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Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 4th, 2011, 3:47 pm
by captmojo
Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'.
Ya gotta have somthin',
If ya wanna be w' me.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 4th, 2011, 9:56 pm
by Jesus_hurley
While it’s always better for team morale to have a player quit and leave than quit and stay, Drew’s decision definitely puts the Heels in a bind. ... z1D37cg76C

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 12:13 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
This is so unusual (a player simply calling it quits mid-season). That means he's quit school as well I assume. So does he simply withdraw in good standing, pack his bags and leave under cover of darkness? Could he finish his semester of classes if he chose to? I guess he would he have to pay his own tuition. Hmmm. Wonder how that would work?

He's sure catching hell from tarheel fans for leaving. Funny, 'cause he was sure catching plenty of it for being there in the first place. Poor guy couldn't win for losing! Can't blame him for making a clean getaway. He'd have been nuts to give them a warning and then have to put up with all this guff, bless his heart.
Love, Ima

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 1:38 am
by Jesus_hurley
yeah, the hole fans are in attack mode for sure. Funny thing is they really don't realize how much they will miss his defense and just being another option at the point. Foul trouble to Kendall or Dex and you could see Watts or McDonald running point at times. If the fans hated seeing Drew, I can't imagine how they'll feel after watching one of those guys turn the ball over 5 or 6 times.

But what really amazes me is how 'Ol Roy is being made out to be some sort of saint for how he tried to mold LDII. Roy wouldn't be in this mess if he'd have realized that Drew is not a point guard who can push, push, push. Half court sets with drawn up plays to slow the game down and Drew would have been much more successful. But that requires a coach willing to change the way the team plays to fit the strengths of the players. And 'Ol Roy only knows one way to coach.

:9f: :9f:

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 1:50 am
by Jesus_hurley
Apparently the McCants family hates Roy

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 8:20 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Jesus_hurley wrote:Apparently the McCants family hates Roy

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 8:37 am
by devildeac
Jesus_hurley wrote:yeah, the hole fans are in attack mode for sure. Funny thing is they really don't realize how much they will miss his defense and just being another option at the point. Foul trouble to Kendall or Dex and you could see Watts or McDonald running point at times. If the fans hated seeing Drew, I can't imagine how they'll feel after watching one of those guys turn the ball over 5 or 6 times.

But what really amazes me is how 'Ol Roy is being made out to be some sort of saint for how he tried to mold LDII. Roy wouldn't be in this mess if he'd have realized that Drew is not a point guard who can push, push, push. Half court sets with drawn up plays to slow the game down and Drew would have been much more successful. But that requires a coach willing to change the way the team plays to fit the strengths of the players. And 'Ol Roy only knows one way to coach.

:9f: :9f:
"...foul trouble to Kendall or Dex..." :)) =))

You gotta be kidding me. With Swofford as acc commish and assclowns like jamie suckie and karl hess as unc refs, I doubt they sniff anywhere near 4 fouls in any game the rest of their games this year.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 8:54 am
by lawgrad91
Jesus_hurley wrote:Apparently the McCants family hates Roy
Wow. So without a different coach than Ol' Roy, Rashard would be in The Show, instead of playing bisexuals in the online-only movie world?

Now the blame on IC goes to Larry's mama, for raising such bad children. Larry's brother Landon got kicked off his high school team and had to transfer to a different high school so he could play. Ergo, Mama Drew in Cali is to blame for all this mess.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 9:28 am
by devildeac
lawgrad91 wrote:
Jesus_hurley wrote:Apparently the McCants family hates Roy
Wow. So without a different coach than Ol' Roy, Rashard would be in The Show, instead of playing bisexuals in the online-only movie world?

Now the blame on IC goes to Larry's mama, for raising such bad children. Larry's brother Landon got kicked off his high school team and had to transfer to a different high school so he could play. Ergo, Mama Drew in Cali is to blame for all this mess.
I am shocked, simple shocked that they have not figured out a way to blame Duke for all this mess. :ymdevil:

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 9:30 am
by lawgrad91
devildeac wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:
Jesus_hurley wrote:Apparently the McCants family hates Roy
Wow. So without a different coach than Ol' Roy, Rashard would be in The Show, instead of playing bisexuals in the online-only movie world?

Now the blame on IC goes to Larry's mama, for raising such bad children. Larry's brother Landon got kicked off his high school team and had to transfer to a different high school so he could play. Ergo, Mama Drew in Cali is to blame for all this mess.
I am shocked, simple shocked that they have not figured out a way to blame Duke for all this mess. :ymdevil:
Blaming Duke is next. Their stages of grief run something like this: Denial, anger, blaming Duke, blaming Duke, blaming Duke, blaming Duke,....

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 9:43 am
by captmojo
lawgrad91 wrote:
Jesus_hurley wrote:Apparently the McCants family hates Roy
Wow. So without a different coach than Ol' Roy, Rashard would be in The Show, instead of playing bisexuals in the online-only movie world?

Now the blame on IC goes to Larry's mama, for raising such bad children. Larry's brother Landon got kicked off his high school team and had to transfer to a different high school so he could play. Ergo, Mama Drew in Cali is to blame for all this mess.
Damn! Ya beat me to it.
Another coach, not roy, would have been able to clearly see that rashweed's true skills lay in the world of the dramatic arts.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 10:27 am
by wilson
lawgrad91 wrote:Their stages of grief run something like this: Denial, anger, blaming Duke, blaming Duke, blaming Duke, blaming Duke,....
:)) :)) :)) :ymapplause:

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 11:02 am
by Jesus_hurley
The McCants story has gotten out to the twitter world!/JayJayESPNDime/st ... 1410128896

Next up: ESPN (I hope anyway...)

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 11:11 pm
by lawgrad91 ... #more-4107

A little more from the McCants family. The language here is not for the faint of heart.

B went on Inside Carolina earlier tonight and was SHOCKED! SHOCKED! that a lot of the former hole players have passed along good wishes to LDII. Nothing on behalf of the players still left or Ol' Roy.
:9f: :9f: :9f:

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 11:20 pm
by lawgrad91
And one more thing from IC that I found hilarious.

Some earnest young hole fan explained to his compatriots that they outclassed Duke by matching up our starters vs. their starters.

His rendition of our starting lineup: Nolan, TT, Kyle, RK, Mason, Miles. A nice starting lineup, no doubt, but I rather doubt Coach K will start six players. L-)

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 11:37 pm
by devildeac
lawgrad91 wrote:And one more thing from IC that I found hilarious.

Some earnest young hole fan explained to his compatriots that they outclassed Duke by matching up our starters vs. their starters.

His rendition of our starting lineup: Nolan, TT, Kyle, RK, Mason, Miles. A nice starting lineup, no doubt, but I rather doubt Coach K will start six players. L-)
We'd still be playing 6 on 8.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 8:22 am
by lawgrad91
devildeac wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:And one more thing from IC that I found hilarious.

Some earnest young hole fan explained to his compatriots that they outclassed Duke by matching up our starters vs. their starters.

His rendition of our starting lineup: Nolan, TT, Kyle, RK, Mason, Miles. A nice starting lineup, no doubt, but I rather doubt Coach K will start six players. L-)
We'd still be playing 6 on 8.
Yeah, that did cross my mind. Maybe we could start Dre and Seth, too. Then it would be even.

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 11:53 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Not unless we gave them whistles!
Love, Ima

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 3:26 pm
by devildeac
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Not unless we gave them whistles!
Love, Ima
:)) =))

Re: Dear Carolina

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 5:43 pm
by DukePA
The anemic blue nation dolts are vomiting a lot of trashtalk on facebook. They're calling us posers and losers. I continue to restrain my self from getting into it with them unless they post on my page, which hasn't happened yet. Their fans, including the zebras, are the main reason why I can't stand the holes.
:9f: :9f: