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Re: New PPB

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 11:39 pm
by devildeac
CathyCA wrote:I registered for the new board, but I can't get in. It's not accepting my password.
Was your password "clbunchnumbers" or 8-x ?

:roll: :)) =))

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 12:23 am
devildeac wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
Hmm, sounds like he lifted them from the DBR.

Nice of him to insult 8-x . Jerk.
I inserted the bunchofnumbers comment, not Lord Ash. I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 1:06 am
by devildeac
devildeac wrote:These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
Hmm, sounds like he lifted them from the DBR.

Nice of him to insult 8-x . Jerk.[/quote]
I inserted the bunchofnumbers comment, not Lord Ash. I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.[/quote]
I'll edit my post then. Coulda fooled me. Oh, you did. :roll:

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 5:55 am
by bjornolf
Stupid question. If you want a family site, why open a purely PPB in the first place? That seems like an ox's moron to me. :cow:


Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 3:27 pm
by wilson
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.
"Someone else"=wilson. :| :ymblushing: :-ss :whistle: :-??

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 5:38 pm
by Lavabe
devildeac wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
Hmm, sounds like he lifted them from the DBR.
Quoting Carlin is an offense; plagiarizing is not an offense. ;)

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 6:27 pm
Lavabe wrote:
Quoting Carlin is an offense; plagiarizing is not an offense. ;)
Zack Asack apparently agrees with you on the second point, but learned differently ;)

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 9:51 pm
by cl15876
devildeac wrote:"quote="OZZIE4DUKE""Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
"quote"These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
Hmm, sounds like he lifted them from the DBR.

Nice of him to insult 8-x . Jerk.[/quote]
I inserted the bunchofnumbers comment, not Lord Ash. I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.[/quote]

DD - thanks for coming to my defense here as I would definitely do the same!!!!

I actually reveled in the momentary thought that Lord Ash would reference me and my George Carlin facebook comment, but figured it was probably stubbed in there and too good to be true!!!, but Oz, I did like the inclusion!!!! :)) :)) :)) :Clap: :-bd

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 9:53 pm
by cl15876
wilson wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.
"Someone else"=wilson. :| :ymblushing: :-ss :whistle: :-??
I did get what you were saying, I just had to sanitize because there are lil eyes and ears over there that don't need to read em! It's all good though! I chuckled after I gasped and had to remove.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 11th, 2009, 10:02 pm
cl15876 wrote:
wilson wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I was referring to a post of his on Facebook he made about George Carlin, and then he deleted the 7 words that someone else posted.
"Someone else"=wilson. :| :ymblushing: :-ss :whistle: :-??
I did get what you were saying, I just had to sanitize because there are lil eyes and ears over there that don't need to read em! It's all good though! I chuckled after I gasped and had to remove.
It was Wilson that listed the 7 words. I just referred to them in my post here! And in your FB post, when you mentioned Carlin, I just said "7 words", but didn't say/type them :D But I was picking on you here, my friend!

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2009, 6:52 pm
by throatybeard
There's another group proposing some sort of alternative to DBR PBB. (This thing with Lord Ash is piggybacking on some other forum, I think?). If everyone sits tight for a little while, I think it's possible something might come to fruition.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2009, 6:54 pm
by wilson
throatybeard wrote:There's another group proposing some sort of alternative to DBR PBB. (This thing with Lord Ash is piggybacking on some other forum, I think?). If everyone sits tight for a little while, I think it's possible something might come to fruition.
I know I can't wait.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 1:17 pm
by EarlJam
This Date In CTN History....

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 1:41 pm
by devildeac
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
I thought he had that up months ago.

Needless posting? :)) =))
Rampant stupidity? :)) =))
I wonder if I'd last microseconds on that. :ymblushing:

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 1:43 pm
by devildeac
devildeac wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.
I thought he had that up months ago.

Needless posting? :)) =))
Rampant stupidity? :)) =))
I wonder if I'd last microseconds on that. :ymblushing:
Oh, wait a minute. He did. Never mind.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 1:54 pm
by colchar
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.

Oh yeah, we'd all be fucked by those rules.

ETA: I just realized that this is a necrothread.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 15th, 2010, 1:58 pm
by devildeac
colchar wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Lord Ash has put up a new board for PP discussions.
That's all good and well, but there is no fucking way that his rules would fly around here! =)) =)) =))
These are the infractions, points you receive for an infraction, and expiration period:

Needless Posting: 1 point, expires after 14 days.
Needless Posting - For posts wholly without redeeming qualities that don't rise to a more serious infraction. Think before you post. Includes rampant stupidity.

Inappropriate Content: 1 point, expires after 30 days.
Inappropriate Content - Think of George Carlin and his seven dirty words. (clbunchofnumbers, this includes your facebook account :D ) That also includes similar offensive words and attempts to substitute symbols for letters in such words, as well as offensive topics in general. This is a family site.

Oh yeah, we'd all be fucked by those rules.

ETA: I just realized that this is a necrothread.
You got fooled, too.

:)) =))

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 16th, 2010, 7:07 am
by Lavabe
colchar wrote:ETA: I just realized that this is a necrothread.
Look, Igor!

IT'S ALIVE!! IT'S ALIVE!! :scared-shocked: :scared-eek:

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 17th, 2010, 3:39 am
by Jesus_hurley
colchar wrote:
If you're not allowed to swear or post simply for the sake of posting, all of us here would be fucked.
For saying Fuck, that will be one infraction point - set to expire on 11/16 (2010, in case this gets resurrected again next year).

Shit, I quoted you and said fuck. That's two for me.

Re: New PPB

Posted: October 17th, 2010, 10:46 am
by indoor66
Jesus_hurley wrote:
colchar wrote:
If you're not allowed to swear or post simply for the sake of posting, all of us here would be fucked.
For saying Fuck, that will be one infraction point - set to expire on 11/16 (2010, in case this gets resurrected again next year).

Shit, I quoted you and said fuck. That's two for me.
Actually, three.... :)) =)) :(( :ymdevil: