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Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:02 pm
by cl15876
I didn't think you were too worried, but I love your spirit!!!! :D

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:17 pm
by devildeac
cl15876 wrote:I didn't think you were too worried, but I love your spirit!!!! :D
It has been an interesting afternoon and evening. The dialogue here has been entertaining as I hoped it would be. Think about how well this would have been received over yonder... :roll: :))

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:28 pm
by devildeac
Heck, part of my reason for starting this was as much for thought and an education to the process of a fairly common medical test that is often joked about, yet can be feared greatly. I'll report back tomorrow, hopefully with good news and a final, less "graphic" description/summary of the procedure.

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:32 pm
by cl15876
devildeac wrote:
cl15876 wrote:I didn't think you were too worried, but I love your spirit!!!! :D
It has been an interesting afternoon and evening. The dialogue here has been entertaining as I hoped it would be. Think about how well this would have been received over yonder... :roll: :))
:D :D I hear ya about over yonder .. :D

I'm glad we could entertain! Now for the drugs .... have pleasant dreams about bacon, egg and cheese biscuits or cheesesteaks, but Woody's (well ... I'm with you... another day)!!!! .... I'll still be keeping you in my prayers for a successful procedure (almost said outcome)! :ympray:

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:36 pm
by cl15876
cl15876 wrote:... my Doc's name (which is Dr. Ram) had me a little apprehensive at first ...
By the way, Dr., question: As you see my Doc's name is very interesting and a friend of mine (female) underwent a similar procedure as Tilly described recently and she said her Doc's name was Dr. Anis! :-o :-o :-o :-o

What is up with these specialist, do they get to pick there names according to their chosen field upon graduation? Just curious? ;)

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 9:54 pm
by devil84
Best of luck tomorrow, Devildeac!

For those of you "of a certain age," this is not something to put off! I went in 4 years "early" thanks to a family history -- and they found polyps. And the "prize" for that is to repeat after 3 months! Two colonoscopies in three months is even MORE FUN. The good news is that I'm completely fine. Even better: I have proof that I'm completely fine (as of now), and the polyps couldn't progress to something unmanageable if I had put it off.

Even with a clean bill of health, they'll likely send you home with "pretty" pictures of your shiny, clean colon! THERE's something for your scrapbook!

And you can eat whatever you want right away. Have your designated driver (since you were sedated) drive you past your favorite eating establishment. That Halflytely stuff is not my favorite, to say the least. I think it was Dave Barry that said that stuff tastes like goat spit and urinal cleanser with a hint of lemon. Uh, yeah, he's pretty close! The second time, the nice lady who was making my appointment asked me what I took, and I couldn't remember the name. She asked if I mixed the container of stuff or if I took the pills. Took the pills??? One can take pills?? Sign me up! Well, you still get to drink the same amount, but you take four pills every 15 minutes until you swallow 32 pills. You get to pick your clear liquid. They both have identical results, as far as I can tell, though the choice of beverage makes it go down easier!

That was last year. This year was the mammogram odyssey. After two mammograms and a stereotactic biopsy, I've now got a clean bill of health there. Ladies -- DO NOT PUT THIS OFF. Men -- urge your women in your life to get them. A couple of good friends of mine found very tiny tumors in the past year, and since they were found early, the treatment was easier and the cure rate better.

You're through the hard part, Devildeac! Tomorrow will be fairly easy, and we'll look for those pictures! :))

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:09 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Best of luck! Do you get to watch on a monitor?

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:22 pm
by ohioguy2
I went through this about three months ago--I feel your pain. My wife drove me to and fro--I had her stop at an upscale breakfast cafe afterwards--best French toast I had ever eaten. I do remember the nurse starting the drugs, about two sentences of conversation with the doc and then waking up in post op--I declined to keep the photographs.

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:29 pm
Boy, if we posted this quickly on the LTE2.0 it might overtake LTE1.0 :D

DD, do I need to bring you a Sami's cheesesteak for lunch tomorrow?

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:42 pm
by devildeac
devil84 wrote:Best of luck tomorrow, Devildeac!

For those of you "of a certain age," this is not something to put off! I went in 4 years "early" thanks to a family history -- and they found polyps. And the "prize" for that is to repeat after 3 months! Two colonoscopies in three months is even MORE FUN. The good news is that I'm completely fine. Even better: I have proof that I'm completely fine (as of now), and the polyps couldn't progress to something unmanageable if I had put it off.

Even with a clean bill of health, they'll likely send you home with "pretty" pictures of your shiny, clean colon! THERE's something for your scrapbook!

And you can eat whatever you want right away. Have your designated driver (since you were sedated) drive you past your favorite eating establishment. That Halflytely stuff is not my favorite, to say the least. I think it was Dave Barry that said that stuff tastes like goat spit and urinal cleanser with a hint of lemon. Uh, yeah, he's pretty close! The second time, the nice lady who was making my appointment asked me what I took, and I couldn't remember the name. She asked if I mixed the container of stuff or if I took the pills. Took the pills??? One can take pills?? Sign me up! Well, you still get to drink the same amount, but you take four pills every 15 minutes until you swallow 32 pills. You get to pick your clear liquid. They both have identical results, as far as I can tell, though the choice of beverage makes it go down easier!

That was last year. This year was the mammogram odyssey. After two mammograms and a stereotactic biopsy, I've now got a clean bill of health there. Ladies -- DO NOT PUT THIS OFF. Men -- urge your women in your life to get them. A couple of good friends of mine found very tiny tumors in the past year, and since they were found early, the treatment was easier and the cure rate better.

You're through the hard part, Devildeac! Tomorrow will be fairly easy, and we'll look for those pictures! :))
Thanks! I'll expect pictures for the scrapbook but don't expect any posted here. :)) :))

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:44 pm
by devildeac
CameronBornAndBred wrote:Best of luck! Do you get to watch on a monitor?
I believe I do, but I'll bet I don't remember a thing after a dose or two of Versed and Demerol. :(( :))

If we keep talking serious drugs here, EJ will appear soon. :roll:

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:45 pm
by TillyGalore
DD, word of caution for Tuesday. The last time, and it forever be the last time, I had a colonoscopy on a Monday, I was still "hungover" on Tuesday. I drove to work and when I felt like I did after of night of drinking, i.e. still drunk, I decided to go home. I now only schedule my colonoscopies on Fridays so I have the whole weekend to recover.

bunchofnumbers, I once worked with a psychiatrist named Brozek. There has to be some correlation to picking your profession based on your last name.

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:46 pm
by devildeac
ohioguy2 wrote:I went through this about three months ago--I feel your pain. My wife drove me to and fro--I had her stop at an upscale breakfast cafe afterwards--best French toast I had ever eaten. I do remember the nurse starting the drugs, about two sentences of conversation with the doc and then waking up in post op--I declined to keep the photographs.
The funniest damn thing about reading all the prep orders were: "you will not be allowed to take a bus or taxi home from your procedure."

:)) :)) =)) =))

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:49 pm
by devildeac
TillyGalore wrote:DD, word of caution for Tuesday. The last time, and it forever be the last time, I had a colonoscopy on a Monday, I was still "hungover" on Tuesday. I drove to work and when I felt like I did after of night of drinking, i.e. still drunk, I decided to go home. I now only schedule my colonoscopies on Fridays so I have the whole weekend to recover.

bunchofnumbers, I once worked with a psychiatrist named Brozek. There has to be some correlation to picking your profession based on your last name.
My wife already has informed me she would be driving me to work on Tuesday. Hope I don't feel that bad.

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:53 pm
by devildeac
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Boy, if we posted this quickly on the LTE2.0 it might overtake LTE1.0 :D

DD, do I need to bring you a Sami's cheesesteak for lunch tomorrow?

Oooh, now that is tempting. I wanted a cheesesteak after I had my wisdom teeth out many years ago. My parents were MUCH smarter/wiser than to let that happen.

So, I think the proper answer is, no, thank you, but I will be thinking about you and a cheesesteak (but not necessarily in that order ;) ) and will join you some time soon at Sami's for a hot, fresh cheesesteak. :D

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 10:55 pm
by TillyGalore
devildeac wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:DD, word of caution for Tuesday. The last time, and it forever be the last time, I had a colonoscopy on a Monday, I was still "hungover" on Tuesday. I drove to work and when I felt like I did after of night of drinking, i.e. still drunk, I decided to go home. I now only schedule my colonoscopies on Fridays so I have the whole weekend to recover.

bunchofnumbers, I once worked with a psychiatrist named Brozek. There has to be some correlation to picking your profession based on your last name.
My wife already has informed me she would be driving me to work on Tuesday. Hope I don't feel that bad.
Hope you're not doing any caths on Tuesday. ;) ;)

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 28th, 2009, 11:02 pm
by devildeac
TillyGalore wrote:
devildeac wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:DD, word of caution for Tuesday. The last time, and it forever be the last time, I had a colonoscopy on a Monday, I was still "hungover" on Tuesday. I drove to work and when I felt like I did after of night of drinking, i.e. still drunk, I decided to go home. I now only schedule my colonoscopies on Fridays so I have the whole weekend to recover.

bunchofnumbers, I once worked with a psychiatrist named Brozek. There has to be some correlation to picking your profession based on your last name.
My wife already has informed me she would be driving me to work on Tuesday. Hope I don't feel that bad.
Hope you're not doing any caths on Tuesday. ;) ;)
I have not checked the schedule for the afternoon. I'll have my wife do that in the AM tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 5:35 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Rising early this Monday morning, DD, and sending good vibes your way for your exam this morning. It isn't bad......honest. You'll be in la la land the whole time. We're all looking forward to hearing about your breakfast reward! I suggest French toast at Elmo's.

Love, Ima

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 6:12 am
by windsor
I hope all goes well DD - althoough I am a certain age and should be having one of these my Drs have strongly recommended I not - I am one of thoses folk who do NOT sedate well - no matter what cocktail they try I end up with either grand mal seizures or they have one hell of time getting me to wake up. Apparently I stay awake way too long then 'drop like a rock' . :o

Re: devildeac's great adventure-warning: graphic content!

Posted: June 29th, 2009, 7:07 am
by devildeac
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Rising early this Monday morning, DD, and sending good vibes your way for your exam this morning. It isn't bad......honest. You'll be in la la land the whole time. We're all looking forward to hearing about your breakfast reward! I suggest French toast at Elmo's.

Love, Ima
Thanks, Ima. We live in Raleigh so Courtney's is a more likely destination.

Report to follow.