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Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 2:07 pm
by lawgrad91
DukieInKansas wrote:3.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Sister Anne and I rearranged Sister Sue's kitchen cabinets and dining room china cabinet today. Not sure it really counts but I'm not as stiff tonight as I was last night and this am.
Sounds like exercise to me!

I did 30 minutes of core body on My Fitness Coach last night. Unfortunately, I followed it with half a ribeye (a BIG ribeye), maple glazed carrots, turtle cake, and a glass of wine at Fleming's. I need to get motivated to watch my food intake, but I just can't seem to get on my way. My class reunion in April seems a long way off.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 8:36 pm
by hazeleyedpixie9
Finally got out of the house today and did some shopping at Target. I need to get a pedometer so I can measure the number of steps I take each day. Needed to get out and walk more though, Target was not enough and I am feeling a bit stiff this evening. Weighed myself yesterday and even though I knew it was going to be bad, it still blew me away to see it in black and white! :( :( I weigh more than I ever have before and I have to start dealing with it and get it under control. Sorry bought the digression from exercise.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 18th, 2010, 8:41 pm
by lawgrad91
hazeleyedpixie9 wrote:Finally got out of the house today and did some shopping at Target. I need to get a pedometer so I can measure the number of steps I take each day. Needed to get out and walk more though, Target was not enough and I am feeling a bit stiff this evening. Weighed myself yesterday and even though I knew it was going to be bad, it still blew me away to see it in black and white! :( :( I weigh more than I ever have before and I have to start dealing with it and get it under control. Sorry bought the digression from exercise.
You have been through a lot lately. DO NOT beat yourself up! Trust me, we are all there, or have been there. :ymhug:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 20th, 2010, 9:46 pm
by ArkieDukie
Finally got back into the exercise game today (been having some knee issues). Did almost an hour of cardio dance.

Also had a nice walk around lunch time. Went to a restaurant on Euclid for fish tacos. Decided to treat myself since I was at work. It's always nice to have good food at the end of a walk on a cool day. :)

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 20th, 2010, 9:53 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:Finally got back into the exercise game today (been having some knee issues). Did almost an hour of cardio dance.

Also had a nice walk around lunch time. Went to a restaurant on Euclid for fish tacos. Decided to treat myself since I was at work. It's always nice to have good food at the end of a walk on a cool day. :)
Yay, AD! :happy-bouncyblue:

With Mom in town, my exercise routine is totally out of whack. I did manage to do cardio workout last night for half an hour, and I got in about 8000 steps besides. I've done 3 sets of 20 squat to overhead press with 8 pound weights, and did 20 bicep curls while ago with 10 pound ones, but the exercise routine isn't looking great for the time being, unless I can get in a lot of walking during the day. I should have about 8500 steps in when I go to bed tonight, and at least one more round of squat to overhead press and maybe a few other weight and/or stretching exercises.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 20th, 2010, 10:00 pm
by ArkieDukie
lawgrad91 wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Finally got back into the exercise game today (been having some knee issues). Did almost an hour of cardio dance.

Also had a nice walk around lunch time. Went to a restaurant on Euclid for fish tacos. Decided to treat myself since I was at work. It's always nice to have good food at the end of a walk on a cool day. :)
Yay, AD! :happy-bouncyblue:

With Mom in town, my exercise routine is totally out of whack. I did manage to do cardio workout last night for half an hour, and I got in about 8000 steps besides. I've done 3 sets of 20 squat to overhead press with 8 pound weights, and did 20 bicep curls while ago with 10 pound ones, but the exercise routine isn't looking great for the time being, unless I can get in a lot of walking during the day. I should have about 8500 steps in when I go to bed tonight, and at least one more round of squat to overhead press and maybe a few other weight and/or stretching exercises.
Nice! You're WAY ahead of me with the weights. I don't do anything like that. Probably should.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 1:15 pm
by captmojo
I performed many reps of 12oz curls last night. Somehow I eventually found the bed. :twitch:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 9:28 pm
by captmojo
:9f: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 9:34 pm
by devildeac
captmojo wrote::9f: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:
I guess the middle guy qualifies for exercise.


Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 9:37 pm
by lawgrad91
devildeac wrote:
captmojo wrote::9f: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:
I guess the middle guy qualifies for exercise.


