Ymm, Beer!

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August West
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by August West » July 19th, 2013, 8:43 pm

Picked up a 4-pack of Dogfish-Head 90 minute IPA at my "just down the road" bottle store. Looking forward to trying it soon. :D I'll try and save 1 or 2 for tailgate season. AW. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by Very Duke Blue » July 19th, 2013, 9:09 pm

August West wrote:Picked up a 4-pack of Dogfish-Head 90 minute IPA at my "just down the road" bottle store. Looking forward to trying it soon. :D I'll try and save 1 or 2 for tailgate season. AW. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
I like Dogfish. I had my first one about 2 years ago. I've had a few since then. :happy-bouncyblue: I'm looking forward to seeing you at tail gate. Heck, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody.

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 20th, 2013, 8:08 am

August West wrote:Picked up a 4-pack of Dogfish-Head 90 minute IPA at my "just down the road" bottle store. Looking forward to trying it soon. :D I'll try and save 1 or 2 for tailgate season. AW. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
Might be the best imperial IPA in the world. Great beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by August West » July 20th, 2013, 1:29 pm

Ever had the 120? From what I understand, the ABV is too high to be available in NC. AW. :D
devildeac wrote:
August West wrote:Picked up a 4-pack of Dogfish-Head 90 minute IPA at my "just down the road" bottle store. Looking forward to trying it soon. :D I'll try and save 1 or 2 for tailgate season. AW. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
Might be the best imperial IPA in the world. Great beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 20th, 2013, 2:17 pm

August West wrote:Ever had the 120? From what I understand, the ABV is too high to be available in NC. AW. :D
devildeac wrote:
August West wrote:Picked up a 4-pack of Dogfish-Head 90 minute IPA at my "just down the road" bottle store. Looking forward to trying it soon. :D I'll try and save 1 or 2 for tailgate season. AW. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
Might be the best imperial IPA in the world. Great beer.
I have had several bottles of the 120, usually 3-4 ounces/night over several nights, but none in several years. The ABV was in the 20-21% range for initial batches but was reduced to 18-20% in later batches. I have never seen it for sale in NC. I have bought it in DC, Va and Kin-tucky. I believe I still have 2-3 bottles cellaring from 2008 and/or 2009. Maybe a bottle to be shared this fall to celebrate bowl eligibility...
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 21st, 2013, 12:33 pm

Duketaylor's Amber-Duketaylor home brewing

The last of the samples Chuck was kind enough to send about 3 months ago. I'd guess this would be about the expected shelf/cellar/'fridge life for this brew. I still found it very solid with no spoilage or bad tastes/aromas. Poured a clear/clean amber with a two-fingered head accompanied by toasted bread aromas and tastes. Hints of piney hops and lots of malty/caramel-y on the palate. Very nice beer on a warm summer eve last PM. Looking forward to sampling the latest 6er tonight that he sent a couple weeks ago.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 22nd, 2013, 9:23 pm

Duketaylor's BPA-Duketaylor Brewing

I had a bit of trouble placing the homebrew I sampled last PM. Was it a pale ale due to the hints of caramel sweetness and floral tones or was it a saison with the faintest of apple and sour fruit notes? So, I gotta admit, I had to go back to what Chuck said he was brewing next and now it makes sense. Arrived in an unlabeled brown bottle with an American flag cap with a splotch of royal blue on it. Poured a very light amber with a one finger head. Scents and tastes as I have mentioned already. I'd guess the ABV about 5.5% and the IBU around 30. Would pair nicely with burgers, ribs or chicken off the grill. I've got five left and assume they are all from the same brew session so I'll save a couple for August (the month, not August West the seldom heard from DBR poster :ymblushing: ) and September and make sure fuse gets a couple when we trade again and the final one for my son. Don't get to see Ozzie and/or CB&B much anymore without FB and BB season so no trading there :( .
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 26th, 2013, 9:21 pm

Zwickel-Urban Chestnut Brewing

Several thumbs up to fuse for this trader recently from his cross country beer, err, car tour. This was a 500 ml bottle of an unfiltered, unpasteurized classic German lager with a hazy yellow-orange pour and a 1-2 finger foamy head that I shared with my older son-in-law on a warm summer evening. Looks like a single hop, two malt brew with classic lager qualities of floral aromas and somewhat lemon-y, grassy and slightly sweet, bready, caramel-y tastes. Very gentle on the palate with low IBU of 19 and ABV of 5.1% and a nice prelude to the second brew of the night, Two Four Ale.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » July 27th, 2013, 9:26 am

Two Four Ale-Rogue Brewing

This could also be called "Google stumping ale" as I can't find this brew anywhere on the internet, including the Rogue website, ratebeeer or Beer Advocate. Not sure where the name came from but I'll venture a guess it's from the two hop varieties, Perle and Saaz, and the four grains, Northwest Harrington, Klages, Maier Munich and Carastan. The other two ingredients are water and their proprietary Pacman yeast. Pretty simple stuff but not too simple tastes and aromas. I guess I'd classify this as a "dirty" pale ale. Poured a slightly cloudy ("dirty") medium amber with a modest foamy head, the aromas are earthy ("dirty" again) and herbal. Tastes are mild floral bitterness with medium caramel with a bit of pine/resin. Rated at 40 IBU and 16 Plato, which translates to about 6.4% ABV. This would be best enjoyed with pork or beef of the grilled/pulled/chopped varieties. My older son-in-law shared a bomber last PM that he had won in a local crossfit competition recently. He won a whole case (12 bottles) and gave one to his dad and another to his brother so he now has 9 left. He didn't like it too much so guess who gets the remaining 9 bottles? Guess we'll have to work something out, so I'll be buying a buncha beer next month and trading with him and then again with others in the area who might be interested. Wonder who they might be...
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by August West » August 4th, 2013, 11:26 am

I went by my local bottle store yesterday on the last day of their summer sale and picked up a few selections for tailgate season and spent too many dollars, but hey, it was a sale. Some we've had before and the rest are new, to me anyway. DD, dpslaw, CB&B, and the rest of us beer lovers, see if any of these peak your interest.

1. Stone Brewing, Double Bastard Ale
2. Souther Tier Brewing, Compass Sparkling Ale
3. New Belgium + Red Rock Brewery, Paardebloem Ale, (lips of faith series).
4. Blue Mountain Barrel House, Local Species Ale
5. Allagash Brewing, Curieux Ale

Hopefully these will all make it to talgate season for tasting by all. AW. :D
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 4th, 2013, 12:42 pm

August West wrote:I went by my local bottle store yesterday on the last day of their summer sale and picked up a few selections for tailgate season and spent too many dollars, but hey, it was a sale. Some we've had before and the rest are new, to me anyway. DD, dpslaw, CB&B, and the rest of us beer lovers, see if any of these peak your interest.

1. Stone Brewing, Double Bastard Ale
2. Souther Tier Brewing, Compass Sparkling Ale
3. New Belgium + Red Rock Brewery, Paardebloem Ale, (lips of faith series).
4. Blue Mountain Barrel House, Local Species Ale
5. Allagash Brewing, Curieux Ale

Hopefully these will all make it to talgate season for tasting by all. AW. :D
1. Excellent
2. Never tasted
3. Never tasted
4. Never tasted but got a bottle at home
5. Never tasted

Looking forward to sampling all of the above. I likewise have a "back log" of bombers and 750 ml bottles at home that I will start "releasing" on or about 8/31...

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 5th, 2013, 8:37 pm

Emperial IPA (aka Stone 14)-Stone Brewing

Brewer's notes from the back of the bottle:

"We went to England this past spring as self-styled “IPA Hunters” on a mission to learn more about the confusing and often contradictory history of India Pale Ale – to look for some certainty where those before us have found mostly mystery and mercantilism. While our success in this pursuit is open to debate, there can be no question that we returned home inspired by the ghosts of Burton and by the experience of poring over 150-year old brewer’s logs handwritten in (India?) ink. Stone Brewing Co., after all, traces its lineage back to the British Empire’s brewing history: we make ales, and all of our original offerings used traditional British styles as a jumping-off point. If this seems a roundabout way of letting you know that, yes, we are in fact brewing another IPA to mark our Anniversary, well, so be it.

This one however, promises to be different! From the imported white malt to the “Burtonised” water to the rare yeast strain to the most pungent hops Kent has to offer, we used all British ingredients to brew our “Emperial” IPA.* While we may have brewed Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA with our own distinctively modern, San Diego-style touch, what good is history if you can’t rewrite it to suit your tastes?

In this case, our tastes called for highly intemperate quantities of Target, East Kent Goldings, and Boadicea hops, bestowing upon this dry-bodied ale a powerfully spicy, earthy aroma. On the palate, peppery hops assert themselves early and often, with malt sweetness making a brief appearance before being beaten back by a long, complex, and decisively bitter finish. What better way to contemplate the fate of empires past, present, and future?

*Um, except for our filtered Colorado River water, of course."

