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Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 1:57 pm
by Rolvix
colchar wrote:
Rolvix wrote:December 10, 2009

On his way to Duke

Dear Rolvix:

Congratulations – Duke University is now your university. I would like to invite you to join a most impressive group of students who will comprise our Class of 2014.

The Admissions Committee is especially pleased to offer admission to so many extraordinary students who care enough about Duke to apply under our Early Decision program. You and the other 600 students admitted this month will be the core of our incoming class next fall.

Your classmates will come from around the world and will bring to Duke a wealth of perspectives and interests. The student body you are joining, among the world’s most talented and most engaged, is a thriving community enriched by its diversity. You should be proud to be one of the contributors to that community, for you have earned your place within it. You and your classmates will distinguish yourselves academically and personally over the next four years, and you will leave Duke exceptionally well prepared to make a difference in the world.

We do ask you to complete some paperwork to conclude the Early Decision process. First, to secure your place in the Class of 2014, please return the reply card you receive in the mail as soon as possible, and no later than January 5, 2010. Second, if you have already applied to other colleges, please remember that you need to withdraw your application from each individual school.

Finally, I realize that with the admissions process behind you it will be easier for you to enjoy the rest of your senior year. Please remember that we expect you to maintain high standards of academic performance and personal behavior in and out of school, including abiding by our Community Standard, which you will find on the reply form. If there is any change in the information in your application – including academic, personal, disciplinary, or legal matters – you need to contact me within 72 hours. We reserve the right to withdraw our offer of admission should your standing in any of these areas change or if you do not meet the terms of the Community Standard between now and the beginning of our fall term.

You have my warmest congratulations and my best wishes for continued success for the remainder of your senior year. The faculty and I look forward to having you among us.


Christoph Guttentag
Dean of Undergraduate Admission

I thought this morning that it might be an idea to have one of the mods (since it is now too late for you to edit this post) delete your address info. For safety's sake, that might not be the kind of info you want openly displayed on the interwebs. Just a thought...
Thanks colchar! I thought about it briefly right before I posted it but I was too excited to continue that train of thought. :ymparty:

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 1:58 pm
by Rolvix
Miles wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:
colchar wrote: I thought this morning that it might be an idea to have one of the mods (since it is now too late for you to edit this post) delete your address info. For safety's sake, that might not be the kind of info you want openly displayed on the interwebs. Just a thought...
Rolvix also posted his letter in the Milestones thread. You may need to go over there and redact it.
Done. Our first lesson for young Rolvix as he enters the almost real world. Don't paste your address, phone number on website; CTN mods may not always be there to help you out. ;-)
Lesson #1 learned.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 1:59 pm
by Rolvix
Rolvix wrote:
Miles wrote: Done. Our first lesson for young Rolvix as he enters the almost real world. Don't paste your address, phone number on website; CTN mods may not always be there to help you out. ;-)
Lesson #1 learned.
I just wanted to give you a chance to use your mod powers 8-} ;)

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:01 pm
by Rolvix
DukeUsul wrote: Oh duh. That's why your post says dad in it. I'm not reading well today.

So I'll be curious to see if his interviewer - either the scheduled one or the UNC stuckee calls Rolvix next week.
Apparently he found out this past Monday!? The guy my dad works out with (former Mr. America :D ) is pretty close to Stubbs and apparently Stubbs told him!

My dads workout partner was like what?! I knew all week! :D I thought you did too.

I'm glad he didn't spoil the surprise for my dad though.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:02 pm
by colchar
Rolvix wrote: I don't think he's ever been prouder of me.

As I said, you always want your kids to do better than you did ;)

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:03 pm
by Rolvix
Oh, and my Class of 2014 folder came in the mail today! It has a map of the campus, a list of deadlines, and a few other things. Now it will be borderline impossible for me to miss another deadline.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:20 pm
by TillyGalore
Rolvix wrote:Lesson #1 learned.
You posted your address again at the top of this page. ;) ;)

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:32 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
TillyGalore wrote:
Rolvix wrote:Lesson #1 learned.
You posted your address again at the top of this page. ;) ;)
Thanks Tilly, i fixed it. I thinks it's awesome that his road is awesome.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 2:43 pm
by TillyGalore
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:
Rolvix wrote:Lesson #1 learned.
You posted your address again at the top of this page. ;) ;)
Thanks Tilly, i fixed it. I thinks it's awesome that his road is awesome.
That is an awesome road!!

Again, congratulations, Rolvix. We are all so proud of you, and thank you for bringing us along for the journey.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 3:23 pm
by colchar
Rolvix wrote:Now it will be borderline impossible for me to miss another deadline.

Trust me, if you're a typical undergrad you'll miss deadlines all the freakin' time ;)

Just make sure you don't miss any that are part of the registration process.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 7:51 pm
by captmojo
I've a hell of a lot of catchin' up to do here. I just read this and thought I'd pass congrats along as well. Well done! Well deserved! ^:)^

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 9:31 pm
by Rolvix
captmojo wrote:I've a hell of a lot of catchin' up to do here. I just read this and thought I'd pass congrats along as well. Well done! Well deserved! ^:)^
Thanks captmojo!

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 9:33 pm
by Rolvix
I know getting into Duke is a huge deal and that not many people get this wonderful opportunity. I had no idea how many people would approach me about it though! It's almost overwhelming. :D :-bd :jeanne dance:

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 10:05 pm
by colchar
Rolvix wrote:I know getting into Duke is a huge deal and that not many people get this wonderful opportunity. I had no idea how many people would approach me about it though! It's almost overwhelming. :D :-bd :jeanne dance:

Getting into university (I just can't bring myself to use the word 'college') is an accomplishment. Getting into a good one is a major accomplishment. Getting into a great one, as you did, is a huge accomplishment and people will be rightly happy for you.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 10:58 pm
by DevilAlumna
I'm a little late to the party here, but no less happy for you, Rolvix -- congratulations!! Sending vibes your way that financial aid comes through big time!

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 11th, 2009, 11:06 pm
by Ben63
Rolvix wrote:Now it will be borderline impossible for me to miss another deadline.
This is so not true. I missed a ton of deadlines for Pitt and continue to do so...

Ive been away from the boards for awhile and just read all this, congrats on everything. Getting that college acceptance letter you really want is a great feeling. And if you ever have any questions about being a college freshman, feel free to ask me anytime. Granted, we're at different schools but it's generally the same. Again, CONGRATS!!

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 12:26 am
by Rolvix
Ben63 wrote:
Rolvix wrote:Now it will be borderline impossible for me to miss another deadline.
This is so not true. I missed a ton of deadlines for Pitt and continue to do so...

Ive been away from the boards for awhile and just read all this, congrats on everything. Getting that college acceptance letter you really want is a great feeling. And if you ever have any questions about being a college freshman, feel free to ask me anytime. Granted, we're at different schools but it's generally the same. Again, CONGRATS!!
Thanks Ben!
I'm pretty nervous about it. I don't usually have a difficult time fitting in, but then again I haven't ever been anywhere so diverse.... That's probably my biggest worry. Honestly though, I guess that could actually make it EASIER to fit in. There will be so many different niches for me to "experience" (not the best word, but you get my drift).

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 12:40 am
by Rolvix
Yay, I just got into State. Sorry Wolfpack.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 1:50 am
by devildeac
Rolvix wrote:
DukieInKansas wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:Who's gonna teach Rob the secret handshake?
Wait - there's a secret handshake?

Congratulations, Rolvix! :ymhug: :ymparty: :ymhug: :ymparty: :ymhug: :ymparty:

Now vibes for lots of scholarships!
Secret handshake?!!?! I want in!

Oh, and about the financial aid... I missed the deadline of November 15th to submit my CSS profile (I have no idea how I missed that. I had the email open for about three days and I still forgot to mention it to my parents.) So I don't know about financial aid/scholarships from Duke right now. I should find out shortly after I submit my W2 forms and stuff...

Duke is so expensive. The median is slightly over $53,000 this year.

Holy :poo: ! I didn't think we paid THAT much. Glad we only have 1 1/2 semesters to go.

Re: College?!?

Posted: December 12th, 2009, 1:55 am
by Ben63
Rolvix wrote:
Ben63 wrote:
Rolvix wrote:Now it will be borderline impossible for me to miss another deadline.
This is so not true. I missed a ton of deadlines for Pitt and continue to do so...

Ive been away from the boards for awhile and just read all this, congrats on everything. Getting that college acceptance letter you really want is a great feeling. And if you ever have any questions about being a college freshman, feel free to ask me anytime. Granted, we're at different schools but it's generally the same. Again, CONGRATS!!
Thanks Ben!
I'm pretty nervous about it. I don't usually have a difficult time fitting in, but then again I haven't ever been anywhere so diverse.... That's probably my biggest worry. Honestly though, I guess that could actually make it EASIER to fit in. There will be so many different niches for me to "experience" (not the best word, but you get my drift).
I understand your nervousness. I was pretty calm during school but it was all i thought about in the summer. Don't let it get to you because itll all be fine and you'll make tons of friends. College is a great experience and being nervous is normal, but itll all be gone relatively quickly once you get on campus. And hey, youll have one hell of a basketball team to root for. Pitt really sucks this year, I'm pretty much a year late.