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Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 9:29 pm
by herb
windsor wrote:I am an only child. My daughter is an only child.
One and done runs it the family. :D
I'm an wife's an son's an only....

Like college BB stars..."one and done"

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 9:35 pm
by Lavabe
I get along fine with both of my older brothers:
1) oldest brother lives in Kentucky: he's the Hole, Twerp, Louisville fan. Ugh!
2) other brother lives in SoCal, and couldn't give a hoot about basketball, other than the LA Lakers. Ugh!

I'm the youngest ... and the tallest. O:-)


Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 9:40 pm
by Sue71
Lavabe wrote:I get along fine with both of my older brothers:
1) oldest brother lives in Kentucky: he's the Hole, Twerp, Louisville fan. Ugh!
2) other brother lives in SoCal, and couldn't give a hoot about basketball, other than the LA Lakers. Ugh!

I'm the youngest ... and the tallest. O:-)

You have a brother out here?

Ugh I hate this time of year in LA. I may actually have to care enough about the NBA to root against the Lakers.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 10:14 pm
Sue71 wrote:
Lavabe wrote:
Ugh I hate this time of year in LA. I may actually have to care enough about the NBA to root against the Lakers.
So that means you are rooting FOR Shane Battier!

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 11:01 pm
by cl15876
Miles wrote:
bjornolf wrote:
DevilAlumna wrote: When I was younger, I used to hate him (older bro tortures annoying younger sis sort of relationship, coupled with severe parental favoritism issues) but as we've gotten older and have adult issues in common, he's now one of my better friends.
I think that's how it's SUPPOSED to go, right? ;)

Not for Jonathon and I. Growing up in the Navy meant we moved around a lot, seven different schools in five states before I was in the sixth grade. We had a hard time making and keeping friends so we were really tight. I'm glad that DA and big bro get a long better.
My younger sister and I used to have that back and forth agitating love for each other and there wasn't never anything that she did wrong (in my Dad's eyes) and she used to get me in trouble all the time when we were young kids, but somewhere around 14/15 for me, a close friend of mine and I were talking about various things and she being from a big family mostly of brothers planted a seed in my mind about how I was lucky to have a sister and should grow closer to her rather than apart which being older is what we were doing. She further went on to say how her siblings grew soo far apart and then she speculatively said "Ya know, one day your sister will mostly be the only family member you have left". That stayed with me and from that time forward, I continued to be big brother and looked out for my lil sister always, but I nurtured and encouraged her growth and our relationship in a more loving, caring and sensitive way from that point forward. We have always been close and we are still close today and can talk about anything!

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 11:11 pm
by devildeac
My parents didn't have any children. At least none that my younger brother and I are aware of or will admit to knowing. :roll:

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 11:47 pm
by DukieInKansas
Lavabe wrote:I get along fine with both of my older brothers:
1) oldest brother lives in Kentucky: he's the Hole, Twerp, Louisville fan. Ugh!
2) other brother lives in SoCal, and couldn't give a hoot about basketball, other than the LA Lakers. Ugh!

I'm the youngest ... and the tallest. O:-)

Not just the tallest - apparently, you are also the smartest! :D

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 9:41 pm
by captmojo
devildeac wrote:My parents didn't have any children. At least none that my younger brother and I are aware of or will admit to knowing. :roll:
Having children is hereditary. There's a really good chance that if your parents didn't have children, you won't either. :-? :D

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 10:30 pm
by devildeac
captmojo wrote:
devildeac wrote:My parents didn't have any children. At least none that my younger brother and I are aware of or will admit to knowing. :roll:
Having children is hereditary. There's a really good chance that if your parents didn't have children, you won't either. :-? :D
I'm speechless...

but not childless...

I guess I really did inherit children from my parents...(huh?)

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 10:43 pm
by wilson
I have one brother, about a year & a half older than me. Like many of you and your siblings, we're really quite different in many ways. For a long time growing up, we really didn't get along that well, but that began to change in high school as our circles of friends converged more. Now, we live together, and it's been totally fine for the last ~year (although many people who know us well were initially rather surprised, even a bit worried, about that decision). We remain quite different in certain respects; I'm the sensitive, contemplative bookworm, and he's the more brusque one who likes to play with power tools and the like (not that we don't both possess some qualities of the other). We share a good bit too, though; we both love sports (we were raised Duke fans, and he loves the Braves about as much as I do), and we're both faithful churchgoers, stemming from our earliest days (I still attend the church we grew up in more or less weekly, and he is a youth pastor at another church). We also continue to share lots of friends, so gatherings tend to be fun (he too was dressed as a pirate when my avatar was taken...ask EarlJam). Our whole extended family (especially Mom's family) is quite close, so that keeps everyone pretty tight, too.

