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Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 13th, 2011, 2:59 pm
by lawgrad91
bluebutton wrote:Wk 5 Day 1.

I'm using a free podcast down load and it was worth every penny last night. It had music but only a cue to start running after a 5 min warm up. so I ran for 10 min before doing the math and realizing things were messed up. I'm glad I looked at the print out of the program. I was supposed to do 3 sets of 5 min running and 3 min walking. I ended up walking three min and then ran another 5 min. So I got the same total amt of run time--15 min.

That said, I would have felt better if it hadn't been 10 days since my last run. It's been a hard couple weeks at our house :(
Good job! :wizard: :wizard: and :ymhug: :ymhug: that things get better.

I did Week 4 Day 2 last night, except my knee was bothering me so I ran two and a half minutes, then walked thirty seconds, then did the other two and a half minutes of the five minute segment. I did get all the running in. Today my knee is better. Still a little sore, but not so bad to take anything (EJ meds or otherwise) for it.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 15th, 2011, 11:52 pm
by lawgrad91
Last night was the 30 minute express workout. Triceps are sore.

Tonight I reverted to Week 3 and did one of those over. My knee didn't bother me too much. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 16th, 2011, 3:06 pm
by bluebutton
Week 5 day 2!!!
:happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

Starting to feel optimistic that I'll finish the program and that I'm getting back in shape. I'm starting to lose the post-pregnancy shape but not the weight. It's weird. The scale's not changing but my clothing fit definitely is. Well, progress is progress; I'll take it!

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 16th, 2011, 3:30 pm
by devildeac
One hour walk on beach this AM with new SIL. This was accompanied by a FREE sand, salt water and crushed sea shells pedicure :D . My those walking and dancing calluses (sp?) feel and look so much better, softer and smaller :D .

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 9:38 am
by devildeac
devildeac wrote:One hour walk on beach this AM with new SIL. This was accompanied by a FREE sand, salt water and crushed sea shells pedicure :D . My those walking and dancing calluses (sp?) feel and look so much better, softer and smaller :D .
Repeated last PM but with no SIL as he and CLD returned home for his Sunday day of work/non-rest. Calluses continue to get smaller and softer. :D

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 12:29 pm
by YmoBeThere
I've never had a pedicure...

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 9:42 pm
by lawgrad91
I went to the gym tonight, bruised/swollen knee and all. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical, which wasn't too bad. Couldn't do the step part of the 30 minute express or the bike or run on the treadmill, though. :(

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 11:12 pm
by bluebutton
lawgrad91 wrote:I went to the gym tonight, bruised/swollen knee and all. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical, which wasn't too bad. Couldn't do the step part of the 30 minute express or the bike or run on the treadmill, though. :(
Wow you are hard core--hope your knee is ok, I haven't kept up with thee details but it seems to be a lingering problem?

I finished week 5 tonight!! It's a 20 min continuous run. Felt reasonably good. Reminds me why I like the couch to 5K program--it goes at a pace my body can handle.

Hope your knee gets better soon LG

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 1:29 am
by DevilAlumna
I got out with some other new moms, for a 40 min. walk, carrying an additional 12lbs with me (also known as FutureDA.) We then went and strolled around the newly renovated (and reorganized, hence the strolling) Target. My knees are not happy, so I sympathize with you, lawgrad.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 12:44 pm
by lawgrad91
bluebutton wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:I went to the gym tonight, bruised/swollen knee and all. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical, which wasn't too bad. Couldn't do the step part of the 30 minute express or the bike or run on the treadmill, though. :(
Wow you are hard core--hope your knee is ok, I haven't kept up with thee details but it seems to be a lingering problem?

I finished week 5 tonight!! It's a 20 min continuous run. Felt reasonably good. Reminds me why I like the couch to 5K program--it goes at a pace my body can handle.

Hope your knee gets better soon LG
You go, Bluebutton! :-BD ^:)^

As far as the knee, :ymblushing: I wrecked my bike on Saturday and landed on it. I'm fine, it's just bruised.

I've had knee problems for years, but fish oil has helped A LOT.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 9:20 pm
by lawgrad91
Wow. This thread had been relegated to page 3.

Blazing Saddles was on in the gym tonight. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

I can't hear about Hedy Lamarr without hearing Harvey Korman say, "It's Hedley."

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 7:48 am
by captmojo
"Easy Taggart, it's just a man and his horse being hanged outside."

"I didn't get a harumph outa that guy."
"Give the governor harumph!"

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 10:30 am
by bluebutton
lawgrad91 wrote:Wow. This thread had been relegated to page 3.
Ok...just to do my part--

Wk 6 day 1 was Wednesday--again a 10 day hiatus. Didn't feel as bad as I expected--long hiatus, 90+ dgr, tired, and feeling like a fatty. In fact, it was probably the best feeling run I've had lately. On previous runs, my calves were really sore and I did a fair amount of huffing.

I'm determined to do day 2 today or tomorrow. After this week, I think I'll stop using podcasts and just wear a stopwatch and listen to my own music. Maybe making my own mixes will be motivating.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 11:27 pm
by bluebutton
Week 6 day 2!!

I started 10 weeks ago, but hey--progress is progress. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

Plus with that tropical storm not making it to austin, it was just breezy--not that we couldn't have used the rain.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 8:15 am
by lawgrad91
bluebutton wrote:Week 6 day 2!!

I started 10 weeks ago, but hey--progress is progress. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

Plus with that tropical storm not making it to austin, it was just breezy--not that we couldn't have used the rain.
You are rolling, bluebutton! Way to go! :happy-bouncyblue: :duke: ^:)^

B, aka Captain Sabotage, is screwing up my running schedule. It's like having a kid, a kid with expensive tastes in cars and watches and food. I am getting my exercise in, but making it to the gym has been difficult lately, and my knees howl when I try to run on the road. ~X(

Re: Exercise!

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 10:21 pm
by bluebutton
Well i completed Week 6 day 3 on Thursday in 100 dgr heat. It's brutal.

Today instead of running I tried a tabata high intensity workout--basically you go like crazy for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and try to do that 8 times -- in other words, 4 minutes total. I did 4 minutes of squats and 4 minutes of lat rows. I was dripping sweat and sucking wind very quickly. Next time I'm might try burpees, but I thought I'd take it slow.

In uber discouraging news I've gained 1.5 lbs since I last weighed myself a month ago and I have 27 lbs to go to reaching my pre-pregnancy weight. :( :Boo: Gah. I've been eating like crazy since my son hit a growth spurt a few weeks ago. But I've been pulling back lately. I feel like I have no idea how to eat as a nursing mom. :?: :?: :think: :think:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 10:27 pm
by ArkieDukie
Walked my feet off on State Street in Madison this evening.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 1:27 pm
by captmojo
ArkieDukie wrote:Walked my feet off on State Street in Madison this evening.
Oh no! Now you'll have to stump your way out to your next job. :twitch:

Vibes! :wizard:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 11:10 pm
by bluebutton
Still haven't been able to get out and start week 7. But did get in a round of squats, lunges, and rows.

I'm too weak to be getting much cardio out of these rounds, but I'm pretty dang sore--so it feels like exercise.

We're on our 23rd consecutive day of 100+ degree weather. 80 dgr is starting to feel chilly.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 12:57 am
by DevilAlumna
bluebutton wrote:Still haven't been able to get out and start week 7. But did get in a round of squats, lunges, and rows.

I'm too weak to be getting much cardio out of these rounds, but I'm pretty dang sore--so it feels like exercise.

We're on our 23rd consecutive day of 100+ degree weather. 80 dgr is starting to feel chilly.
I got in a 55 min./3 mile hilly walk yesterday, and a 45 min. stroller stroll w/ some mom friends today.

BlueButton, we barely broke 70 today -- can we trade?