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Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 12th, 2013, 9:20 pm
by IowaDevil
Travel safe & enjoy ! :ymhug:

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 12th, 2013, 9:23 pm
by lawgrad91
DukieInKansas wrote:Continuing on my theme of traveling for almost any reason to support family - please pray/vibe/whatever for dry roads between MN and KS on Saturday. I fly up on Friday to see my great-nephew in "The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever" and will be driving back Saturday evening. I would have driven up today with my sister and brother-in-law but was supposed to have a hand bell concert tonight. (It got cancelled due to the flu running through the nursing home.)
Safe travels, Dink! Move faster than the flu! :happy-bouncyblue: :ymhug: :wizard: :pray:

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 3:57 pm
by ArkieDukie
next installment of "As the Bunsen Burns"

Fun times for the last couple of weeks. I've been working with Road Runner's group on a project for an external collaborator. The last time we ran this type of samples, BarMinion messed up the prep. Therefore, Road Runner had Brilliant Grad Student (BGS) work on the prep along with the lab's other senior scientist (referred to by his coworkers as the Russian Ninja; I'll call him Ninja for short. He's a great guy.). Also, given Bar Minion's inability to randomize samples, Road Runner asked me to do it. In the process of running a different sample set altogether, I discovered some problems with the instrument method that BarMinion had set up. Therefore, Road Runner asked me to build a new method and set up the queue (Bar Minion's normal job). Those of you who have been following along will guess that this did not sit well with Bar Minion. She has to be in charge and, when she is not, she tends to retaliate by a combination of passive-aggressive BS and just generally trying to make others bad. Fortunately I don't have to work directly with her, so I didn't have to deal with retaliation as much as BGS and Ninja.

Ninja and BGS worked very hard - especially Ninja - to finish the sample prep. I built the instrument queue for him; he started the instrument with assistance from BGS when he finished - at 11:00 on Wednesday night. I checked the instrument when I arrived at work on Thursday morning and sent a status update to Road Runner, copying Bar Minion, Ninja and BGS. Everything looked good, except I expressed a slight worry about sample carryover (signal in the blank). I also gave a shout-out to Ninja for staying so late to get the samples running. Bar Minion responded that we should add extra blanks after all the samples, which would add roughly 1.5 days to the total analysis time. Since the second sample had already started running, we just proceeded with the queue as built. I also sent an update Friday morning (not copying BM) and said that all the blanks after the first one looked clean, so we were okay.

For some reason that I have yet to figure out, Road Runner sent Bar Minion down to check the instrument after I sent my update. I found this out when I went to the instrument room to copy the data files and she was there. Bar Minion told me that Road Runner had asked HER to check the instrument. I said I had sent her an update already. BM then proceeded to come out with a laundry list of things that were wrong - including the fact that I had dared to change HER method (I copied hers, edited it and changed the name). It royally ticked me off - most of her litany was total garbage, and she was a complete b!tch about the whole thing. I went back to my office and sent an email to Road Runner, telling her that I would no longer be providing status updates and she could rely on Bar Minion for that. (Probably not a great move, but RR created a bad situation by asking BM to check instrument status after I had sent an update for the day. She should've known what would happen, and I was nowhere near the mood to put up with it.) I then went back to the lab to copy the data files that I needed.

When I returned to my office, I had 2 emails: one from Road Runner expressing confusion as to why I wouldn't be sending updates any more, and another from Bar Minion to me, Ninja and BGS, copying Road Runner. BM's email listed most of the things she had told me, and then she added a few other items. My response to Road Runner was that Bar Minion's email should clear things up. I followed it with an apology to her for taking my frustration with Bar Minion out on her. I then went on to say that Bar Minion feels threatened by me and takes every opportunity possible to show me up and/or attempt to make me look bad. (Should've said she does it to everyone else as well, because the email was her way of making herself look superior to Ninja and BGS as well.) I then said that her limited role in the current experiment did not sit well and the email is her response. Road Runner responded with an apology, saying she found BM's attitude unacceptable and she would be having a chat with her. If RR really does this, BM's passive-aggressive bad behavior will escalate. She's already stealing supplies from BGS' desk; who knows where she'll go from here.

Now, here's what Road Runner doesn't know: the whole situation has basically solidified my decision to start phasing myself out of her lab's work. I've started the ball rolling to apply for a mentored research grant. My original intent was to use RR as my mentor, and then I started having second thoughts. To date, I have learned that BM is a jealous opportunist who takes credit for others' work (for instance, she told RR that she, rather than BGS, had helped Ninja with the protocol for preparing the samples) and somehow manages to get all the glory for big projects. Aside from that, all evidence to date has pointed to Road Runner always backing Bar Minion over pretty much everyone else. I cannot even begin to imagine how BM's bad behavior toward me would escalate if I received funding to work in their lab, full-time, on my own research. Besides, I'm tired ot not feeling as though I can trust RR. It would not be a good situation for me at all. Therefore, I found another person to act as my mentor. I have not had a chance to run the idea past The Boss yet - but, once I get his okay, I'll break the news to Road Runner. That should be a fun conversation.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 6:28 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
This episode of "ABB" will take some time to fully appreciate, due to it's length. I still don't have lights on the tree. So, I'll come back later after that's done and I've poured myself another milk punch and can sit down and absorb it all a little better. Hang in there.
Love, Ima

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 7:35 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:This episode of "ABB" will take some time to fully appreciate, due to it's length. I still don't have lights on the tree. So, I'll come back later after that's done and I've poured myself another milk punch and can sit down and absorb it all a little better. Hang in there.
Love, Ima
I wish I could speed read.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 15th, 2013, 10:20 pm
by ArkieDukie
Very Duke Blue wrote:
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:This episode of "ABB" will take some time to fully appreciate, due to it's length. I still don't have lights on the tree. So, I'll come back later after that's done and I've poured myself another milk punch and can sit down and absorb it all a little better. Hang in there.
Love, Ima
I wish I could speed read.
Sorry about that!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 2:58 am
by YmoBeThere
Insomnia makes many things easier. Except getting a good night's sleep. But I am getting quality time with my blind cat Mary.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 7:07 am
by lawgrad91
AD: Sounds like you need to get far, far away from RR. (I originally was going to say you needed to drop an anvil on RR's head, but that might be carrying things a bit too far.) It does sound like RR is a puppet on BM's string. RR will not have a chat with BM, or if she does, the conversation will devolve into what a capital B you are and how unappreciative you and your coworkers are about BM's selfless and tireless work on their behalf.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 8:04 am
by windsor
Sadly it sounds like it will take BM making RR look extremely bad for her to see the light of day. It is never a good idea to place yourself in a position where someone with BM's track record can continually toss you under the bus. Even if you manage to roll away before the tires hit you, enough bus tosses and people start to think you deserve to be under there.

What is a mentored grant?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 9:00 am
by Very Duke Blue
AD, RR must owe BM, big time. I don't think there is anyway RR could not know what BM is doing. Could this be possible?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 11:18 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Wonder what Saga will arise from Cheater Hill today??? There's always a Party at Ole Roy's place in the Country Club!!!! BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle)........... The Smokes will be provided!!!

Tune in tomorrow for more of:

"As The Holes Turn"

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 6:24 pm
by ArkieDukie
windsor wrote:Sadly it sounds like it will take BM making RR look extremely bad for her to see the light of day. It is never a good idea to place yourself in a position where someone with BM's track record can continually toss you under the bus. Even if you manage to roll away before the tires hit you, enough bus tosses and people start to think you deserve to be under there.

What is a mentored grant?
A mentored grant is the ideal situation for someone like me: its intent is to help develop scientists into independent researchers. Many of them are intended to help transition postdocs into faculty-type positions, with a senior faculty member acting as a mentor. However, they are also intended for folks like me who have changed research areas. The grant provides 75% salary support, plus money and supplies, for both research and educational endeavors. I would need to write a proposal and also a plan for getting training in my desired field (leaning toward neuroscience with an emphasis on neurodegeneration).

The mentor should be someone who has a record of placing their students and postdocs in academic positions, and they should also have a strong record of NIH funding. As it happens, Road Runner does not meet either of these criteria, and it was used as a strike against Brilliant Grad Student when she applied for a NIH fellowship. Road Runner has no NIH grants whatsoever - and that will be a huge problem when she goes up for tenure. The person I have asked to be my mentor is not in my department but currently has 3 NIH grants. He and his wife just put me on their NIH grant renewal for 5% salary support, so this is not a huge reach. Our local grants person approves of my plan so far, and she has a great track record for seeing proposals through to successful funding.

When I discuss my plans with Road Runner I will tell her this, but I will also tell her that BarMinion was a huge factor in my decision to look elsewhere, which is the truth. As I said to someone else, I don't want to work in an environment where I have to constantly watch to see which direction the flying knives are coming from. Same sentiment as the bus toss. I'm hoping this will be the straw that will make Road Runner see what a toxic environment BM is creating in her lab and that it will improve the situation for her remaining personnel.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 6:28 pm
by ArkieDukie
Very Duke Blue wrote:AD, RR must owe BM, big time. I don't think there is anyway RR could not know what BM is doing. Could this be possible?
I think it is entirely possible. They overlapped for about a year at their previous place of employment. Either RR didn't know BM very well at that stop or BM is holding something over RR's head. BGS believes this is the case and would love to know what the heck it is. BGS can be a bit on the paranoid side, but I think she may be right.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 6:47 pm
by ArkieDukie
lawgrad91 wrote:AD: Sounds like you need to get far, far away from RR. (I originally was going to say you needed to drop an anvil on RR's head, but that might be carrying things a bit too far.) It does sound like RR is a puppet on BM's string. RR will not have a chat with BM, or if she does, the conversation will devolve into what a capital B you are and how unappreciative you and your coworkers are about BM's selfless and tireless work on their behalf.
Sadly, true.

I had a conversation about this just today with RR's postdoc (don't have a name for her yet and need to come up with one). We both believe that RR's attitude comes from the fact that she got her training in her native country (China). Her attitude toward females is worse than it is toward males. We think her problems arise from being raised to believe that females are inherently inferior to males (I've heard her make statements that support this hypothesis). We think she's hypercompetitive because she's had to be that way to get anywhere. On top of that, I've seen the same type of backstabbing attitude from persons who worked at the same company that she worked at before coming to our fine institution. Interesting bit of trivia: NuBarbie worked at the same company, different location, and shared some of the same traits with regard to attempts to make herself look good by trying to make others look bad. Now, combine that with being a sycophant. If she gets caught and has no recourse, she turns the table and starts in on her own litany of complaints about the person who caught her in some sort of mistake or act of dishonesty (recall the infamous hostile workplace complaint). So, yes, she probably complained that I was mean to her. In summary, she's toxic. I don't work well with her type, and it's best for me to distance myself from the situation.

BGS told me some things I had not heard before with regard to the student that Road Runner kicked out of her lab for fighting with BarMinion - the one whose project BarMinion stole. BGS witnessed RR taking materials (experiments, in fact) to her bench from the grad students and then returning them at a later time. She also witnessed BM taking the student's data files and doing her own analysis on them. The student's claims that BM was stealing her work were true, and RR didn't believe her. RR, for some reason, never spoke to the only witness to what was going on (BGS), and BGS didn't talk to RR about it. This, my friends, is why I would not want to work in the same lab as BM. She's gotten away with it once; chances are she'll do it again.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 6:56 pm
by DukePA
ArkieDukie wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:AD: Sounds like you need to get far, far away from RR. (I originally was going to say you needed to drop an anvil on RR's head, but that might be carrying things a bit too far.) It does sound like RR is a puppet on BM's string. RR will not have a chat with BM, or if she does, the conversation will devolve into what a capital B you are and how unappreciative you and your coworkers are about BM's selfless and tireless work on their behalf.
Sadly, true.

I had a conversation about this just today with RR's postdoc (don't have a name for her yet and need to come up with one). We both believe that RR's attitude comes from the fact that she got her training in her native country (China). Her attitude toward females is worse than it is toward males. We think her problems arise from being raised to believe that females are inherently inferior to males (I've heard her make statements that support this hypothesis). We think she's hypercompetitive because she's had to be that way to get anywhere. On top of that, I've seen the same type of backstabbing attitude from persons who worked at the same company that she worked at before coming to our fine institution. Interesting bit of trivia: NuBarbie worked at the same company, different location, and shared some of the same traits with regard to attempts to make herself look good by trying to make others look bad. Now, combine that with being a sycophant. If she gets caught and has no recourse, she turns the table and starts in on her own litany of complaints about the person who caught her in some sort of mistake or act of dishonesty (recall the infamous hostile workplace complaint). So, yes, she probably complained that I was mean to her. In summary, she's toxic. I don't work well with her type, and it's best for me to distance myself from the situation.

BGS told me some things I had not heard before with regard to the student that Road Runner kicked out of her lab for fighting with BarMinion - the one whose project BarMinion stole. BGS witnessed RR taking materials (experiments, in fact) to her bench from the grad students and then returning them at a later time. She also witnessed BM taking the student's data files and doing her own analysis on them. The student's claims that BM was stealing her work were true, and RR didn't believe her. RR, for some reason, never spoke to the only witness to what was going on (BGS), and BGS didn't talk to RR about it. This, my friends, is why I would not want to work in the same lab as BM. She's gotten away with it once; chances are she'll do it again.
Warning, I'm having a sophomoric interlude. BM? Hmmmmmm, I believe Bowel Movement fits as well as Bar Minion. :obscene-buttsway: :poo: :bomb2:

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 8:21 pm
by ArkieDukie
Oops - just noticed that I said RR was stealing from the former student. Meant to say BM. By the way, DPA, the selection of the name was influenced by the double meaning of the abbreviation. :D

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 7:24 am
by windsor
ArkieDukie wrote:Oops - just noticed that I said RR was stealing from the former student. Meant to say BM. By the way, DPA, the selection of the name was influenced by the double meaning of the abbreviation. :D

I assumed it was BarMinion who was stealing from the student.

The mentored grant sounds like a superb idea. How would your boss feel about this (it doesn't sound like he could object to that kind of salary support)? Would it mean you would not work for him? What is the duration of a grant like that...and what do you do when its done. (sorry - my lack of knowledge about grants/academia is showing!)

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 9:02 am
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:next installment of "As the Bunsen Burns"

Therefore, Road Runner had Brilliant Grad Student (BGS) work on the prep along with the lab's other senior scientist (referred to by his coworkers as the Russian Ninja; I'll call him Ninja for short. He's a great guy.).
Henceforth "Ninja" should no longer be spelled out. You should use his smilie: :Ult Ninja:

Note: WHY is there no Wilie Coyote and Roadrunner set of smilies? It baffles me when you see the other smilies out there.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 12:32 pm
by ArkieDukie
windsor wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Oops - just noticed that I said RR was stealing from the former student. Meant to say BM. By the way, DPA, the selection of the name was influenced by the double meaning of the abbreviation. :D

I assumed it was BarMinion who was stealing from the student.

The mentored grant sounds like a superb idea. How would your boss feel about this (it doesn't sound like he could object to that kind of salary support)? Would it mean you would not work for him? What is the duration of a grant like that...and what do you do when its done. (sorry - my lack of knowledge about grants/academia is showing!)
The Boss is supportive of the idea. In fact, I spoke with him this morning and he approved of my choice of mentor. I also found an appropriate institute for the application. Now I just need to tell RR of my plans as a courtesy. Onward and upward!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 12:45 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote: The Boss is supportive of the idea. In fact, I spoke with him this morning and he approved of my choice of mentor. I also found an appropriate institute for the application. Now I just need to tell RR of my plans as a courtesy. Onward and upward!
Is this just one of those, "oh, by the way," conversations? Let us know her reaction! :9f: