Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 3rd, 2015, 9:21 am

6/23/13 review:

Bourbon Cru (draft)-Hardywood Brewing

From about a 2-3 year old brewery in Richmond comes this outstanding bourbon barrel aged pinnacle of Belgian style quadruple ales. This was about a $5 pint on a warm Sunday afternoon and sipped with a sausage sammich with pimento cheese from the Sausage Craft food truck parked at the brewery during their Father's Day Keg and Oyster roast. Most of the brew was savored as it warmed, long after the last crumbs of roll and particles of sausage had been consumed. Pour was a slightly cloudy medium brown with a small head. Aromas were of dark, dried fruits and whiskey and the tastes were the same with perhaps some vanilla, oak, cherry, rum and dark brown sugar notes, too. Booze was prominent but not overpowering. IBU weighed in at 18 and ABV was 10.2%, a bit low for a typical quad. Well, loonngg before I drained and licked the last few delicious molecules from my cup, my wife had the car keys and we were making departure plans. I've got two caged and corked 750 bottles of this 2012 release and will enjoy one this fall or winter and trade the other. This is really an outstanding creation.

3/30/15 and 3/31/15 tasting:

The final bottle of the above-mentioned 2012 version was sipped earlier this week. I think this was a case of an aged ale being past its prime. Not spoiled but certainly a product that should have been enjoyed 6-12 months earlier, despite having been refrigerated since purchase in June, 2013. Poured an orange-tinted dark amber with very little head. Raisins, dates and figs soaked in bourbon aromas wafted from the pint glass along with dark caramel/toffee. Tasted matched the scents with a modest bourbon wallop near the end plus a little wood and vanilla, too. I'd certainly purchase/trade/sample again if duketaylor procured this spring or summer and brought to a fall tailgate. Great liquid dessert sipper by itself or accompanied by a caramel/toffee/chocolate cake.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 4th, 2015, 9:00 am

Samichlaus (2007 edition)-Castle Brewery Eggenberg

No typo. I really saved another beer 8 years and it was worth the wait. It was semi-intentional as I re-discovered this rotating/consolidating stock in the cellar, err, garage this fall. I did not think I had any prior to 2008 but found this gem and "forced" myself to sip this over an hour in one sitting tonight. It is technically a double bock but really most resembles a sherry. Brown sugar and dark caramel sweet with dark cherry and very winey, sherry-like flavors. Tough to believe this is beer as it has little head but remained rather clear over eight years. There was a small amount of sediment in the last 5 ml. Best served in a snifter or wine glass at cellar temperature and only as a dessert beer. Recommended to sip and savor over an hour or so as the ABV is 14% (no typo here either) and I'd guess the IBU 20-30 as it is technically a lager. I don't think they brewed this in 2005 as the Hurlichman (sp?) sold out to Eggenberg, IIRC, and almost stopped producing this. It is about $20 for a 4 pack now I think and truly one of the better "beers" in the world. There are a lot more competitors in the very high gravity market now but I still enjoy tasting one or two of these (on different nights, of course) every winter/spring, much as one enjoys seeing an old friend every year or two.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 4th, 2015, 10:10 pm

Down To Earth-21st Amendment Brewing

This is a (relatively) new session IPA from this brewery that our older son-in-law brought for FF weekend. Poured from a 12 ounce can into a pint glass and it was a light yellow-gold with a modest, creamy head. Citrus and pine on the nose with a bit of a grapefruit rind flavor with some resin, light brown sugar and caramel flavors. IBUs are 42 with Cascade, Mosaic and Warrior hops and ABV was 4.4% with Golden Promise, Munich Light, Crystal 45, Caramalt malts. Not sure why this is an IPA as it fit more into a pale ale category but it was a pleasant post-game celebratory brew, along with a Gouden Carolus Easter 750 ml bottle (shared).
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 5th, 2015, 9:09 pm

Gouden Carolus Easter Ale (2013)-Brouwerij Het Anker

I thought I had reviewed this before but I guess not. This was my 2nd 750 ml caged and corked bottle bought last summer I think at Total Wine on a close-out for $1.50 off the original price of about $7-8. Almost classifies as a steal. It's a pretty classic Belgian strong/dark ale brewed once a year for Easter. I divided the bottle with our older son-in-law last PM watching the Wisc-UK game. Poured a cloudy, dark, muddy brown with a light tan, foamy head that lingered through the serving. Gorgeous dark, dried fruit scents along with dark brown sugar up front with tastes to match along with a bit of mild chocolate and rum even though it's not an aged ale. Two spices are mentioned and I was not on top of my game last PM but I'd guess cinnamon and nutmeg. I'll estimate 20-30 IBUs max and the ABV is 10.5%. Wonderful dessert beer and beverage to accompany a wildcat loss.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 7th, 2015, 8:48 pm

From last PM:

Devil Dancer (2013)-Founders Brewing

Poured a cloudy orange-amber with tons of citrus/rind and pine on the nose with a nuclear blast of piney hops on the palate to accompany the orange and grapefruit tastes with a bit of a toffee/caramel finish. This had almost as much bitterness as a Bo Ryan post-game presser at 112 IBUs with enough ABV at 12% to almost make you forget what he said. I think this was $16-18 for a 4 pack a couple years ago with two for me, one for our son and one for fuse.

Guessing it's not much of a coincidence that I'm still celebrating.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 8th, 2015, 2:15 pm

Just received my reward for winning the office NCAAT pool: A $30 gift certificate to Bottle Revolution.

Reviews to follow. :D
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 9th, 2015, 10:37 pm

Jubilee VIII-Alewerks Brewing

This is their anniversary ale and is a Belgian style dark/strong ale aged in rum casks, not barrels, as this is a Williamsburg, VA brewery. As expected, it poured a dark, dark brown with a bit of ruby and a small head. Think of liquid, dark dried fruits including raisins, dates, figs and cherries that have been soaked in dark rum for a while. Gorgeous nose with a velvety texture mouthfeel with the aromas matching the tastes plus a bit of dark brown sugar and caramel. Dangerously sippable at 10% ABV (from their website-not listed on the bottle) and an estimated IBU of 20-30. The malts/grains and sweetness win here with minimal hop balance but not overly boozey. I could imagine a few nibbles of chocolate/rum balls/truffles with this but half of a 375 ml bottle last evening and tonight were perfect as dessert and as a prelude to a small tasting of Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA. This was pretty spendy at about $10 for the small, corked and caged bottle but I didn't go to Indy so this was my indulgence, along with a trip to the Bryan Center on Saturday to see what they have left in championship swag.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 12th, 2015, 3:28 pm

120 Minute IPA (4/17/2008-no typo)-Dogfish Head

Consumed and reviewed in honor of our championship performance in the NCAAT last week. Once again, I have difficulty reviewing this as a beer because it is such a unique concoction. I believe it is continuously or repeatedly hopped for its 120 minute boiling cycle. This yields an intensely citrusy and fruity profile to the tune of 120 IBU. Yet another reason for its 120 minute name. There is a minimal head to this cloudy, red-orange pour and it is best sipped and savored slightly chilled in small aliquots due to its 18-20% ABV. The massive amount of grain to reach this high gravity impart a sherry-like taste, in addition to some whiskey-ish notes, thereby balancing the palate-scorching high IBU. The 12 ounce bottles of this are about $12 according to duketaylor as I obviously haven't bought one for about 7 years and I finished this one over 3-4 nights. If you can find any, buy several and age them for a few years as I have done and then compare tastings.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 12th, 2015, 3:50 pm

Der Schneid-Steel String Craft Brewery

Drink local/drink micro!

Yesterday's journey took us to the Duke University store for some championship swag and glassware (for now), followed by a trip to this small brewery in Carrboro to dine with our daughter and son-in-law (it's bring your own food) and then an evening of dancing at the very nearby Carrboro Century Center with the lovely and vivacious Mrs. dd. This was actually my SIL's berverage (my treat) so I stole 2-3 ounces for a taster.

Poured a cloudy lemon-yellow with a moderate foamy head. Nose was orange and floral and the tastes were citrusy and sour. It's a very old German-style beer that has been (somewhat) popularized by the burgeoning US craft brew industry and was a pleasant beverage with our homemade sammiches, chips and vegetable crudites. It has a huge wheat base with little barley and this one weighed in at a paltry 3.8% ABV which is pretty standard for the style. IBUs are almost non-existent at 4.6 (decimal point is in proper place). Sheesh, that's likely less than budlite. Read more about the style here:


(Der schneid translates to "the cut." Don't ask why they gave it that name.)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 12th, 2015, 4:05 pm

Turn-Steel String

More local!

This was a "table saison" and was another 2-3 ounce sample that I shamelessly stole from my daughter. Pour was a cloudy off-white with a slight yellow tinge. Fruity aromas were unripe apples and pears with some floral and spicy notes, too. Head was pretty generous Belgian lace and tastes were a bit sour with fruits as above with a splash of orange and a pinch of black pepper. Saisons are also farmhouse ales and the "table" designation applies to the lower ABV ones and this was 4.8%. I'll guess 10-20 for the IBUs. No info was available at the brewery and I didn't ask but I don't think this had any additives but the style often has fruits, herbs and/or spices added. Another nice pairing with our homemade sammiches, chips and assorted veggies.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 12th, 2015, 10:24 pm

Big Mon (draft)-Steel String Craft Brewery

More local!

This was actually my beer last PM that I shared 2-3 ounces with our daughter. Our younger SIL doesn't like IPAs. Poured a golden amber with a modest head with pretty much all piney resin aromas and tastes. Reasonably balanced with some caramel, bready tastes. I'll guess IBUs in the 60s and the ABV was on the chalkboard as 6.3%. Nothing special about this ale but a good one to pair with our evening meal prepared at home and brought into the tasting room.

Few more words about Steel String. They are located in downtown Carrboro where the parking isn't particularly good or plentiful. Plenty of eating joints within several blocks and a block or so from Tyler's Carrboro taproom. There was a food truck a block away. They only had 4 of their own brews on draft but had 1-2 wines and a local cider, too. Seating for about 30-35 indoors and the same outdoors. Small 'fridge inside with 4 different current or recent brews in 500 ml or 22 ounce bottles.

That's it from our visit to Steel String last PM. My Love Ninja awaits.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 14th, 2015, 10:02 pm

Palo Santo Marron (2/2/11)-Dogfish Head Brewing

I'm still celebrating.

I must "cellar" my ales more carefully than fuse because I thought this 4+ year old version was outstanding. It's an "unfiltered and unfettered" brown ale that is aged in 10,000 gallon Paraguayan Palo Alto wood vessels. Poured an almost opaque mahogany hue with hints of ruby with a very small, short-lived head. Aromas of dark, dried fruits, wood and vanilla. Tastes of the same with a hint of smoke, some caramelized dark sugar and dark rummy notes. Exquisitely smooth and almost oily. This was dangerously drinkable despite its 12% ABV as I allowed it to warm a bit and sipped this 12 ounce serving from a pint glass over 30-45 minutes. Hops are merely bystanders here, even with stated IBUs of 50. This is one of those buy-it-if-you-see-it ales, guessing a 4 pack will set you back about $15 so you can drink one, trade one and age a couple for several years. I've got one left and can't decide what to do with it...
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 16th, 2015, 10:11 pm

Lover's Greed (2014)-Alewerks Brewing

Poured a mildly cloudy, amber hue with a hint of ruby and a very small head. Aromas of red zinfandel, sweet and sour cherries and some barnyard funk. Tastes like liquid raspberry-cherry Sour Patch Kids that have been run through a Randal with red and white zinfandel and some Rodenbach. It's a Belgian-style ale aged in red wine barrels for 18 months and fermented with Brettanomyces, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus and malts including Pils, Pale, Wheat, Rye and Crystal. No hops mentioned. I'll guess IBUs of 20-30 and I think the ABV is about 7%. It was frighteningly easy to sip this ~$10-12 corked and caged 500 ml bottle over about 30 minutes. Sometimes you take chances with beers and it looks like this one pleased both our palates. I'm still celebrating from two weeks ago.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 19th, 2015, 9:58 pm

Raison d'Extra (3-17-08)-Dogfish Head Brewing

Still celebrating!

From their website:

"Our Raison D'Etre, with a little extra. This immodest brew, made with an obscene amount of malt, brown sugar and raisins, takes Belgian-style browns to new heights."

I can't remember where/when I bought this but I'll guess sometime in 2009 at the Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY, the land of the missing D and E. I think it was $8-9 for the 12 ounce bottle which I sequestered for another special occasion. It just so happens I found that event that occurred about 2 weeks ago. I divided this over 3 nights and sipped slightly chilled each evening. Poured a slightly cloudy, dark brown and almost no head with aromas and tastes of how raisin wine/juice/syrup might appear. Dark brown sugar, toffee, rum and port wine also come to mind. Hop presence/perception is minimal despite IBUs of 40, as the ABV is (somewhere around) a stunning 15-20%. Dessert in a bottle. Sadly, there are no more of these in the devildeac household. :(( :((
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 20th, 2015, 7:49 am

G. Menabrea e Figli-Birra Menabrea Spa, Biella, Italy

Birra ambrata, or an Italian amber ale. This was a five dollar, 330 ml bottle I bought from a little Italian take out storefront in Florida last PM to accompany a sausage, peppers, onions and cheese torpedo for dinner. Poured and tasted like a Fat Tire from about 5100 miles away. Shoulda gone with a couple 187 ml bottles of Sutter Home merlot or cabernet instead.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 20th, 2015, 7:50 am

Dolce Vita-Mountain Crest SRL LLC, Monroe, Wisconsin

Birra. Italian style beer. This was even more of a disappointment then the birra ambrata above. A faux Italian malt beverage. Brewed in Wisconsin. WTH? Tasted like a honey lager. It actually wasn't bad but once again, I'd have been better served with a couple small two dollar bottles of some Sutter Home varieties with my pretty tasty sandwich.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 20th, 2015, 8:17 pm

I'll kinda/sorta recycle this from 4/7/13:

Burton Baton (3/7/10)-Dogfish Head Brewing

Best let the brewers initiate the description:

"This oak-aged gentle giant has been gaining popularity over the past few years and is now available year-round.

For Burton Baton, we brew two "threads," or batches, of beer: an English-style old ale and an imperial IPA.

After fementating the beers separately in our stainless tanks, they're transferred and blended together in one of our large oak tanks. Burton Baton sits on the wood for about a month.

When enjoying the Burton Baton, you'll find an awesome blend of the citrus notes from Northwestern hops melding with woody, vanilla notes from the oak. The wood also tends to mellow the 10% ABV of Burton, so tread cautiously!"

Now I'll take a shot. What a smooth mouthfeel! Poured a golden-bronze with a modest head and gentle scents of grapefruit and dark, brown caramel/sugar. Don't think I've had one of these for a couple years at least and last night's 12 ounce bottle reminded me how good this is. I think the cellaring enhances the oak and vanilla notes and adds some rummy/sherry flavors to the mix. IBU at 70 but the ABV of 10% hides the fairly typical DIPA hop bite very nicely. I'd enjoy this as a nightcap ale. Ahh, yes, another 2010 championship vintage.

Still celebrating!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 24th, 2015, 7:57 pm

Cryin' Holy-Steel String Craft Brewery

Drink local! Keep your beer $$ in NC!

After sampling my own and my youngest daughter's and her husband's pints a couple weeks ago, I found some of their bottled products in a small cooler and bought doubles of this and Pretty Polly.

This is a double IPA and I poured half a bomber each of the last couple nights and it appeared a clear, straw color with a small, foamy head. Citrus leads from the start here and finishes strong. Nose of grapefruit and tastes of the same, zest included, with a nice tropical presence, too, including mango, papaya and pineapple. There are modest light brown sugar and caramel flavors for a pleasant balance. Drinks strong at 8.7% ABV, but the 87 IBUs are fairly smooth. Pair with entrees with mild to moderate heat. Second bomber is for fuse whenever we can connect again.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 28th, 2015, 9:47 pm

Probably a bit to early to recycle this from 11/23/14, but I'm still celebrating:

Monster (2008)-Brooklyn Brewing

(in honor of our Monster year and K's most recent Monster recruiting class)

I'm really running low on these vintages and this may be my last 2008 (but I amazingly found another this weekend). Sipped several hours after Ingram's announcement, this poured a slightly cloudy dark amber with a small amount of sediment from a 12 ounce bottle. Pretty complex aromas and tastes as expected with notes of sherry, caramel and tobacco upon decanting and some dark brown sugar, rum and dark cherry notes after sipping. The head was small and there were no indications of spoilage. Very smooth, cloying mouthfeel with mild bitterness perception in spite of its suspected high IBUs based on the style, guessing 70-80. ABV weighing in at 10.3% which is just a bit lower than earlier editions. This is not listed as one of their seasonals so I fear that they have stopped production of this as fuse stated a couple years ago. Sad. I think I have 1 or 2 of the 2009 edition left.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 29th, 2015, 11:16 am

Still celebrating!

(Original review 10/3/13)

Eighteen-Weyerbacher Brewing

Another anniversary ale and another excellent creation. This year it's a weizendoppelbock. Well, technically I guess at 11.1% ABV it should be called an imperial weizendoppelbock as most double bocks are 8-9% ABV. Five malts, including two wheat varieties, comprise the grain base and impart fruity esters, banana, cloves and citrus in addition to a creamy milk chocolate-y and toasted bready mouth feel. Little hop presence, guessing IBU in the 20-30 range. Poured a cloudy brown color with a small head, this is liquid dessert or a nice beverage to serve with apple or peach cobblers. Purchased at Total Wine last week for about $12 for the 4 pack. Buy the package and trade/share with friends.

Last night's tasting:

Smoother and sweeter after about 18 months of cellaring. Almost tastes like a dark caramel-cherry syrup drizzled over a rum bread pudding but not as thick/gooey. This was waaaaay too easy to drink last PM.
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