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Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 9:37 am
by lawgrad91
bluebutton wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:
Hey, we'll be neighbors! Cool! You, bluebutton and I need to have a TX CTN get-together. When is the big move?

Those were my thoughts precisely!! Welcome to brisket country! Costco sells great cuts of meat--it's a regional thing.
Ymmm, brisket. I had friends back home who were originally from Port Neches, Texas, and would have briskets sent to them on occasion, then have a dinner bash. =p~ =p~ =p~ =p~

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 9:45 am
by CathyCA
Congratulations, DD! You will be a fine addition to that group. They are fortunate to have you join their practice.

I'm kind of partial to WakeMed since I birthed my babies over there. Those people treated me like I was the queen.


Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 10:11 am
by TillyGalore
YmoBeThere wrote:Done deal as of today. I will be going from my current employer to an insurance carrier whose primary mission is to serve its members, current and former members of the military. As a former Army officer and 20 year member, it is an incredible honor to be able to help support that mission. This does mean I will have to move... :(

I do like the area where I currently reside considerably, I would prefer to stay here much longer. The only downside to the area is not being able to see all the Duke games on TV.
Hey! I'm a member of that organization. Glad they're classing up the place. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 10:37 am
by IowaDevil
Whoa, you miss a day in this thread and you miss ALOT! Congrats to everyone in their new endeavors! All sound like they will make your lives happier with new challenges! Enjoy! :D

Then there's Ima who is about to test that "for better or worse" part of those vows! Good luck and enjoy! Take notes and share how you manage cuz we are closing in on that very same thing & wondering how it's going to play out! Advice is welcome!

Vibes, prayers & hugs to all! :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug:

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 11:05 am
by windsor
Wow...lots of changes going on!

I have 5 days left at my old gig...start the new one on the 9th of July. My boss is being a total jackass. HIS boss is not (thank heavens). My last day is the 3rd (I was off yesterday and today...juggled me 'two weeks' a little to be there to run a massive process on the 2nd that no one else has ever even looked at before). Boss will be gone the 2nd and 3rd, so I only have to get through three days without smacking him upside his head. We do fairly extensive exit interviews. I am already plotting the exact phrasing to use when I toss his ignorant arrogant little ass under the bus.

Good luck to everyone - especially Ima! I married Mr. Windsor for better or for worse, but not for lunch :D . I'm not sure how we would do 24x7...but we have a few years yet before we have to cross that bridge.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Vibes for everyone starting new adventures...and for anyone looking to start one.

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 4:11 pm
Our long time friend Sue71 posted on FB that she's moving on too - a HUGE change. I asked her to post here about it. We'll see...

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 5:03 pm
by Lavabe
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Our long time friend Sue71 posted on FB that she's moving on too - a HUGE change. I asked her to post here about it. We'll see...
Thank you, Ozzie, for the update... WOW!

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 7:40 pm
by ArkieDukie
windsor wrote:Wow...lots of changes going on!

I have 5 days left at my old gig...start the new one on the 9th of July. My boss is being a total jackass. HIS boss is not (thank heavens). My last day is the 3rd (I was off yesterday and today...juggled me 'two weeks' a little to be there to run a massive process on the 2nd that no one else has ever even looked at before). Boss will be gone the 2nd and 3rd, so I only have to get through three days without smacking him upside his head. We do fairly extensive exit interviews. I am already plotting the exact phrasing to use when I toss his ignorant arrogant little ass under the bus.

Good luck to everyone - especially Ima! I married Mr. Windsor for better or for worse, but not for lunch :D . I'm not sure how we would do 24x7...but we have a few years yet before we have to cross that bridge.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Vibes for everyone starting new adventures...and for anyone looking to start one.
Sending shin kicks to your boss. Sounds like he is a deserving recipient. Will sore shins make it easier for him to be pushed under the bus? ;;)

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 8:20 pm
by Miles
devildeac wrote:Damn trouble maker, Miles. See the chain of events you started. ;;)
I am happy to be an agent of change! Congrats to you are in order I see, and to Ima; there isn't anything in the manual that says you can't put the OP out on the doorstep every morning like Heathcliff. ;-) Or heck, maybe it's your turn for some traveling.

My first two days have been a blur. It's hard to form a complete opinion about everyone, as it should be but it is quite easy to see that I have got my hands full! I say that in the best possible way too. Too many details, too little time, but it's quite easily summed up by saying I have definitely moved on!

Continued vibes to all through their transitions.

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 8:26 pm
Miles wrote:
devildeac wrote:Damn trouble maker, Miles. See the chain of events you started. ;;)
I am happy to be an agent of change!
So you're making a commission on everyone's new salary with their big, fat raises? Wish I'd thought of that! B-)

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 26th, 2012, 10:51 pm
by devildeac
CathyCA wrote:Congratulations, DD! You will be a fine addition to that group. They are fortunate to have you join their practice.

I'm kind of partial to WakeMed since I birthed my babies over there. Those people treated me like I was the queen.

Thank you. It will be an adjustment working in a group again but the climate has changed in cardiology significantly with reimbursement and affiliations. Last time I heard, about 65% of cardiologists were owned by universities and/or hospitals and that was several months ago. We'll roll out your previous throne whenever you come to visit Wake Med again.

Re: Moving On

Posted: June 27th, 2012, 9:13 pm
by Miles
Miles wrote:
devildeac wrote:Damn trouble maker, Miles. See the chain of events you started. ;;)
I am happy to be an agent of change!
So you're making a commission on everyone's new salary with their big, fat raises? Wish I'd thought of that! B-)
I'm cashing in on all the collective joy! Glad to hear so many people are moving on to exciting things this month.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 2:10 pm
by DukieInKansas
Wow - congratulations to all! You go away for a week and miss a lot.

If you Texas folks have a get together, let me know. I've been thinking about visiting Brother Bob in San Antonio and would love to time it so I could join you.

Ima, when my Dad retired, my Mom got a job. Dad also became treasurer at church and involved with the building program. Plus, his doctor told him to live on greens as much as possible, so he played a lot of golf. Like Windsor, Mom married him for love, not lunch.

DD - good luck with the transition to a multi-doctor practice. They are lucky to be getting you.

YBT - good luck with the move. I hope the cats settle in quickly.

Windsor - have fun with the exit interview. I sure wish I could listen in - it would be interesting to hear how you creatively tell him he is a bad boss.

I hope I didn't miss anyone.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 3:03 pm
DukieInKansas wrote:Windsor - have fun with the exit interview. I sure wish I could listen in - it would be interesting to hear how you creatively tell him he is a bad boss.
Windsor, could you record it? Most cell phones have a tape recorder function... :D :ymdevil: We'd all love to hear your genius at work first hand!

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 10:04 pm
by YmoBeThere
Last day at work today. Will I miss the pressure, the headaches from various departments of insurance or most importantly, the pain in the butt process? Nope.

I will miss many of the people I saw 5 days a week for the last 3 years.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 10:59 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Wow. So many are moving on. Congratulations to all of you. The insurance company sounds like the one we are probably going to switch too. I have heard nothing but good things about this one.

Good luck to all of you.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 8:03 am
by DukeForester
Congrats to all. Ymo, we are also relocating to San Antonio from Virginia after I retire for the second and final time. Probably in a year or so. Both of our children and 1 grandson live there. Be prepared for very hot & humid weather with practically no rain. They seem to always be under some type of water restrictions. We already have a 1 acre lot in Spring Branch which is about 20 minutes north of SA just waiting to have a house built. Good luck with the move and maybe we can get together once we arrive.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 9:30 am
So Windsor, how'd the exit interview go? :D

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 10:57 am
by windsor
Just finished up the ‘exit interview’.

Spoke to my bosses boss first - whom I actually like and gave him a heads up on stuff that I KNOW is going to happen...and who is to blame. I also told him that while everyone likes him, we all know he avoids conflict at all costs and that that hinders the department. (classic line: he asked me if I was politically trying to tell him to "grow a set" and yes, I was)

My boss, ah the poor little worm...It may take a while for my poor boss to recover. I told him that ‘I have been screaming for a year that there are key processes that no one understand but me. There is no glory for you in adequate cross training, so you’ve not just let it slide but actively discouraged it. Well, here comes the piper and it’s time to pay up. I’ve forgotten more about those items than the rest of the group collectively knows. I’ve made damn sure that Merrill (his boss) knows that I’ve tried to transition that knowledge but you wont’ let me…so when it crashes and burns, and it will, the fat in the fire will be yours. I’ve made sure the rest of the team has full fire suits on this one. "
Other key phrases ‘a speed bump on the road to progress’. That ‘your people spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to protect themselves from YOU – either deflecting your habit of taking credit for other peoples work or your random bus tossing of the nearest warm body. Nobody trusts you, I am not the first defection from your group and I can say as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow I won’t be the last.’

I believe the highlight was telling him that “as a manger, you are a catastrophe that walks like a man”.
I actually thought he was going to cry for a minute…..
Boy that felt good.

Re: Moving On

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 11:50 am
by lawgrad91
windsor wrote:Just finished up the ‘exit interview’.

Spoke to my bosses boss first - whom I actually like and gave him a heads up on stuff that I KNOW is going to happen...and who is to blame. I also told him that while everyone likes him, we all know he avoids conflict at all costs and that that hinders the department. (classic line: he asked me if I was politically trying to tell him to "grow a set" and yes, I was)

My boss, ah the poor little worm...It may take a while for my poor boss to recover. I told him that ‘I have been screaming for a year that there are key processes that no one understand but me. There is no glory for you in adequate cross training, so you’ve not just let it slide but actively discouraged it. Well, here comes the piper and it’s time to pay up. I’ve forgotten more about those items than the rest of the group collectively knows. I’ve made damn sure that Merrill (his boss) knows that I’ve tried to transition that knowledge but you wont’ let me…so when it crashes and burns, and it will, the fat in the fire will be yours. I’ve made sure the rest of the team has full fire suits on this one. "
Other key phrases ‘a speed bump on the road to progress’. That ‘your people spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to protect themselves from YOU – either deflecting your habit of taking credit for other peoples work or your random bus tossing of the nearest warm body. Nobody trusts you, I am not the first defection from your group and I can say as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow I won’t be the last.’

I believe the highlight was telling him that “as a manger, you are a catastrophe that walks like a man”.
I actually thought he was going to cry for a minute…..
Boy that felt good.

Wow. Just wow. ^:)^ ^:)^ :clap: :clap: