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Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 9:17 am
by rockymtn devil
Ugly ending to the Oregon-Boise State game. After some classless taunting by a BSU player, Oregon's star RB responded by throwing (and landing) a sucker-punch. IMO, the Oregon player should sit half the season and the BSU player should sit the next game.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 9:56 am
by ugadevil
LeGarrette Blount, the Oregon running back who threw the punch, got more yardage out of his punch than his carries during the game. Blount's hit appeared to have knocked the guy a few yards. During the game, Blount had 8 carries for -5 yards! Quite a night to be proud of.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 12:23 pm
by bjornolf

You can see it here. I was listening to the radio this morning, and they were talking about it. Blount had been talking ALL week about how Oregon was gonna make BSU their bitch, and how they were gonna F 'em up and ruin their home winning streak, and how Boise wasn't nothin'. He HAD to expect some kind of talk back after that smack down. Yes, it was childish of Hout to do what he did, but if you're gonna talk that kind of trash leading up to a game and then lay an egg, you're GONNA get some back. And if you can dish it like that, but you can't take a little back when you can't back your smack, then you're just a little boy, even if you are 22 years old. Sorry, just my opinion. Hout wasn't classy at all, probably said something like "who's the bitch now" or something, but if you're gonna talk like that BEFORE the game, you better back it up on the field if you don't want none back. THEN he broke away from police and tried to go after the fans. Wow. He TOTALLY lost it.


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 12:26 pm
by bjornolf
ugadevil wrote:LeGarrette Blount, the Oregon running back who threw the punch, got more yardage out of his punch than his carries during the game. Blount's hit appeared to have knocked the guy a few yards. During the game, Blount had 8 carries for -5 yards! Quite a night to be proud of.
The reason it worked so well was that the BSU coach was already pulling Hout away, so Hout's momentum was already moving that way, and his head had already turned to the coach when the punch landed. All his body weight moving the same way as the punch had a double effect:
1. Made Hout go flying.
2. Probably saved Hout a broken jaw or nose and Blount a broken hand.


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 12:52 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
ESPN has already yanked it. X(

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 12:59 pm
by bjornolf

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 1:13 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
bjornolf wrote:Here's another version.

That guy's TIVO sux. :)) :)) :)) =)) =)) =))

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 2:29 pm
by bjornolf
Here's the video from First Take on 1st and 10.

It also shows some of him going after the BSU fans. Since this is from ESPN's website, I don't see them taking it down. ;)


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 5:39 pm
by Sue71

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 5:54 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Good. Way to go dumbass.
Did the other guy get any penalty? He should get something, of course not as severe; but he did instigate it.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 6:05 pm
by bjornolf
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Good. Way to go dumbass.
Did the other guy get any penalty? He should get something, of course not as severe; but he did instigate it.
According to the article, "Hout will not be suspended for taunting Blount. Boise State spokesman Max Corbet told The Associated Press in an e-mail that Petersen planned to spend time with Hout this week to help him learn from what happened."

I feel kind of bad for Blount though. What he did was wrong and stupid, but he's a senior, so this is the end for him. I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as what those Miami players did (one of them used his helmet to hit a guy in the head), and they didn't get a whole season.


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 4th, 2009, 6:08 pm
by ugadevil
CameronBornAndBred wrote: Did the other guy get any penalty? He should get something, of course not as severe; but he did instigate it.
On the Dan Patrick show today, the Boise State coach said he was not planning on suspending the player, but there would be some punishment. He talked about how the player was going to be spending some quality time with him after practice during the week; so I'm assuming he'll get plenty of conditioning in the next few days.

I tend to agree with what was said earlier about Blount and how he was the one who really instigated all this. He talked trash all during the offseason and then lost it when someone put it back in his face.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 10:02 am
by rockymtn devil
bjornolf wrote: According to the article, "Hout will not be suspended for taunting Blount. Boise State spokesman Max Corbet told The Associated Press in an e-mail that Petersen planned to spend time with Hout this week to help him learn from what happened."

I feel kind of bad for Blount though. What he did was wrong and stupid, but he's a senior, so this is the end for him. I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as what those Miami players did (one of them used his helmet to hit a guy in the head), and they didn't get a whole season.

I agree with this. I think there's something to be said for giving a college athlete less of a punishment than a professional athlete. With that said, he has a history of bad behavior, so this isn't his first run-in with the coaching staff. That makes me feel less sympathetic to him (you only deserve so many chances). FWIW, my brother, who's a Duck, wanted him kicked off the team.

I'm a little less concerned with Blount's trash talking this week than others here are. Last year's game between these teams was ugly too. With the game in hand, Boise State players began taking very late, very dirty shots at Oregon players, eventually leading to a Boise player being thrown out of the game (it takes a lot to get thrown out of a football game). So the bad blood was there and instigated by the Broncos. While Blount's nonsense before the game was uncalled for, looked at within this context, it wasn't a one-sided affair.

Just a terrible way to start the football season.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 12:13 pm
by bjornolf
rockymtn devil wrote:I'm a little less concerned with Blount's trash talking this week than others here are.
I'm not really concerned with it. My point was just that if you talk the talk but can't walk the walk, you have to expect a little back afterward, and you need to rise above it. My point was just that if you can't take it, you probably shouldn't dish it.


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 12:45 pm
by ugadevil
bjornolf wrote:
I'm not really concerned with it. My point was just that if you talk the talk but can't walk the walk, you have to expect a little back afterward, and you need to rise above it. My point was just that if you can't take it, you probably shouldn't dish it.

Exactly. And it's not like Blount backed up his talk with his performance during the game. Sometimes a team gets beat but a player can have a great effort in a losing performance, not Blount.

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 6:15 pm
by Rolvix
So I just got back from the App-ECU game... What a great second half of the third quarter and entire fourth quarter! App almost put together a 21 point comeback. It all fell apart in the last minute when App's center snapped the ball before the THIRD STRING quarterback was ready. The third string quarterback that was destroying ECU with his running/occasional pass game. Ugh, wish it could have turned out different. Luckily I might get to see my real team play at 7!

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 6:28 pm
by Rolvix
Wake is losing 24-14 to Baylor... Bad start. :(

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 5th, 2009, 6:33 pm
by Rolvix
And Paulus throws an interception in OT. Syracuse loses by 3... Overall he had a pretty dang good first college football game though. I can't wait to see how he progresses this season!

Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 7:22 am
by bjornolf
That INT really hurt though. It was 3rd down on the 5. They could have easily kicked the field goal. Bad decision throwing into a CROWD of defenders like that. He's gotta throw that one away. Really bad time to get your first INT. But, he hasn't played in four years, so as long as he learns from it, he'll be okay. Like I said before, he's got a LOT of rust to knock off. Overall, I'd say it was a damn good performance for his first time back in pads in half a decade.


Re: Football officially starts tonight!

Posted: September 6th, 2009, 8:18 am
by YmoBeThere
Not to knock the guy, but his composure under pressure wasn't always his strongest suit.