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Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:39 pm
by EarlJam
CathyCA wrote:In January we'll have 1-11-11.
On 4-4-11, we'll have Back-to-Back championships for the men's basketball team! :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :duke: :happy-bouncyblue: :D


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:39 pm
by colchar
TillyGalore wrote: In colchar's world today's date is 9-8-10.

Darned tootin' it is!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:41 pm
by colchar
Won't those January dates set off some sort of alleged binary silliness like Y2K did? Was that ever actually real?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 3:56 pm
by EarlJam
colchar wrote:Won't those January dates set off some sort of alleged binary silliness like Y2K did? Was that ever actually real?
Good question. Wouldn't it be wild if we did all that prep work for Y2K, only to be dissapointed by the lack of any real disaster, only to get bitten in the ass by the Y2011 bug?

By the way, the best thing to come out of the whole Y2K thing was the story of Peter, Michael Bolton and Samir and their job's at Initech. Lumberg. What an asshole.


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 5:47 pm
by colchar
EarlJam wrote:
colchar wrote:Won't those January dates set off some sort of alleged binary silliness like Y2K did? Was that ever actually real?
Good question. Wouldn't it be wild if we did all that prep work for Y2K, only to be dissapointed by the lack of any real disaster, only to get bitten in the ass by the Y2011 bug?

By the way, the best thing to come out of the whole Y2K thing was the story of Peter, Michael Bolton and Samir and their job's at Initech. Lumberg. What an asshole.


Care to fill us in on the story? I'm far too lazy to look it up.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 7:17 pm
by YmoBeThere
colchar wrote:
EarlJam wrote:
colchar wrote:Won't those January dates set off some sort of alleged binary silliness like Y2K did? Was that ever actually real?
Good question. Wouldn't it be wild if we did all that prep work for Y2K, only to be dissapointed by the lack of any real disaster, only to get bitten in the ass by the Y2011 bug?

By the way, the best thing to come out of the whole Y2K thing was the story of Peter, Michael Bolton and Samir and their job's at Initech. Lumberg. What an asshole.


Care to fill us in on the story? I'm far too lazy to look it up.
See the movie, Office Space.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 7:19 pm
by YmoBeThere
The Cardinals are in town for the next three days to visit the Reds. I sold my tickets for today's and Wednesday's games for much more than face value. Slight compensation for having to watch the Pirates come a visitin'.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 7:25 pm
by DukeUsul
Best movie ever.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 7:58 pm
by EarlJam
DukeUsul wrote:Best movie ever.


AWWEEEEEEEEEEEESSSOOOMMMMEEEE! Thanks for posting this! Just made my night.

:happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 8:52 pm
by lawgrad91
Bruce got a notice today of distribution for some mutual funds he did owe, and apparently he is owed not quite half a cent. Boy, that will really help with the car payment!

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 8:56 pm
by lawgrad91
YmoBeThere wrote:The Cardinals are in town for the next three days to visit the Reds. I sold my tickets for today's and Wednesday's games for much more than face value. Slight compensation for having to watch the Pirates come a visitin'.
Probably a good thing you're not there tonight, Ymo! The Reds are down by a touchdown.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 9:32 pm
by DukePA
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Miles wrote:
colchar wrote:All of the food talk around here recently got me to wondering whatever happened to that recipe book we were talking about putting together?
I'm still down to design, layout and assemble. I think we need more recipes. I say we start wrapping it up after football season.
I only got one recipe contribution..(although luckily TNTdevil has literally hundreds (if not more) of his own.)
Feel free to PM me or email me your recipes...and of course I'm sure some will be plucked from the recipe thread.
:( did you lose my recipe?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 9:40 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
DukePA wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Miles wrote: I'm still down to design, layout and assemble. I think we need more recipes. I say we start wrapping it up after football season.
I only got one recipe contribution..(although luckily TNTdevil has literally hundreds (if not more) of his own.)
Feel free to PM me or email me your recipes...and of course I'm sure some will be plucked from the recipe thread.
:( did you lose my recipe?
Not if you emailed it. Honestly I haven't checked the cookbook email address in a while, there might be a bunch in there. I'll check tonight and give an update on what I do have.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 9:47 pm
by devildeac
Wow. 15 members/guests a bit earlier. Folks must have thought there was a FB or MBB game on tonight.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 9:56 pm
by Lavabe
devildeac wrote:Wow. 15 members/guests a bit earlier. Folks must have thought there was a FB or MBB game on tonight.
Should I expect LOTS of moderating tonight from the 15 logged in?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 10:06 pm
by YmoBeThere
Lavabe wrote:
devildeac wrote:Wow. 15 members/guests a bit earlier. Folks must have thought there was a FB or MBB game on tonight.
Should I expect LOTS of moderating tonight from the 15 logged in?

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 10:34 pm
by Miles
colchar wrote:Won't those January dates set off some sort of alleged binary silliness like Y2K did? Was that ever actually real?
Hard to say if Y2K was actually real. Some sides of the camp claim that the exhaustive efforts leading up to the date helped to prevent the crisis from occurring. Others claim that it is impossible for all parties with a vested interest to cover their collective asses so easily. After twelve years of software development, I can imagine why people subscribe to the latter view. Maybe we'll never know but I'm sure glad people cared because my father was a Y2K developer for one of the big banks, and the crisis was his ticket out of Havelock into Charlotte. Without, I probably wouldn't have ended up here, and then I wouldn't have met Kelly or ever been on DBR and met you fools.

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 11:36 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
colchar wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote: Must have posted it. VDB emailed one to me.

I can't find them in the thread. What the hell did I do with them? I remember typing them out but what happened after that is a mystery to me.
I'll double check my emails.
Ahhh...Colchar did indeed send me a couple. And VDB, and DukePA tonight (even though she too had sent me the mimosa recipe before :D ). (It's an email address I don't often use, but it's good to keep the recipes in one place)
For those that are still interested..the email address is's a cookbook built around tailgating, so don't submit something that takes a lot of kitchen prep for (or if it does, make sure it works well served cold or can be easily reheated on a grill)

Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 11:52 pm
by DevilAlumna
DukeUsul wrote:Best movie ever.

Deja vu from another internet gathering place... you gonna send me those spare printers? :D


Re: LTE 2.0

Posted: August 10th, 2010, 1:46 am
by colchar
Miles wrote:
colchar wrote:Maybe we'll never know but I'm sure glad people cared because my father was a Y2K developer for one of the big banks, and the crisis was his ticket out of Havelock into Charlotte. Without, I probably wouldn't have . . . met you fools.
You view that as a positive development? If so, you're sick and need help.