My thoughts-from the bottom of the bottle:

This was a bomber gift/trader from fuse several weeks back as he cleared out his beer cellar/closet and other assorted hiding places at home so he could continue to sleep indoors. Poured a cloudy yellow-orange with a thick, creamy head. Prominent nose of resin, pine and grapefruit and other tropical fruits with tastes of pineapple, too. This is a hop monster at 100 IBU and the malts/grains didn't quite measure up at "only" 8.9% ABV. The IBU is a bit high for the style but the ABV is pretty standard. Unfortunately, I think this bottle, brewed in 2010 and enjoyed last week, was a bit past its prime. Even the brewers recommended on the bottle to consume fresh. Lots of sediment at the bottom of the bottle which I avoided the second night as I was a bit more careful with my pour. Always an interesting experience and tasting to sample a brew that has been aged for a while.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:07 am

Mini-reviews from Bear Republic Brewing brewpub. These are all draft samples:

Wine Country Wheat-Classic wheat ale with a cloudy yellow visual presentation with a creamy head and pleasant nose and tastes of bananas and cloves with a hint of orange. IBU are 11 and ABV is 4.5%. A very pleasant starter beer to a flight of 3 ounce samples. Would pair well with fruit and lighter seafood and chicken meals.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:07 am

Second brew of the flight:

Cher Ami-A Belgian single, this ale was a clear, very light copper color with hints of apple, pear and a subtle peppery finish, a typical taste for Belgian yeasts. ABV and IBU both were a bit higher than the wheat ale, registering at 4.7% and 16 respectively. Would match lighter entrees nicely.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:08 am


El Oso-Labeled as a "Mexican lager," I guess they mean to compare it to Corona. I found this to have the least "personality" of the sampler. Light amber in color, this had a slight floral aroma and light caramel on the palate. Would make a good session brew at a cookout with mild fare off the grill. ABV was 5.2% and IBU on the chart at 18. Not bad but not one I'd seek out or re-visit.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:08 am

Brew #4 from Saturday night's sampler at the Bear Republic Brewing Company:

Santiam Rebellion-Single hop pale ale named for a tributary to the Willamette River in Oregon, this hop varietal is a derivative of European Hallertau and Tettnang. I seem to recall those hops mainly used in lagers so the light body of this pale ale was not that surprising. Herbal and floral aromas wafted from the small sample with light caramel tastes. IBU not given but I'd guess about 30 and the ABV was 6%. Good ale to have in the middle of the sampler. Would make a fine beverage to have with sandwiches and burgers.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:09 am

#5 was Black Racer, an aggressively hopped black IPA, a relatively new style that they claim originated in the Pacific Northwest. Tasted and smelled a bit like milk chocolate covered and coffee drizzled candied grapefruit slices. Pour was a deep, dark brown, mouth feel was almost chewy and the head was a creamy mocha color. IBU listed at 75+ with a generous, well balanced ABV of 8.1%. This would be very tasty with chipotle pepper basted grilled ribs or brisket.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:10 am

And to complete the 6er sampler, Cafe Racer 15 filled the last sample glass. Poured a golden-orange with little head, this DIPA had a ginormous blast of grapefruity Citra hops up front but a dry, boozey, almost Cointreau-like sweetness and finish. At 100+ IBU and 9.75% ABV, it made a perfect finish to the flight, though if we were eating dinner after the tastings at the brewpub, I'd have ordered a goblet of this for dessert, too.

Definitely a benefit and difference to go to the brewpub to see what is on draft and not often available for retail purchase.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:10 am

Beervana has been found in Santa Rosa, location of the Russian River Brewing Company. Five beer sampler, on the house actually as one of the beer-tenders allowed me to sample as we waited for our table before eating an early dinner and buying my take out order last PM.

First up, a seasonal brew pub draft exclusive:

Row 2, Hill 56-This is a 100% Simcoe hop pale ale with the hops coming from the Yakima Valley in Washington. Poured a yellow-golden with a small, creamy head. Think Tropicana pure grapefruit juice. No, think of squeezing your own and getting just a bit of the rind in your glass. Pungent nose with an even more pungent hop burst on the tongue, nicely balanced with butterscotch and light caramel tastes. Moderate bitterness, guessing about 50 IBU which would be a bit high for a pale ale. ABV also a shade high for the style at 5.8%. Quite a starter beer. Reminded me of the Weyerbacher Simcoe IPA/DIPA I last had a couple years ago but even better and I really like their products.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » August 14th, 2013, 12:11 am

Next up, Blind Pig IPA-Another classic Russian River offering. This 3 ounce taster had a light copper hue with a small, creamy head and is a pretty typical west coast IPA with lots of piney and citrusy notes, balanced nicely with pale, caramel and crystal malts. I'll guess IBU at about 70 with this and the ABV was 6.1%. My older son-in-law brought me a bottle of this in May this year after he and my older daughter returned from a trip to SF. I'll see if I can find a review from a few months back.
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