Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » December 31st, 2015, 3:56 pm

Tocobaga-Cigar City Brewing

The 6th and final installment from windsor's beer delivery express from points south of the Triangle area. It's labeled as a red ale but this ain't yo' mama's Killians. This is a highly hopped and malted imperial red ale. WTH? Imperial red ale? Devildeac must be a few yeast short of a full mash tun. Well, at 75 IBUs and 7.2% ABV, it is not really a session ale. Poured a reddish-dark amber with a moderate, foamy head. Immediate aromas of pine and citrus with hints of brown sugar sweetness. Tastes are juicy, piney and herbal hops with some caramel bready presence, too. It's a bit lower ABV than the sticky, delicious Oskar Blues G'Knight but higher IBUs so it's still fairly balanced statistically but the tongue-o-meter thinks the hops win here. It'd make good friends with a spicy, peppery-rubbed hunk of cow or pork or with any spicy Indian or Chinese food, also. Speaking of OB, I'm going to find a litter of their imperial red ale named above and have a side-by-side on the next go-round of my Florida beverages, along with a Le Freak and the Unholy comparison as mentioned upthread. A hearty, hoppy thanks again to windsor and her beer buddy.

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » December 31st, 2015, 6:12 pm

Sadly, pathetically, embarrassingly, I held on to my bottle until last PM for an ale to celebrate the safe return of our youngest daughter and her husband from their NYC trip to view the Pinstripe Bowl.

Wisconsin Belgian Red (2014)-New Glarus Brewing

Better later than never. Surprisingly, this low ABV ale (4-5%) in a green, wax-dipped/capped 750 ml bottle from mid 2014 was still rather tasty. Poured a dark ruby-brown into wine glasses with a rapidly disappearing thin head. Smells like my Ocean Spray Cran-Cherry juice that I've been drinking for breakfast the last couple days, but bubbly. A bit tingly, like champagne, with tart and sweet cherries tantalizing the taste buds along with a hint of citrus, likely from (one and done) Wisconsin wheat, with a bit of breadiness from the Belgian barley, gently roasted. Aged on oak for a year but I couldn't discern any woodiness or vanilla. There was a bit of sediment in the last 2-3 ml which I mostly avoided, thankfully. This was a huge smile-maker from our honored guests and didn't last very long in our glasses. I'm not sure when I'll ever sample this again so our brief liaison tonight was particularly pleasurable, almost as savory as a 68-63 victory in the NC game.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » December 31st, 2015, 6:41 pm

Exit 3 Blueberry Braggot-Flying Fish Brewing Company

From the great (cough, cough) state of NJ with its numerous southern/central blueberry farms comes this (not really a) beer but I couldn't find the Ymm, Braggot thread. Poured a pale apple juice hue with a minimal head with no retention. Honey-ish smells not surprising as this is pretty much a honey-fermented beverage that is briefly acquainted with likely very small quantities of Horizon hops (IBU 10) and large quantities of Belgian pilsner malts and then fermented with Belgian yeast and champagne yeast strains because standard beer yeasts can't survive at ABV much above 10% and this "honey wine" rolls on and off the palate at a stunning 15% ABV (no typo). Tastes are honey, apple, honey, pear and (not surprisingly) more honey. Mildly sugary-sweet but not as much as I might have imagined with (sadly) minimal blueberry presence. This is a dessert wine, err, ale but would pair nicely with berry fruits, either fresh or baked into a tart/compote/pie. Quite the deal at Total wine for $6, including a $2 clearance discount for a discontinued ale, likely from 2014.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 1st, 2016, 11:27 pm

Quote Originally Posted by fuse
I certainly was aware of White Rabbit.

I can't recall ever having their beer.

The leader in the Creme brûlée stout category has to be Southern Tier, although it and White Rabbit's The Footman may be the only two I am aware of.

No head at all, bottled on 8/4.

Opaque black.

Nose is vanilla, soy, and maybe some coffee, chocolate and caramel.

Southern Tier is always, always over the top.
Their Creme Brûlée is so thick and rich you could almost walk on it.

The Footman is a lot more restrained.

At 10.9%, the Footman is a split and share, sip slowly beer.
The alcohol shows up on the finish, immediately tongue numbing.

The Footman is thinner than Southern Tier, and not necessarily in a bad way.

An initial vanilla sweetness yields to caramel with a dry chocolate finish.

Another dessert in a glass.
If you find Creme Brulee from Southern Tier to be too much (after about 4 ounces, I'm done) then the Footman may be to your liking.

Worth trying.

I have two more White Rabbit beers to try. After the Footman I am a bit excited- Jabberwocky, a Belgian style, and Tea Party, a vanilla bourbon Porter.

The Footman-White Rabbit Brewing Company

Drink local! (Angier, NC)

Pretty much nailed it as above except the bomber 3 of us shared tonight was divided half for the post below and half "straight up" and had an overly generous foamy, tan head despite a slow, careful pour. Perhaps a bit more coffee perception in The Footman than in the Creme Brûlée from Southern Tier.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 1st, 2016, 11:34 pm

The Footman Beer Float

Took a scoop of Breyer's extra vanilla ice cream and plopped it into a 12 ounce glass and then added ~4 ounces of The Footman to it, about an ounce at the time, as I learned several years ago that beer poured into ice cream foams incredibly :ymblushing: . Very pleasant combo with the competing vanilla and chocolate (and coffee and dark caramel) flavors dueling for time on our taste buds.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 9th, 2016, 7:58 am

The Dweller (2014)-Green Man Brewery

Mattman on top of it with this one. Thanks!

The story (recounted but not redacted):

Fuse, mattman and their special guests and I met at Raleigh Brewing and exchanged ales almost a year ago and mattman felt guilty that he had been overly gifted with our brews so he went and purchased a buncha fancy Beer City beverages and returned the favor to me in May during our visit there, assuming of course that I'd deliver the "extras" to fuse, which, amazingly, I did. This bomber was kindly included in the package.

The beer:

Poured a dark, dark brown with a modest-sized, beige head, this imperial stout was cellared (no mention of bourbon, wine or any barrels) until they thought it ready and it was released in late 2014. Medium roast coffee and dark chocolate aromas up front with complex, heavy notes of semi-sweet chocolate, espresso, black strap molasses and licorice on the taste buds. I have no clue what the grains and hops are or any additives but the tastes could be there from any or all of the aforementioned ingredients. I'll guess IBUs of 50 and the ABV is listed at 10% so I was happy to have sipped this over 3 nights this week. Serve this all alone or with a portion of any chocolate/caramel dessert.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 9th, 2016, 8:34 am

Originally posted 11/16/14 but worth recycling-annually:

The crown jewel of Brunchgate yesterday, worth a repeat posting from March, 2010:

Backwoods Bastard (2014 version)-Founder's Brewing

This is a fascinating creation. My guess is that it is a variation of their Dirty Bastard which is a scotch type ale with a bit of peat and smoke. This blends nicely with the oak aging in whiskey barrels which gives it a bit of vanilla, a bit of oak and a moderate amount of boozey bourbon flavor. There are a ton of dark cherries in the brew with very mild bitterness and an IBU of 50. The ABV of 10.2% makes this quite a sipper so I'd serve it at cellar temperature in a snifter with a plate of fruit or some soft, mild cheeses for dessert. Might be heavenly with some chocolate covered strawberries. This was another August West contribution that 4 of us shared and tried to squeeze the last drop or two out of the 12 ounce bottle when we were done.

Backwoods Bastard 2015

Shared a 12 ounce bottle of this with our son last PM from a 4 pack that ricks68 hunted down in October. Many thanks! Tasting impressions are little different now and I'll be anticipating cellaring/trading the other 3 during the coming year or two. I enjoyed my aliquot with a variety of hand-smoked cheeses that we received as a Christmas gift.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 9th, 2016, 9:09 am

Lindley Park-Olde Hickory Brewing

Another of ricks68's delivery items last fall. Profuse gratitude expressed again.

I could probably stop after luscious and decadent but when you sip 6 ounces of liquid pleasure, made with raspberries and honey, a more thorough description is warranted. Poured from a bomber and shared with our son last PM, it appeared almost black, tinged with ruby highlights. Small, tan head that disappeared quickly to reveal dark chocolate and berry aromas covering more dark chocolate, sweet honey, raspberry and boozey (bourbon barrel aged) flavors on the palate. Frighteningly smooth and dangerously sippable at 10% ABV with my guess at 40 IBUs. Don't bother with any cakes/pies/pastries/baked goods with this beverage, this is your dessert. (Well, maybe a sliver of Black Forest Cake would work. ;) ) After sharing a Bolo, a Backwoods Bastard and half a bomber of this yesterday, we couldn't sip any more so I'm left with about 11 ounces all for myself tonight. Woe is me. :ymblushing:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 9th, 2016, 7:17 pm

Not Your Father's Ginger Ale-Small Town Brewery

Why am I not surprised after Not You Father's Root Beer? I was offered one of these by a guest at our grandson's 2 year old birthday party and was pleasantly surprised. Poured a clear ginger color, smelled like ginger and tasted like sweetened ginger. Hmmm, I may be on to something here. No head at all and just a bit of zing from the, wait for it, added ginger. I'll guess IBUs around 10 and the ABV is listed at 5.9%. This would make a nice pairing with mild oriental fare (Lo Mein, sweet and sour chicken/pork/shrimp) or grilled entrees. What next, Not Your Father's Sprite/Cola ? Worth a taste but I'd not buy a 6er of it.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 9th, 2016, 10:48 pm

Little Sumpin' Sumpin'-Lagunitas Brewing

Now this is a bit embarrassing as I don't think I've ever sampled this wheat (almost double) IPA until tonight and it was a leftover from a gathering our son had at our abode a couple weeks ago with some of his buddies .

Poured a straw color with a modest foamy head that lingered through the consumption phase. Bouquet of citrus and tropical fruits to start and finished with some mango, pineapple, Juicy Fruit gum, orange (from the wheat, I'd guess) and grapefruit with a moderate hop bitterness and a bit of light brown sugar sweetness. With IBUs of 64.2 and and ABV of 7.5%, this is flirting with an IIPA designation. A fine ale for celebrating an ACC win or with some spicy Indian or Chinese cuisine.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 11th, 2016, 10:25 pm

Another year, another beer.

Original posting 3/10/15:

Barleywine-Duck Rabbit Brewing

Pretty classic rendition here. Dark amber color, modest head and floral bitterness and tons of dark caramel, toffee, dark cherries, a bit of smoke, whiskey and dried fruit aromas and flavors. Borders on syrupy. Do not pour this on your pancakes. I'll guess the IBU about 70 (not listed anywhere) and the ABV is 11% but minimally boozey. Serve this slightly chilled in a goblet or snifter and sip after dinner for an hour or so. Many thanks to ricks68 for the remainder of the 6er he bought a couple weeks ago.

Tonight's sampling;

I think this was the 2014 version and another 10 months of "cellaring" lends a bit more smoothness on the palate. I've got a bottle left so there'll likely be a 2017 review.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 12th, 2016, 10:22 pm

Snow Flurry-Mother Earth Brewing

Peace, love and beer. Love your mother. Drink local!

This is their new winter seasonal and an interesting twist on and IPA. Poured from a 12 ounce bottle and appeared a light golden-yellow with a small head and aromas of pine and some tropical fruits. Tastes of herbal hops, juniper and toasted, buttered rye bread up front with a very light sweetness. Cascade, Centennial and Citra hops on the bill with no specific grains listed but juniper and rye are added. I'll guess IBUs around 60 so it's moderately hoppy and bitter with ABV at 6.5% but this is a hop forward winter IPA and certainly worth a pint or a couple singles to sample and share. I'll guess this is readily available in NC in both specialty stores and perhaps some grocery stores like Harris Teeter and Lowe's Foods.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 16th, 2016, 10:47 pm

Midnight Brue-Brueprint Brewing Company

Guess who got this bottle for me last month ?

Excellent summary/description, as usual. I didn't think it was so thick and thought the head was a bit thin as was the body and perhaps tasted a bit of dark chocolate, too. Whiskey notes are very smooth, maybe with a bit of vanilla, too. I'll guess IBUs of about 50 and the ABV is 8.5%, drinking a bit more boozey than that but on the low end for the imperial stout style. I think this was $12 for the capped bomber that I sipped over 2 nights. Likely their first effort at barrel-aging for their Bruetopian Series and a very high quality one, too. So much so that I can't wait for ricks68 to return to the area and slip the BBA cherry version of this back into my clutches where it rightfully belongs .

Thanks again to fuse.

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 25th, 2016, 7:43 am

The Beast-Avery Brewing Company

From their Demons of Ales series, this 12 ounce bottle from batch #10 (792 cases) in July, 2012, is indeed a monster.

The stat sheet:

Hop Variety: Magnum, Galena, Saaz, Hallertau, Tettnang and Hersbrucker
Malt Variety: Two-row barley, Honey malt, Dark Aromatic, Pale wheat, Roasted wheat, Special B
Sugars: Dates, Blackstrap Molasses, Dark Belgian Candy Sugar, alfalfa Honey, Raisins, Turbinado sugar
Yeast: a hellion of a Belgian strain
ABV: 16.0% (no typo)
IBUs: 63

Tasting impressions:

Whoa! Saturday night's pour into an Alewerks snifter at about 60 degrees was a clear, dark ruby-amber with essentially no head. Sunday's aliquot was a bit more cloudy, especially the last 5 ml. When (if) you try such a high gravity brew, be prepared for something that really doesn't taste much like beer. Think sherry (or port), or very light rum. Sweet aromas of dark dried fruits, brown sugar syrup and distilled spirits are prominent. Tastes, as you might imagine from the ingredients above, mirror the aromas with dark rum and the dried fruits dominating. Incredibly complex. I think I got this at Total Wine but have no idea when, perhaps late 2012 or early 2013. It was a shade over $9, including tax and guess it might even be $12 now, if you can find one. The only other comparable ale would be the Dogfish Head Raison d'Extra with a similar list of ingredients and "stats" with the ABV from 15-18% they claim and IBUs of 40. The DFH 120 is more of an IIPA (triple IPA? quadrupel IPA?) style, or hoppy gasoline, as fuse describes it. The DFH World Wide Stout is more of a (double or triple) imperial stout style that resembles a port. This is the 4th highest ABV beer I've ever tasted, with all of the aforementioned species weighing in around the 18-21% range. I'm still not sure how this made it by the ABC board in NC as the legal limit for beers in NC is 15%. I've got one bottle of this left for a special occasion and a bottle of Samael, too, for another special occasion. Hmmm...
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 27th, 2016, 10:41 pm

From 2/16/10:

Allagash Tripel-A marvelous brew. This is a "leftover" from Christmas visitors and I sipped this over 2 nights as it was a 750 ml bottle that was caged and corked. It was also 9% ABV with an estimated IBU of 30-40. A bottle-conditioned Belgian style ale that pours a slightly cloudy golden color with lots of fizz and a well-retained, lacy head. Lots of esters as I would expect from this style that give this brew tastes and aromas of bananas, pears and cloves. This would blend well with mild to a bit spicy entrees or you could enjoy it chilled in a goblet for dessert by itself or with some mild cheeses, apples or pears.

From 8/27/12:

Tripel-Allagash Brewing

Fine beer, fine brewery. I am pretty sure it has been quite a while since I sipped one of these. I went on a US brewed foreign beer theme last week and chose this over the Dubbel. It is a strong Belgian-style golden ale with aromas of apples, pears and honey with a peppery bite from the Belgian yeast. This was a 12 ounce bottle from a $9 four pack and poured a slightly cloudy golden-yellow with a small head that rapidly disappeared. I'd guess an IBU around 30 and the ABV is 9%, both of which are pretty standard numbers for the style. This would be fine with lighter fare but strong and spicy enough to match with curry or hot Chinese dishes. Wish their specialty series ales weren't so damned spendy as they sound delicious.

From tonight (bottled on 6/27/15):

Some classics never change and are worth a return trip. This was actually part of a Belgian/Belgian-style themed 6er I received as a late Christmas gift last week that I'm working through 3 nights this week then 3 nights next week. Last night was Hell Yes Ma'am, Raleigh Brewing Company's interpretation of a Belgian triple/tripel/golden ale and previously reviewed on 2/23/15 and 7/10/14. I think I saw this during a beer expedition at Total Wine today for $10 for the 4 pack and is well worth that price. This would make a nice pairing with a plate of fresh fruit or a fruit tart dessert.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » January 28th, 2016, 10:29 pm

From 9/23/12:

Brother Thelonious-North Coast Brewing

This ended up being my personal favorite of the afternoon/evening because as it warmed a bit, the flavors became richer and more complex. Brought to you by August West, this caged and corked 750 ml delicacy poured a slightly cloudy medium brown with aromas of dark raisins, dates and figs. When tasted, I could add dark brown sugar and aged dark Caribbean rum to my description. Very smooth despite its ABV of 9.4%, typical for a Belgian dark strong ale. Not a stout but more like an imperial dubbel style ale. IBU were 32 so hop presence was rather light which it should be for this style. The two stouts and this one were dessert beers/beverages and were sampled with plain brownies (good), blackberry cobbler (very good), deep dish caramel apple pie (excellent) and peanut butter chocolate chip brownies, my person favorite and prepared by my older daughter. I particularly liked the combination of Brother Thelonious with the apple pie.

