Biden won, it's over --- The Election Thread

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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 5th, 2020, 10:22 pm

How did Trump think that standing in front of the White House, struggling to draw breaths, was going to be a good look for him?
I mean I know he's got one of the best brains ever and all, but really? 8-|
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by Furniture » October 5th, 2020, 10:44 pm

He must be desperate. Desperate to win and stay out of jail.

He has the virus and he is thinking how does he spin this. In his mind this is the only way. An attempt to change the narrative from a reckless super spreader to be the strongman......
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CrazyNotCrazie » October 5th, 2020, 11:02 pm

Sorry to be constantly repeating myself but each of these events makes me wonder more and more how every single person in America is not horrified and humiliated by this. We are the laughingstock of the world, yet this doesn't bother them. They think that they are in on some secret and the rest of us are crazy.

He really should have no shot at winning this election. Which makes me increasingly concerned about how much he is cheating and rigging the system.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by gumbomoop » October 6th, 2020, 1:12 am

CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
October 5th, 2020, 11:02 pm
Sorry to be constantly repeating myself but each of these events makes me wonder more and more how every single person in America is not horrified and humiliated by this. We are the laughingstock of the world, yet this doesn't bother them. They think that they are in on some secret and the rest of us are crazy.
I think CNC’s repeated emphasis of this point is fully justified. I have referred to Trump’s win in 2016 as a World Historical Mistake, now magnified to heretofore unimaginable proportions by a world historical pandemic.

As we agonize — I know I do, literally every day — about the possibility of Trump’s winning, by stealing, the 2020 election, I return constantly to that which most upsets me. It’s not Trump, nor even his numerous enablers among elected Republicans. It’s his voters. Somewhere around 55-60 million Americans will vote for Trump, most of them for a second time.

I have posted previously my view of Trump’s 3-part base: white evangelicals, white working class, come-home-to-Trump traditional Republicans. Although his supporters refer to his vociferous opponents as suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, I trust I can speak for CNC in asserting that evidence abounds, instead, of derangement among Trump enthusiasts. Their enthusiasm is often mad-dog deranged. And that may be a key to understanding them.

A high percentage of both white evangelicals and white working class feel deeply aggrieved. They — not gay people, black people, poor people, immigrants, or women in the workplace — are oppressed. The relatively brief post-WWII era of white male triumphalism in the 1950s has been undercut by a series of distinct but related modern liberal rights movements. To many Trump supporters, the last half of the 20th century witnessed not a country and world ruled by white Christian benevolent paternalism, but by militant movements from “below,” abetted by politically correct professors and corrupt, cowardly liberal politicians.

The third part of Trump’s base originally scorned him. In 2015 Lindsey Graham spoke for traditional conservatives in rejecting Trump on multiple grounds. But the traditional Republican leadership class, having itself used racist, sexist, and upper-class dog whistles, had helped create the Trump Frankenstein monster. Dumbfounded — like Trump himself — that Trump won, they assumed they could control his excesses. But they didn’t appreciate the derangement of Trump voters, their bitterness and deep-seated anger not just at politically correct liberals but at weak conservatives, as well.

A failed businessman, narcissist, pathological liar, and huckster-grifter fell — world historical mistake — into the most powerful position in human history. Trump’s sociopathies multiplied. Regularly he dog-whistled to fascists and common-variety racists and sexists. With each more despicable, false-hearted, treasonous act — with enough time we could list hundreds, literally — the Republican leadership class relinquished its mores, values, and courage — its conservatism — before the deranged power of Trump voters.

Valuing order, gradual change, and the stabilizing influence of social and cultural institutions, historical conservatism is not by a long shot an ideology of derangement. But Trump voters are neither conservative nor conservatives. They are radical reactionaries, aggrieved by the modern world, longing for their amended version of the neo-Confederate “Lost Cause”: a militant, evangelical crusade to Make America Great Again by recapturing the manly world of the 1950s.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by dudog » October 6th, 2020, 9:09 am

Came here to post, but how do you follow gumbomoop?
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CrazyNotCrazie » October 6th, 2020, 9:32 am

gumbomoop wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 1:12 am
CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
October 5th, 2020, 11:02 pm
Sorry to be constantly repeating myself but each of these events makes me wonder more and more how every single person in America is not horrified and humiliated by this. We are the laughingstock of the world, yet this doesn't bother them. They think that they are in on some secret and the rest of us are crazy.
I think CNC’s repeated emphasis of this point is fully justified. I have referred to Trump’s win in 2016 as a World Historical Mistake, now magnified to heretofore unimaginable proportions by a world historical pandemic.

As we agonize — I know I do, literally every day — about the possibility of Trump’s winning, by stealing, the 2020 election, I return constantly to that which most upsets me. It’s not Trump, nor even his numerous enablers among elected Republicans. It’s his voters. Somewhere around 55-60 million Americans will vote for Trump, most of them for a second time.

I have posted previously my view of Trump’s 3-part base: white evangelicals, white working class, come-home-to-Trump traditional Republicans. Although his supporters refer to his vociferous opponents as suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, I trust I can speak for CNC in asserting that evidence abounds, instead, of derangement among Trump enthusiasts. Their enthusiasm is often mad-dog deranged. And that may be a key to understanding them.

A high percentage of both white evangelicals and white working class feel deeply aggrieved. They — not gay people, black people, poor people, immigrants, or women in the workplace — are oppressed. The relatively brief post-WWII era of white male triumphalism in the 1950s has been undercut by a series of distinct but related modern liberal rights movements. To many Trump supporters, the last half of the 20th century witnessed not a country and world ruled by white Christian benevolent paternalism, but by militant movements from “below,” abetted by politically correct professors and corrupt, cowardly liberal politicians.

The third part of Trump’s base originally scorned him. In 2015 Lindsey Graham spoke for traditional conservatives in rejecting Trump on multiple grounds. But the traditional Republican leadership class, having itself used racist, sexist, and upper-class dog whistles, had helped create the Trump Frankenstein monster. Dumbfounded — like Trump himself — that Trump won, they assumed they could control his excesses. But they didn’t appreciate the derangement of Trump voters, their bitterness and deep-seated anger not just at politically correct liberals but at weak conservatives, as well.

A failed businessman, narcissist, pathological liar, and huckster-grifter fell — world historical mistake — into the most powerful position in human history. Trump’s sociopathies multiplied. Regularly he dog-whistled to fascists and common-variety racists and sexists. With each more despicable, false-hearted, treasonous act — with enough time we could list hundreds, literally — the Republican leadership class relinquished its mores, values, and courage — its conservatism — before the deranged power of Trump voters.

Valuing order, gradual change, and the stabilizing influence of social and cultural institutions, historical conservatism is not by a long shot an ideology of derangement. But Trump voters are neither conservative nor conservatives. They are radical reactionaries, aggrieved by the modern world, longing for their amended version of the neo-Confederate “Lost Cause”: a militant, evangelical crusade to Make America Great Again by recapturing the manly world of the 1950s.
Brilliant post - you take my raw emotion and anxiety and turn it into something very intelligent and thoughtful. Thank you.

To build on two of your points: first, I am constantly amazed at the congresspeople, particularly the senators, who just completely threw away their principles and flipped to supporting Trump. Is being in Congress so important that you are willing to make that sacrifice. It is amazing that not one of them said "This is who I am. I stand for the principles of the Republican party. I cannot support Trump. If there are so many voters out there who want Trumpism over what I am offering, so be it, I will move on to something different." But almost none of them did this (I think Flake did?). I believe I read about some moderate Republican house members who either ran based on their principles or just didn't bother to run again, but there aren't many.

Second, you make a great point about identity politics. I agree that a lot of Trump supporters see the world as a zero sum game, where resources spent helping "them" take away from "us." Some of the causes of the Democrats lend themselves to this narrative more than others - beyond the evangelical nutjobs who still think we live in the time of Christ (though only when it supports their own narrative), how does gay rights hurt anyone? They fail to understand the idea that the world can be better for all of us - Trump's constant "us vs. them" narrative, which Fox News echoes (I'm not sure who started it) has made it impossible for them to understand this concept. Biden has tried to speak to it but I think it has largely fallen on deaf ears.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 6th, 2020, 10:39 am

CrazyNotCrazie wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 9:32 am
They fail to understand the idea that the world can be better for all of us - Trump's constant "us vs. them" narrative, which Fox News echoes (I'm not sure who started it) has made it impossible for them to understand this concept. Biden has tried to speak to it but I think it has largely fallen on deaf ears.
Thankfully, those "deaf ears" only represent a third of the country. (Still a mind boggling and staggering number.)
The other 2/3rds have listened to what Biden has to say. Not all of them have bought in, which is fine, but at least they bothered to give him an ear.
Every new poll that is coming is increasingly bad news for Trump. I'm not sure if some of those people who weren't swayed in either direction are more listening to Biden, or are just now seeing the magnitude of Trump's insanity and "this is all about me" attitude, or a combination of the both.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by gumbomoop » October 6th, 2020, 11:53 am

dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 9:09 am
Came here to post, but how do you follow gumbomoop?
Ha! Hard to be humble after that compliment! But I’ll try to complement your compliment by encouraging folks to travel OY to read your recent post (Election thread, post 14819). “Your one issue” — brilliant!

