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Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 7:46 pm
by windsor
captmojo wrote:I have been told by several 'formers', that the quitter needs to have open access to available cigarettes in so as to prove themselves best able to refuse the temptation. As the temptation becomes less and less taxing, it becomes a natural thing. My father stopped, cold turkey, back in 1980. Right up until the day he died, he said he wanted one so badly he felt as though he could eat one. I've heard of those that stopped and had available smokes around to refuse, didn't feel the way my dad did.
I would stronlgy disagree with that - I wouldn't hold AA meetings in the local bar or a weight watchers meeting at a bakery. All of the formers I know of are OK around cigarettes NOW but it took them some time to get past wanting one every second. I know people who were like your Dad...they quit and the craving never went away...I also know a couple who smoked a lot for years and woke up day and said 'I'm done' threw them out and never looked back. I even know one or two who smoke when they are around other smokers - when they aren't they can go weeks/months without wanting one. These people are warped.

Cigarettes are around...I walk through the smoking area when I go building to building at work. The carton of cigarettes (sealed pack is different than an open one somehow) is about a two feet from me right now. It isn't like I"m in a bubble...but I don't think right now I could sit around the old patio table with Mr. Windsor while he smoked and not REALLY want one. Not sure if I'd have one or not, but I"m not ready to risk that. One of things any quitting program I've ever seen has you do is get rid of all the ashtrays ,cigarettes etc and stay away from smoking situations. Of course they also tell you never ever to have another (like AA and never having another drink) that is true for most people (almost all of the 'I quit and went back' people I know started with 'one...just one' and it was game over)...the opposite of that is my buddy Lynne who quit a three pack a day habit 12 years ago...except for 2. One with a morning coffee, one before bed. She never goes beyond 2 - hasn't in 12 years. She's warped too. :D

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 9:14 pm
by captmojo
windsor wrote:
I would stronlgy disagree with that - I wouldn't hold AA meetings in the local bar or a weight watchers meeting at a bakery. All of the formers I know of are OK around cigarettes NOW but it took them some time to get past wanting one every second. I know people who were like your Dad...they quit and the craving never went away...I also know a couple who smoked a lot for years and woke up day and said 'I'm done' threw them out and never looked back. I even know one or two who smoke when they are around other smokers - when they aren't they can go weeks/months without wanting one. These people are warped.

Cigarettes are around...I walk through the smoking area when I go building to building at work. The carton of cigarettes (sealed pack is different than an open one somehow) is about a two feet from me right now. It isn't like I"m in a bubble...but I don't think right now I could sit around the old patio table with Mr. Windsor while he smoked and not REALLY want one. Not sure if I'd have one or not, but I"m not ready to risk that. One of things any quitting program I've ever seen has you do is get rid of all the ashtrays ,cigarettes etc and stay away from smoking situations. Of course they also tell you never ever to have another (like AA and never having another drink) that is true for most people (almost all of the 'I quit and went back' people I know started with 'one...just one' and it was game over)...the opposite of that is my buddy Lynne who quit a three pack a day habit 12 years ago...except for 2. One with a morning coffee, one before bed. She never goes beyond 2 - hasn't in 12 years. She's warped too. :D
I have a twisted brother-in-law like your friend, Lynne.
It does sound as though you are in the resistive situation, and you are doing very well with it. Kudos and keep up the good work.
We're all in your camp! :-bd

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 9:24 pm
by windsor
captmojo wrote: I have a twisted brother-in-law like your friend, Lynne.
It does sound as though you are in the resistive situation, and you are doing very well with it. Kudos and keep up the good work.
We're all in your camp! :-bd

Some people are just twisted! :D I figure whatever works to quit - do it. I wonder how long before I turn into one of those obnoxious ex-smokers :-bd

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 9:42 pm
by DukePA
windsor wrote:
captmojo wrote: I have a twisted brother-in-law like your friend, Lynne.
It does sound as though you are in the resistive situation, and you are doing very well with it. Kudos and keep up the good work.
We're all in your camp! :-bd

Some people are just twisted! :D I figure whatever works to quit - do it. I wonder how long before I turn into one of those obnoxious ex-smokers :-bd
I don't think you'll turn into an obnoxious ex-smoker. My mom and I never have. I know where the smokers are coming from and I don't want to make them feel worse. Been there.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 7:40 am
by windsor

not that I'm bragging or anything....and my ample posterior isn't getting any more ample - another plus.

Perhaps I am done with the :ymdevil: things!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 8:06 am
by CameronBornAndBred
windsor wrote:3 WEEKS TODAY!!

not that I'm bragging or anything....and my ample posterior isn't getting any more ample - another plus.

Perhaps I am done with the :ymdevil: things!
:ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 8:17 am
by ArkieDukie
windsor wrote:3 WEEKS TODAY!!

not that I'm bragging or anything....and my ample posterior isn't getting any more ample - another plus.

Perhaps I am done with the :ymdevil: things!
Definitely worth bragging about, windsor. Congrats! :ymparty:

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 8:22 am
by cl15876
ArkieDukie wrote:
windsor wrote:3 WEEKS TODAY!!

not that I'm bragging or anything....and my ample posterior isn't getting any more ample - another plus.

Perhaps I am done with the :ymdevil: things!
Definitely worth bragging about, windsor. Congrats! :ymparty:
YAY, Congtratulations!!!!!!! Still sending vibes and prayers from VA!!!!!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 8:38 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
Three weeks is something to brag about! Way to go!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 9:11 am
by TillyGalore
windsor wrote:3 WEEKS TODAY!!

not that I'm bragging or anything....and my ample posterior isn't getting any more ample - another plus.

Perhaps I am done with the :ymdevil: things!

:ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:
:ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Way to go!!! I'm so proud of you and admire your determination.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 9:59 am
by Lavabe
Your fourth week starts today!!!

How are the dogs doing with the change from cigs? :o3

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 10:14 am
by DukeUsul
Great job Windsor, I'm very happy for you!!!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 10:21 am
by wilson
Big celebration from down here in ATL, too. Way to go, windsor!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 11:12 am
by DukieInKansas
Brag away - it is an amazing accomplishment! Keep up the good work.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 11:29 am
by Very Duke Blue
You're not bragging. You made a statement of what you have done!!! Great job!!! :D :D

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 1:50 pm
by CathyCA
I am so proud of your determination to quit and your success in executing your plan. YAY, Windsor!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 3:28 pm
by windsor
Lavabe wrote:Your fourth week starts today!!!

How are the dogs doing with the change from cigs? :o3

The dogs are getting more walks and more frisbee time! I'd say that makes them pretty happy.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 9th, 2009, 4:19 am
by Lavabe
windsor wrote:
Lavabe wrote:Your fourth week starts today!!!

How are the dogs doing with the change from cigs? :o3

The dogs are getting more walks and more frisbee time! I'd say that makes them pretty happy.
Another week down?

Umm... could it be that you've just completed your first month?

If so...
WOO-HOO!!!!!! :ymparty: :ymparty: :ymparty: \m/ \m/ \m/

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 9th, 2009, 7:31 am
by windsor
YES! Month number one is in the books! Only the occassional craving - and the 'habit' part is starting to fade away... :-bd :-bd :-bd

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: September 9th, 2009, 9:19 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
windsor wrote:YES! Month number one is in the books! Only the occassional craving - and the 'habit' part is starting to fade away... :-bd :-bd :-bd
Excellent! Three cheers for you!