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Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 29th, 2009, 3:24 pm
by CathyCA

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 29th, 2009, 3:29 pm
by TillyGalore
CathyCA wrote:ALOHA!


Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 7:26 pm
by knights68
Hi all,
Just an FYI... an update will be made later this evening to confirm she successfully landed on the shore of Honolulu.
And will update once a day until she returns! But for now, she made it to Denver by way of Baltimore and by 9 or so tonight (eastern time of course) she should be checking in to their hotel.

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 9:11 pm
by knights68
Tilly has landed in Aloha-land without incident. :ymapplause:
Her 7 hour flight from Denver to the big island went well. It is now around 3pm or so there, she is getting ready to hit the beach, grab a drink and take a swim.
She say's HI to all and we'll keep you updated (once a day) as to her adventures! \m/

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 9:43 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Thanks for the updates and great to hear she made it.
So who's organizing the big blowout at Tilly's empty house this weekend?

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 10:44 pm
by ArkieDukie
I'm slow in posting, Tilly, but have a great time in Hawaii!

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 6:26 am
by knights68
CameronBornAndBred wrote: So who's organizing the big blowout at Tilly's empty house this weekend?
Didn't ya get the invite? It's an open bar, all-invited, block party extravaganza!! :lol:
I figured she is on the other side of the world practically, what would it hurt? lol it's not like she'll eeevvvveeeerrrrr find out ;)

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 12:46 pm
by Sue71
Tilly is crazy! She actually called me from Hawaii last night! All is well- she sounds like she's in awe. She loooooooooooooooved the beach and didn't want to get out of the water, but alas she did. She said she'd have a pina colada for me. :)

Today is the Pearl Harbor tour & a stop at Hilo Hatties w/ her mom so they can pick up Hawaiian shirts & other assorted goodies.

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 5:21 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I don't think she really went. I keep getting requests to help her in Vampire wars on Facebook.

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 5:32 pm
by Sue71
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I don't think she really went. I keep getting requests to help her in Vampire wars on Facebook.
Ahhhhh good point. Maybe Knights68 kidnapped her for 10 days and is making us THINK she's in Hawaii.

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 1st, 2009, 7:37 pm
by cl15876
Sue71 wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I don't think she really went. I keep getting requests to help her in Vampire wars on Facebook.
Ahhhhh good point. Maybe Knights68 kidnapped her for 10 days and is making us THINK she's in Hawaii.
What a novel idea! Way to go with the OPSEC cover story, Knights68! :D

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 8:50 pm
by knights68
cl15876 wrote:
Sue71 wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I don't think she really went. I keep getting requests to help her in Vampire wars on Facebook.
Ahhhhh good point. Maybe Knights68 kidnapped her for 10 days and is making us THINK she's in Hawaii.
What a novel idea! Way to go with the OPSEC cover story, Knights68! :D

=)) lol, cute, great conspiracy factor type paranoia. I like it!
Actually, not only am I house sitting and pet sitting, I am also game sitting! ha ha ha we offer many services in our sitting program. Tilly invested in the premium service :))

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 8:59 pm
by knights68
Pull up a chair boys and girls, time for an update from silly Tilly, that crazy gal -oh-mine, the Shark Queen herself!!

Just spoke to Tilly and among the highlights given, seems Tilly got to see sharks this morning (according to her dad she was so close she could have flossed 'em). According to Tilly, "It was friggin awesome' and exactly as she expected and a little more.

She has a DVD that she will have available, we'll charge a quarter per showing (kidding of course) upon her return. Popcorn and soda's will go for about $10 a pop! lol :))
I am unfamiliar with the type of sharks she got to see (Galapagos?) but saw a lot of 'em and she was pretty psyched about the whole experience.

She also commented that in her sea excursions coming back from the shark dive she saw a whale and her little offspring, as well as a school of dolphins (or is it a pod? a school? whatever, it was a collection of dolphins)

In addition to shark diving, she also had a chance to go swimming under a waterfall (from sea water to fresh water.... she is an all-water babe!) as well as (yesterday) see Pearl Harbor and even got a picture and spoke with two survivors. I honestly thought she'd be a emotional ball after it all, but according to her she definitely got choked up (duh) there were little if any water works.

She is exhausted, part from the time zone difference and part from such activities. I think tomorrow is an "off" day for her, just a few things planned before the week starts and she continues her epic adventures which is to include swimming with 'da dolphins.

She is having a blast but not so much as to take a moment to say hi to me and to you all!!

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 9:15 pm
knights68 wrote:Pull up a chair boys and girls, time for an update from silly Tilly, that crazy gal -oh-mine, the Shark Queen herself!!

Just spoke to Tilly

In addition to shark diving, she also had a chance to go swimming under a waterfall (from sea water to fresh water.... she is an all-water babe!)

She is having a blast but not so much as to take a moment to say hi to me and to you all!!
So our Tilly is amphibious! LOL! =)) =))

Tell her the gang says Hi! back. Glad she's having a fabulous time!

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 9:50 pm
by knights68
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:So our Tilly is amphibious! LOL! =)) =)
Yup, 'fraid so. No stopping Tilly by land, by air or by sea now!
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Tell her the gang says Hi! back. Glad she's having a fabulous time!
Consider it done ;)

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 11:51 pm
by Sue71
knights68 wrote:Pull up a chair boys and girls, time for an update from silly Tilly, that crazy gal -oh-mine, the Shark Queen herself!!

Just spoke to Tilly and among the highlights given, seems Tilly got to see sharks this morning (according to her dad she was so close she could have flossed 'em). According to Tilly, "It was friggin awesome' and exactly as she expected and a little more.

She has a DVD that she will have available, we'll charge a quarter per showing (kidding of course) upon her return. Popcorn and soda's will go for about $10 a pop! lol :))
I am unfamiliar with the type of sharks she got to see (Galapagos?) but saw a lot of 'em and she was pretty psyched about the whole experience.

She also commented that in her sea excursions coming back from the shark dive she saw a whale and her little offspring, as well as a school of dolphins (or is it a pod? a school? whatever, it was a collection of dolphins)

In addition to shark diving, she also had a chance to go swimming under a waterfall (from sea water to fresh water.... she is an all-water babe!) as well as (yesterday) see Pearl Harbor and even got a picture and spoke with two survivors. I honestly thought she'd be a emotional ball after it all, but according to her she definitely got choked up (duh) there were little if any water works.

She is exhausted, part from the time zone difference and part from such activities. I think tomorrow is an "off" day for her, just a few things planned before the week starts and she continues her epic adventures which is to include swimming with 'da dolphins.

She is having a blast but not so much as to take a moment to say hi to me and to you all!!
She told me that she & her mom were going shopping at Hilo Hatties... I'm afraid to ask what kind of damage they did. x_x

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 3rd, 2009, 8:09 am
by CathyCA
Thanks for the trip reports, Knights68! I can't wait to see the videos, narrated by the lovely Miss Tilly!

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 3rd, 2009, 10:15 am
by Lavabe
Well, so did Tilly jump the shark yesterday? ;) :-ss :-bd

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 3rd, 2009, 10:36 am
by cl15876
Knights68 - It sounds like Tilly is having a great time! Thanks for the updates! Brings back alot of memories! ;)

Re: Tilly's Great Hawaiian Adventure

Posted: May 3rd, 2009, 12:11 pm
by knights68
Lavabe wrote:Well, so did Tilly jump the shark yesterday? ;) :-ss :-bd
I do not believe she "jumped" any sharks, and thought am sure she wanted to pet a few... it was all restricted to the confines of her metal cage and her mind. :lol:

And now as Sue pointed out, Shopping is on the agenda today? May God have mercy on the merchants souls today! :))
If there is a deal to be found, a sale to be had, I am betting she'll be the one to find it. Just one of her many impressive qualities and awesome 'superpowers'