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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 27th, 2015, 8:15 pm
by devildeac
Enjoy by 10/31/15 IPA-Stone Brewing

Another buck off 6er from Total Wine from earlier this month. Disclaimer here: It's a DIPA checking in at 88 IBUs (hey, it's a Stone brew, whaddaya expect?) with an ABV of 9.4%. Poured an orange-yellow with a moderately foamy head. My word, it smells like a tropical/citrus fruit punch! Well, not quite but there's a lot of grapefruit and pineapple wafting to my nostrils and a ton of the same along with some pine, papaya, mango, peach and tangerine on the palate, too. They write that it's not malty sweet but at this high gravity, there are most certainly some caramel-y and Hawaiian bready flavors here for balance. Here's the hop list: Ahtanum, Super Galena, Simcoe, Amarillo, Delta, Target, Calypso, Cascade, Citra, Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin, Motueka and Helga-no wonder there are a lot of tropical and citrusy notes present. This was a bit spendy at about $14 for the litter but well worth seeking out and/or sampling, whether it's a 12 ounce bottle, a bomber or you can find it on draft somewhere before it's gone.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 27th, 2015, 9:41 pm
by devildeac
Shucker Stout-Mully's Brewery

This is the 2nd oyster stout I've ever tasted and my half a bomber of Holy Ninja will be the third. Poured a deep mahogany with some dark ruby nuances into a pint glass with a modest head. Darkly roasted grain aromas with a bit of coffee. Tastes are more dark grains (pumpernickel bread?), a drop of espresso and a whiff of smoked oysters with a fairly dry finish. Closest style comparison would be a dry Irish stout. IBUs ~30 and ABV 5 1/4% (their numbers/designations) and not the consistency of motor oil. The obvious pairing is oysters but this would be at home with a grilled and/or Oscared ribeye steak, a beef roast/brisket or a beef stew/soup. Thanks to CB&B for trading a few weeks ago.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 28th, 2015, 9:15 pm
by devildeac
Holy Ninja-Holy City Brewing and Asheville Brewing Company collabeeration

This ... ster-stout meets this: Image

I wonder if this makes it a pout or a storter .

Poured a really dark brown from a bomber divided over 2 nights into a pint glass with a modest tan head. Lightly salted dark caramel and chocolate covered smoked oysters maybe with a splash of medium roasted Costa Rican coffee maybe . IBUs of 36 and ABV of 6.6%, both stronger than the "parent" brews. This would pair nicely with smoked meats or game. I probably liked this a bit more the fuse did but I'd rather have the plain, original, award winning Ninja Porter, Ninjabread Man or Love Ninja (the raspberry porter, not the poster here of the same name). I'll still give a shout out and thanks to ricks68 who passed this on to me several months ago.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 29th, 2015, 6:22 pm
by devildeac
Pumpkin Spiced Edinbrue-Brueprint Brewing

Late to the party. Again .

Well, I had some hopes for this intriguing combo but have concluded it's just a gigolo, err, another pumpkin ale. The vanilla listed is barely perceptible and the smoky, peaty, caramel-y, chocolate-y tastes I've learned to really appreciate in good Scotch ales were obscured by cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice and mace and whatever else they pulled off of Grandma's spice rack. Poured a dark brown with a modest head and nice aromas as fuse posted above. I didn't find much sediment but I was fairly careful with my pour. I'll guess IBUs were about 30 and the ABV was pleasantly warming at 8.2%. I've got 4 remaining so I'll trade a couple (it's really not a bad beer) and serve a couple next month as it would be at home with some sugar cookies or some of my wife's really tasty lightly spiced pumpkin bread.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: October 29th, 2015, 10:41 pm
by devildeac
From 6/9/12:

Lake Erie Monster-GLBC

No, this is not a duplicate post. This will be a few musings about one of the 4 pack bottled version bought from the brewery last month for about $9. It has some different characteristics from its draft cousin. Most notably are the softer, sweeter tropical fruit flavors of mango, papaya and pineapple with much less bitter grapefruity tastes and aromas. The other features are fairly similar with a pretty even balance between the hops and malts. I enjoyed this one chilled, but not cold, from a snifter and would easily place this in my top 2-3 IIPAs. Not sure this is available in NC. Yet.

Worth re-sampling tonight:

Light golden pour. Medium, creamy head. Mixed tropical and citrus bouquet and the same mango, papaya and pineapple flavors. Hefty IBUs at 80 but a heavy grain bill with a honey-ish, light brown sugary finish at an ABV of 9.1%. I think this was about $8 or $9 for the 4 pack with my buck off Total Wine coupon several weeks ago. There'll be a couple traders here and our son will get the last 12 ounce bottle.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 3rd, 2015, 9:20 pm
by devildeac
From 9/30/14:

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout (winter 2010-11)-Brooklyn Brewing Company

From the cellar arises the beginning of a welcome-to-fall vertical week of BBCS. This one is the oldest and I sipped this over an hour on Sunday night as last night was a work night. Poured its usual inky black with a 1-2 fingered mocha head. I'm not sure I change my review of this much from year to year and this 5 year old bottle is probably little different. Liquid Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate morsels with a bit of booze are the aromas escaping from the glass with tastes of a dark chocolate malted with a half a shot of whiskey at the finish. Kind of oily and modestly bitter on the palate, too, with the heavily roasted malts used to concoct this. It's an imperial stout so I'll guess IBUs in the 60-70 range but it's tough to tell with all the roasted flavors here. ABV has always been listed at 10% and it's not hidden much. I think the price has not changed in several years since they moved to 4 packs that sell for $8 so I buy one or two litters each fall.

From tonight:

The last of the 2010-11 version from the cellar wasn't much different than past reviews. Six ounces last PM and 6 ounces tonight, to be followed by a bottle of the 2011-12 version. Opaque, onyx and oily in appearance and texture and roasted and dark chocolate-y on the taste buds. There are no additives and it's not BBA, just a good quality imperial stout that's easy on the Visa card, too. I saw the '15-16 issue at Total Wine this weekend and passed for some others I'll taste next week but probably will return for a 4 pack next week as I think I've probably bought this every year for the last 20 years after tasting it at a beer festival in 1995 at the old Durham Omni, IIRC.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 7th, 2015, 8:50 am
by devildeac
Samichlaus (2008 edition)-Castle Brewery Eggenberg

No typo. I really saved another beer 7 years and it was worth the wait. It was semi-intentional as I re-discovered this rotating/consolidating stock in the cellar, err, garage this fall. I did not think I had any prior to 2009 but found this gem and "forced" myself to sip this over an hour in one sitting tonight. It is technically a double bock but really most resembles a sherry. Brown sugar and dark caramel sweet with dark cherry and very winey, sherry-like flavors. Tough to believe this is beer as it has little head but remained rather clear over eight years. There was a small amount of sediment in the last 5 ml. Best served in a snifter or wine glass at cellar temperature and only as a dessert beer. Recommended to sip and savor over an hour or so as the ABV is 14% (no typo here either) and I'd guess the IBU 20-30 as it is technically a lager. I don't think they brewed this in 2005 as the Hurlichman (sp?) sold out to Eggenberg, IIRC, and almost stopped producing this. It is about $20 for a 4 pack now I think and truly one of the better "beers" in the world. There are a lot more competitors in the very high gravity market now but I still enjoy tasting one or two of these (on different nights, of course) every winter/spring, much as one enjoys seeing an old friend every year or two.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 8th, 2015, 10:56 pm
by devildeac
From 2/22/12:

Monster(2009 version)-Brooklyn Brewing

Just looked at my 2004 and 2005 reviews and this one will fall short of those accolades but not by much. This barleywine style ale is highly drinkable when it is released and continues to become smoother and softer as it ages. Pours a fairly clear reddish-brown with a small head and has aromas of dark (but not chocolate) caramels, light brown sugar and dark dried fruits, mostly cherries. Still resembles a sherry but not quite as much as the older versions. The cloying sweetness balances the typical floral hop bitterness at an estimated IBU of 80 or more and an ABV of 11%. So, let this warm a bit, decant into a snifter and sip for an hour or so for your bedtime brew.

From tonight:

This one may have suffered a bit from the additional aging, or I may be tiring of old barleywines. Or both. Still a nice sipping beverage with many of the above flavors/tastes that became more noticeable as it warmed a bit. I'm not sure the IBUs are that high and the ABV is listed at 10.1% on this 12 ounce bottle so I'm not sure where the above (unreliable) poster obtained their info . There are soooo many more brews on the market now than 6 years ago so I'll drink up my aged inventory over the next 3-4 months as I try to find space for the newer "breeds."

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 10th, 2015, 9:56 pm
by devildeac
Bigfoot (2012)-Sierra Nevada Brewing

This was the last Bigfoot in my cellar and I found this rather smooth. Poured a slightly cloudy, dark amber with a frothy, beige head that had to settle just a bit before drinking. Aromas of tobacco, smoke and toffee and tastes of the same with some dark caramel and intense floral/piney bitterness. The 3 year aging has taken the rough edges off this barleywine that is difficult to sip when "early" in its vintage. I think this typically has IBUs in the 80-90 range with ABV of 9.6% so it is indeed a monster of a brew. This would pair well with aged cheeses and some sourdough bread as a snack or some spicy ribs or brisket for your entree.

Saying good bye to an old friend here as I'm not sure I'd buy Bigfoot again as it's rather rough to drink the same year and there's so many more fine ales on the market now that storage/aging space/time/patience just isn't that practical anymore. I never bought any of the 2013/2014 versions, having bought just about every one they released from about 1998-2012.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 6:05 pm
by devildeac
Neusiok (draft)-Neuse River Brewing Company

I enjoyed a tulip of this from Raleigh's newest brewery with the ricks68 marital team last PM, sitting outside at a picnic table on a refreshingly clear and dry 65 degree Raleigh night. Poured a clean, slightly golden-yellow with a modest, creamy head. Aromas of a floral bouquet and freshly cut Granny Smith apples, underripe pears and lemon slices with tastes of the same and a more prominent floral hop bite than expected. It's an imperial saison and it was listed at 9% ABV and felt like it after 30 minutes of sipping and chatting. I'll estimate IBUs of 40-45. It also had a dry, sauvignon blanc type finish, too. Pleasant enough to plan a return trip and sample another and hopefully meet one of the owners, who I found out is the brother-in-law of one of our older daughter's college roommates.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 6:14 pm
by devildeac
Affluent (draft sample)-Neuse River Brewing Company

Well, the Neusiok was so good I couldn't depart, but this one's ABV was quite high (10.5%) so I politely requested a taster and was served a 2 ounce portion in a rather cute mini-tulip. Gold-orange color with a small head and the expected scents from a tripel of banana and clove and tastes of the same along with some sweet orange liqueur. Quite smooth with little bitterness, guessing IBUs of 20, and a mild boozey burn. I'd certainly return for a full pour of this and to sample some of their other IPAs, Belgians or one-offs.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 10:40 pm
by devildeac
Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale-New Belgium Brewing/Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (WTH?)

A throw-in/bonus beer from fuse last PM. Poured a clean brown color with a small tan head. Nose of Kraft chocolate caramels, cocoa and almonds. Tastes of almonds, caramels, weak cocoa and a pinch of salt. Minimal bitterness with IBUs of 14 and a sessionable ABV of 6.25%. Here are the ingredients:

Nugget, Goldings
Pale, Caramel Munich, Chocolate Malt
Chocolate, Vanilla, Salts

Grateful/happy to have received this and tasted it but glad fuse bought the 6er and not me . If I had several of these left, I'd trade a couple and try one with a scoop of vanilla or maybe coffee ice cream for a beer float dessert.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 5:34 pm
by devildeac
Watermelon and Mint Blonde Ale-Burial Brewing

I've seen this called Harvest Moon elsewhere but that's not on the bottle anywhere, which BTW was a 750 ml capped and wax-dipped top container that took a modest amount of cutting and carving to finally get opened. Poured a light golden color with a modest amount of sediment and this was the first of two servings and I was gentle with decantation. Generous amount of watermelon aromas with mint in the background. Tastes were watermelon candy, rind and mint and perhaps a bit of orange. No hops or grains listed anywhere. I'll guess IBUs of 20 and the ABV was 6.1%. Very interesting beer/concept to try but rather spendy and I'm not looking forward to the sediment in the 2nd half of the bottle tonight. I like the Hell or High Watermelon from 21st Amendment and Double D's (no relation to me) Watermelon Lager from Deep River Brewing better in my limited tastings of watermelon ales. Paired nicely with a turkey, bacon and cheese wrap and some sour cream and onion chips for dinner last PM. Thanks to ricks68 for searching out and purchasing.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 5:43 pm
by devildeac
Today's Tailgate tastings:

(originally from 7/14/15)

Pear Ginger Beer-New Belgium Brewing

Contains alcohol. No, really, that's printed on the bottle. This is another in their Lips of Faith series and poured a light golden with a moderately fizzy head that disappeared rather quickly. Aromas are pretty subtle and have a bit of lightly toasted bread, flowers, some underripe pear and a bit of ginger. The pear flavor is very mild and there's a bit of citrus, along with a moderate ginger bite and heat at the end. Target is the only hop listed and the 3 grains are Pale, White Wheat and Extra Special. Adjuncts include pear, ginger and lemon zest. Think Juicy Juice meets Canada Dry and ReaLemon walks by with a small squirt. Minimal bitterness with IBUs at 10 and the ABV is 7% so I divided my bomber over 2 nights. This would pair well with sweet and sour dishes or some mild Thai/Chinese food. Not one of my favorites of the LoF series but a pleasant ale for sipping on warm afternoons or evenings.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 5:46 pm
by devildeac
(Originally from 12/8/13):

Three Philosophers-Ommegang Brewing

A Belgian style quadruple ale (98%) blended with a cherry lambic (2%) makes a delicious combination for a celebratory brew. I enjoyed 1/2 a 12 ounce bottle of this with my son Saturday night as a pre-dinner beverage. It was a rather cold but, with a bit of warming, the dark, fruity flavors of dates and figs blended exquisitely with the bing cherry flavors of the lambic. There are also notes of dark brown sugar and rum which add to the enjoyment of this excellent ale. The pour was a deep ruby brown with a small head. I'd guess the IBU to be 20-30 with little hop presence and the ABV is a hefty 9.8%. This would also be a fine after dinner or dessert brew and could be served alone or with a plate of dark dried fruits or even with chocolate, making your dessert even more decadent. I have a 750 ml bottle I'll save for a year and celebrate again .

It's now a year and a half later and that 750 ml bottle was shared with my son, daughter and son-in-law last PM, a bit less of a celebration than I thought or hoped it might be as we were losing 14-0 at the time, but a celebration of the event, nonetheless.

I don't think this changed that much with another 18 months of aging except perhaps becoming a bit smoother and was every bit as enjoyable as any other time I have purchased it. Ommegang has a Christmas package now with this, Hennepin and Chocolate Indulgence along with an Ommegang chalice/tulip that you can purchase for your favorite beer lover, even if it's yourself. Cost is about $25 which I think is very reasonable as the Three Philosophers is generally about $9-10, as is the Chocolate Indulgence, which may only be available in this 3 bottle/glass package. I think the Hennepin is about $6-7, so that makes the specialty glass essentially free.

Many thanks to August West who contributed this today. One of my favorite ales.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 5:58 pm
by devildeac
Working Man's Lunch-Fullsteam Brewing

Ricks68 brought this bomber for the gang and I'm happy he did because I've never had it and it paired nicely with some breakfast pastries and especially with our chefs' French Toast Casserole. Poured a dark brown with a modest head and tantalizing aromas of chocolate, coffee and a bit of orange and banana from the Weihenstephan weizen yeast. Tastes were cola, cocoa (from Raleigh's Escazu Artisan Chocolates) and nuances of coffee. Fullsteam describes it as an "RC Cola and a Moon Pie." Not sure I'd go quite that far but I know I'd order a pint of this if I ever saw it on tap. One of their many plow-to-pint brewings.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 7:19 pm
by devildeac
From 2/20/11:

Cappucino (Imperial) Stout-Lagunitas Brewing

One ounce taster tonight at Tyler's Taproom pre-game. Almost pitch black pour, small head with the expected aromas of dark chocolate and espresso. Somewhat low IBU at 29.5 (yes, Lagunitas does that all the time) and and the ABV is 9.62%. Glad I had a taste and I would order it again, with cream and sugar. This would be fine with stews, chili, ribs, brisket or, simply in a snifter for dessert.

From tailgate today:

Pretty much the same as almost 5 years ago. Sipped today with an espresso chocolate fudge cup with a coffee bean on the top. Decadent. Thanks to dpslaw for sharing.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 9:06 pm
by devildeac
Brooklyn Black OPS-Brooklyn Brewery

Worth a copy and paste from their website-also on the bottle's label:

"Brooklyn Black Ops does not exist. However, if it did exist, it would be a strong stout concocted by the Brooklyn brewing team under cover of secrecy and hidden from everyone else at the brewery. The myth is that this supposed “Black Ops” was then aged for four months in bourbon barrels, bottled flat, and re-fermented with Champagne yeast. Presumably such a beer would raise a rich, fluffy dark brown head and it would combine chocolate and coffee flavors with a rich underpinning of vanilla-like bourbon notes. A beer like that would be mighty nice, but it would be hard to make more than few cases – it could never be sold or released to the public. They say that the brewmaster revealed the beer to a few other people at the brewery only after it had been barreled. The rumor going around is that the brewery plans to drink the beer themselves over the holidays and give some to their family and friends. That’s what they say. But frankly, there’s no evidence for any of this. This beer is obviously a figment of people’s fervent imaginations. People tend to get loopy around the holidays. Everyone go home now – there’s nothing to see here.
Style: Barrel-aged Imperial Stout
Malts: [redacted]
Hops: [redacted]
Yeast: [redacted]
Alcohol by Volume: 10.5% (2012)
Original Gravity: [redacted]
Food Pairings: Myth, legend, strong cheeses, and ice cream.
Availability: Does not exist
Format: 750ml cork-finished bottles"

My review after the game . :ymblushing:

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 10:13 am
by dpslaw
devildeac wrote:From 2/20/11:

Cappucino (Imperial) Stout-Lagunitas Brewing

One ounce taster tonight at Tyler's Taproom pre-game. Almost pitch black pour, small head with the expected aromas of dark chocolate and espresso. Somewhat low IBU at 29.5 (yes, Lagunitas does that all the time) and and the ABV is 9.62%. Glad I had a taste and I would order it again, with cream and sugar. This would be fine with stews, chili, ribs, brisket or, simply in a snifter for dessert.

From tailgate today:

Pretty much the same as almost 5 years ago. Sipped today with an espresso chocolate fudge cup with a coffee bean on the top. Decadent. Thanks to dpslaw for sharing.
Actually, Tom should get the credit for sharing this.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: November 15th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by devildeac
dpslaw wrote:
devildeac wrote:From 2/20/11:

Cappucino (Imperial) Stout-Lagunitas Brewing

One ounce taster tonight at Tyler's Taproom pre-game. Almost pitch black pour, small head with the expected aromas of dark chocolate and espresso. Somewhat low IBU at 29.5 (yes, Lagunitas does that all the time) and and the ABV is 9.62%. Glad I had a taste and I would order it again, with cream and sugar. This would be fine with stews, chili, ribs, brisket or, simply in a snifter for dessert.

From tailgate today:

Pretty much the same as almost 5 years ago. Sipped today with an espresso chocolate fudge cup with a coffee bean on the top. Decadent. Thanks to dpslaw for sharing.
Actually, Tom should get the credit for sharing this.
Looks like you just did. Thanks for clarifying.