Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2023, 11:28 pm

Brian’s Barrel Blends No. 15 2022-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Honorary local

Credit-$$$$ and carry delivery from @wbmcards88; thanks!
Style-might be a blend :crazy_face:
Format-12 oz stubbie
Stemware-GBS tumbler
Appearance-brown mud, smallish tan head
Nose-bourbon and gin
Tastes-bourbon, orange liqueur, wet leather, dark/dried fruits, juniper/gin and dark caramel
Beers and barrels-wheatwine and Old Fitzgerald bourbon barrels for 13 months plus smoked German rauchbier aged in Caledonian Tom Cat gin barrels for 4 months
IBU-maybe 30
ABV-10.6% but sipped like 13%+
Overall impression-unique and intriguing concoction with the gin and bourbon flavors
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2023, 11:28 pm

Brian’s Barrel Blends No. 16 2022-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Yep, RVA

Credit-another escapee from a warehouse sale; thanks @wbmcards88!!
Style-barreled and blended
Format-love those stubbies!
Appearance-ditch water; no head
Nose-booze and dark, dried fruits
Tastes-bourbon, raisins, dates, figs, brandy, orange liqueur and dark brown sugar syrup
Brews and barrels-1) wheat whine and brandy (28 months :dizzy_face:); 2) quadruple and bourbon (18 months :face_with_spiral_eyes:)
IBU-probably low 30s
ABV-10% but sipped at a higher weight class
Overall impression-terrific 1:1 blending
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3; such a smooth, masterful combination
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 1:58 pm

La Vermontoise (draft)-Brasserie de Blaugies collaboration with Hill Farmstead Brewery

Blaugies, Wallonie ain’t local

Credit-a humble and sincere thanks @fuse and @Loveninja for this fabulous treat
Style-saison/farmhouse ale
Format-freshly and slowly spigotted; honestly, there was so much carbonation in this draft that it took at least 10 minutes for our final product to arrive
Glassware-nonic pint
Appearance-liquid straw with probably the best Belgian lacing I’ve ever seen
Nose-wet hay
Mouthfeel-beyond tickly
Tastes-slightly underripe apples and pears, lemon zest, lemon grass and more than a pinch of white pepper
IBU-45; I’d have guessed 30 or less
Overall impression-highly likely the best saison/farmhouse ale I’ve ever sipped
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3; might nominate this as a top 5 beer for 2023

Other stuff: I’d never heard of this Belgian brewery before but there are likely hundreds whose products never reach our shores. Hill Farmstead has been considered the best US brewery on multiple occasions over the last decade or more. I chose this collaboration based on their reputation for brewing this style of beer and rarely have an opportunity like this to sample one of their products. I also selected it over a Trillium NEDIPA and Firestone Walker’s Parabola, a world class 13% ABV imperial stout. I don’t regret my choice one bit.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 1:59 pm

Cafe Coco Foolery-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local at a warehouse sale in the recent past

Credit-trader (or purchase) from @wbmcards88; thanks!!
Style-flavored BBA imperial stout
Eye test-Texas crude; small, tan head
Nose test-coffee, dark chocolate and bourbon
Tastes-espresso, dark chocolate, bourbon, vanilla, wood, burnt molasses and dark cherries
Adjunct-Recluse Roasting Project coffee
IBU-maybe high 40s
ABV-13.2% ( :astonished:)
Overall impression-decadent
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/high cat 3; cat 4 it ain’t @richardjackson199 :joystick: ; quite a nightcap/sipper
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 1:59 pm

Renegade Pils-Altered State Brewing

About 4 miles away

Credit-needed traders and some home sippers
Style-Czech style pilsner (allegedly)
Format-pint can
Stemware-very large wine glass
Eyeball test-yellow, hazy and moderately foamy
Nose test-juicy (what the what?)
Mouthfeel-more juice (really doubting the pils)
Tastes-mandarin oranges, peaches and cantaloupe and a splash of pineapple
Hops-Mandarina Bavaria and Mosaic
IBU-guessing low 30s
Overall impression-guessing they call it a pils based on the grains and cold lagering/fermentation and yeast variety but it don’t taste like any pilsner I’ve ever sipped
Ymm, Beer rating-gonna rate this as a NEIPA and call it low cat 3 and quote the description from their web site below…

“Outlaw cousin of Citizen Pils, this rebel tastes so smooth thanks to a hefty dry hop. This iteration was dry hopped with Mandarina Bavaria and Mosaic hops.”

I found two other variants of this on Untappd: one dry hopped with Saaz as @fuse posted and another with Citra and Mosaic. Fascinating stuff.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:00 pm

Melting Pot 2023 Reunion Ale-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for a certain beer mule or two

Credit-cash for beer from @wbmcards88; thanks!!
Style-BBA blend of fine elixirs
Appearance-this is not a pretty beer; no head
Nose-dark, dried fruits
Tastes-raisins, dates, figs, bourbon, dark cherries, orange liqueur, wood and more bourbon
Barrels-Elijah Craig rye whiskey
Elixirs-quadruple, golden strong ale and wheat wine
ABV-13.4% (highly material)
Overall impression-another fantastic blend from Brian
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:00 pm

Imperial Wunderbar-Altered State Brewing

Four miles from home

Credit-leftover trader from October; thanks @devildeac :woozy_face:
Style-fruited imperial kettle sour
Format-pint can
Stemware-large wine glass that still couldn’t hold the full pint due to enormous foamage
Appearance-as in photo; most of that head lasted the hour I spent sipping this smoothie
Nose-raspberry and graham crackers
Mouthfeel-creamy and fruity
Tastes-raspberry sorbet, cream cheese, graham crackers and a hint of white chocolate
Adjuncts-raspberry purée, white chocolate, graham cracker and milk sugar
IBU-maybe 10
Overall impression-rivals any Veil smoothie I’ve ever had; had to finish the “head” with a spoon when the “beer” was finally gone
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:02 pm

Never Never Dead Dead 2.0-The Veil Brewing

Local when purchased

Credit-trader from @fuse; thanks!
Style-gose ale with candy (wait’ll you read the adjuncts in this one :face_with_spiral_eyes:)
Temporary package-pint can
Ink on bottom-:black_circle: ON :black_circle:/2023
Sipping vessel-large wine glass
Appearance-raspberry juice with a pink beret
Nose-gummy bear juice
Mouthfeel-liquid candy blend
Tastes-berries, cherries and gummy bear juice
Adjuncts-(from Untappd) “hundreds of lbs of Swedish Fish candies, Hawaiian Punch powder, sweet cherries, tart cherries, black currants and lingonberries” :face_with_spiral_eyes::dizzy_face:
IBU-N/A but likely <10
Overall impression-one of the more unusual beers I’ve ever tasted, made even more so by the cast of characters added
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; despite the oddities, I rather enjoyed this; why the hell shouldn’t I as I e had two green beers this year and a couple cereal or candy sours/smoothie ales
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:03 pm

Undecided-Altered State Brewing

Only Compass Rose is closer to our house.

Credit-needed traders and sippers; thanks @fuse for the Veil prompts
Format-pint can
Stemware-the usual :hugs:
Appearance-hazy, foamy and yellow
Tastes-guava, underripe honeydew and pineapple, pith
Hops-Galaxy, Waimea and Motueka
Grains-no data here but the mouthfeel is also smooth and creamy so I’m gonna guess there are some flakes oats and/or wheat that were added
IBU-N/A but guessing high 30s
Overall impression-a most unusual hop bill which made for a different palate/palette of flavors; thinking that combination is what’s puzzling @fuse; no lactose
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3 for adventure and a rather different NEDIPA brew
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:05 pm

Cosmic Brownie Dire Wolf-Wolf’s Ridge Brewing Company

Local for son of devildeac

Credit-his mama raised him well; thanks
Style-flavored variant of Dire Wolf, their base imperial stout
Format-pint can, shared equally
Appearance-almost onyx, no head
Nose-bakery/fudge store
Tastes-fudge, dark caramel, molasses and double fudge cake
Adjuncts-toasted cacao nibs, milk chocolate (they’re lying) and birthday cake (couldn’t possible be any birthday cake; likely to be a double or triple chocolate cake :innocent:)
IBU-gotta be 50+ given the style
ABV-10.8% (for adults only)
Overall impression-a liquid brownie
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; @richardjackson199 might see this as a trader next month as I received his last pint of this as we departed his house tonight :wink:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:05 pm

Drunken Vigils 2022-Southern Pines Brewing Company

Local for our favorite DMB poster

Credit-trader from @Tripping.William cuz he don’t deal with $$; thanks!!
Style-BBA imperial breakfast stout
Format-sexy 500 ml bottle with an almost impenetrable wax dipping :dizzy_face:
Stemware-slightly less sexy Zaftig snifters
Appearance-midnight; no head
Nose-java, bourbon and dark chocolate
Mouthfeel-oh, you sexy thing
Tastes-semisweet chocolate, espresso and bourbon; is anything else really needed?
Adjuncts-cacao and locally roasted coffee
ABV-14.9% (NC ABC law sez 15% max :dizzy_face:)
Overall impression-as good if not better than 2021
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3; might not make the 2023 FF deeber beer of the year list but may well be an eastern regional finalist :innocent:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:06 pm

Stiff Arm-Land Grant Brewing Company


Credit-devildeac 2; thanks!
Format-12 oz cans, three of them, shared by the devildeacs
Cupware-tOSU pint Dixie cups
Appearance-light bronze; generous foam
Nose-pine and orange
Mouthfeel-mild/ moderate bitterness
Tastes-orange and grapefruit rinds and some pine
Hops-American :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Overall impression-nicely balanced for the style and a fine pairing with chips, dips and chicken tender
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:06 pm

From Saturday:

Olde Rabbit’s Foot 2021-Olde Hickory Brewing, Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery and Foothills Brewing

Local, local and local.

Credit-thinking a trader from @richardjackson199; thanks
Style-3 breweries brewed their own version imperial stoutand then blended and aged in bourbon barrels
Format-bomber, shared 4 ways
Plastic drinking vessel-pint OSU Dixie cup
Appearance-dark brown; modest foam
Nose-dark chocolate and bourbon
Tastes-dark chocolate
Adjuncts-cacao and honey
IBU-maybe 50
Overall impression-smooooth and alluring
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:07 pm

10 Yr Heaven Hill St. Francis-Wolf’s Ridge Brewing

Local for the younger devildeac

Credit-Mrs. dd taught him well
Style-BBA quad
Format-bomber, shared two ways
Packaged in-September 2023
Stemware-Zaftig snifters
Appearance-dark brown with a small, tan head
Nose-bourbon and dark, dried fruits
Tastes-bourbon, raisins, dates, figs, more bourbon, toffee, plums and a bit more bourbon
IBU-maybe mid 20s
ABV-10% but sipped like 14%
Overall impression-this rivals Hardywood’s Bourbon Cru as the the BBA quad I’ve ever tasted
Ymm, Beer rating-easy high cat 3; will receive consideration as one my 2023 best beers
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:08 pm

What Care I?-Altered State Brewing

Second closest brewery to our house

Credit-needed traders; looked/sounded intriguing
Style-black IPA
Format-pint can
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-coffee with a head
Nose-a little coffee, some burnt toast
Tastes-unsweetened dark chocolate, candied oranges and grapefruit, hint of coffee
Hops-Simcoe, Mosaic and Cascade
IBU-WAG of 50s
Overall impression-tough style to like/analyze as I probably drink one every year or two; very much appreciated the intrigue and challenge
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 with the cognitive dissonance @fuse mentioned at the forefront
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 26th, 2023, 2:08 pm

Imperial Wunderbar TipSea Flights-Altered State Brewing

Local as can be

Credit-trader from daughter without her prior permission; thanks
Style-imperial fruited/flavored kettle sour
Format-pint can all to myself
Stemware-a guess it’s technically a goblet :man_shrugging:
Appearance-shaken, not stirred, daiquiri with a whipped cream icing
Nose-“you put the lime in the coconut”
Tastes-pineapple, lime, subtle coconut, vanilla; IOW, a beer daiquiri :woozy_face:
Adjuncts-pineapple, key lime, coconut, vanilla, milk sugar
IBU-close to 0
Overall impression-wonderfully thirst quenching dessert beer
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; yea, it was that good
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 28th, 2023, 12:40 pm

Better late than never reviews, I hope, from Pitt tailgate:

St. Bernardus Christmas Ale-Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV

Local? :joy:

Credit-great selection by @AugustWest; thanks!!
Style-spiced quad
Format-11.2 oz can (the 11.2 oz bottles were $7 more for a 4 pack :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:), shared amongst 4 or 5
Glassware-usual Duke pint glass
Appearance-a shade lighter than a porter; small, khaki head
Nose-dark, dried fruits and spices
Tastes-the expected raisins, dates, figs, plums, dark brown sugar and likely clove and cinnamon
IBU-maybe 30
ABV-9.8% :dizzy_face:
Overall impression-outstanding (beeradvocate 94 and #21 quad)
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; a great beer anytime, especially during the holidays
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 28th, 2023, 1:23 pm

Third hitter:

Blink of an Eye, A Misfits Barrel Blend-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

RVA, honorary local

Credit-wonderful contribution from @wbmcards88; huge thanks!!
Style-blend of a buncha old barrel aged goodies, including Ruse, Trickery, Hoax and Foolery (Misfits, hmmm, sounds like OY :joystick: :smiling_imp:) and maybe one other
Format-750 ml capped bottle, shared 4 or 5 ways
Glassware-rinsed and repeated Duke pint glass
Appearance-really dark brown, no head
Nose-dark chocolate, molasses and bourbon
Tastes-really complex with lots of dark chocolate, bourbon, dark/dried fruits, burnt caramel/molasses and maybe some port wine and dark berries
IBU-mid 40s :man_shrugging:
ABV-13.7%; stunningly quaffable
Overall impression-fabulous
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3, probably my favorite of the afternoon by a small margin
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 28th, 2023, 4:31 pm

Time to resume tailgate beer debauchery reviews.

Clean up sipper:

Ten Fidy Barrel Aged-Oskar Blues Brewing

Longmont, CO=not so local; Brevard, NC=local

Credit-more applause @AugustWest for sharing; thanks!!
Style-BBA version of their base imperial stout
Format-12 oz cans, about $5 each; used to be stovepipes at $15 each :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Glassware-you guessed it
Appearance-10W50, hence the name; no head
Nose-bourbon, and lots of it, with semisweet chocolate
Tastes-wonderful bourbon, dark chocolate, wood, burnt caramel/molasses
IBU-maybe 50ish
Overall impression-still a long time favorite
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; likely high cat 3 in past but space on that shelf is more limited now
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 28th, 2023, 4:37 pm

Fifth beer, aka the fearless and handsome beverage:

Bourbon County Stout-Goose Island Beer Company

Chicago not local

Credit-yet another loud shout @AugustWest for sharing; thanks!!
Style-ya already know
Format-500 ml bottle, shared with the same gang of 4 or 5
Glassware-yea, yea, yea
Appearance-onyx and viscous
Mouthfeel-as expected
Tastes-warming bourbon, semisweet chocolate, molasses, maybe some dark fruits, wood and maybe a hint of vanilla (not added)
IBU-memory will claim 60ish
ABV-14.7%, yet dangerously easy on the palate
Overall impression-still world class after 31ish years of brewing
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3; yea, it’s a bit better than the Ten Fidy
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