.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 25th, 2017, 9:42 pm
by devildeac
It's 21st Amendment night!

Down to Earth-21st Amendment Brewing

A session IPA.

Poured into a standard pint glass from a 12 ounce can I received as a trader from August West on Saturday. Thanks!

Color was light bronze with a small head. Light citrus aromas, mostly grapefruit, with a bit of pine/resin, too. Tastes were Tropicana Light grapefruit juice, some zest, a little resin and a splash of caramel. Mild to moderate hop bit with the IBUs at 42. Totally sessionable with the ABV at 4.4%. Would pair nicely with deli sammiches or grilled fare. Ingredients:

Bittering Hops: Warrior
Flavor Hops: Cascade, Mosaic
Dry Hops: Centennial, Mosaic
Malts: Golden Promise, Munich Light, Crystal 45, Caramalt

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 25th, 2017, 10:30 pm
by devildeac
Blah, Blah, Blah-21st Amendment Brewing

Worth the price to buy a single can to read all the IPA names they list/invent, if you are able to find it as this was a trader from August West on Saturday from his 15 pack. Thanks!

A double IPA.

Pour was an orange-bronze with a small head. Hazy juice! There are mostly citrus aromas but some tropical fruits sneak in, too. Mouthfeel is almost chewy and oily. Tastes are pineapple, papaya, grapefruit and tangerine with hints of resin and light brown sugar. Would pair well with any spicy fare. The stats and players:

Alcohol Content: 8%
Bitterness Units: 65.3015 (really, it's on the can)
Bittering Hops: Chinook
Flavor Hops: Centennial, MandarinaBavaria, Cascade, Equinox, Moteuka, Mosaic, Citra
Dry Hops: Citra, Mosaic, Idaho 7
Malts: Pilsner, Golden Promise, Honey Malt, White Wheat, Vienna
Wetness Factor: .0528 (yes, that's on the can, too)

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 27th, 2017, 5:14 pm
by devildeac
Javalantern Cream Stout (draft)-Haw River Farmhouse Ales

(PSL Stout-Pumpkin Spice Latte)

Beer is always tastier with friends.

Pour was a dark, dark brown with a modest tan head. Nose of pumpkin spices and espresso. Tastes of cinnamon, nutmeg, ripe pumpkin and medium to dark roast coffee with a dark caramel sweetness throughout. Pretty much fits the name. Except this was beer . I'll guess IBUs about 50 and the ABV was listedd at 7.2% which I guess makes it an imperial milk stout. Not sure if this is bottled, but, if it is, it'd be worth a 500 ml purchase. Bottle Revolution description:

"A big, rich cream stout, brewed with lactose, flaked oats, and fresh, organic Long Island cheese pumpkins from our friends at Eco Farm in White Cross. We finish Javalantern with a touch of the traditional blend of locally-grown baby ginger, sweet cinnamon, allspice & blade mace, as well as a beautiful Kenyan Peaberry coffee bean from our friends at Muddy Dog Roasting in Morrisville, which helps bring everything back around with a rich, bright, sweet spice-forward aroma and finish."

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 27th, 2017, 11:47 pm
by devildeac
St. Benedict's Breakfast Dubbel (draft)-Haw River Farmhouse Ales

As good as anticipated/predicted/expected based on prior reviews (I think) from fuse and Tripping William. Thanks, guys!

Half pint pour was dark brown with a small, creamy, tan head. Enticing scents of cocoa and coffee, followed by smooth tastes of milk chocolate, medium roast coffee, dark fruits, dark caramel and some mild, earthy, hoppy bitterness. I'll guess 20-30 IBUs and the ABV is 7.2%. Wouldn't hesitate for a moment sipping one of these at a brunchgate with some breakfast pastries, grilled sausages/bacon and a fruit cup. The only way I think they could make this better would be if they aged it in bourbon barrels for several months. Oh, wait a minute...

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 27th, 2017, 11:54 pm
by devildeac
Enjoy by 10/31/17 (draft)-Stone Brewing

Two ounce taster after the two Haw River ales last PM, so, guess what? That's correct. You get a two ounce review .

Pour was a golden-yellow with a small head. Nose of peaches, nectarines and other stone fruits with similar tastes and some pineapple and grapefruity notes, too. Mouthfeel was viscous and oily, both good things, as there are many excellent reasons to sip this one fresh. I'll guess IBUs of about 80 as this is a DIPA. ABV was listed on the electronic "chalkboard" at 9.4%. I wouldn't hesitate to have a pint of this and/or get a couple bottles.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 28th, 2017, 6:52 pm
by devildeac
Hell or High Watermelon-21st Amendment Brewing

Fourth in the trader series from August West last weekend. Thanks!

Pour was a very light yellow with a small head. Smelled like a wheat beer and tasted like a liquid watermelon-orange Jolly Rancher. Very light body and minimal bitterness. Here's the profile:

Alcohol Content: 4.9% ABV
Bitterness Units (IBUS): 17
Bittering Hops: Columbus
Other Hops: Magnum
Yeast: Top Fermenting Ale Yeast
Flavor: 100% Fresh Watermelon Pure (I think they meant puree, but, then again, how do you get a puree from something that's about 99% water)
Malts: Two-Row Pale, White Wheat

Nice pairing with a 4 item (fried) seafood platter, baked potato and sauteed green beans, carrots and onions this evening.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 29th, 2017, 11:05 pm
by devildeac
Bubbler-New Glarus Brewing Company

"Only in Wisconsin!" (or in NC if you have a delivery service )

Pour was a light gold with a modest head. Banana-flavored Bazooka Joe bubble gum aromas with hints of orange on the palate along with the bubble gum, ripe bananas and a pinch or clove. It's a hefeweizen and a really, really good one. I'll guess IBUs about 20 and ABV about 5%. Serve with a fruit plate or some chicken salad sammiches. Guess it'd be nice to side-by-side this with one of the German standards. I think this would compare quite favorably.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 29th, 2017, 11:14 pm
by devildeac
Staghorn Octoberfest-New Glarus Brewing Company

"Only in Wisconsin!" Again. Unless, of course...

I don't drink many Octoberfest biers as I tired of the style about a decade ago. This one changes my (feeble) mind. Poured a light bronze with a modes head from a 12 ounce bottle lovingly delivered early this month by my favorite younger daughter and our favorite younger son-in-law. It's a Märzen-style lager with a nose of toasted wheat bread and some herbal hops. Tastes of the same with mild brown sugar sweetness and very mild earthy bitterness. Rarely can I find advanced metrics on NG brews so I'm left guessing, this time with IBUs about 20 and ABV perhaps near 6%. I'd bet this would be sehr gut mit schweinefleisch oder brats mit kraut. Prost!

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 30th, 2017, 10:34 pm
by devildeac
Thresher-Burial Beer Company

A golden coffee-infused saison! Many thanks to mattman for gifting this!

Pour from a 16 ounce can was a slightly cloudy amber-gold with a small head. This really had aromas of a "blonde" coffee. The tastes were pretty much unlike any saison I've ever sipped. Typically, I'd expect a little funk, some straw along with apples, pears and a pinch of black pepper. This was all lightly roasted coffee, almonds and toffee with some very soft, floral bitterness. No IBUs to be found so I'll guess 20 and the ABV was a highly sippable 4.8%, IIRC. Pairings? I'm not sure. The coffee would make me tempted to enjoy with a coffee-rubbed ribeye, but the saison makes me think about nibbling on a slice of chocolate pound cake with it.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 31st, 2017, 8:00 pm
by devildeac
Gordgeous-NoDa Brewing Company

I had to look at my pint can twice to be sure my spelling was correct and it is. However, fuse's spelling is much more appropriate and clever and what NoDa shoulda named their product .

Pour was an orange-amber with a pumpkin pie colored, creamy head. Cloves and ginger dominate the aromas with a hefty dose of pumpkin as fuse describes. They explicitly declare that no cinnamons or nutmegs were harmed/used in brewing this ale. They did however use brown sugar, clove, ginger, allspice and cardamom. Tastes were freshly baked pumpkin pie (allowed to chill to beer temperature) and the above spices, though I doubt I'd know a cardamom if one stared me in the face. I'll guess about 20 for the IBUs as I think the base beverage is an amber ale and hop presence is minimal. ABV printed on the can is 6.4%. I had this tonight with some ground beef tacos (the candy was before dinner ) and lots of toppings but this beer would be better with some chocolate chip/oatmeal/raisin cookies.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 31st, 2017, 10:08 pm
by devildeac
Good Gourd-Cigar City Brewing

Pretty darned good descriptions above. The orange and apples are excellent observations. Flavors and spices blend fairly well. I'll guess IBUs of about 20, thinking this is an amber ale for the base beer as it's not dark enough for a brown ale or porter and there are no nutty or chocolate flavors either. ABV is 8.8% so there's a bit of an alcohol burn, unlike Gordgeous and more on the order of Southern Tier's Pumking or Weyerbacher's Imperial Pumpkin. I'm quitting after half a bomber now and will sip the rest tomorrow evening.
[redacted] them and the horses they rode in on.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 2nd, 2017, 11:21 pm
by devildeac
It's still International Stout Day.

Black Chocolate Stout (winter '12-'13)-Brooklyn Brewing Company

Still brewed. Still delicious.

Pour was onyx with a thin beige head. Smells like, well, dark chocolate. Tongue-tantalizing, chewy, semi-sweet chocolate/dark caramel tastes with a drop of espresso. About 10W-30 consistency with no sludge. I'll guess IBUs about 70 and the ABV is 10%. Didn't pair that well with a fancy salad about 6 hours ago but I didn't expect it to "match" as I wanted to celebrate the holiday before seeing Love Never Dies at the DPAC tonight. It would be a fine beverage with one or two of TNTDevil's outrageous dark chocolate fudge espresso cups, with a triple chocolate brownie or a slice of turtle cheesecake.


Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 3rd, 2017, 11:28 pm
by devildeac
It was International Stout Day yesterday and this is a tardy review.

Black Chocolate Stout (winter '13-'14)-Brooklyn Brewing Company

I thought the '12-'13 version was a bit smoother but I didn't have them side-by-side but rather about six hours later for the "newer" version after a night at the theatre. I'm also not sure I'd be able to tell much of a difference if tasted together . Still thick and chewy with dark chocolate goodness from sniff to sip. I have a 2016 version left that I could finish this year or perhaps buy a 2017 for a comparison.