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Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by DukieInKansas
I'm tempted to post something on this thread - but the last time I commented on Wilson, I believe I was accused of being a cougar. Better try to avoid that - no matter how hot Wilson is.

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 2:44 pm
by Miles
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm tempted to post something on this thread - but the last time I commented on Wilson, I believe I was accused of being a cougar. Better try to avoid that - no matter how hot Wilson is.
That's okay, 71% of respondents prefer older women. :-bd

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 3:03 pm
by colchar
Miles wrote:
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm tempted to post something on this thread - but the last time I commented on Wilson, I believe I was accused of being a cougar. Better try to avoid that - no matter how hot Wilson is.
That's okay, 71% of respondents prefer older women. :-bd

My future wife and I screw up that statistic.

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 3:04 pm
by colchar
Sue71 wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:I agree with BD, Wilson is hot, even when he is dressed as a pirate. :D
I think the pirate adds that little "Je Ne Sais Quoi"... :ar!

Does that loosely translate to "I want some of that"?

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 3:28 pm
by Sue71
colchar wrote:
Miles wrote:
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm tempted to post something on this thread - but the last time I commented on Wilson, I believe I was accused of being a cougar. Better try to avoid that - no matter how hot Wilson is.
That's okay, 71% of respondents prefer older women. :-bd

My future wife and I screw up that statistic.
You got married over the weekend? :-$

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 3:44 pm
by Miles
colchar wrote:
Miles wrote:
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm tempted to post something on this thread - but the last time I commented on Wilson, I believe I was accused of being a cougar. Better try to avoid that - no matter how hot Wilson is.
That's okay, 71% of respondents prefer older women. :-bd

My future wife and I screw up that statistic.
You can get married to a woman of any age without screwing up the stat. The stat is about preference. :)

Re: Wilson Dressed Like a Pirate is HOT! =p~

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 3:54 pm
by colchar
Sue71 wrote:
colchar wrote:
My future wife and I screw up that statistic.
You got married over the weekend? :-$

Future wife.