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Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 10:55 pm
by ArkieDukie
lawgrad91 wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Just finished the workout from hell on Cardio Dance. It was almost an hour long and pretty intense. The personal trainer has ramped me up to a couple of the advanced dances now. (is there a huffing, puffing, and dripping with sweat smilie?) Cardio Dance is easily the best of the workout games IMO.
There's a ^:)^ smilie. I'm way impressed!

B took off; the four of us (dau of B, boyfriend of dau of B) went to Stone Mountain State Park in Bugtussle, NC. All of their walking trails are marked "moderate" or "strenuous." We walked down to the bottom of the falls, and back up. No idea how far that was, but the pedometer is at 12,000. I needed a huffing and puffing smilie coming back up the steps; at one point I stopped and checked my pulse, and it was 176.

I'm gonna ask for Cardio Dance for Christmas. I'd buy it myself, but I'm hard to buy for, and that'll help whatever random member of my family gets my name in the draw.
Probably a great day for a hike. Way to go! Good exercise, and it's outdoors.

Good call on the Christmas present. I think you'll like Cardio Dance.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 11:03 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Just finished the workout from hell on Cardio Dance. It was almost an hour long and pretty intense. The personal trainer has ramped me up to a couple of the advanced dances now. (is there a huffing, puffing, and dripping with sweat smilie?) Cardio Dance is easily the best of the workout games IMO.
There's a ^:)^ smilie. I'm way impressed!

B took off; the four of us (dau of B, boyfriend of dau of B) went to Stone Mountain State Park in Bugtussle, NC. All of their walking trails are marked "moderate" or "strenuous." We walked down to the bottom of the falls, and back up. No idea how far that was, but the pedometer is at 12,000. I needed a huffing and puffing smilie coming back up the steps; at one point I stopped and checked my pulse, and it was 176.

I'm gonna ask for Cardio Dance for Christmas. I'd buy it myself, but I'm hard to buy for, and that'll help whatever random member of my family gets my name in the draw.
Probably a great day for a hike. Way to go! Good exercise, and it's outdoors.

Good call on the Christmas present. I think you'll like Cardio Dance.
I wonder if anyone notices we're on at the same time, or if they think "we" are one person with two personalities which are conversing. =)) :ymdevil:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 11:09 pm
by ArkieDukie
Right - and that whole grant cover story worked pretty well. We've never been seen in the same place at the same time. ;)

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 2nd, 2010, 11:13 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:Right - and that whole grant cover story worked pretty well. We've never been seen in the same place at the same time. ;)
Yeah, that worked out nicely, didn't it?

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 9:57 pm
by ArkieDukie
Did a "hardcore" Cardio Workout today. Holy cow - I had forgotten how intense that can be! I also played a game of tennis and Just Dance. Didn't hit 6 dots today, but I was over enough earlier in the week to balance it out.

Don't know if it was a crazy thing to do yet, but I increased my target with DirectLife - it's about 100 cal higher now. That was the suggestion based on the fact that I've been over by an average of 15% every day. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the new level.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 3rd, 2010, 11:07 pm
by lawgrad91
I was a slug today. My excuse is/was that StepDau and SDBF were in town from Cullowhee, NC (she's supposedly graduating in May from Western Carolina, but I don't know WHICH May) and we spent the day with them. We did walk around Shelton Vineyards this afternoon, and walked the dogs, but it wasn't much.

I'm going to order a DirectLife tomorrow. :happy-bouncyblue:

And it's back to Cardio Workout tomorrow, unless I :chores-mowlawn:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 8:57 pm
by DukePA
okay girlies, I'm ready to join you. I went back to Curves week before last and had to skip last week thanks to the healing cuts on my hand after the Army Brunchgate. SIgh. Anyway, I went back today and the workout kicked my butt. I think overdid because I am freaking aching. Ah well. I'll resume Wednesday. You work out 3 times/week at Curves and all the muscle groups get tortured (in a good way)!!

Anyway, Curves has worked really well for me in the past and I'm looking forward to feeling good again. When I went back, they measured and weighed me and I topped 200 lbs for the first time in my life.

Good calorie burning and muscle burning to all! And to all, a good night :D

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 9:21 pm
by lawgrad91
Yay, DukePA! Good for you! :happy-bouncyblue: Just remember, pain is weakness leaving the body....

I ordered a Philips DirectLife activity monitor through Amazon today, and I already got the email that it's on its way here (well, to my office, but you know what I mean).

Sixty minutes with the :chores-mowlawn: turned out to be my exercise today, plus some walking at the salt mine.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 9:43 pm
by ArkieDukie
DukePA wrote:okay girlies, I'm ready to join you. I went back to Curves week before last and had to skip last week thanks to the healing cuts on my hand after the Army Brunchgate. SIgh. Anyway, I went back today and the workout kicked my butt. I think overdid because I am freaking aching. Ah well. I'll resume Wednesday. You work out 3 times/week at Curves and all the muscle groups get tortured (in a good way)!!

Anyway, Curves has worked really well for me in the past and I'm looking forward to feeling good again. When I went back, they measured and weighed me and I topped 200 lbs for the first time in my life.

Good calorie burning and muscle burning to all! And to all, a good night :D
Welcome to the fun! I was a Curves member when I lived in Arkansas, but I don't think there's one close to my current location. Good workout, and also a good spot for socializing.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 9:48 pm
by ArkieDukie
lawgrad91 wrote:Yay, DukePA! Good for you! :happy-bouncyblue: Just remember, pain is weakness leaving the body....

I ordered a Philips DirectLife activity monitor through Amazon today, and I already got the email that it's on its way here (well, to my office, but you know what I mean).

Sixty minutes with the :chores-mowlawn: turned out to be my exercise today, plus some walking at the salt mine.
Woo hoo! Let me know when you're up and running; we can become friends through the DirectLife website.

Lawn mowing is DEFINITELY exercise. Both of my houses had huge lawns that took well over an hour to mow with a push mower. That's part of the reason I'm in a condo now. That, and the fact that there's no way I could afford a house in a good neighborhood that's as close to work as I am now.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 9:54 pm
by ArkieDukie
Today's exercise was another virtual trainer-generated workout on Cardio Dance. Almost an hour, lots of sweating. I'm still sore from the Cardio Boxing session I did yesterday, which makes me think it might be a good idea to get my bike out tomorrow if there's time and it's not cold. I wore my fleece jacket today and was happy to have it.

This week's exercise target: 901 calories. No more weight loss, which is a bit frustrating. Maybe it's time to get more serious about the diet.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 10:58 pm
by Very Duke Blue
I vow to begin exercising again tomorrow. It has been hard for me to get back into.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 8:36 pm
by ArkieDukie
Very Duke Blue wrote:I vow to begin exercising again tomorrow. It has been hard for me to get back into.
Best of luck, VDB, and exercise vibes are coming your way! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 8:47 pm
by ArkieDukie
I've been sore for the last couple of days, so I decided to take it a bit easier today to let my muscles rest. I did a bit of extra walking at work today (to get a flu shot!), so I was at 4 dots when I got home. I finished off today's exercise with Wii Fit Plus. I still need to figure out why the darn thing doesn't register running in place as running. May need to ask my DirectLife coach.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 9:56 pm
by lawgrad91
Two five-set matches of Wii tennis (one lefthanded, one righthanded), then twenty-some minutes of Cardio Workout. I was planning to work out an hour but B came home early and I cut the exercise short to fix supper.

Exercise afterward wouldn't have worked because of the bottle of Chardonnay we split....

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 11:31 pm
by DukePA
I was surprisingly not sore this morning. I thought for sure I would be after the Monday evening workout. I'm back to Curves tomorrow! Keep up the good work ladies!! GO DUKE! GO US!!

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 6th, 2010, 10:35 am
by lawgrad91
Yippee! :happy-bouncyblue: According to Amazon's tracking info, my DirectLife monitor is in Martinsville! It had an arrival scan at 8:40am. I'm guessing the mailman (it was USPS) will bring it by tomorrow. I'd rather have it today, but if I didn't get it by tomorrow, I wouldn't have it til Tuesday, because I'm taking vacation on Friday, and on Monday the courthouse is closed for Columbus/Yorktown Day.

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 6th, 2010, 8:29 pm
by DukePA
lawgrad91 wrote:Yippee! :happy-bouncyblue: According to Amazon's tracking info, my DirectLife monitor is in Martinsville! It had an arrival scan at 8:40am. I'm guessing the mailman (it was USPS) will bring it by tomorrow. I'd rather have it today, but if I didn't get it by tomorrow, I wouldn't have it til Tuesday, because I'm taking vacation on Friday, and on Monday the courthouse is closed for Columbus/Yorktown Day.
:happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

I want to check it out at Brunchgate!

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 6th, 2010, 9:10 pm
by ArkieDukie
I did my usual walk to/from the train station, plus an additional loop around the habitrail at work. Had 4/6 dots when I got home. It was nice outside when I got home, so I went for a short bike ride (had to be short; it was getting dark). Finished off with a few Wii Fit Plus activities. Drat that 901 calorie target - I'm actually having to work to get there!

Re: Exercise!

Posted: October 6th, 2010, 9:11 pm
by ArkieDukie
DukePA wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:Yippee! :happy-bouncyblue: According to Amazon's tracking info, my DirectLife monitor is in Martinsville! It had an arrival scan at 8:40am. I'm guessing the mailman (it was USPS) will bring it by tomorrow. I'd rather have it today, but if I didn't get it by tomorrow, I wouldn't have it til Tuesday, because I'm taking vacation on Friday, and on Monday the courthouse is closed for Columbus/Yorktown Day.
:happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

I want to check it out at Brunchgate!
You may get to check mine out too! (Still waffling - won't get to do the entire trip I planned; would just be flying in for the game.)