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Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: May 31st, 2010, 1:12 am
by cl15876
cl15876 wrote:
Lavabe wrote:Incredibly fatigued again today. I'm not so worried about it, as:
1) In the last week, I've had 2 all-nighters, combined with a 4-hour sleep last night;
2) Hot & humid weather just wearing me down;
3) Unable to handle the changeover in diet.

So I had lunch at my friend Zahir's house. Zahir is a diabetic, so usually has some decent food, devoid of heavy fat, sugar, etc... I had about 8 or 9 roasted oysters in a garlic, followed by some sort of beef chop with rice, romazava (greens w/broth), pico de gailo (called tomato rougaille here), coconut water, bananas, oranges, and some arab coffee. The beef may have had more salt than I am used to. I could barely eat anything other than a salad for dinner, I was so stuffed from lunch.

Today I will have some chicken biryani at the local yogurt shop. Trying to get some dairy in me slowly. They really have good yogurt at the shop.

I think I need a good 20 hour sleep.
Yumm! I hope you get some sleep! It is very soo hard to adjust to time change instaneously, but when your as tired as you sound and after all that wonderful food, let the A.C. hit my face and I'm out! 20 hours of sleep sounds wonderful! :asleep: :asleep: :asleep: :-BD
Needless to say, I fell asleep earlier after working MY behind off all day outside around my house and this weekend and now I am wide awake! OMG! :-o Oh well, I haven't had a lot of time to read ourhouse posts lately, but am glad you are safe and I was awake enough to respond! I look forward to your future posts! BTW, I think I won my first race today! :ymblushing: :-BD ;) Go Mark Martin!!!!!! ;)

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 11:31 am
by Lavabe

I really HATE chiggers. ~X(

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 11:44 am
by lawgrad91
Lavabe wrote:Chiggers...

I really HATE chiggers. ~X(
Oooh, that's rough. I'm sorry. :( Does bug spray help?

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 12:13 pm
by Lavabe
Good morning. Here's how today went...
1) Wake up at 430AM to the sound of lemur calls, which were a welcome break from the nearly constant loud calls of approximately 14 owls at the site I visited.
2) Got dressed at 431.
3) 432: Put on headlamp and packed my bag.
4) 435: Stepped out to brush teeth. Focused my headlamp on a log 30 meters away that had some reflectance, and couldn't tell if it was a nocturnal lemur sleeping, or maybe if it was a lightning bug, dead on the log. Then again, maybe it was wint-o-green Life Savers.
5) 440: Started finding and following a group of Sanford's lemurs. Also Identifed a group of crowned lemurs.
6) 530-625AM: Said good bye to the British team of researchers running the site.
7) 626AM: Left with two students and the regional director of the British team to go back to Diego. GO BACK means an 18km hike (that's roughly a 10.5 mile hike).
8) 930AM: Made it to the crossing of the national road where we promptly sat, waiting for the bush taxi. These do not come along at regular times. Essentially, it's all hit or miss.
9) 931 AM: Began having breakfast while waiting for the bush taxi... that's right. Did the hike on about 1.5 liters of water, no food. Been having trouble with nausea in the morning, and keeping food out of me during the hike was a good move. What was breakfast? Three sweet bananas, mokary (a rice flour donut), and a VERY sugary 1/3 cup of coffee.
10) 945 AM: Bush taxi actually comes by and picks us up. This is the fastest time I have ever experienced while waiting for a bush taxi in a remote location.
11) Umm... from 10AM - 1230 PM, all I could think of was how to reposition my bum to quell the pain of riding in the bush taxi with 19 other people.
12) At approximately 1112 AM, the bush taxi, now blaring Malagasy music, plays some song that I can only describe as being a Malagasy hit produced by Christopher Walken... you know...
13) Arrived at the hotel in Diego at 1245PM. Took a freakin' long shower.
14) At 130PM, met up with my Canadian collaborators, and had pizza with them. OOOOOOH... thin crust St. Louis style pizza.
15) At 3PM, went with one collaborator (henceforth referred to as Chuck Norris) to the bank to get money from the States. ILJ should expect a withdrawal. Turns out, they do NOT change US dollars any more; it's that freakin' Euro they take. While at the bank, I meet up with Lavabe2, a grad student in the same region. Like me, he also did his undergrad at Duke.
16) At 301PM, Lavabe2 comments on the nice final four t-shirt I am wearing.
17) At 301:15, I kindly inform Lavabe2 that Duke men's lacrosse also rocks!!
18) 310PM: Chuck Norris and I go our separate ways for the day. I recharge my computer modem account, see a couple of friends, and make it back to the A/C of the hotel, because, as we all know...


Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 12:26 pm
by TillyGalore
Lavabe wrote:Good morning. Here's how today went...
1) Wake up at 430AM to the sound of lemur calls, which were a welcome break from the nearly constant loud calls of approximately 14 owls at the site I visited.
I'm jealous. I wake up to a dog licking the sheets for no apparent reason, and a blaring alarm clock.

Wonder if there is a clock that has lemur calls for a wake up signal.

Sounds like things are going well. Thank you for the updates.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 12:40 pm
by lawgrad91
Lavabe, thanks for the updates, and glad you got to meet up Lavabe2.

I would also like an alarm clock that has a wakeup to lemur calls, as opposed to that awful beep-beep-beep.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 5:21 pm
Glad things are going well for you so far, except for the chiggers, of course. :-BD

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 8:15 am
by ArkieDukie
Glad all is well, Lavabe! Chiggers are, indeed, a pain. Did you bring any clear nail polish to put over them?

With regard to the nausea, do you take some sort of multivitamin in the morning? They make me sick if I take them on an empty stomach. I have to take them in the evening instead.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 9:03 am
by CathyCA
Lavabe wrote: Been having trouble with nausea in the morning
Oh no. You're PREGNANT!

=)) =)) =))

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 9:41 am
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:Glad all is well, Lavabe! Chiggers are, indeed, a pain. Did you bring any clear nail polish to put over them?

With regard to the nausea, do you take some sort of multivitamin in the morning? They make me sick if I take them on an empty stomach. I have to take them in the evening instead.
Ding ding ding!!!
We have a winner.
Sure makes more sense than being pregnant. #:-s

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 9:53 am
by captmojo
Oh yeah....and as for the Chiggers, they just love undiluted with food, vitamin rich blood!!!!!! :twitch:

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 5:42 pm
by Miles
Lavabe wrote:Good morning. Here's how today went...
Then again, maybe it was wint-o-green Life Savers.
5) 440: Started finding and following a group of Sanford's lemurs. Also Identifed a group of crowned lemurs.
Wouldn't something have to be chewing the wint-o-green life saver in order for you to see it? Any critters with translucent mouths out there?

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 8:21 pm
by ArkieDukie
Lavabe wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Glad all is well, Lavabe! Chiggers are, indeed, a pain. Did you bring any clear nail polish to put over them?

With regard to the nausea, do you take some sort of multivitamin in the morning? They make me sick if I take them on an empty stomach. I have to take them in the evening instead.
Ding ding ding!!!
We have a winner.
Sure makes more sense than being pregnant. #:-s
Glad to help! Had you already made the connection to your multivitamin? Lots of people have this particular problem; it's something to do with the way the iron is formulated if I recall correctly.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 4th, 2010, 8:22 pm
by ArkieDukie
Miles wrote:
Lavabe wrote:Good morning. Here's how today went...
Then again, maybe it was wint-o-green Life Savers.
5) 440: Started finding and following a group of Sanford's lemurs. Also Identifed a group of crowned lemurs.
Wouldn't something have to be chewing the wint-o-green life saver in order for you to see it? Any critters with translucent mouths out there?
I believe Miles is correct. Maybe you should leave Wint-o-green Life Savers (or Certs) out for the lemurs so you can track them. :ymdevil:

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 8:17 am
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:I believe Miles is correct. Maybe you should leave Wint-o-green Life Savers (or Certs) out for the lemurs so you can track them. :ymdevil:
Finally, someone solved one of the biggest practical issues in all of primatology! :D

Truly stunned to see the change in the avatar of Miles. :-o

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 8:27 am
by ArkieDukie
How are things going, Lavabe? How would you like an ice-cold Wheach? :ymdevil:

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 8:42 am
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:How are things going, Lavabe? How would you like an ice-cold Wheach? :ymdevil:
I am experiencing the runs. Came from either a bad pain au raisin (raisin sweet roll) or my first time trying a slice of raw green mango.

I'm thinking it's the mango.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 9:06 am
by lawgrad91
Lavabe wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:How are things going, Lavabe? How would you like an ice-cold Wheach? :ymdevil:
I am experiencing the runs. Came from either a bad pain au raisin (raisin sweet roll) or my first time trying a slice of raw green mango.

I'm thinking it's the mango.
Ooh, not good. I hope you have some Imodium or its equivalent.

Probably the mango.

Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 12:27 pm
by Lavabe
In between runs to the bathroom, I am watching the French equivalent of the US home building tv show on ABC (you know, the one with the screaming guy named "Ty"). This one's called TOUS ENSEMBLE (All Together). They have 7 days to change a family's house; the family has gone through some hardship. The equivalent of Ty high-fives EVERYONE. Just as in the US, the French equivalent brings to the site a bunch of volunteer plumbers, electricians, etc..., PLUS some special guest star. In this episode's case, it's a star on the French equestrian team.


Re: O Madagascar: Sacred Beach Lemurs 2010

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 5:27 pm
by ArkieDukie
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Lavabe.