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Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 21st, 2009, 6:14 pm
colchar wrote:
Lavabe wrote:Umm... I hate to do this (you know... getting this thread back on track), but like how did your meeting go today, colchar? You know, the meeting with your committee?
:-? :-? :-ss

It didn't go at all as I was mistaken on the date. I had thought it was today but it is tomorrow at 1pm.
At least you were a day early and not a day late. THAT would have been a disaster for you, regardless of your intent. :ymparty:

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 22nd, 2009, 5:18 pm
by colchar
So I had my committee meeting today and it could not have gone better.

I am still not 100% certain I want to finish but, for now, I plan to continue plugging away while searching for a job (nice time to try that eh?). If I find a job that I like I'll decide then what to do - whether to finish part time or whether to quit.

So, for now, things are still up in the air but at least I've decided to continue for the time being.

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 22nd, 2009, 6:07 pm
colchar wrote:So I had my committee meeting today and it could not have gone better.

I am still not 100% certain I want to finish but, for now, I plan to continue plugging away while searching for a job (nice time to try that eh?). If I find a job that I like I'll decide then what to do - whether to finish part time or whether to quit.

So, for now, things are still up in the air but at least I've decided to continue for the time being.
Good for you, Colchar! A wise decision. Your intended and her mother will be pleased too, I'm sure. :roll:

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 22nd, 2009, 8:05 pm
by WindsorsDaughter

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 22nd, 2009, 10:11 pm
by colchar
WindsorsDaughter wrote:Congratulations!

Thanks Hon ;)

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 12:45 am
by colchar
I've noticed since my committee meeting that I am a lot more interested in and motivated by my dissertation than I have been in ages. I've started writing my first chapter (just popping some ideas down on paper but think I have the first couple of paragraphs all set) and am reading more on my topic than I have in forever. Actually, nobody has ever done my topic before so I can't really read about it specifically but I am reading secondary material that relates to it. I actually spent most of my afternoon doing research (looking for new journal articles) instead of being outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (well it was gorgeous until the storm with 100kmh winds hit us!). Heck I was cut from work tonight because the bar was dead and, instead of staying and drinking or heading out to another bar as I usually would have, I came home and am now sitting reading through some journal articles. It's amazing how much of a difference a few days make. If a job pops into my lap I might drop back and finish the PhD part-time (can't really say no to the money) but at least I am fairly certain now that I will finish.

Thanks to all for the comments and advice in this thread.

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 1:03 am
by Sue71
colchar wrote:I've noticed since my committee meeting that I am a lot more interested in and motivated by my dissertation than I have been in ages. I've started writing my first chapter (just popping some ideas down on paper but think I have the first couple of paragraphs all set) and am reading more on my topic than I have in forever. Actually, nobody has ever done my topic before so I can't really read about it specifically but I am reading secondary material that relates to it. I actually spent most of my afternoon doing research (looking for new journal articles) instead of being outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (well it was gorgeous until the storm with 100kmh winds hit us!). Heck I was cut from work tonight because the bar was dead and, instead of staying and drinking or heading out to another bar as I usually would have, I came home and am now sitting reading through some journal articles. It's amazing how much of a difference a few days make. If a job pops into my lap I might drop back and finish the PhD part-time (can't really say no to the money) but at least I am fairly certain now that I will finish.

Thanks to all for the comments and advice in this thread.
:-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 5:48 am
by Lavabe
colchar wrote:I've noticed since my committee meeting that I am a lot more interested in and motivated by my dissertation than I have been in ages. I've started writing my first chapter (just popping some ideas down on paper but think I have the first couple of paragraphs all set) and am reading more on my topic than I have in forever. Actually, nobody has ever done my topic before so I can't really read about it specifically but I am reading secondary material that relates to it. I actually spent most of my afternoon doing research (looking for new journal articles) instead of being outside enjoying the gorgeous weather (well it was gorgeous until the storm with 100kmh winds hit us!). Heck I was cut from work tonight because the bar was dead and, instead of staying and drinking or heading out to another bar as I usually would have, I came home and am now sitting reading through some journal articles. It's amazing how much of a difference a few days make. If a job pops into my lap I might drop back and finish the PhD part-time (can't really say no to the money) but at least I am fairly certain now that I will finish.

Thanks to all for the comments and advice in this thread.
VERY glad to see some progress. But seriously, find another person at a similar stage at diss-ing, and start meeting. You'll be surprised how much faster and better the diss will go.

Looking forward to more progress reports!! ^:)^ ^:)^


Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 9:57 am
by TillyGalore
I suspect the support you received from the committee is playing a role in your enthusiasm. I have often found that when I am working on a project and it isn't going well, talking about it and strategizing how to get over the obstacles helps tremendously.

Keep plugging away.

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 27th, 2009, 2:06 pm
by colchar
TillyGalore wrote:I suspect the support you received from the committee is playing a role in your enthusiasm. I have often found that when I am working on a project and it isn't going well, talking about it and strategizing how to get over the obstacles helps tremendously.
Strategizing certainly helped, as did the attitudes of some members of my committee. One didn`t seem overly enthused but he almost always seems that way (although he did have some helpful comments here and there). Another seemed quite happy with my plans and was rather helpful. And the third seemed genuinely excited by my project and was extremely helpful as well.

I also think I am more enthusiastic now because it seems that I am going to be able to do this project more the way I want to than the way they want(ed) me to. Usually a dissertation ends up being what they want and only when you publish it as your first book does it become what you had always wanted it to be. But I might have hit some happy middle ground which makes it much easier to get interested in the project.

Re: What To Do With My Life (Professionally)

Posted: April 27th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by Sue71
colchar wrote:
I also think I am more enthusiastic now because it seems that I am going to be able to do this project more the way I want to than the way they want(ed) me to. Usually a dissertation ends up being what they want and only when you publish it as your first book does it become what you had always wanted it to be. But I might have hit some happy middle ground which makes it much easier to get interested in the project.
A friend of mine had the same problem when he was researching. The advisor kept pushing him to do one thing and he wanted to go in a different direction. It wasn't the most pleasant experience for him (a lot of butting heads), but he was eventually satisfied with the outcome (and the fact that he didn't have to deal with the advisor anymore).