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Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 9:38 am
by DukieInKansas
weezie wrote:Yah, well, it's all fun and games until you interject the spouses of siblings into the mix....then it kind of blows all to hellandgone. :(

Ah, yes - the out laws.

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 1:40 pm
by knights68
Oh yeah, I know whatcha mean there Wilson!
I have a younger brother (13 years younger) who swears he knows more and better (his way is THE only way) than myself and my older brother and tries at times to remind us (only to be reminded the exact opposite when his attempts at whatever fail miserably).
Then I have an older brother who in some areas is wise beyond his years and other times can be... well.... :geek: "book smart" but otherwise... :-\

The younger is certain he is all that and a bag of chips, the older is all that and a bag of chips but hasn't a clue.

As for me, well, I like to think that I am the happy medium. The mid point between both ends of the spectrum. I get along with both, just so long as my exposure to either is limited. Otherwise, well, it ain't 'purty!

So how best to handle it? Limit your exposure, hold your tongue and count to 10... er um 100 ok ok, 1,000 :D

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 7:17 pm
by windsor
Sibling relationships fascinate me. I'm an only (which means I was all that and a bag of chips :D ) so the dynamic is alien to me. My long time best friend is a twin. She and her sister have a love/hate relationship that has left me scratching my head for many many years. They are NOTHING alike in personality (they are identical twins) always had different friends and different interests (I guess kudos are owed their Mom for never treating them like a unit)

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 7:19 pm
by captmojo
windsor wrote:Sibling relationships fascinate me. I'm an only (which means I was all that and a bag of chips :D ) so the dynamic is alien to me. My long time best friend is a twin. She and her sister have a love/hate relationship that has left me scratching my head for many many years. They are NOTHING alike in personality (they are identical twins) always had different friends and different interests (I guess kudos are owed their Mom for never treating them like a unit)
So I assume their mom didn't give them the "Sherry/Terry" type of naming deal?

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 9:58 pm
by windsor
captmojo wrote:
windsor wrote:Sibling relationships fascinate me. I'm an only (which means I was all that and a bag of chips :D ) so the dynamic is alien to me. My long time best friend is a twin. She and her sister have a love/hate relationship that has left me scratching my head for many many years. They are NOTHING alike in personality (they are identical twins) always had different friends and different interests (I guess kudos are owed their Mom for never treating them like a unit)
So I assume their mom didn't give them the "Sherry/Terry" type of naming deal?
Nope...Ilene and Cathy :D

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 7:06 am
by captmojo
windsor wrote:
captmojo wrote:
windsor wrote:Sibling relationships fascinate me. I'm an only (which means I was all that and a bag of chips :D ) so the dynamic is alien to me. My long time best friend is a twin. She and her sister have a love/hate relationship that has left me scratching my head for many many years. They are NOTHING alike in personality (they are identical twins) always had different friends and different interests (I guess kudos are owed their Mom for never treating them like a unit)
So I assume their mom didn't give them the "Sherry/Terry" type of naming deal?
Nope...Ilene and Cathy :D
I'm intrigued. Not a good place for me. :D

So,I would be awfully remiss if it weren't asked...Ilene, she wouldn't happen to have one leg that's shorter than the other, perhaps?

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:11 am
by TillyGalore
My sister and I could not be more different. We are not close, haven't been for a number of years, don't know if we ever will. I can't really carry on a conversation with her as she hasn't had an original thought in about 30 years, and I'm not being mean, I'm serious. My sister lives in a tiny little bubble and doesn't venture out of it all that often. And, she tries to be the person she thinks you think she should be. I love her, always will, and if she needs me I'll be there for her, just not sure it would go the other way around. I speak from experience.

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:28 pm
by Rolvix
My sister is pretty similar to me. Maybe a bit more of an attitude, and perhaps a slightly more up-beat and fun-oriented personality (Not to say I don't have that as well :) ), but other than that we are extremely alike. It's funny that my dad and her argue most of the time instead of the normal sibling/brother-sister bickering. It's going to be strange seeing her hanging out with some of my friends (Drill Team - Wayyy more prestigious than cheerleaders at our school, nothing like most schools) and in the halls of my school!

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:01 pm
by captmojo
TillyGalore wrote:My sister and I could not be more different. We are not close, haven't been for a number of years, don't know if we ever will. I can't really carry on a conversation with her as she hasn't had an original thought in about 30 years, and I'm not being mean, I'm serious. My sister lives in a tiny little bubble and doesn't venture out of it all that often. And, she tries to be the person she thinks you think she should be. I love her, always will, and if she needs me I'll be there for her, just not sure it would go the other way around. I speak from experience.
Is there a big age difference?

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:23 pm
by craziecat
I am the youngest of 4 kids, one of them bein my identical twin. The oldest 2 who are my sister and brother feel that got totaly shit on when my twin and I were born. Hoe ironic that after 38 years, they still think they are being shit on. As far as having a sibling who feels that it is their way or no way. I would make a simple suggestion, telling them to go pack sand and if they think they can do it so much better than have at it. My oldest sister is anal, and I am they one who has to put everything is a first to last list. If I don't get to it, then oh the hell well. Most likley it will still be laying there cause the rest of my family is to damn lazy to pick it up. ~x(

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 8th, 2009, 5:43 pm
by TillyGalore
captmojo wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:My sister and I could not be more different. We are not close, haven't been for a number of years, don't know if we ever will. I can't really carry on a conversation with her as she hasn't had an original thought in about 30 years, and I'm not being mean, I'm serious. My sister lives in a tiny little bubble and doesn't venture out of it all that often. And, she tries to be the person she thinks you think she should be. I love her, always will, and if she needs me I'll be there for her, just not sure it would go the other way around. I speak from experience.
Is there a big age difference?
No. We're 2 years, 3 months, and 4 days apart. My sister has a learning disability. Whenever she was given constructive criticism she took as criticism and then start to act the way she thought everybody thought she should act.

Re: Sibling differences

Posted: August 8th, 2009, 6:36 pm
by captmojo
TillyGalore wrote:
captmojo wrote: Is there a big age difference?
No. We're 2 years, 3 months, and 4 days apart. My sister has a learning disability. Whenever she was given constructive criticism she took as criticism and then start to act the way she thought everybody thought she should act.
The difference between my late brother and me was just over nine years. For some reason he would never admit that. I don't understand why. The numbers don't lie. Who did he think he was trying to convince? I've seen many, that have large differences in age, describe something similar to what you describe and I know my own experience to be in that group. We share. Damn shame for us but you are in a different situation in that your sis is still living.

I wish better for the two of you, but I do understand if it isn't possible.