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Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 7:28 pm
by Rolvix
Happy Thanksgiving! I love food.... :-bd

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 7:49 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Wonderful Thanksgiving we had. No body went home hungry. Two hours after the dinner, Stevo steamed a bushel of oysters.
All were consumed. What a day. I cannot begin to describe how great our day was. I am still enjoying my day. I love my family. We are going back to Efland tomorrow. Brunchgate Sat. LGD. :)

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 8:18 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I'm still so full. I haven't even had desert yet, gonna be a couple more hours before I can try.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 8:57 pm
by CathyCA
8-x roasted the best turkey ever! Our food was incredible: squash casserole, sweet potatoes, broccoli, crescent rolls, gravy, and cranberry relish. I may even bring some of the cranberry relish to Brunchgate. We'll have some fresh pecan pie a la mode in a few minutes.

It was a beautiful day to be outside. 8-x cleaned out my gutters this morning. He pulled a snake out of the gutter with his bare hand.

Sam cleaned the pine straw and leaves from my mom's back yard.

We went to see my 96 year old great aunt at her retirement center this afternoon. My mom thinks that Aunt Marguerite doesn't talk any more. This afternoon, after strolling her around in her wheelchair I parked her in the lounge in front of the TV. Aunt Marguerite tapped me on the arm and asked, "Before we get too involved in this football game, can we go home?" I can't wait to tell my mom!

It was a happy and memorable Thanksgiving.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 9:15 pm
by DukeUsul
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:
YmoBeThere wrote:I crave turkey...
First, always leave the turkey to rest for 20 minutes after it comes out of the oven/deep fryer.
I read that for the first time this year. Theory says this allows for the juices to distribute and the temperature to rise and even out (fact says a turkey continues to heat after you remove it). Your turkey will supposedly be more dry if you carve too soon.
Yeah. I cringe when someone says "take the turkey out when the thermometer hits 180." :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o No!! It's fully done more at like 165 or 170. And it keeps cooking once you take it out. I'd take it out at around 155 or 160. Unless you like to gnaw on your turkey like Clark Griswold.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 9:58 pm
by EarlJam
EarlJam is officially stuffed, and is giving "Thanks" to this community!

Happy Thanksgiving all!

I feel like rolling around in some slop.


Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 26th, 2009, 10:03 pm
by TillyGalore
My turkey was a beast to cook. Took forever, so we started dinner with out it. Nevertheless, dinner was really good. My mom helped out a lot. Dad and K68 took the ends off the string beans.

The cranberry relish was a HIT. Will be bringing some up to Maryland for Christmas.

I love having my parents here to celebrate my first Thanksgiving in my house.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 27th, 2009, 12:53 am
by DevilAlumna
Sounds familiar, Tilly - just me, Mr. DA and the parents today; thought the turkey was done (therm hit 165), so took it out to rest, started putting everything on the table, only to find when carving into it 20 min. later, it still wasn't quite done - thighs were still not running clear juices. We carved it, put the undone pieces back in the oven and took pictures of the table and attendees while we waited.

Great dinner! Since I tend to think of potatoes and stuffing as a conveyance for gravy, I'm pleased to say that the gravy turned out awesome - good drippings plus stock from the gizzards & neck really gave it a strong turkey flavor, plus I threw in a tablespoon of sherry. Ymm!

Pecan pie was earlier, I may have to have a slice of pumpkin later. And best, plenty of leftovers to snack on during tomorrow's game!!!

But I did want to come here and say how grateful I am for this little community of crazies. Y'all are a wonderful bunch! :ymhug:

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 27th, 2009, 8:44 am
by Miles
DevilAlumna wrote:Great dinner! Since I tend to think of potatoes and stuffing as a conveyance for gravy, I'm pleased to say that the gravy turned out awesome - good drippings plus stock from the gizzards & neck really gave it a strong turkey flavor, plus I threw in a tablespoon of sherry. Ymm!
Gravy is actually my favorite part of Thanksgiving. Thinking about it, preparing it, sampling it, drowning my taters and stuffing in it. I <3 Gravy. I made turkey stock for the first time 6-7 years ago for my first Thanksgiving in San Diego and I've made it every year since. The stock goes into everything, especially the gravy.

This year I brined the turkey in a maple-ginger brine, then loosely stuffed the bird with apples, onions, cinnamon, rosemary and thyme. The drippings were so amazing a I could barely stand it. Giblets and everything went into the roasting pan while the turkey was resting, browned them and then deglazed with some brandy. Almost a gallon of gravy this year. Heaven.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 27th, 2009, 9:40 am
by Lavabe
What's for leftovers today? :D

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 27th, 2009, 9:59 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Lavabe wrote:What's for leftovers today? :D
I had turkey and sweet potato casserole for breakfast.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 28th, 2009, 1:23 pm
by DukieInKansas
DukeUsul wrote:
YmoBeThere wrote:I crave turkey...
I carve turkey.


Actually, I do like to carve it. I like to use the method most Food Network people seem to employ. Well, at least I've seen Alton Brown and Bobby Flay do it. First, always leave the turkey to rest for 20 minutes after it comes out of the oven/deep fryer. Carve the entire breast off the bone first. Then slice the breast into pieces across the grain. It's so difficult to slice the breast with the grain into slices while still on the bone - it just falls apart and looks awful. Try it this year. Be different.
That's how brother-in-law Alan always carved it. Then he moved and bil Wayne carves now - and does the carving on the bird. Just doesn't look the same but I don't think we can teach an old dog new tricks.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving CrazieTalkers!

Posted: November 30th, 2009, 12:54 pm
by Miles
My coworker and good buddy Chris got the "best" excuse to dismiss his inlaws, and various other family and friends from Thanksgiving Dinner; his daughter got H1N1 the day before Thanksgiving. She's fine but he wrote me "it ended up being the most peaceful Tday ever." So this year, he is thankful for H1N1 and I am thankful we work from home. :-)