From tonight:

Brother Thelonious-North Coast Brewing Company

Well, why not brew a Belgian-style ale as a tribute to the monks who originated the style (I think) and the jazz master himself, Thelonious Monk, born in Rocky Mount, NC. (Drink local? )

Labeled as a Belgian style abbey ale on the 12 ounce bottle but described as a Belgian style strong dark ale on their website, I think it falls somewhere in between (think imperial brown ale). Poured a dark brown with a small tan head which rapidly disappeared. Enticing aromas of dark, dried fruits, brown sugar and a bit of rum greeted me from my 2011 Duke Hall of Fame chalice. Tastes were raisins, dates, figs and some dark, Caribbean rum. Very smooth with little bitterness as IBUs stand at 27 but packing a knockout ABV at a dangerous 9.4%. Again, an old favorite that's worth re-visiting every few years.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » February 2nd, 2016, 6:55 am

Twice As Nice-The Three Ring Brewing Company (aka Hi-Wire)

Ha! I found a 6er of this doppelbock at Total Wine last week for $9 (with my buck off coupon) that mattman hadn't even heard about. Interestingly labeled as a black lager on the bottle, I think they're half right. It is a lager as all bocks/doppelbocks are but it wasn't black. Poured a dark brown with a minimal head and aromas emanating from my glass were dark/milk chocolate, dark cherries, plums and dark brown sugar. Tastes pretty much matched up with the scents with a bit of dark rum, too. I'll guess about 20 IBUs (no #s to be found anywhere for this) and 10% ABV which is rather hefty for the style. Made a nice partner with some honey roasted peanuts. This is not quite in the league with Troeganator or the German doppelbocks but a quality brew which I'll gladly/proudly trade and share with others and have another one or two myself over the next few week.

Question for the Ashevillian posters here: Is it Hi-Wire or Three Ring Brewing?
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » February 3rd, 2016, 10:09 pm

Cali-Belgique/Cali-Belgie-Stone Brewing

Stone IPA (their flagship) with a special Belgian yeast strain. From their website: "Think of it as an otherwise identical twin to Stone IPA that was raised in a Belgian culture. Literally." If you don't like/are tired of IPAs, this one might be for you. Really (read on). Bought on a whim as I saw a 12 pack of mixed Stone IPAs for $20 at Harris Teeter yesterday, looked at the line-up and thought this might be a good purchase. I'm off to a good start. Poured a yellow-golden with a mild citrusy/piney nose and hints of sweetness. Tastes were tropical fruits including mango and papaya with a bit of grapefruit, banana and peach with mild honey-ish and light brown sugary flavors added and subtle pine in the finish. Yea, it's bitterly rated at 77 IBU (hey, whaddaya expect, it's a Stone ale) but the balance is excellent with the ABV at 6.9%. Serve with grilled or spicy fare and please your palate. There are 3 other IPAs in the cardboard cage and they'll be weekend tasters (if I don't go back to what's left of my Belgian 6er) in addition to sharing and trading.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » February 3rd, 2016, 10:25 pm

JoCo White Winter-Deep River Brewing

Drink (almost) local!

From Johnston County's first legal brewery comes this 16 ounce can of a Belgian style dubbel with a couple interesting twists: It's brewed with 200 pounds of Johnston County's finest white sweet potatoes (never heard of them) per batch, toasted marshmallows (how the hell do you get toasted marshmallows into an ale?) and (unnamed) spices. It's basically a light Belgian brown ale (their typical/traditional dubbel) so it's a dark amber pour with a sweet nose and tastes of mild-to-dark candy sugar, dark dried fruits, a splash of rum and faint spicing. Hey, what else are you going to do with sweet 'taters ? I'll guess IBUs of about 20 and the ABV is 7.8%. The 4 pack was $8 with my buck off coupon from Total Wine last week so I've got 3 to share/trade later this month. Good purchase.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » February 4th, 2016, 9:53 pm

Six Impossible Things-Mystery Brewing

Drink local!

This may be my first Mystery beverage and will make me look for more. Bought the 4 pack of 16 ounce cans at Total Wine last weekend with my buck off coupon for $9. Nice price. It's an oatmeal stout that has been aged on cocoa husks from Videri Chocolate Factory with coffee from Joe van Gogh added in the fermenter. Poured a silky, dark chocolate brown with very little head. Smells like a coffee-infused, semi-sweet dark chocolate malted. Tastes the same with a very smooth mouthfeel from the oatmeal included in the darkly/heavily roasted grain bill. Hops? Who cares? Well, the IBUs are only 20, a bit low for the style, and the ABV has been raised a bit since Tripping William's review to 6.5%. Labeled a breakfast stout, it'd be mighty tasty with some French toast, strawberry Belgian waffles or banana-pecan pancakes or even a giant cinnamon-raisin Danish. It'd make a nice dessert beverage, too. Three more cans in the cellar waiting to be traded or be gifted to a couple of the children.
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