The Next Food Network Star is...

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The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by Miles » August 15th, 2010, 10:10 pm


Ugh. I will not be watching.
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Re: The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by lawgrad91 » August 15th, 2010, 10:26 pm

Miles wrote:Aarti!?!

Ugh. I will not be watching.
Which one is that? I haven't watched the show but I know who the players are from the commercials.
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Re: The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by Lavabe » August 15th, 2010, 10:32 pm

I was very glad they chose Aarti, as they do NOT have anyone doing Indian cuisine.

Herb would be enjoyable, and will almost certainly get a show on their spinoff network. They've done that before with at least one other runner-up (Adam from two years ago).

The Big Chef blew it in the Iron Chef challenge. YCCH... bacon steak? French toast with clams? Sorry... not for me!
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Re: The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by lawgrad91 » August 15th, 2010, 10:48 pm

Ok, I know who you are talking about now.

I'm not much for Indian cuisine but maybe I just haven't found the right food.
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Re: The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by Miles » August 15th, 2010, 10:50 pm

Lavabe wrote:I was very glad they chose Aarti, as they do NOT have anyone doing Indian cuisine.

Herb would be enjoyable, and will almost certainly get a show on their spinoff network. They've done that before with at least one other runner-up (Adam from two years ago).

The Big Chef blew it in the Iron Chef challenge. YCCH... bacon steak? French toast with clams? Sorry... not for me!
I like Indian food, but I can't stand Aarti. I think she was chosen so they could fill that checkbox for "Indian Cuisine". Aarti is the Indian Rachel Ray, which makes her worthless and utterly annoying in my book. Great recipes, great food, all meaningless because I cannot stand one minute of their voices.

I agree that Big Chef blew it on the Iron Chef challenge, which is a major shame because I related the most to him out of the three. I liked Herb too, and was hoping that he or Big Chef would take it.

Give me Indian cuisine, just give me a better a personality.
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Re: The Next Food Network Star is...

Post by DukeUsul » August 15th, 2010, 11:04 pm

I'm not in love with Aarti, but it was clear from day one that she'd win. She can cook well, presents well on camera, and will sell something they don't currently have.

I'll be watching. I love Indian and need to expand what I can do. I don't find her voice as annoying as Rachel Ray's. She's no Giada, But I'll watch.
-- DukeUsul
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