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Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 19th, 2011, 10:29 pm
by CathyCA
AD, this is really good news! I'm so happy for you.


Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 19th, 2011, 11:09 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Sounds great AD. Very exciting. I hope you hear soon. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 20th, 2011, 12:32 am
ArkieDukie wrote:Quick update: just got an e-mail from the folks at UTMB. They have posted a new position and sent me a link with instructions to apply ASAP so they can bring me in quickly. They upgraded the position so the salary is comparable to what I'm making now - maybe higher. It's not a faculty position, but we all know those can't be added overnight. Looks like they REALLY want me there. The ad is written to describe me EXACTLY - right down to the degree and specific work experience. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f: :ymdevil:
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah! B-) :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 20th, 2011, 8:54 am
by windsor
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Vibin' like mad that the process is quick and profitable :D

Sounds like is is just perfect!!

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 20th, 2011, 11:12 am
by Lavabe
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote: First off, major-league vibes to you for the job with internal medicine! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Thanks for the note of caution, and your point is well taken. I'd like to think you're wrong, but I can't say for certain that you are. Truth of the matter is, I did detect some traits of my ADH boss in the guy at UTMB, and that makes me a bit cautious in dealing with him. The traits I saw are ones that might make him perfectly capable of the old bait and switch. Fortunately for me, I have you to play devil's advocate (all puns intended), and I have the experience with a former boss to make me more aware of the warning signs.
I'm glad you took my words for exactly what they weren't to be, cautionary. I hope I'm wrong too, I really do. I just hate to see you walk away from a bad situation right into another, sort of like you already did. I'm very good at being a devil'd advocate. :)

Thank you for the vibes. Will keep ya'll posted regarding this job.
Do you get the feeling that you would need to visit the academic integrity folks at UTMB? :-s

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 20th, 2011, 1:09 pm
by ArkieDukie
Lavabe wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote: First off, major-league vibes to you for the job with internal medicine! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Thanks for the note of caution, and your point is well taken. I'd like to think you're wrong, but I can't say for certain that you are. Truth of the matter is, I did detect some traits of my ADH boss in the guy at UTMB, and that makes me a bit cautious in dealing with him. The traits I saw are ones that might make him perfectly capable of the old bait and switch. Fortunately for me, I have you to play devil's advocate (all puns intended), and I have the experience with a former boss to make me more aware of the warning signs.
I'm glad you took my words for exactly what they weren't to be, cautionary. I hope I'm wrong too, I really do. I just hate to see you walk away from a bad situation right into another, sort of like you already did. I'm very good at being a devil'd advocate. :)

Thank you for the vibes. Will keep ya'll posted regarding this job.
Do you get the feeling that you would need to visit the academic integrity folks at UTMB? :-s
Absolutely not. In fact, we had a conversation about the "crap" that's in the literature these days. It appears that we are like-minded regarding data quality, unlike my current situation. It's pretty frustrating when your alleged job is data analysis, and uninformed people can over-rule your assessment to include lower quality data in order to get the answer they want.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 20th, 2011, 8:54 pm
by captmojo
May you make UTMB the research leader of the world.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 21st, 2011, 1:06 am
by DukieInKansas
captmojo wrote:May you make UTMB the research leader of the world.
I'll second this!

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 7:48 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Praying for a new job (perm and full time with benefits) for the New Year. So many people I know, what lost their jobs, and have not gotten full time jobs yet. And the jobs we do have, are either temp, contract, part time or seasonal jobs, with no benefits and alot less pay.

Its extremely difficult to get by on less than half on what you were used to, as a single person. Luxuries such as going to football or basketball games, going out to eat, shopping, even grocery shopping or shuffling your Main/priority bills each month is a constant challenge, day in and day out.

Jobs have been cut, but then you read or hear that CEOs, COOs, CFOs, or heads of departments or schools or universities receive high bonus, of 1 million or multiple millions. The rich get richer. Making it the "Haves" and the "Have Nots".

If you have a decent job and benefits or a profitable business, be blessed and thankful. Be kind to those who dont and go easy on them. To live each day in a financial challenge is extremely difficult, and so many Americans are in the same situation.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:41 am
by ArkieDukie
DevilWearsPrada2.0 wrote:Praying for a new job (perm and full time with benefits) for the New Year. So many people I know, what lost their jobs, and have not gotten full time jobs yet. And the jobs we do have, are either temp, contract, part time or seasonal jobs, with no benefits and alot less pay.

Its extremely difficult to get by on less than half on what you were used to, as a single person. Luxuries such as going to football or basketball games, going out to eat, shopping, even grocery shopping or shuffling your Main/priority bills each month is a constant challenge, day in and day out.

Jobs have been cut, but then you read or hear that CEOs, COOs, CFOs, or heads of departments or schools or universities receive high bonus, of 1 million or multiple millions. The rich get richer. Making it the "Haves" and the "Have Nots".

If you have a decent job and benefits or a profitable business, be blessed and thankful. Be kind to those who dont and go easy on them. To live each day in a financial challenge is extremely difficult, and so many Americans are in the same situation.
DWP, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. :pray: and :wizard: that something good comes through for you soon. These are indeed difficult times, and I know far too many people who are in the same position as you. The key to making it through any tough time is to do your best to keep a positive outlook. Easier said than done, and I can say this from personal experience. I'll send a few more :wizard: for you, that you can stay optimistic.

And I share your frustration with CEOs, CFOs, etc. Our country's priorities are so messed up that it's not even funny. That's all I'm going to say about that; I don't want to go off on a political tangent.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 11:10 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Thank you Arkie!!

I am volunteering today to feed the Homeless and hand out gifts. I receive so much joy and fulfillment to help others less fortunate. I know God has a plan for me, and will shield me and protect me during these uncertain times, and financial and career struggles.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 27th, 2011, 2:10 pm
by DukieInKansas
DevilWearsPrada2.0 wrote:Thank you Arkie!!

I am volunteering today to feed the Homeless and hand out gifts. I receive so much joy and fulfillment to help others less fortunate. I know God has a plan for me, and will shield me and protect me during these uncertain times, and financial and career struggles.
What a fantastic attitude. Hang in there - the right job is heading your way.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 27th, 2011, 2:37 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Dear DWP,

This hurts my heart. I wish I could fix it for you. There but for the grace of God go beloved members of my own family whom we help through these tough times. So, I fully understand even though I've never been there myself.

Your advice to the rest of us to be mindful is well taken. We'll remember that when we hear of BB tix you could use.

In the meantime, remember that at this very moment you are okay. And this very moment is really all we have. Just stop and say that to yourself when you get panicky. Right NOW is all that really matters, and you've learned you can handle that.

I love how you are keeping busy and managing to still give to others. That is definitely a good thing. More than once I've had friends' volunteer jobs lead to permanent positions. My most recent one began volunteering as a teacher's aid. The turnover there is great, and the very next year she was hired full time. The pay wasn't tremendous, but it got her the benefits she needed so badly and she ended up LOVING the kids and having the greatest time. She has since retired but has kept the great friendships she made. You sound like the energetic, positive type of person our schoolrooms could use!

Good luck. Lots of vibes coming your way.
Love, Ima

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 27th, 2011, 7:51 pm
by captmojo
DevilWearsPrada2.0 wrote:Thank you Arkie!!

I am volunteering today to feed the Homeless and hand out gifts. I receive so much joy and fulfillment to help others less fortunate. I know God has a plan for me, and will shield me and protect me during these uncertain times, and financial and career struggles.
Your good Karma has been posted on deposit. :-BD

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 28th, 2011, 6:16 pm
by ArkieDukie
Had an e-mail from my contact at UTMB today. They can't officially look until applications until January 2, but will be freezing applications at that point and bringing in qualified people to interview. He mentioned late January as a potential start date, which might actually be a bit too soon. I also have the option of going down to visit again, which I think is a good idea. It will give me a chance to look into real estate on the island.

I think it's time to contact a realtor and put the wheels in motion to put my place on the market. Will have to tread carefully, though, since PHB is still not aware that my departure is imminent. :ymdevil:

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 28th, 2011, 7:02 pm
by Very Duke Blue
ArkieDukie wrote:Had an e-mail from my contact at UTMB today. They can't officially look until applications until January 2, but will be freezing applications at that point and bringing in qualified people to interview. He mentioned late January as a potential start date, which might actually be a bit too soon. I also have the option of going down to visit again, which I think is a good idea. It will give me a chance to look into real estate on the island.

I think it's time to contact a realtor and put the wheels in motion to put my place on the market. Will have to tread carefully, though, since PHB is still not aware that my departure is imminent. :ymdevil:
I like your thinking. Galveston is a sorta different place. I like it but you have to be careful where you chose to live. I'll talk to my cousin, who got her nursing degree at UTMB. It was a long time ago but she may have info that could help you.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 28th, 2011, 7:13 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
It must be a little easier to tolerate things around the office now that you see light at the end of the tunnel. Nice. :D
Send us pix when you start house hunting! I'd love to see what the area is like. I've only been to Texas once. And that was to El Paso. I assume it doesn't ALL look like that.
Love, Ima

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 28th, 2011, 10:08 pm
ArkieDukie wrote:Had an e-mail from my contact at UTMB today. They can't officially look until applications until January 2, but will be freezing applications at that point and bringing in qualified people to interview. He mentioned late January as a potential start date, which might actually be a bit too soon. I also have the option of going down to visit again, which I think is a good idea. It will give me a chance to look into real estate on the island.

I think it's time to contact a realtor and put the wheels in motion to put my place on the market. Will have to tread carefully, though, since PHB is still not aware that my departure is imminent. :ymdevil:
Have they discussed with you what moving expenses they will pay for? Will they buy your condo, or guarantee the price you'll get for it (usually the average of three appraisals)? These things may or may not apply to a new hire (they usually do when a company moves you after a promotion). You may be able to get substantial moving expenses reimbursed by UTMB, even as a new hire. Moving your stuff will cost a bundle - thousands of dollars.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 9:28 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
On Christmas Day, I spent about 3 hours in Downtown Durham, volunteering my time to those less fortunate. It was the most rewarding thing I have done all year! And definitely, a Christmas I will always remember.

Donated clothes, coats, shoes and toys were spread out on tables. The Homeless started gathering around 1pm, whether on foot, or on bike, and some were picked up in cars and arrived. A school bus came shortly after 1pm, full of people. I was in awe, and just Wide Eyed the entire time. My words were few during the entire event, to take in everything around me.

Using my skill set of Sales and Marketing, and from having worked my entire college years, in a High End Boutique for Men and Women, I helped people find their size and would say " I think this will look really good on you." Or I can look at men and women, and tell almost what size they wear.

I saw a pair of almost brand new Nike tennis shoes, and they were size 13. There was a tall man at the event, and I asked him what size he wore, because just spotting his feet, looked to me Size 12 or 13. He told me Size 13. I said, I have "Something Special, just for you. Nike Tennis Shoes, size 13." He smiled ever so big, and was gracious. He told me, that he never finds shoes. I said, well, you did today. "Merry Christmas." He was so kind and had wonderful manners. And as I interacted with all the people attending the event, I wondered, What Their Story was, and how they became Homeless and Despaired.

After everyone came to the tables and got clothing items, a Church service and singing took place. Several Christmas Songs were sung. A nice meal was served, with Turkey and Dressing and all the fixings. There were boxes of Fruit, for anyone to grab as much as they wanted too.

We put out more clothes, and opened the tables back up, for people to take what they wanted.

A van pulled up, and opened their hatch. They had clear bags that each contained a Blanket, a Bible and a ziplock baggie of toiletries. I know we handed out over 50 of the blanket bags.

I helped to hand out The Gift Bags, and said "Merry Christmas" to each person I gave them too.

My new volunteer job is to help with the Homeless in Durham. I hope to also volunteer with Domestic Violence, since I know about that first hand. My other job is to Find a perm job with benefits. But I continue to work my labor intensive part time job, and thankful I have the work.

Re: The Job Search Thread

Posted: December 29th, 2011, 10:31 am
You did good, DWP. Very good! :happy-bouncyblue: