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Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 4:34 pm
by DukieInKansas

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 7:03 pm
by bjornolf
Let that one slip away. Too bad. Our defense just got tired in the 4th quarter and couldn't stop that bruising back. That's what happens when you lose the time of possession battle 2-1.


Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 9:10 pm
by CameronBornAndBred

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 9:22 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
The game was bad..we didn't play the same game plan that had led us to victory lately. No downfield passing at all, very strange.
The tailgate was fun though, and thanks much to our hosts for letting us join them at their great spot. Here's a couple pics, including one of their tailgating neighbor.
Kickoff, Kenan was packed
Our tailgating spot
The tailgating neighbor..kind enough to take the picture with me, thanks Eric.

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 7th, 2009, 11:32 pm
by TNTDevil
CB&B- great pics! They don't do our spot justice, but I'm not sure any camera could capture our spot today! However, I wouldn't trade it for our "Brunchgate" tent anyday.

Many, many thanks to my old friends Jerry, Marty and their wives for sharing their spot with us.

As for the team... not sure what went wrong today. Carolina's "D" really showed up today and they deserve the credit for the win- their scheme beat our scheme.

None-the-less, a fantastic day. Great weather. Great tailgate. Not-so-great game :(.

Best Dumbass (a.k.a. UNC fan) comment of the day:
The scene: CB&B and TNTDevil negotiating the crowd as we exit Kenan. Approaching Bell Tower...

Tarhole: Upon spotting TNTDevil's "Duke Football" shirt: (unintelligible)... nice job tonight! Where's your offense?"
TNTDevil: Yeah, get back to me when you've got a winning record in the ACC.
Tarhole: uhh... yeah...uhh... congratulations on the Olympics!
TNTDevil: Isn't that something of which all Americans should be proud?
(At this point Tarhole fan and your heroes paths diverge.)

So, to you idiots that weren't aware-- Duke won the Olympics! Suck it rest of the world!

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 8th, 2009, 12:01 am
by devildeac
1. their d was scary good. How the hell did they lose to f$u and ewe-vee-eh?
2. our O was atrocious. I would have thought we would have been better prepared coaching-wise after watching last year's game and this year's films.
3. Thad was pretty miserable, especially with the INT, as we started a drive.
4. The are a dirty buncha bastards with, IIRC, 6 (six, seis, sechs), count 'em folks, unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
5. Our D was not bad except when we forgot how to tackle on their TD drive, They spent a helluva long time on the field.
6. Did I say our O was bad? We blocked a punt and only came away with 3 and we also had an INT and had 3 with that TO, too, IIRC.

After Wake's OT loss, I'd like to think we can beat gt and Wake and become bowl eligible, but after today's no show, I'm not sure tonight.

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 8th, 2009, 12:04 am
by devildeac
CameronBornAndBred wrote:The game was bad..we didn't play the same game plan that had led us to victory lately. No downfield passing at all, very strange.
The tailgate was fun though, and thanks much to our hosts for letting us join them at their great spot. Here's a couple pics, including one of their tailgating neighbor.
Eric, as in "Frankenstein" Montross?

Oh my...

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 8th, 2009, 12:10 am
by devildeac
It was a bit LOUD sitting next to the band but it did drown out many of the 'holes chants ;) :D

We did change the "tar...heels" chant to a "tar...holes " chant, courtesy of the DUMBers :)) =)) .

The students also chanted "our ball" when, IMHO, we wasted a challenge/time out, on a "fumble" that never appeared to have happened.

Re: Duke vs Carolina

Posted: November 8th, 2009, 9:25 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
It was a tough game to watch. The size of many of Carolina's players is a reminder of the of the sort of recruiting that Duke needs to accomplish more of to be competitive in the conference and elsewhere. I was concerned about some the the hard hits and late hits that Carolina handed out to our players and hope that there are not injuries which will cloud the rest of the season.

Speaking of competitive, Carolina made over 4K tickets available to the Duke ticket office, but only 1,500 were sold. It was a little disconcerting to see Carolina fans ensconced in the Duke section. :ymsigh:

After all the carrying on about the poor condition of the restrooms at Wallace Wade, I must say that the restrooms at the renovated Kenan were in rather similar condition and more limited in the number of people who could be accommodated at one time.

Many in our section seemed appreciative of the built in seat backs, but the limited leg room and smaller seat size made it a challenge to get everyone in the row who had a seat. Getting in and out was quite a challenge unless one was seated on an aisle..... limited egress for sure! Made me appreciate the design of the seats in Wallace Wade! :sigh: