DBR--good ole boys network

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Moderator: CameronBornAndBred

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DBR--good ole boys network

Post by DevilWearsPrada » October 12th, 2010, 3:30 pm

I have read DBR for 10 years. And read the forums, for many years. The last couple of years, DBR forums actually went down hill, as it seemed to be a Good Ole Boys Network. If you didnt agree with someone's opinion, you were bashed.

Seems, I could never say my opinion, without getting a bashing remark or comment from MOD Jason Evans. He has been riding my azz, the last 2 weeks.

Needless to say, others made comments back to him, but he deleted that from that thread. I did copy some of the remarks.

He even admitted to being harsh to me, today in a thread. But deleted the entire post, and others.

AND...... I dont have pitchforks, or sporks or whatever the @#$% they are. And was Locked out for 2 days, for Mod bashing......... :happy-bouncyblue: :-ss

I made a comment in one thread, that Duke Football sucks, right now, and that I was glad that Countdown to Craziness was this Friday.......... RECEIVED a WARNING

Made other comments under the Scandal at UNC........... and that any Scandal at Chapel Thrill, was always a good thing to hear. And made a comment that Ty Lawson had received extra Tutor help. Then I got an infraction of 3 points. WTF is that.
Is a forum, a place to get a grade, or scolding or lashing, because you have an opinion. JASON Said that was slander about Ty. GEE.....Sean Dockery lived in the tutor center. Sean stated that in his Senior speech at Basketball Banquet.

I received several PMs but cant read them, since I am locked out. GTHC GTH GTHDBR
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Re: DBR--good ole boys network

Post by Jesus_hurley » October 12th, 2010, 3:45 pm

I stopped going there last season - not that I had been around long though. I felt like one of the other mods was stalking me and I got fed up with it. Especially because I was right and he was wrong :D

FWIW, DBR does not seem to be very popular on any of the other boards I visit.
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Re: DBR--good ole boys network

Post by DevilWearsPrada » October 12th, 2010, 3:53 pm

There are several websites I view everyday, or almost everyday, and DBR has been one of them. I will read or glance at the articles, and then come over to CT, to where I can voice my opinion, without feeling like some moderator is bashing me, or taking their power or control to a higher level. I felt the comments Jason Evans made, were sexist, and uncalled for.

DBR forum has taken all the fun out of the forums.

Anyway, I heard from an UNC alum (that Ty Lawson had received alot of Tutor help). I didnt say iillegal help. But as I have read, Tutorgate is going on at UNC. And I dont think the tutor in question was being cooperative with NCAA.

Needless, I have been locked out of DBR for mod bashing............ after Jason Evans bashed me for 2 weeks. Go Figure. :ymapplause:
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Re: DBR--good ole boys network

Post by lawgrad91 » October 12th, 2010, 4:03 pm

Prada, I saw his comments to you and thought, "why's he being a jerk?" It seemed to me that you voiced an appropriate question. It's obvious that the scandal down the road is WAY bigger than originally thought, and at this point there's no reason for the NCAA to take anything the athletic powers that be at face value. The NCAA should widen its investigation at least to the point of looking at the basketball program and the tutor program in all sports, based on the endemic nature of problems in football.

So I'm sending you a spork. It's not much but it's all I have. And a bouncy blue and a little Duke guy with 9F on his chest.
:spork: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:

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Re: DBR--good ole boys network

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 12th, 2010, 4:11 pm

This is being locked...we all know why. No more DBR complaining threads allowed...no matter how good the excuse. Feel free to post thoughts in the LTE!
Duke born, Duke bred, cooking on a grill so I'm tailgate fed.