Anyway, that was the long version, but now you know.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 8:47 am
by TillyGalore
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I have a sister.
I have friends on the internet that I know better.
Me too.

My sister and I are like night and day. Never have two people who have the exact same parents been more different. My mother keeps saying that one day we'll only have each other. Though that is true, I don't see us getting any closer.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 11:37 am
by wilson
TillyGalore wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I have a sister.
I have friends on the internet that I know better.
Me too.

My sister and I are like night and day. Never have two people who have the exact same parents been more different. My mother keeps saying that one day we'll only have each other. Though that is true, I don't see us getting any closer.
I've got hope for you. My brother and I are also quite different in many ways (see above), but we've learned to look for the things we do have in common, and made lots of progress in our relationship as a result. We can spend an entire day together and say all of about 11 words (all of which will probably have something to do with whatever game is on at the time), and it still qualifies as quality time for us.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 2:26 am
by colchar
TillyGalore wrote:
My sister and I are like night and day. Never have two people who have the exact same parents been more different. My mother keeps saying that one day we'll only have each other. Though that is true, I don't see us getting any closer.

My brother and I are like that. I'm aware that, one day, we'll only have each other but, for whatever reason, he doesn't really seem too concerned about that.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 2:28 am
by colchar
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I have a sister.
I have friends on the internet that I know better.

Sadly, my brother and I are the same way.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:27 pm
by ArkieDukie
I have 2 brothers (one older, one younger) and 2 sisters (one older, one younger). Yes, I am the middle child. I'm also the shortest. We're all relatively close although we're a pretty diverse group. All of us have some sort of degree past high school, but I'm the only one with a graduate degree. Interestingly, my older brother and sister are right-handed, my younger brother and sister are left-handed, and I'm amphibious. :-B

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 2:51 am
by colchar
ArkieDukie wrote: and I'm amphibious. :-B

Is your mom Daryl Hannah?

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 6:19 am
by bjornolf
Nice Splash reference. That was a good movie too.


Re: Siblings

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 12:40 pm
by captmojo
To steal from James Connelly, did you also play the regular games with your sibs, such as, ??????????????????

1) Does this hurt?

2) Will you eat this?

3) Does it hurt when you eat this?

=)) :(( =))

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:03 pm
by captmojo
4) Will you eat this if it hurts?

5) I will hurt you if you don't eat this.

Re: Siblings

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:43 pm
by Bostondevil
I'm a little late to this party. I have two brothers, one older, one younger, all three of us are Duke grads. I am incredibly close to my younger brother and always have been. Tilly has met him. Miles you will too in June. When my parents brought him home from the hospital they were worried about me being jealous (I'm 19 months older) but my reaction was more like - For me? You had a baby for me? Oh thank you, thank you.

There's a Southern expression - knee baby - meaning your youngest/most spoiled child. I think it comes from that child being the one that will never leave your knee or something like that. Anyway, people used to say to me I didn't need to have kids since I already had my knee baby - my younger bro. I still call him my little brother but that's just cause he got bigger than I am by age 5, I had to have something on him. An example of how close we were and how much I spoiled him, we shared a locker in high school. We didn't mind sharing, in fact it was a great excuse to meet up during the school day and chat for a bit, but the main reason we shared a locker is because he didn't want to wait in the locker line on the first day of school. I used to fill out his registration cards for him at Duke. After I graduated, when it came time to pick course for his second semester of his junior year, he had to call me in Dallas to find out how to register. I kid you not. My mother thinks I'm a big part of the reason he has yet to get married. She may have a point. We talk on the phone regularly. During American Idol season usually once a week to discuss the results. We both love the show and can't for the life of us figure out why. Except for this year, we both know why this year, we love Adam.

My older brother, well, it's not that I don't feel a strong family bond with him but his only topic of conversation is politics and he's a strict party-liner and I don't agree with him and there is really nothing else he talks about. So, if I'm in the mood to hear talking points, I'll give him a call, but it's not that often. He's still a good egg underneath it all but I wish he'd get a new hobby. He lives out in Oklahoma. We rarely see him because his wife won't fly and doesn't like for him to travel too much without her. I've seen her exactly twice in the nearly 19 years they have been married. No kids. I'm the only one who has produced grandchildren. My brother finally figured out though that if he wanted to see his family he was going to have to travel without her so he does make it back to NC more often now. We try to arrange to visit at the same time. I see him about once every 2-3 years now.