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Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 7:03 pm
by Lavabe
TillyGalore wrote:"Bleeding heart CAT person" I love it!!! Don't forget, I do have a soft spot for rescued greyhounds, and will have one some day.

I certainly don't approve of what he did (I know you're not questioning me on that), and it disgusts me what he and his crew put those dogs through. I'm not sure I would have ever him over to my house for dinner. But, if I'm going to ask others to forgive me for something, or hope for a second chance if I fall, then I need to do the same for others.

Now, if he does it again. Throw his ass out of the league and back in jail.
Good luck, Philly... he's YOUR schmuck now. :ymtongue:

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 7:22 pm
by wilson
Bostondevil wrote:Before the season started last year, I predicted 10 wins. So I was off by one. Who is going to beat the Falcons in the NFC South? The Panthers?
Consensus is the Saints. The Panthers are getting some mention too; it's actually a very competitive division. But I think the Panthers are on the decline. I think Jake Delhommme is a putz (and several of my close friends who are big Panthers fans heartily agree with me).

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 14th, 2009, 11:08 pm
by devildeac
I just became a Giants fan...

No, a Redskins fan...

No, a Cowboys fan...

Dammit. I grew up an Eagles fan and I HATE this move, so, in the TRUE Philly tradition, I sound out a hearty...


Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:06 am
by DukeUsul
The Vick thread over yonder got closed because JE thought it was silly. Sigh.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 11:18 am
by TillyGalore
DukeUsul wrote:The Vick thread over yonder got closed because JE thought it was silly. Sigh.
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

Were things getting ugly over there?

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 2:12 pm
by DukeUsul
Being one of the few Eagles fans on the board, I stated my feelings that I didn't want Vick to represent my city.

SupaDave (a mod) went off, denigrating Philadelphia, and saying based on its murder numbers its inhabitants didn't have a right to be upset.

Some other folks pointed out that his own city of Atlanta's murder numbers were actually worse.

The JE comes in and says, this is silly. They've signed him, so what is there to argue. The fans should support the team.

WHAT!?!? Would we Duke fans support our teams if we signed a serial animal abuser and financer as a player or a coach?

That was the point at which the thread was closed. Harumph.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 6:01 pm
by devildeac
DukeUsul wrote:Being one of the few Eagles fans on the board, I stated my feelings that I didn't want Vick to represent my city.

SupaDave (a mod) went off, denigrating Philadelphia, and saying based on its murder numbers its inhabitants didn't have a right to be upset.

Some other folks pointed out that his own city of Atlanta's murder numbers were actually worse.

The JE comes in and says, this is silly. They've signed him, so what is there to argue. The fans should support the team.

WHAT!?!? Would we Duke fans support our teams if we signed a serial animal abuser and financer as a player or a coach?

That was the point at which the thread was closed. Harumph.
I thought it was an interesting topic to discuss but did not participate. I don't participate much there anymore. Too many blowhards and too much "walking on eggshells," unless you're one of the chose ones.

I think I posted my only comment about the matter here that I hate the 'Skins and 'Boys and am neutral about the Giants, but was highly disappointed that the Eagles signed Vick. I grew up about 15 miles outside Philly and went to many Phils and Eagles games as a youth. I won't root for another divisional rival but gave a hearty Philadephia BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for this move.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 7:34 pm
by captmojo
As well, harumph, indeed. I believe we need a good hearty harumph from all.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 7:45 pm
by devildeac
DukeUsul wrote:Being one of the few Eagles fans on the board, I stated my feelings that I didn't want Vick to represent my city.

SupaDave (a mod) went off, denigrating Philadelphia, and saying based on its murder numbers its inhabitants didn't have a right to be upset.

Some other folks pointed out that his own city of Atlanta's murder numbers were actually worse.

The JE comes in and says, this is silly. They've signed him, so what is there to argue. The fans should support the team.

WHAT!?!? Would we Duke fans support our teams if we signed a serial animal abuser and financer as a player or a coach?

That was the point at which the thread was closed. Harumph.
I looked about an hour ago and that thread on the OTB was still open. :?

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 8:00 pm
by captmojo
I still offer a harumph. I just like that word.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 8:50 pm
by DukeUsul
devildeac wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:Being one of the few Eagles fans on the board, I stated my feelings that I didn't want Vick to represent my city.

SupaDave (a mod) went off, denigrating Philadelphia, and saying based on its murder numbers its inhabitants didn't have a right to be upset.

Some other folks pointed out that his own city of Atlanta's murder numbers were actually worse.

The JE comes in and says, this is silly. They've signed him, so what is there to argue. The fans should support the team.

WHAT!?!? Would we Duke fans support our teams if we signed a serial animal abuser and financer as a player or a coach?

That was the point at which the thread was closed. Harumph.
I looked about an hour ago and that thread on the OTB was still open. :?
Musta been re-opened. Had a big ole lock icon on it earlier today.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:05 pm
by cl15876
wilson wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:It takes some serious sociopathy to do what he did to those dogs. I lose lots of respect for anyone who wants to do business with him.
I think this is the vast majority of people's issue with the guy. Don't get me wrong, Ben63, I have derived my share of enjoyment from watching Vick play football, but that's just not the whole equation. And as for having "paid the price," well, if I can ever pay the price of nearly $3 million in guaranteed money, plus the potential of almost $6 million more, then please sign me up. He hasn't even come close to paying the price in the way that an average citizen would (see our last Vick thread).
His football abilities are just not even close to the full story here.
Wilson - I have to WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE!!! :-bd

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:08 pm
by cl15876
DukeUsul wrote:
wilson wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:The man has served his time and he has the right to get back to his life and a right to make a living.

That does not mean that it is the right thing for people to want him to represent their city, state, team, etc.
Very well said...better than I have been able to say it.
And this brings us back to my earlier point...Falcons, baby. Seriously, you know you want to.
Yeah .... so ... I don't know how to break this to ya. I'm just not such a fan of Atlanta.

Please don't tell the mafia.
OHH MY GOSH...watching the skins losing 16 to nothen, and they just mentioned Vick and Stalworth.... come on SKINS, kick ass!!!!! :ymsick:

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:09 pm
by cl15876
rockymtn devil wrote:I've been on record as saying his prison sentence was for dog fighting and not gambling/lying and, therefore, he deserved an NFL suspension. Unfortunately I don't sit in a corner office in NYC with the NFL crest on the wall (instead I have a lovely office in Denver with three Duke 2001 SI covers framed above my head).

I'm glad he didn't sign with the Steelers and suspected that their interest in him was more of a favor to Tony Dungy (who is not only Mike Tomlin's mentor, but is a former Steeler himself) to create some buzz that a model NFL franchise was willing to give him a chance. If he's changed, good for him and I hope he succeeds. If he hasn't, it won't matter. He'll screw up again...they always do.
concur, concur, concur!!!!!

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:13 pm
by cl15876
wilson wrote:
Lavabe wrote: Vick may have served his time, but he really deserves our pirate's "punch in the junk." :ar!
I'd rather have Walter bite him in the junk. :o3
=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) Would serve HIM RIGHT!!!! =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:16 pm
by cl15876
TillyGalore wrote:.... Vick is lucky he is being offered a second chance. I sincerely hope he doesn't blow it.
Time will tell!!!! Old habits are hard to break, especially as lucrative as his habits were!!!! :-? :-? :-? :-?

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:18 pm
by cl15876
devildeac wrote:I just became a Giants fan...

No, a Redskins fan...

No, a Cowboys fan...

Dammit. I grew up an Eagles fan and I HATE this move, so, in the TRUE Philly tradition, I sound out a hearty...

Have YOU been hitting those 99 bottles on the wall? =))

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 16th, 2009, 9:55 pm
by TillyGalore
cl15876 wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:.... Vick is lucky he is being offered a second chance. I sincerely hope he doesn't blow it.
Time will tell!!!! Old habits are hard to break, especially as lucrative as his habits were!!!! :-? :-? :-? :-?
Prison is hardly lucrative.

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 2:13 am
by Turk
Getting caught up on the weekend news I missed; it looks like the Beagles are really rubbing Vick's nose in all sorts of mess as a precondition to getting back out on the field... This story is going to get flogged to the point where we're going to wish we could get another Frarvre comeback rumor going....

Re: Vick to the Iggles

Posted: August 17th, 2009, 4:55 am
by Lavabe
TillyGalore wrote:.... Vick is lucky he is being offered a second chance. I sincerely hope he doesn't blow it.
After watching part of the 60 Minutes interview, the guy's an even bigger SCHMUCK. Glad to know that he really didn't put in the time in Atlanta to try to be the best QB he can be. From the 60 Minutes' interview (as reported by the AP on ESPN.GO.COM):

"I was lazy. You know, I was the last guy in the building, first guy out," Vick said. "I know that. You know, I hear everything that people say. And that hurt me when I heard that, but I know it was true."

I truly think the guy is nothing more than a schmuck. Sorry Tilly, but this is more evidence that this is NOT just a second chance for Vick. It's more like his 43rd chance. He let down a LOT of people in Atlanta.

Go bite him, Walter!! :o3