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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 6:41 pm
by OPK
CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
January 7th, 2021, 9:16 am
I was thinking about it this morning and will bucket Republicans into roughly four groups, in descending order:

1. Those who saw Trump for what he was before the 2016 election and did not vote for him then and were never-Trumpers from the start.
2. Those who did not like his behavior before the 2016 election but preferred what they thought were his policy views to those of Hillary Clinton, so voted for him, thinking he would rise to the office. These people have been greatly disappointed and flipped to Biden in 2020. Within this group there is some nuance between those who only voted for Biden but might not have voted for Sanders/Warren and those who were voting Democrat virtually no matter what.
3. (big gap between two and three) - those who voted for him in 2016, voted for him again in 2020 despite four horrible years, and finally have seen the light since the election. I appreciate that these people have finally come around but we shouldn't be building statues for them either.
4. (huge gap between three and four) - those who are still out there defending him today and need to be institutionalized so psychiatrists can reverse the brain washing that has ruined their minds.
This may be the best, Nd most articulate, breakdown I’ve seen. Kudos!

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 12:11 am
by Furniture
Anyone thinking of forgiving Pence? ... 8727454721

Too little. TL.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 9:11 am
by CrazyNotCrazie
Furniture wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 12:11 am
Anyone thinking of forgiving Pence? ... 8727454721

Too little. TL.
Agreed. See my buckets above. Those in bucket 3 (finally seeing the light now) rank ahead of those in bucket 4 (still supporting Trump), but not by much for those who are jumping ship as a CYA to try to protect their future political aspirations (remove the words "huge gap" from my list). If anyone should have been able to see through Trump for the past four years and should have been crying foul, it is Pence. Maybe he was making some efforts to moderate Trump behind the scenes, but ultimately he was on his knees and puckered up like the rest of them. To heck with him.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 11:00 am
by CameronBornAndBred
CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 9:11 am
Furniture wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 12:11 am
Anyone thinking of forgiving Pence? ... 8727454721

Too little. TL.
Agreed. See my buckets above. Those in bucket 3 (finally seeing the light now) rank ahead of those in bucket 4 (still supporting Trump), but not by much for those who are jumping ship as a CYA to try to protect their future political aspirations (remove the words "huge gap" from my list). If anyone should have been able to see through Trump for the past four years and should have been crying foul, it is Pence. Maybe he was making some efforts to moderate Trump behind the scenes, but ultimately he was on his knees and puckered up like the rest of them. To heck with him.
He's got just as many deaths on his hands as Trump...Mr COVID Taskforce Guy.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 1:11 pm
by CrazyNotCrazie
Not sure if everyone here is a musical theater fan, but I thought this was hilarious - posted on facebook by my kids old nursery school teacher... ... gr%5Etweet

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 4:20 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Now that Donald has been given his Twitter cape back, how long does it take him before he posts something that either comes with a disputed tag or gets him shut down again?
I give him 'til tomorrow, but I think I'm being generous.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 5:44 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Anyone seen the video of Graham leaving town being berated by Trump cultists? It's insane! I'd link it if I could a better place to see it than facebook.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 5:53 pm
by Wander
LMAO, I assumed that mods OY were intentionally giving us leeway these past few days. Guess not. See y'all on the other side of the incoming banhammers.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 7:45 pm
by dudog
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 5:44 pm
Anyone seen the video of Graham leaving town being berated by Trump cultists? It's insane! I'd link it if I could a better place to see it than facebook.
Here ya go ... rs-vpx.cnn

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 8:29 pm
by JWill Stan
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 4:20 pm
Now that Donald has been given his Twitter cape back, how long does it take him before he posts something that either comes with a disputed tag or gets him shut down again?
I give him 'til tomorrow, but I think I'm being generous.
He gone: ... _medium=AP

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 8th, 2021, 8:51 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
JWill Stan wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 8:29 pm
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
January 8th, 2021, 4:20 pm
Now that Donald has been given his Twitter cape back, how long does it take him before he posts something that either comes with a disputed tag or gets him shut down again?
I give him 'til tomorrow, but I think I'm being generous.
He gone: ... _medium=AP
Yeah, I would have been way wrong.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 9th, 2021, 9:30 am
by CameronBornAndBred

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 10th, 2021, 10:40 pm
by Furniture
Gosh. Watching the CNN special on the insurrection. Wow. I have no doubt that Trump is really just another Hitler reincarnated. He HAS to punished for this. He has to.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 1:02 am
by dudog
Furniture wrote:
January 10th, 2021, 10:40 pm
Gosh. Watching the CNN special on the insurrection. Wow. I have no doubt that Trump is really just another Hitler reincarnated. He HAS to punished for this. He has to.
100% agree. Those saying 'Oh, there's not enough time left'...just think of the carte blanche they would give any President in the last months of his/her presidency.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 6:56 am
by ArkieDukie
Trump-loving friends say the impeachment is too divisive and political. Poor, poor Trumpy is being mistreated, and he is the best President this country has ever had. They are also claiming that those who broke into the Capitol are actually antifa and that the MAGAites are peaceful. Then, of course, you get BLM and “all the cities being burned down.”

I fear this will all get worse before it gets better.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 8:38 am
by Furniture
ArkieDukie wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 6:56 am
Trump-loving friends say the impeachment is too divisive and political. Poor, poor Trumpy is being mistreated, and he is the best President this country has ever had. They are also claiming that those who broke into the Capitol are actually antifa and that the MAGAites are peaceful. Then, of course, you get BLM and “all the cities being burned down.”

I fear this will all get worse before it gets better.
The distinction between BLM and the last week is that no politician motivated the BLM protests.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 9:17 am
by CrazyNotCrazie
ArkieDukie wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 6:56 am
Trump-loving friends say the impeachment is too divisive and political. Poor, poor Trumpy is being mistreated, and he is the best President this country has ever had. They are also claiming that those who broke into the Capitol are actually antifa and that the MAGAites are peaceful. Then, of course, you get BLM and “all the cities being burned down.”

I fear this will all get worse before it gets better.
These people have been completely brainwashed. There is absolutely no reasoning with them anymore. I place a lot more blame on those who truly should know better than the uneducated masses. No more Mr. Nice Guy - I think Biden will make legitimate efforts to try to help everyone (unlike Trump who made targeted efforts to hurt those who opposed him), but if that isn't enough for them, I don't know what to tell them.

I know at least one person here who got a little sensitive because I said we are moving towards two countries, but if that isn't obvious now after the past few months, then people have their heads buried in the sand. Because I am really tired of compromising to make peace with those will not reciprocate those compromises and really have no interest in being in the America that has existed for almost 250 years. I simultaneously laugh and cry when they call themselves "patriots."

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 9:28 am
by dudog
Furniture wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 8:38 am
ArkieDukie wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 6:56 am
Trump-loving friends say the impeachment is too divisive and political. Poor, poor Trumpy is being mistreated, and he is the best President this country has ever had. They are also claiming that those who broke into the Capitol are actually antifa and that the MAGAites are peaceful. Then, of course, you get BLM and “all the cities being burned down.”

I fear this will all get worse before it gets better.
The distinction between BLM and the last week is that no politician motivated the BLM protests.
Oh, there are a lot more distinctions than that!

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 11th, 2021, 6:00 pm
by ArkieDukie
CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 9:17 am
ArkieDukie wrote:
January 11th, 2021, 6:56 am
Trump-loving friends say the impeachment is too divisive and political. Poor, poor Trumpy is being mistreated, and he is the best President this country has ever had. They are also claiming that those who broke into the Capitol are actually antifa and that the MAGAites are peaceful. Then, of course, you get BLM and “all the cities being burned down.”

I fear this will all get worse before it gets better.
These people have been completely brainwashed. There is absolutely no reasoning with them anymore. I place a lot more blame on those who truly should know better than the uneducated masses. No more Mr. Nice Guy - I think Biden will make legitimate efforts to try to help everyone (unlike Trump who made targeted efforts to hurt those who opposed him), but if that isn't enough for them, I don't know what to tell them.

I know at least one person here who got a little sensitive because I said we are moving towards two countries, but if that isn't obvious now after the past few months, then people have their heads buried in the sand. Because I am really tired of compromising to make peace with those will not reciprocate those compromises and really have no interest in being in the America that has existed for almost 250 years. I simultaneously laugh and cry when they call themselves "patriots."
If this happens, I’m moving to whatever part of the country is NOT being ruled over by Donald J Trump.

Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Posted: January 12th, 2021, 8:41 pm
by Furniture ... 3309953024

It’s really hard to know what to say. Surreal.

Maybe I’ll ask this. Has he been arrested yet?