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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: April 27th, 2014, 6:41 pm
by devildeac
And, the final brew of the night, one I traded 5 tickets for tasters for a $5 token so I could have a pint of this:

TriUmphant-NoDa Brewing (Charlotte)

This is a Belgian tripel style ale so it poured a slightly cloudy light orange-yellow with a small head. Wonderful aromas of orange, spices (cloves? cardamon? coriander?), flowers and light brown sugar with tastes to match with hints of black pepper and banana. I couldn't find this on their web site either in current offerings or draft only selections but did find the IBUs at 35 from ratebeer. ABV stated at 9.7% both on line and by the beertender and it tasted boozey, too. Glad this was my last beverage, which I had 2 more samples of as we were leaving as my son-in-law had seven tickets left, 5 of which he used for his pint and I used the last two for another two samples. My first NoDa brew and color me impressed. Reminded me of Golden Monkey.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 7:19 pm
by devildeac
If any of y'all are in downtown Raleigh around midday Wednesday and have a hefty appetite and huge thirst:

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 7:19 pm
by devildeac
Any out-of-staters are welcome to join us the last couple days of NC beer month, whether it be in person or from your own dining/living room as we toast the old and new brewers in our state.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 1st, 2014, 7:14 pm
by devildeac
Sweet Josie-Lonerider Brewing

Is there an outlaw in you? Pretty standard fare as brown ales go with a medium brown pour, small head and aromas of toffee and roasted mixed nuts and tastes to match. I'd guess IBU around 30 and the ABV is a bit high for the style at 6.1%. This was a leftover from an office meeting I missed a couple weeks ago and wouldn't mind missing gathering if this was one of the remnants.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 2nd, 2014, 11:07 pm
by devildeac
XS Russian Imperial Stout 2009-Rogue Brewing

Probably the darkest beer I've ever had at 258 Lovibond. Some of the Southern Tier stouts approach this but I don't think any are this black. Also, likely the most bitter RIS I've ever had at 88 IBUs, but the oats make this rather smooth and silky on the palate. This was a 7 ounce nip or pony I divided over two nights and sipped at near room temperature. I bought this at Total Wine in early 2012 for $3 because it was "on sale" and I refused to pay $5 for a little bottle o' beer. I also refused to pay about $18 for the ceramic swing-top 750 ml bottle, too. Very complex aromas with coffee, dark chocolate, molasses and dark fruits. Tastes of the same with a bit of licorice which is actually used in the brewing process but is not as prominent as in the Uinta Labyrinth. I had my first tastes of the Rogue XS series probably 15 years ago when my Dad and I toured and tasted a few of their early attempts at their brewery in Newport, Oregon. along with a bowl of chowder and a fish sammich. The nips were about $1.60 each back then and I must have bought a dozen or more assorted samples of Old Crustacean, an IIPA and McRogue Scotch Ale and smuggled them back to NC in ski socks, boots and gloves. Ahh, those were the days and this little bottle brought back some very pleasant memories.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 3rd, 2014, 10:58 am
by devildeac
devildeac wrote:Old Stock Ale 2009-North Coast Brewing

It continues to be gratifying to cellar these high gravity brews as the gustatory rewards are many. This is an old English style strong ale. The pour is a dark, chestnut brown with a surprisingly robust, light tan head. Aromas and tastes are the expected dark, dried fruits like cherries, dates and figs with rum and brown sugar. Bitterness from English hops is quite subdued with IBU at 34. Almost syrupy with sweetness at an ABV of 11.5% with huge amounts of traditional English malts, this is best served slightly chilled in a snifter as an after dinner drink. I suppose it would also be good with a slice of rum or carrot cake. I have one 12 ounce bottle of this left and I'll savor that next year.
From 4/28/13:

It's next year :D .

Yes, I did indeed savor my last bottle of this old style ale. From their web site for duketaylor's brewing interest: "It's brewed with classic Maris Otter malt and Fuggles and East Kent Goldings hops, all imported from England." I sipped this over about an hour last evening for my night cap as we visited family family AND Duke family in UK land. More like sherry than port as they describe on their beer pages, this was dangerously smooth and deceptively boozy to imbibe. I think this is about $14/4 pack now and worth every $1 as it lasted me 5 years :p . I have a corked and caged 500 ml bottle of this aged in bourbon barrels from about 2010 or 2011 that I received as a gift for my first daughter's wedding in 2011 and still pondering the occasion to share that elixir.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 3rd, 2014, 6:08 pm
by devildeac
Amber Ale (draft)-West Sixth Brewing

Relatively new brewery in Lexington, KY. Shared about 2-3 ounces of a 6 ounce sample with my BIL. Poured a medium amber with a bready, floral nose and a doughy, caramely taste. Guessing IBUs of 20-30 with and ABV of 5.5%. Good session brew. Not bringing any home to NC.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 3rd, 2014, 6:09 pm
by devildeac
Goat Boy (draft)-Southern Tier Brewing

New for 2014, this imperial weizenbock is classic for this rather limited style. Think Aventinus. Poured a cloudy, medium brown with a medium head. Nose of orange, banana and clove from the wheat malt. Tastes were very complex and included the aforementioned plus some caramel and cherries and dried fruits. Bocks are lagers so the IBUs are low, guessing 20-30 here. Imperial means high ABV and this checks in at 7.5%, a bit lower than expected. I'd serve this with almost any grilled avian, bovine or porcine creatures or with cinnamon/chocolate/pecan desserts. This would make a wonderful brew to sample/share at a tailgate this fall if it's still available as most bocks are traditionally released in the winter/spring months. I think this was $2.50 for a 6 ounce sample.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 3rd, 2014, 6:55 pm
by devildeac
Morning Wood (draft)-Local Option

This sample was falsely advertised by our beertender at the Liquor Bar this afternoon. He said cocoa nibs and chile peppers. It's actually an oak-aged, coffee-infused amber ale. Poured a medium amber with a small head. A bit of cocoa on the nose with toasted croissant and brown sugar, too. The oak aging imparts some oaky and vanilla tastes to the above aromas. Guessing IBUs of 20-30 and the ABV is 7.3%. The bitterness is appropriate for the style and the ABV a bit high, sort of making it an imperial amber. So, if anyone is in the DePaul University vicinity, this pub looks like it would be an interesting dining and tasting choice. Yea, I'm talking to you, Lavabe :D .

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 3rd, 2014, 10:11 pm
by devildeac
Maharaja (draft)-Avery Brewing

$2 for a 6 ounce sample of 102 IBUs and 10.2% ABV. Pretty good purchase. This is part of their Dictator series and is an IIPA. But, it is surprisingly dark for the style, appearing as a medium amber with a mildly foamy head. First scents are grapefruit zest, then pine and resin and with the same tastes appearing and finishing with a light to moderate caramel sweetness. Deceptively smooth for such a high IBU brewing but the insane grain bill provides the balance. Plus, almost everything is better on draft. Hops listed are Simcoe, Centennial, Chinook and Columbus. Grains are two-row barley, Victory and caramel 120.

That completes my afternoon shared sampling, spending $4.50 and tasting 4 brews. The West Sixth coffee porter had just run out or that probably would have replaced the amber ale from the same brewers.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 4th, 2014, 9:50 pm
by devildeac
From 7/11/12:

90 Minute IPA-Dogfish Head Brewing

One of my all time favorites, this brew, which is really an IIPA, has it covered "to the nines." 90 minutes of continuous hopping and dry hopping, 90 IBU and 9% ABV. Pours an orange-yellow with a small head that rapidly dissipates but leaves behind a citrus/tropical melange of pineapple, mango and a bit of grapefruit. The huge malty backbone balances the high IBU with tastes of medium caramel, rum and brown sugar. Best served at cellar temperatures, this ale would pair nicely with aged cheeses, pork tenderloin, a spiced/peppery beef brisket or enjoyed by itself from a snifter. I "inherited" 4 of these from my son's recent bachelor party so I had one last week and I believe I will trade one, age one and sip the other a bit later this summer.

Tonight's tasting-bottle dated 2/7/12:

Did someone say "age one?" Of course I will.

All the above apply but the aromas and tastes are just a bit more subtle. Just an excellent IIPA, whether you enjoy it "fresh" or age a bottle or two for a couple years. This may be the last one of these in my "collection" but I have no worries, I have a couple aged Olde Schools, Burton Batons, Palo Santo Marons, Immort Ales, World Wide Stouts, Raison D'Extras and 120 Minute IPAs to keep me busy for another month or three.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 9th, 2014, 11:17 pm
by devildeac
Quadrupel (bottled Sept, 2011)-The Saint Louis Brewery (aka Schlafly)

Poured a hazy, orange brown with a small head the first night and next to none the second night as I finished the capped 750 ml bottle. Toffee, dark caramel aromas and tastes of dark, dried fruits with brown sugar and rum at the finish. Pretty boozy when warmed a bit and sipped from an Ommegang tulip glass. I certainly enjoyed this more the first night as the second serving tasted a bit oxidized, despite corking securely. Quite smooth at 30 IBU with European Marynka, Lublin hops. The large grain bill included pale, wheat, Munich, Special B, Caravienne with dark candi sugar added. Checked in with an ABV of 12%. How's that combination sound, Chuck? Worth seeking out and sharing a bottle with friends. I'm not sure whether ArkieDukie ferried this in for a tailgate in 2011 or 2012 or this was gifted by Lavabe for Christmas lodging in one of those years or if I actually purchased myself at the Liquor Barn in Lexington, KY as we visited family.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 10th, 2014, 8:53 pm
by devildeac
Chicory Stout (Brewed on 10-19-09)-Dogfish Head Brewing

I must admit, I had my doubts about consuming the contents of this bottle when I noted the date on the bottle neck but figured if it was spoiled, I'd just pour out everything after the first couple sips. I was pleasantly surprised by its quality as lower ABV beers without bottle conditioning rarely are good after about 90-120 days. This was buried in a case with a couple other leftovers from a trading session with fuse a year (or two?) ago. Color was almost black with a light tan, creamy head and scents of chicory (really) and espresso as it's brewed with Mexican coffee. IBUs are 21 and the ABV is a "scant" 5.2%. This made a wonderful pairing with a small bowl of my wife's first attempt at homemade bread pudding, doused with several tablespoons of a vanilla-brandy sauce that was also her initial effort. This brew is now listed as draft only and was one of their very early offerings back in 1995. I have one bottle left and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Save for another year? Sip with some leftover bread pudding tomorrow? Trade? Sell to the highest bidder? Hmmm....

