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Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 11th, 2022, 10:14 pm
by Furniture
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
August 11th, 2022, 6:44 pm
Today a MAGA cultist who had been at the Capitol on 1/6 decided he'd take it upon himself to stand up to the corrupt FBI by trying to enter the Cincinnati field office.

He's dead now. Not as good of a start to the civil war as he was hoping for, I'm guessing.
Good riddance…

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 10:45 am
by CameronBornAndBred
This is an interesting read, especially when looking at the timing of when it was posted. Yesterday, at 1:30, which is 2 hours PRIOR to Garland's announcement.
According to the New York Times, GOP leaders have been warned by allies of Trump's to calm their aggressive attacks on Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Department of Justice and federal law enforcement. The Trump insiders say "it is possible that more damaging information about Mr. Trump related to the search will eventually become public."
So the GOP heads got a big fat "Shhhhh!" It also points to the fact that those in the know are aware that the warrant release will not be good news for DJT, no matter how he spins it. DeSantis must be sitting in his Governor's mansion like Noah, watching the political Red Sea part before his eyes. ... b10a1cbb0c

IF Trump is in much trouble as he's looking like he is, and his lies are truly finally catching up with him, how does this bode for all of the sycophants that he's endorsed for various offices? The've decided to embody him by proxy; at what point do they begin to pay politically for his crimes?

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 1:39 pm
by Bob Green
The FBI were searching for documents related to nuclear weapons: ... index.html

The government needs to build a special two room jail cell and locck Hillary Clinton in one room and Donald Trump in the other.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 2:23 pm
by dudog
Bob Green wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 1:39 pm
The FBI were searching for documents related to nuclear weapons: ... index.html

The government needs to build a special two room jail cell and locck Hillary Clinton in one room and Donald Trump in the other.
Please stop with the false equivalence, that's how we got here. I'm no Hillary fan, but that's bullshit.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 2:45 pm
by Bob Green
dudog wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:23 pm
Please stop with the false equivalence, that's how we got here. I'm no Hillary fan, but that's bullshit.
My post was 90% tongue-in-cheek but Hillary isn’t innocent. I’ll return to the sports threads and let y’all continue on with your Republican bashing. I used to be a dedicated Republican but I no longer recognize the party.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 3:18 pm
by Phredd3
Bob Green wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:45 pm
My post was 90% tongue-in-cheek but Hillary isn’t innocent. I’ll return to the sports threads and let y’all continue on with your Republican bashing. I used to be a dedicated Republican but I no longer recognize the party.
There are a lot of you out there, and personally I welcome your contributions to this thread, whenever you should choose to make them. Conservatives with principles are a rare and valuable commodity these days. I may not personally agree with some of the traditional conservative policy objectives, but an opponent with a brain, a spine, and a reasoned point of view is far preferable to what we've been seeing in the last 8-10 years.

And no, Hillary isn't "innocent" in any reasonable use of the word. Nor is she equivalent to Trump in any way that truly matters. I hope we can agree on that as a reasonable starting point.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 3:24 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Bob Green wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:45 pm
dudog wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:23 pm
Please stop with the false equivalence, that's how we got here. I'm no Hillary fan, but that's bullshit.
My post was 90% tongue-in-cheek but Hillary isn’t innocent. I’ll return to the sports threads and let y’all continue on with your Republican bashing. I used to be a dedicated Republican but I no longer recognize the party.
While most of the posters in this thread are not GOP voters, I think the "Republican bashing" is in line with the spirit of the thread, which is a discussion on politics.
Everything that Trump and his followers say, which for the most part is filled with untruths, is open to discussion since their words and stances are truly on the ballot. And in some cases, it's winning for them.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 3:41 pm
by OPK
I don’t read Bob’s post to say they are equivalent. Just wrong.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 3:44 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
OPK wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:41 pm
I don’t read Bob’s post to say they are equivalent. Just wrong.
I agree with that, and I agree with his statement that she isn't innocent. But, she's also not trying to run for POTUS again. (Knock on wood.)

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 3:50 pm
by Furniture
Having flashbacks right now and at any moment I am almost expecting a mod to threaten to close down the thread…..wait. This isn’t DBR…

Love this place…

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 4:07 pm
by Bob Green
Phredd3 wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:18 pm
And no, Hillary isn't "innocent" in any reasonable use of the word. Nor is she equivalent to Trump in any way that truly matters. I hope we can agree on that as a reasonable starting point.
Absolutely. We agree.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 12th, 2022, 4:34 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Furniture wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:50 pm
Having flashbacks right now and at any moment I am almost expecting a mod to threaten to close down the thread…..wait. This isn’t DBR…

Love this place…
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 8:19 am
by OPK
Bob Green wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:45 pm
dudog wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 2:23 pm
Please stop with the false equivalence, that's how we got here. I'm no Hillary fan, but that's bullshit.
I used to be a dedicated Republican but I no longer recognize the party.
There is a big difference between the conservative principles espoused by Reagan and Kemp, and the angry populism espoused by Trump. It is disconcerting to be sure, and has left a sizable number of voters without a real home.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 10:29 am
by Lotusland
First time posting on here. I’m surprised my DBR login works here. Neat trick. Don’t want to hijack the thread but could sometime enlighten me about what HRC is actually guilty of other than other than being overtly political in nature? I’ve seen her demonized by the right for years and frankly I don’t get it. As a senator she was praised by Graham and McCain and others on the right for being always over-prepared and level headed. Surely we’re not talking about the numerous bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories leveled against her? Did she murder Vince Foster and countless others? Operate child molestation ring from the basement of a pizza joint? Fail to protect a Libyan embassy full of US spooks from attack? Give away 20% of US uranium in exchange for a donation to the Clinton Foundation? Or was it her emails?

Personally I give almost anything if I could travel back in time and engineer an 8-year Clinton administration beginning in 2016. Please tell me what I’m missing?

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 11:01 am
by Furniture
Lotusland wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 10:29 am
Personally I give almost anything if I could travel back in time and engineer an 8-year Clinton administration beginning in 2016. Please tell me what I’m missing?
I agree. Maybe I didn’t like her that much at the time and I don’t think I had a real reason for that. Anyway, boy oh boy I wish she would have won. Trump is proof that you don’t have to fly planes into buildings to destroy a country…

On another point I started to think about the possibility of Trump going to jail. Imagine a trial, the guilty verdict and the marching off to jail itself. I just can’t see it happening. There could be riots in the streets. I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe pardons him.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 11:38 am
by Wander
Phredd3 wrote:
August 12th, 2022, 3:18 pm
And no, Hillary isn't "innocent" in any reasonable use of the word. Nor is she equivalent to Trump in any way that truly matters. I hope we can agree on that as a reasonable starting point.
No, that honestly sounds like a pretty dumb fucking starting point to me. I have no idea what any reasonable person thinks Hillary Clinton is guilty of in a criminal sense (note that I am not saying one needs to like her or agree with her political views or want to vote for her).

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 11:48 am
by Wander
OPK wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 8:19 am
There is a big difference between the conservative principles espoused by Reagan and Kemp, and the angry populism espoused by Trump. It is disconcerting to be sure, and has left a sizable number of voters without a real home.
Not that sizeable though. Trump was and is very popular among Republicans.

It just sounds to me like Bob Green and the other few people you describe are basically just Democrats today. Certainly mainstream/moderate Democrats and not the more left wing of the party, but Democrats nonetheless.

I would love the above to not be true and for us to go back to a world where Republicans were nominating people like Mitt Romney and John McCain, but that party is extinct.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 12:56 pm
by ArkieDukie
Some friends described themselves as “disgruntled Republicans,” and I might fit here too. Until recently, I voted Republican more than Democrat, although I most often voted mixed ticket. Now, the Republicans are so far to the right that they scare me. Trump has encouraged the crazies to come out of the woodwork.

The hyper partisanship has driven both parties to the extreme. With that being said, it seems as though there are a greater number of reasonable Democrats at this point in time. A majority of the country is moderate; why in the heck do we keep electing extremists?

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 2:12 pm
by Bob Green
Wander wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 11:48 am

It just sounds to me like Bob Green and the other few people you describe are basically just Democrats today. Certainly mainstream/moderate Democrats and not the more left wing of the party, but Democrats nonetheless.
Your description is most likely pretty accurate. If the Republicans nominate Trump in 2024, I will vote for the Democrats nominee no matter who it is. In other words, I will vote against Trump. I voted for Biden but reality is I voted against Trump.

Normally, I waste my vote by voting Libertarian but it is too important that we keep Trump out of office.

Re: The Political Junkie Thread

Posted: August 13th, 2022, 3:18 pm
by OPK
Wander wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 11:48 am
OPK wrote:
August 13th, 2022, 8:19 am
There is a big difference between the conservative principles espoused by Reagan and Kemp, and the angry populism espoused by Trump. It is disconcerting to be sure, and has left a sizable number of voters without a real home.
Not that sizeable though. Trump was and is very popular among Republicans.

It just sounds to me like Bob Green and the other few people you describe are basically just Democrats today. Certainly mainstream/moderate Democrats and not the more left wing of the party, but Democrats nonetheless.

I would love the above to not be true and for us to go back to a world where Republicans were nominating people like Mitt Romney and John McCain, but that party is extinct.
I think the Georgia primaries showed that, at least here, a sizable number of Rs are ready to move on from Trump. The rejection of Jody Hice in particular against Brad Raffenspurger. But I don’t think many of these folks are gonna vote Dem except to block Trump (and Trump specifically). As I told a R friend who was complaining that Dems are all socialists, “better to have a socialist than an insurrectionist.”

(and no, trying to convince him that All Dems are not socialist is a lost cause — he’s drunk the Fox Kool-aid for years)