Unless ....... you’re not dudog84 OY. In which case, bravo to your namesake!

Unless #2 ...... I misread as praise your subtle, devastating criticism of my wordiness, when everyone else understood your subversive meaning as: “Can anyone actually follow this gumbo-drivel?!?!”

Ha, brilliant and bravo again! I surrender.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by dudog » October 6th, 2020, 12:40 pm

gumbomoop wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 11:53 am
dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 9:09 am
Came here to post, but how do you follow gumbomoop?
Ha! Hard to be humble after that compliment! But I’ll try to complement your compliment by encouraging folks to travel OY to read your recent post (Election thread, post 14819). “Your one issue” — brilliant!

Unless ....... you’re not dudog84 OY. In which case, bravo to your namesake!

Unless #2 ...... I misread as praise your subtle, devastating criticism of my wordiness, when everyone else understood your subversive meaning as: “Can anyone actually follow this gumbo-drivel?!?!”

Ha, brilliant and bravo again! I surrender.
The praise was genuine, you've had a couple of really good posts in addition to that one. And yeah, that's me OY (I had signed off "permanently", but there was a particularly ridiculous post a few minutes ago I had to respond much for my restraint). But you may have been the only one to see that post, for an hour later Trump said "Don't worry about COVID" and that rightfully dominated the ensuing discussion.

Which brings me to why I did come on this morning to post. Forget everything else, the Orange Turd is simply not smart enough to be President. I suppose he's not worried about 200,000+ dead because they can't vote (except in Chicago, and he's already lost Illinois), but what about the multiplier of all the family and friends? And those not dead but struggling with COVID aftereffects? Also everyone knows they can only dream of getting the health care he gets. Even if we went full socialized medicine, no one would get the care of the President.

Just completely inane and immoral. And stupid.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by OPK » October 6th, 2020, 12:53 pm

[quote=dudog post_id=193214 time=1602002414 user_id=[
Just completely inane and immoral. And stupid.

In other words — completely on-brand.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CrazyNotCrazie » October 6th, 2020, 2:10 pm

dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 12:40 pm
gumbomoop wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 11:53 am
dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 9:09 am
Came here to post, but how do you follow gumbomoop?
Ha! Hard to be humble after that compliment! But I’ll try to complement your compliment by encouraging folks to travel OY to read your recent post (Election thread, post 14819). “Your one issue” — brilliant!

Unless ....... you’re not dudog84 OY. In which case, bravo to your namesake!

Unless #2 ...... I misread as praise your subtle, devastating criticism of my wordiness, when everyone else understood your subversive meaning as: “Can anyone actually follow this gumbo-drivel?!?!”

Ha, brilliant and bravo again! I surrender.
The praise was genuine, you've had a couple of really good posts in addition to that one. And yeah, that's me OY (I had signed off "permanently", but there was a particularly ridiculous post a few minutes ago I had to respond much for my restraint). But you may have been the only one to see that post, for an hour later Trump said "Don't worry about COVID" and that rightfully dominated the ensuing discussion.

Which brings me to why I did come on this morning to post. Forget everything else, the Orange Turd is simply not smart enough to be President. I suppose he's not worried about 200,000+ dead because they can't vote (except in Chicago, and he's already lost Illinois), but what about the multiplier of all the family and friends? And those not dead but struggling with COVID aftereffects? Also everyone knows they can only dream of getting the health care he gets. Even if we went full socialized medicine, no one would get the care of the President.

Just completely inane and immoral. And stupid.
Unfortunately there is a somewhat persistent newbie OY who seems to think that Trump has handled this perfectly and has no fault in anything that has happened. And even more unfortunately, there are many others who agree, no matter what he does. The blind faith he commands from his supporters is unbelievable. There is a total lack of critical thinking skills - he has truly brainwashed them (as has Fox News). I hate Trump with an absolute passion but even I have been able to on a few occasions that I can't remember say "hey, he actually did something decent there." It was usually politically motivated but I will take it. His supporters are now completely unable to do that. Such as this moron OY.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by Phredd3 » October 6th, 2020, 4:17 pm

Can anyone come up with any rational basis for Trump to stop stimulus negotiations? I he actively *trying* to lose the election? I don't see any version of this where he comes out ahead. Anyone?
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 6th, 2020, 4:34 pm

Phredd3 wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:17 pm
Can anyone come up with any rational basis for Trump to stop stimulus negotiations? I he actively *trying* to lose the election? I don't see any version of this where he comes out ahead. Anyone?

In fact, I was pretty sure that he'd be begging to get his signature on checks again. I guess now that it's too late to get any sent out before the election, he's basically going full FuckIt (and focusing on SCOTUS).
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by dudog » October 6th, 2020, 4:36 pm

CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:34 pm
Phredd3 wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:17 pm
Can anyone come up with any rational basis for Trump to stop stimulus negotiations? I he actively *trying* to lose the election? I don't see any version of this where he comes out ahead. Anyone?

In fact, I was pretty sure that he'd be begging to get his signature on checks again. I guess now that it's too late to get any sent out before the election, he's basically going full FuckIt.
Hold it...are you saying he doesn't care about us? Not even the MAGAts?
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 6th, 2020, 4:42 pm

dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:36 pm
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:34 pm
Phredd3 wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:17 pm
Can anyone come up with any rational basis for Trump to stop stimulus negotiations? I he actively *trying* to lose the election? I don't see any version of this where he comes out ahead. Anyone?

In fact, I was pretty sure that he'd be begging to get his signature on checks again. I guess now that it's too late to get any sent out before the election, he's basically going full FuckIt.
Hold it...are you saying he doesn't care about us? Not even the MAGAts?
I've given less fucks than any President in history! (If he could say that, and think that it would earn him votes, he would.)
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by Phredd3 » October 6th, 2020, 5:10 pm

CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:42 pm
I've given less fucks than any President in history! (If he could say that, and think that it would earn him votes, he would.)
That's exactly why I'm mystified by this latest move. I can't think of any spin where this wins him votes. Maybe he thinks that SCOTUS is overriding (contrary to all research on the subject)?? Maybe he thinks that Fuck the Democrats is a slogan that will win more voters than it loses?? I just can't make heads or tails out of this as a way to winning votes.

Heck, the best theory I've heard was proposed by a friend of mine over text: Short the market, scare the crap out of everyone, and cash in. I'm not buying the theory, but at least it would be rational.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 6th, 2020, 5:14 pm

Phredd3 wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 5:10 pm
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:42 pm
I've given less fucks than any President in history! (If he could say that, and think that it would earn him votes, he would.)
That's exactly why I'm mystified by this latest move. I can't think of any spin where this wins him votes. Maybe he thinks that SCOTUS is overriding (contrary to all research on the subject)?? Maybe he thinks that Fuck the Democrats is a slogan that will win more voters than it loses?? I just can't make heads or tails out of this as a way to winning votes.

Heck, the best theory I've heard was proposed by a friend of mine over text: Short the market, scare the crap out of everyone, and cash in. I'm not buying the theory, but at least it would be rational.
If he's cashing in, it's all going to his lawyers. Dude is gonna have so many justice departments up his ass in January that he'll be constipated for years.
He knows this, too. At some point, we are going to see full melt down, and that will be really scary. Maybe he is prepping his "too crazy to stand trial" defense now.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CameronBornAndBred » October 6th, 2020, 5:31 pm

Phredd3 wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 4:17 pm
Can anyone come up with any rational basis for Trump to stop stimulus negotiations? I he actively *trying* to lose the election? I don't see any version of this where he comes out ahead. Anyone?
Rolling Stone answers your question.
Trump to America: Screw Your Jobs and Families. I Want My Supreme Court Justice Now ... 26075.html
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by dudog » October 6th, 2020, 8:07 pm

A few things, and I can't take credit for any of them.

After 4 years, we're finally getting positive results out of the White House.

After calling him the Orange Turd for years, I have a new favorite: Heinous Anus.

I have had a book of short stories on my shelf for years, finally reading it. One of them ends with this witticism (or truism) from poet John Gay about 300 years ago:

Life is a jest, and all things show it;
I thought so once, and now I know it.
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Re: Trump Vs Biden --- The Election Thread

Post by CrazyNotCrazie » October 6th, 2020, 8:13 pm

dudog wrote:
October 6th, 2020, 8:07 pm
A few things, and I can't take credit for any of them.

After 4 years, we're finally getting positive results out of the White House.

After calling him the Orange Turd for years, I have a new favorite: Heinous Anus.

I have had a book of short stories on my shelf for years, finally reading it. One of them ends with this witticism (or truism) from poet John Gay about 300 years ago:

Life is a jest, and all things show it;
I thought so once, and now I know it.
Sounds like something scribbled on a desk or in a men's room!
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