A tip of the pint glass to fuse for this beverage.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 11th, 2014, 10:31 pm
by devildeac
Old Neighborhood (bottle date 9/18/12)-Mother Earth Brewing

Homemade bread pudding topped with brandy-infused vanilla sauce polished off tonight with a bottle of this. Tasty combination. This is an oatmeal porter and poured a mahogany hue with aromas of roasted coffee and slightly over-cooked oatmeal. Smooth and silky tastes of milk chocolate, mocha and dark caramel. Mildly bitter, guessing IBUs or 30 or so with the ABV at 5.5%. If it were to save my life, I still couldn't recall where I got this bottle but I'll give fuse credit for trading/sharing one of his leftovers.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 12th, 2014, 10:14 pm
by devildeac
Expedition Stout-Bell's Brewery

Not sure how/where/when I acquired this but, when in doubt, give fuse the credit and a hearty thank you. There are two sets of numbers on the bottle. One was on the label on the back of the bottle and was: 9384. The other was on a sticker on the cap and was: 81239. Not sure either of those matches a brewing or "enjoy by" date.

I divided the 12 ounce bottle over two nights as a "chaser" for another lighter weight brew. Pour was onyx with a small, beige head. There were a lot of scents and taste happening here including espresso, unsweetened chocolate, molasses, dark fruits and a trace of licorice. Roasted, mildly bitter flavor with estimated IBUs of 50-60 and the ABV was 10.5%. Always check before you sip. I did see this at one of the specialty shops or Total Wine this winter for about $15-16 for the 6er so it was a bit spendy but this was a trader (I guess) and well worth having one this spring as I'm thinking it has been several years since I sipped this brew. Sadly though, there are none left to age a year or three.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 8:42 am
by devildeac
S.N.A.F.U. IPA (draft; fresh; not aged)-Moon River Brewing

I chose this over the 9 beer sampler (4 ounces each) last PM for a couple reasons. The first reason was that I wished to remain coherent and conscious for the remainder of the evening. Secondly, the hops and malts sounded intriguing and they were. Lots of citrus on presentation and not just grapefruit. It was more like a tropical juice blend aroma with orange, pineapple and mango, too. Served as an 18 ounce portion for a buck off during happy hour, it was orange-yellow with a small foamy head. Tastes of the same fruits with a little pine and resin, balanced with the English and wheat grains. I'd guess the IBUs in the 50-60 range with the ABV at 6%. It paired nicely with a giant (shared) plate of nachos and left me too full to even ask for a 1-2 ounce sample of their Swamp Fox IPA, thereby erasing another post I had planned.

The brewery list:

The story behind the song and the brewery's name (sort of):

The salient paragraph:

"Comments about the song have noted that it is particularly reminiscent of Mercer's youth in the Southern United States. An inlet near Savannah, Georgia, Johnny Mercer's hometown, was named Moon River in honor of him and this song."

We are in Savannah, BTW.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 13th, 2014, 9:25 am
by CameronBornAndBred
devildeac wrote:
We are in Savannah, BTW. that town. There are some great pubs to eat at along the waterfront. (And drink at!)

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 14th, 2014, 11:37 am
Very tasty!

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 14th, 2014, 10:33 pm
by devildeac
Wassail-Full Sail Brewing

They have brewed this since 1988 and apparently use a different recipe every year. This year they claim a selection of caramel and dark chocolate malts with a variety of Pacific Northwest hops. Pours like a brown ale, perhaps a bit darker with a small head. There are no additives listed so all their aromas and tastes originate from their hops and grains. This has scents of toffee, mild chocolate, nutmeg and cloves with just about the same flavors with some almonds, too. IBUs are 56 and are well-balanced with an ABV of 7.2%. Served slightly chilled tonight, it still had a fresh flavor even though the label states enjoy by 4/17/14. Yep, another remnant found last week in the garage cleaning up some boxes and Christmas stuff.

Re: Ymm, Beer!

Posted: May 15th, 2014, 9:42 pm
by devildeac
2XMAS-Southern Tier Brewing

Yep, another ale found in the garage a week or two ago under the Christmas stuff. DOB on the bottle is 10-29-13 and this medium brown ale brewed in the tradition of Swedish glogg consists of 2 hops, 4 grains and a cupboard full of fruits and spices including figs, orange peel, cardamon, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. So, if you don't like spiced ales, you probably won't enjoy this. However, if your palate is a bit adventurous, a 12 ounce bottle of this elixir served at about 50 degrees will surely make you enjoy a cold winter day/evening just a bit more. I'd estimate the IBUs at 30-40 and the ABV is listed at 8%. Worth a 6er next fall for sipping/sharing/trading.