He does a lot of bouncing but doesn't ever lose any weight.

I feel his pain. :(

Twenty-seven minutes of Cardio Workout tonight. Getting ready for last dog walk of the day, which will put me over 10,000 steps (not counting the time with Cardio Workout.) Probably won't help me, either.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 9:40 pm
by ArkieDukie
Major splurge: I bought EA Sports Active 2 today. The big bonus: 2 special monitors come with it, along with a USB stick that goes in the back of the Wii. Each monitor has its own special electric band: one for your left arm (with a built-in heart monitor), one for your right leg. No more nunchuck tethered to your leg! You do still have to hold the Wii remote, which is a bit of a bummer. Otherwise it's a great improvement over previous incarnations of an already great workout "game." :9f:

Since I had to work today (power outage! Thanks Ameren!), I walked to Qdoba for lunch. That, and a short workout with my new game, wore me out. Couldn't finish the workout that the trainer designed for me. Lots of lunges. Mental note: must go back and choose a lower level workout. :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 10:20 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:Major splurge: I bought EA Sports Active 2 today. The big bonus: 2 special monitors come with it, along with a USB stick that goes in the back of the Wii. Each monitor has its own special electric band: one for your left arm (with a built-in heart monitor), one for your right leg. No more nunchuck tethered to your leg! You do still have to hold the Wii remote, which is a bit of a bummer. Otherwise it's a great improvement over previous incarnations of an already great workout "game." :9f:

Since I had to work today (power outage! Thanks Ameren!), I walked to Qdoba for lunch. That, and a short workout with my new game, wore me out. Couldn't finish the workout that the trainer designed for me. Lots of lunges. Mental note: must go back and choose a lower level workout. :9f:
Cool! :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 22nd, 2010, 10:32 pm
by ArkieDukie
One hr with EA Sports Active 2. Holy cow, I'm sore. And that was the easy workout. Cool feature: rather than signing up for one of the long-term programs, you can have the virtual trainer build a workout. Also did 30 min of step aerobics. They've added some additional steps, and also more workout types. There are now dance and cardio boxing routines built in along with the traditional step aerobics. :9f:

I was having a fit during the "easy" (HELL!) workout because it wasn't sensing my arm motions correctly during the rows/tricep extensions and hammer curls. Darn sensor thought my arm was up when it was down and vice-versa. I realized after I had finished that the heart rate monitor/motion sensor on my arm was upside-down. :ymblushing: :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 22nd, 2010, 10:46 pm
by lawgrad91
Way to go, AD!

My exercise pretty screwed up with Mom here and the Duke game at 7:30. I did get my 10,000 steps in by doing A LOT of walking at work, plus walking the dogs. :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 2:22 pm
by DukieInKansas
Today started with a 5K walk - run for others. Now I'll undo all that with way too much Thanksgiving food.


Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 26th, 2010, 12:15 pm
by DukieInKansas
Went to a spinning class this morning. It will be interesting to see how sore I'll be tomorrow. :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 27th, 2010, 9:43 pm
by ArkieDukie
I've been bad this week and tried to get back on track today after returning home. Did an hour of cardio dance before watching the Hogs beat LSU, and afterward I did about 30 min with EA Sports Active 2. This game is really good once you wear the monitor correctly. :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 27th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:I've been bad this week and tried to get back on track today after returning home. Did an hour of cardio dance before watching the Hogs beat LSU, and afterward I did about 30 min with EA Sports Active 2. This game is really good once you wear the monitor correctly. :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:
Good job, AD! :happy-bouncyblue:

I've done nothing except walk this week, though I have walked 10,000 steps or more every day. Having Mom, stepdau and her squeeze here has made exercise difficult. Back to it on Monday!

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 8:51 pm
by ArkieDukie
Today's exercise consisted of 1 hr of Cardio Dance, a few minutes of Wii Fit, and a game of Wii Sports tennis. It's getting a lot harder to reach my exercise target, so I adjusted it down a bit today. Goal for this week is just under 1000 calories.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by lawgrad91
Cardio Workout tonight, about 30 minutes. I intended to do longer but I had to call Mom about her leaving her eye drops behind, and that took half an hour. But it was nice to get a little exercise in for a change. I also lifted my 5 pound weights at work a little bit.

AD, you rock! Good for you! :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: